Fates Warning

Fates Warning Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the time they hit the stage to the time the left, the show was tight, well paced, and full of fan favorites. The crowd sang along and shouted their love (one guy was extra exuberant) the Ray. I tried to let Joey know we loved him, too, but I'm not sure he heard me. The sound was well done, as always. The fans were friendly and loved talking about how many times and where they had seen FW before. My last time was Fort Worth, TX in 1994.
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! Fates Warning is sadly under appreciated. I honestly can't figure out why they aren't getting more airplay..They put on a phenomenal 90 minute show to a crowd of...less than 300 people. Granted. Masquerade Atlanta isn't a huge club, but I was there a week before for In This Moment and it was packed. It did nothing to dull the energy of Fates Warning, who pulled out all the stops and gave a memorable show. The highlight for me was "Firefly", from the new album, but quite honestly the entire set was amazing. Opening acts Void of Reason and Halcyon Way were good. VOR continued the late 80's prog metal sound, treading heavily in Queensryche territory. Halcyon Way mixed it up a bit more, leaning in the direction of Jimmy Sullivan era Avenged Sevenfold.But, it was Fates' show and they ruled the night.
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great performance by a very underrated band! These guys have been doing this for years and for those of us who follow them, it s nothing new. I hope you guys write more new stuff soon.
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
54-40 :: Fine Young Cannibals :: Fire Merchants :: Wild Man Fischer :: Fastway
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fates Warning brought it big-time. They were incredible. Super tight, firing on all cylinders. Just an awesome show. Setlist was perfect for the evening, and the crowd was super into it. Awesome seeing them GA in a small club! Thanks Fates for another stellar show, can't wait until you come back again!
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great venue , clean , good service, secure . The bands were awesome ! Fates Warning kicked ass !
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fates Warning was unbelievable at the Gramacy last Friday 6/16. Ray Alders voice sounded great as did the rest of the band.......Mark Zonder was always one of my favorite drummers, but Bobby J is a monster.......you will never see a guy look like he is playing so effortless. I dont get it, Im a big Symphony X fan, but have never heard them sound as good live. Fates Warning and Dreamtheater sound light years better live then SymphX. My next hope is that Ray Alders does some live shows with REDEMPTION, who I think is the most underrated Prog Metal band of all-time
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Fates Warning played really well and the show itself was great - it was a treat to see this band live after a long hiatus from touring n the USA. Ray Alder's voice has seen better days but it was still very good. I only wish that the band played more than 3 songs from their excellent new album, especially the epic "And Yet it Moves". However, my overall experience of this show was mixed. First of all, the ticket said 7:00pm and Fates Warning didn't take the stage until after ELEVEN pm - which is just ridiculous. There were WAY too many opening bands (4), and I'm getting too old to stand around for 4 hours suffering through bands that I don't care about and didn't pay to see. Also, I have been to concerts on 3 different continents and concert crowds in the greater Philadelphia area are the absolute WORST. People are so rude, and at general admission shows like this one drunk jerks always push to the front of the stage after the show has already started, ruining the experience of people who have been standing up front for a long time. I hate it when people seem more interested in alcohol than in the music.
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Fates Warning was the best band of the night. Can't understand why Fates Warning was on the bill with the other bands. 20til8, Blyndsyde, Fatal Aggression were some of the worse bands I have ever seen. Garage bands and the audience did not even clap or enjoy. Next time just keep the big name and leave the little no names behind.
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These guys looked so natural jamming together, and reuniting again for this show. They should record another album together as this unit. It was such a Great Night !!
Avalon - Hollywood, CA - Fri, Mar 19, 2010
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