King's X

King's X Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
KX is one of the worlds most underrated (from the public) Rock bands ever. And after 35+ years they can still bring it. The only problem now is that there are so many good songs for them to play, they cannot do it all in a single show! They are completely unique and awesome musicians. The sound was excellent, a perfect evening with my favorite band today.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kings X and the opening bands gave us a night of excellent musical entertainment. Hats off to all in the bands. Sound mix for some of the opening acts was questionable, as the lead guitar of one band could not be heard by the audience, and as the bass drum drowned out the rest of another band during their opening song. these are things that could have been taken care of at the mixing board while the songs and sets were in play, but the spooundman must have been on drugs. If I am going to pay $30 for a show, I expect more. i will question future events at this venue.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Drove from Nashville to Atlanta to see the show. King's X is like fine wine getting better with age. Wouldn't miss a show of theirs. Venue was really nice. A/C was nice and cold and the club didn't feel overly crowded. Great place to see a show. My first time there.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
Kings of the Sun :: Frederick Knight :: The Knitters :: Al Kooper :: Nik Kershaw
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great way to start the week of Summerfest by checking out Kings X at a small club in Milwaukee. Dug and the boys rocked us great!! Awesome set of rockin' tunes that began an awesome week of rock and roll in the city!! Thanks for the phenomenal show!
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
King's X was the main attraction that our group was there to see! Band was amazing and very musically sound! Orange Sky was very entertaining also! Great music to accompany Kings! All in all a must see for fans of King's X and anyone who loves band/crowd interaction and just plain kick ass rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
King's X never seem to dissappoint, always a soundscape for the ears and mind. One of the most underrated bands of our generation. If you have never seem them you need to, dUg's vocals are always spine-tingling, Jerry's drumming makes the best say WOW. Ty's guitar work is very under-estimated Give these guys a listen.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been a fan of King's X for almost 20 years - and their live show still completely rocks. I saw them for the Dogman, Earcandy, and Tapehead tours, and this show was as good as any I've seen. The Key Club is a great venue!! Great views of the stage everywhere, good sound and a friendly staff. The house was packed with hardcore King's X fans, too. If you're thinking about seeing them on this tour - DO IT!! They are playing some old Gretchen and Out of the Silent Planet tunes I've never heard live before. They are also going to the merch table after the show to meet with fans - so if you've ever wanted to meet Jerry, Ty and Doug - this is your chance.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
King's X was great, they really rocked hard. The only down side was that there were three bands that played before them. The first one was pretty good but the othe two......I don't want to go down the negative road but lets say I was glad when they were done. I was getting burned out by the time King's X came on. They more than made up the other lackluster bands.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
King's x has been rocking it for a long time now. they are still as great as ever and put on the best show you can go see. check them out.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Was a great show (saw them 6 mo ago at same place). Front row! Got pics and autographs after. Listen to X since 1987.
Meridian - Houston, TX - Sat, May 30, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been a Kings X fan since 1989. I loved the first four albums but never got any of their others. I was blown away by Dug's passionate delivery. His personal and spiritual struggles added a whole new dimension to "What Is This?" My only complaint about the show was Dug's frequent F-Bombs. After the show I immediately begin to catch up on the amazing CD's I've missed over the years. Twenty years later, Kings X is still putting out mind-blowing music with challenging lyrics. I'll never understand why dreck like Nickelback fills stadiums while King's X plays the Meridian.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The first three bands of this bill were local with the first one up to play was Push Johnson, a soft rock band from Virginia Beach. While their songs and performance were good, the crowd and response was light. Annie Johnson Band was next, her set was much more energetic than Push Johnson with a mix of original and cover songs including some Rush. The place was starting to fill up and AJB was well liked by the crowd. Next was the Jay rakes Band, I was particularly interested in seeing Jay play based on the recommendation of one of my friends who Jay taught how to play the guitar. With a 16 year old drummer and an experienced six string bass player, Jay ripped through a set of instrumental classic tunes including some Jimi Hendrix. An additional band was added to the bill at the last