Billy Bragg

BILLY BRAGG IN CONCERT:British folk-punk icon and all-around agitator Billy Bragg has been rousing fans with his biting wit and galvanizing protest songs since the late '70s. The line between art and politics has never concerned Bragg – he's an outspoken left-wing activist, and he makes no apologies for using his music as a platform to share his message with a wider audience. In concert he keeps things simple, strumming his guitar and delivering songs like "Whose Side Are You On" and "Take Down the Union Jack" with a cheery attitude that belies their weighty themes. Bragg is a man with a message, but he's far cry from a humorless pedagogue – whether he's railing against fascism, promoting a multi-racial Britain, or simply singing a love song, he manages to do it all with a warmth, humor, and poetic sense that leaves ticket buyers wanting more.
Billy Bragg Concert & Tour Photos