minute or was not mentioned previously despite touring with Kings-X is Last Perfect Thing from Asbury Park, New Jersey. After listening to Jay Rakes, a band that plays power ballads didn't work for me as much as it did for the rest of the crowd. It's not that they are bad, they are a good band but there is a lot to be said about the play order. Considering the type of music they play, they should have played after Annie Johnson and before Jay Rakes. There was a long delay between Last Perfect Thing and the start of Kings-X that was not explained. Considering that most of the audience had to go to work the next morning, the staff should have made things move along faster. I brought my D200 DSLR to the show to take pictures and it was noticed by the security personnel for Kings-X. The first security person told me no flash pictures at all, the second one countermanded him by saying flash shots for the first two songs only and no video and that if anyone was caught shooting video their camera would be confiscated. I was a little put off by the heavy handedness of all of this, a single announcement should have been sufficient. Fortunately the band is more laid back than their security staff. Doug noticed that there were a number of women in the audience that could not see through the taller people, so he invited them up front. The set included a nice mix of old and new material and they were definitely the crowd favorite as many people in the audience were singing along with the band. The audience had an interesting mix of young and old who enjoyed the show immensely.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have mixed feelings about seeing King's X at the double door. They are so fantastically talented and I feel they should be playing stadiums and not local bars. However the double door is a cool little club and its great to see one of your favorite bands up close. I mean CLOSE, at one point Dug put his bass out for people to strum and my girlfriend was easily able to cop a bass string feel.. I just wish that they had better a/c cuz it was getting damn hot in there. We missed the 1st opening band, but the 2nd opening band was pretty decent but Dug and company really put on a great show and had a good mix of perennial favorites and some things ive never heard them play live before. And while the music was plenty loud I didnt feel like i was deaf after the show.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Always awesome band...key club is a great venue. The guys in Kings X rocked as always.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was treated to an early Father's Day gift. I went with my wife Stacey to see what is arguably my favorite intact band; King's X. For the musical novice who is content with listening to whatever the FM radio DJ selects for them, the name King's X may not ring a bell. They are a three-piece band from Texas who have been immersed in music since the early eighties and have been together for over 20 years, producing 15 albums and several solo albums as well. You will not hear them on mainstream radio, and in fact may have a difficult time finding their CD's in a music store. Their original foray into professional music came under the direction of Sam Taylor, the producer for ZZ Top and they did make the charts with 3 notable songs: Power of Love, Dogman and Black Flag. They also produced several videos which made the rounds on MTV in the early nineties. Their sound is difficult to pin down, but I liken it to a cross between the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Black Sabbath. Ty Tabor and Dug Pinnick write some incredible heavy and off the wall riffs which rival Tony Iommi for sheer power and hair-raising hooks. Jerry Gaskill is a master of the off-beat and always puts it in the pocket. The drop D tuning, endless sustain and slow grinding groove is their signature. Their lyrics are usually deep, thoughtful and intriguing - never made up of cliche's or power-pop routines. While many of their songs, especially their early stuff is very positive and upbeat, they also have a very dark side, demonstrating that they are honest and versatile. The show took place at the Key Club in West Hollywood, an average Sunset Blvd. joint with two bars, a very dark industrial motif and a dinner loft where you can order from a variety of unremarkable menu items including corn dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches or hamburgers. The drinks are $6 and there is a 2-drink minimum. The service was top drawer, with every waiter, bartender and even the manager all providing personal, friendly service and meeting our needs. Although the food service was a little on the slow side, it wasn't bad. There were two very annoying things about the club, and I offer this to them as constructive criticism. First of all, the rear stage lights are two huge flash spots, designed to throw very bright white light back at the audience from behind the drum riser. The problem is that these lights were not only positioned wrong, so that people in the loft/balcony area got a straight "blinded by the light" effect, which left us seeing spots and blinded for much of the show, but they were also over-used. These kinds of lights are best used at the end of a show during the finale, or in short bursts during a drum solo. The light tech otherwise did great. The second issue was the matter of this certain rock video footage, which was played during all the intermissions. The club apparently didn't have any other videos, so they kept re-playing the same one over and over again all night long. Stacey and I told the manager we would be happy to donate some to the club if they needed more. I actually have a King's X compilation of rock videos, which would've been a nice touch for the show. The first thing to cover were the five opening bands. Yes, that was not a typo - there were FIVE opening bands, all getting about 45 minutes to play. This pushed the stage time for King's X all the way to 11:30 pm. We didn't realize this at the time and it wasn't listed on the ticket, but we were here and it's Friday, so what the hell. Of the five bands, there were only three that really stood out for me. One was Orange Sky, a mostly metal soul band from Trinidad with a unique sound and look. Lots of tonnage and dreadlocks going on there and these band members were extremely friendly and cool. They were difficult to not like. This is one group I need to put on the MySpace friends list. Another, which unfortunately I can't remember the name of right now was very solid and very good with a vocalist who could sing just like Billy Squier. They did a very cool cover of LZ's Custard Pie and had solid bluesy guitar hooks. Last was a band called Conspiracy of Thought. I dug them, but they were a little too on the edge for Stacey. The lead singer was very theatrical & animated and the bass player rocked the stage with power and movement which every aspiring rock and roll band should study. Very nice guys too. My only advice goes to the lead singer - dude, shave those things off your head... The worst band by far was a group called Year of the Dragon. Their songs had a lot of inserted background noise, audio samples and distortion which ruined their sound. Instead of hearing well-defined chords, I only heard a wall of grey noise. They also used some stage gimmicks like wearing fez hats and playing barefoot. They attempted to meld rap, hip-hop and metal but the end result simply was not working. King's X was supposed to start at 11:00-11:30, however a technical snafu with Ty's guitar rig pushed the opening time to after midnight. I'm not sure what the problem was, but the guitar tech should've had this worked out before the first warm body came through the door. I've played in rock and metal bands for years and something I learned early on is to keep your rig simple, keep two or three of everything and if at all possible, sound check with all the equipment on, including house lights and stage lighting, to catch any 60 cycle noise. When something happens, go straight into the amp and go for it. Better to play on time without every bell and whistle functioning than to play late (or not at all) because your multi-effects unit is on the fritz. A lot of clubs are notorious for not having proper isolated grounds for sound equipment. Once King's X started with Groove Machine, the place finally came alive and it was clear why this was all worth it. This was the third time I've seen them and they never fail to impress me with their skill, power and performance. This performance included an assortment of songs from various albums going all the way back to Out Of The Silent Planet, which I believe was some their best work. They played Lost in Germany, Visions, Pleiades, It's Love, We Were Born To Be Loved, Pray, Move, Black Flag, Dogman, Go Tell Somebody, Summerland, Over My Head and more. The call and response was excellent and at one point the entire place was singing along to over my head. Ty's guitar work was absolutely flawless, as usual, and for those who haven't seen him play, it clearly drives home the fact that he is one of the world's best guitarists. The only sad part of the whole performance is the same complaint that many of Dug's fans have had since Dogman, that he frequently resorts to the F-bomb on stage. That's not uncommon with rock and roll bands, but with a band this great, I guess we, the fans sometimes put them on a pedestal and expect a little more. A little more class, a little more grace, a little more maturity. I think for me personally, it represents a conflict of interest and an odd hypocrisy. Dug writes songs, sings and preaches "love" and "peace" from the stage, yet between those words of hope, joy and optimism, you can hear anger and rage which erupts in an obscenity. I've only briefly met the band once years ago, and it certainly wasn't a setting conducive to a discussion of this type, but I think I'd just like to ask: "Why?" "Why is that necessary?" To sum up, after the show ended, the place was abuzz in conversation and praise. I tried waiting in line, but it just wasn't happening. Too many people and too much activity. Stacey and I went home and slept - one more great memory and experience. I had a great evening and I hope Stacey did too...
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just couldn't beleive what a great show they deleivered. Kings' X is a truly proffesional band. This is just the second time I had the opportunity to watch them live. The first was last november in Las Vegas when they oppened for Extreme and i thought it was pretty good. But now the venue was more intimate and they were the healiners. They surprised me with their intensity and masterful performance. Welcome to the groove machine, Dogman, Cigarretes and an unespected Lost in Germany and It's Love made the show an event to remember forever. I'm from Mexico and have been familiar withe their music for over 15 years. Excellent show guys !
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kings X is amazing. They played an amazing show and even did a free meet & greet after. A must see concert.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome show. I rocked out all of the best shows I ve ever seen.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show. Great venue. Kings x is the best. Forth time I have seen them.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I made my way through the haze of cigarette smoke and hoards of glassy eyed casino zombies with crusty lips and hopeless expressions to the Rock and Brews which was a surprisingly brilliant venue. The staff was friendly and warm. This place reminds me of the old HOB on Sunset. King's X is an amazing band that never disappoints! King's X people are the BEST people. I stood four feet from Ty's amps while the Groove Machine blasted the love and soul deep into my bone marrow for two hours! I joined in the sing along to close out the show with the rest of the First Church of Rock and Roll choir. I left renewed, ready to face the world with the groove in my heart.
San Manuel Casino - Highland, CA - Tue, Apr 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome as usual KingsX is one of the greatest bands
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I will admit that I'm biased because I'm a huge fan, but these guys sound better than ever and the songs they've chosen are absolutely perfect!
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My daughter and I attended this show and as always, Ty, DuG and Jerry gave us their all. The opening acts, Metal Life Crisis and King of Spades were phenomenal!!! These two groups I have never heard of before but, man, such amazing talent that graced that stage. Before the show, we purchased some shirts and I was very happy to see that they had the Dogman shirt available, which is hard to find even online. After the show, we went for the meet and greet with the guys. They are so sweet and kind. They know how to treat their fans, like family. My daughter and I both had a really fantastic night and can't wait till they come back to the shore for another encore performance.
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not only do we love Kings X who was incredible as always , but we got to see Kings of Spade for the first time! They were insane ! Best time can't wait to see kings of Spade again
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We drove all the way in from Alabama to catch King's X for two shows in Florida and it was so worth the trip. This show was intense. Great local bands warming up the stage for the most musically sound rock trio to hit the stage ever. King's X rocked the venue like it was stil the 80's. The State Theater was the perfect venue for this event.
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'll never understand why Kings X hasn't broken big in the US. The trio is loaded with talent,has over 10 albums,a signature sound unique to their music and are very approachable for their fan base. Their show rightfully was a mixture of older to newest songs. The dedicated fans that showed up for the Monday night show knew the music well,at times taking over the vocals for dUg Pinnick., giving Ty Tabor his due on his guitar solos and enjoying Jerry Gaskell back in super form from his health problems. Just a great show by a trio that deserves all the praise for what they do. Thanks for a special night,guys!
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To see a band like King's X in a small venue setting was beyond fantastic. They had such a great connection with the fans in the audience. Opening with Wecome to the Groove Machine and they touched on nearly every album in their 30+ years during the show. It was especially wonderful to see Jerry Gaskill at the drum kit going strong. The band was clearly having a great time and stuck around after the show to chat with fans, take pictures, and sign autographs. This is definitely one of the best concerts I have ever attended!!!
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
King's X is a band that found it's way into my heart and soul more than 20 years ago. Their live shows are pure magic. The crowd is always very dedicated, knowing the words to all of the songs, and there is an energy in the room unmatched by any other show I've seen. Each time I see them play, I see the same friendly, familiar faces and it feels like we're a big rock and roll family, the band included. They always make time to do a meet and greet after each show, and they've always treated us like family. This show was packed, despite being a rather stormy night, and sort of out of their usual area. I think the guys were rather surprised and happy with the turn out. They rocked through an awesome set list, Dug was in fine form, it was awesome to see Jerry healthy and back behind the drums, and Ty sounded incredible, this set actually featuring Pleiades, which allows Ty a chance to sing lead. I highly recommend that anyone take the opportunity to catch these guys live whenever possible.
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Concert was GREAT! I think... I was pretty loaded that night... but it feels like I was pulverized sonically by some good ol' Rock n Soul! Doug Pinnick is absolutely stunning. Ty and Jerry both tore it up... All in all... these boys took us to school!
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was great! There were some sound problems that eventually were worked out, but the most important thing was that King's X was there. They went deep into their material that night and that made for an even more incredible experience. The band is by far, one of the best when it comes to live performances. and this was no exception. When the crowd is singing along with the band, yon more than one song, you can feel the bond between the band and the fans. As dUg once said, "King's X fans are rabid". There's a reason...
Masquerade - Atlanta, GA - Fri, Nov 22, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Arrived early as always. My Ninja went on first, and while I did not care for their set, they were mercilessly heckled. Nobody deserves that. Del Sol was good, and could really go places if they improved song writing. I was not expecting to like Kings of Spade. I was so wrong! Great straight ahead rock set, closing with an inspired cover of Piece of my Heart. KX ruled as always. Same set as for the past 14-18 months, but I love em. Always will. 7th time seeing them, but first time since 2009. Hope dUg feels better soon. Fell ill after the Charlotte show.
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every time I see them, they keep getting better. Varied set list, very tight. A couple of times they stopped the song to tune, then started over, which wasn't a negative, it just shows how comfortable they are with the audience, and the audience was with them.
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wasn't their best night, but anyone would have enjoyed their show! They are simply amazing musicians that really enjoy connecting with the audience! Took my son to the show, and he's now a fan! Too bad their instruments wouldn't stay in tune, it was an obvious source of frustration for the band.
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I hate to knock a good show, but it definitely didn't live up to the hype I've always heard about King's X shows that just blow you away. They seemed to be half in concert mode and half in practice mode. Doug actually stopped two songs in order to tune. I can't recall the last time I've seen that from a stage. "Here's a fan favorite by request...just kidding! Okay, for real this time." Now, I've never seen King's X live, so maybe that's how it's always been, I dunno. I wondered at points if they'd even gotten together at all to practice beforehand. Doug said they hadn't played together in a while, and for a band like this, it was apparent. Still, it was a very enjoyable show, and I'm glad I went. It's good to know that an "off night" for King's X is still a really good time! Something else kinda strange...Ty played a gibson Les Paul all night. I've never heard of him playing Les Pauls, and since I know he typically uses more than one guitar, it made me wonder if his usual axes didn't make it to the show.
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As always, King's X played a great concern. On exactly when they said they would be and a couple hours later they were done. Afterwards they come out to meet and greet and sign autographs. The venue was nice. Small and comfortable. Not too loud but rocking!
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been a fan of these guys for 22 years, seen them 4 times, and am still amazed that they are as good as they are, and seem to get better every year. Their set was powerful, soulful, thought provoking, and inspirational. For a 3 piece band they have a HUGE sound and their harmonies are outstanding! The one thing that I don't understand, is that the biggest rock radio station in Va. Beach blew these guys up for a month, and very few people showed up. Didn't even sell out the Peppermint Beach Club. It's just criminal that these guys don't receive the credit that they so richly deserve. All I can promise is that when King's X are in town, I'll be there!
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Probably one of the best shows I've ever seen. Musicianship was top notch and it was a very small, intimate venue.
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nice Small Venue Bar/Concert Club Very Good Place To See A Band....King's X Came Out After The Show And Had A Meet And Greet.....What A Great Band To See Live
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have no idea why these poor guys can't get the credit they deserve.... I've been a fan of their's for years (even though this was the first opportunity for me to actually see them live) and they have always put out strong albums (except for like one album out of the eleven they've made), with excellent guitar riffs and singing.... Like one of their songs.... they're a GROOVE MACHINE! They're long overdue and I think that the music industry, radio, etc. need to get behind them and fix that... For a band that's been around for 20 years or more and, I feel, is as good as Metallica (even though they're not heavy metal), it's a shame to let them and especially their music linger in the shadows...
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Took a friend to see them for his Birthday. He is a huge fan. I have to say that I am now a fan!!! What I big sound for a trio!!! Doug's voice is amazing and they Rocked the house! I will go back and see them again whenever they are in town!!!
Jaxx Nightclub - Springfield, VA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual, King's X delivered a powerful, aggressive, soulful show with tons of energy and volume. They played for about two hours in less than optimal conditions with a sound board that was lacking. That could not hold back the pure talent and deep spirituality of these guys. I've seen them several times, and they really only get better. They couldn't have been more tight, and the vocals were spot on.
Knickerbockers - Lincoln, NE - Wed, Jun 17, 2009
[Temporary disabled] King's X needs your feedback
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