Michael Stanley

Michael Stanley

Heartland rocker Michael Stanley made his name in the '70s and '80s with the Michael Stanley Band, a seven-piece outfit of no-nonsense American rock and roll. The band became a huge regional success in the Midwest with chugging blue collar hits like \"He Can't Love You\" and \"In the Heartland,\" setting several attendance records in the early '80s with their wildly popular arena concerts. Following the 2013 release of The Ride, Stanley hit the road once again with his new band The Resonators, earning rave reviews and drumming up excitement for his 2014 tour dates.FANS WHO BOUGHT TICKETS SAY:\"Intimate, tight, and a con.

Michael Stanley Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley and The Resonators are some of the most talented musicians out there. They are such wonderful people, very much like family and they are so happy to be performing for their fans. Seen them many times and I look forward to seeing them again. I would see them perform every day of the week if I could. I need front row tickets though. Mark Lee Shannon you rock! Jennifer Lee you have such a beautiful voice and compliment Michael so well. God Bless each and everyone of you!
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
2.5 hours of a great mix of old and new songs with interesting ad lib comments.
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
AWESOME show by Michael Stanley and the Resonators, preceded by a great performance by Donnie Iris & the Cruisers! Michael played all the favorites with a few songs that had not been played in a while which was a treat to long time fans who had not heard these tunes live in quite some time.
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
Ringo Starr :: Stories :: Suave' :: Henry Lee Summer :: Stacey Q
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show. Awesome venue. Michael is still rocking and has been the soundtrack of my life for the past few decades....
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this was my first time to visit Cain Park. what a great venue and I will definitely be checking out the schedule on a regular basis to plan on attending other events there.
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an awesome performance. It brought you back to the good ol'days at the Front Row in Mayfield Hts, Ohio. I hope he comes back every summer to Cain Park.
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was amazing. Loved the venue and set list. Michael Stanley always puts on a great show. Would like to see him return to Cain Park next year. Would definitely be there.
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He and his band sound great . Cain park staff was great
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A bit slower paced than it used to be. Still enjoyed watching all the "old" band members up on stage. Still sounded great. Cain Park is a great place to enjoy an event. Been going to a MSB concert for about 35 years and still enjoy it every time.
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The wiley old veteren needs to develop flow. Too much talking between songs.
Cain Park - Cleveland Heights, OH - Sat, Aug 10, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was incredible. From the moment he walked on to the stage to the moment he walked off the performance was stunning. He always has been, and always will be, a great performer, musician, and songwriter. Here is hoping he continues to perform!
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my second time seeing MSB's Christmas show and they never disappoint. The House of Blues is an awesome venue. Great show and great time! I hope they keep coming back every year for as long as they can.
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It has been a long time since I have seen Michael Stanley perform so I wasn't sure what to expect. But the show was outstanding. I cannot believe he is in his early 60s. He sure didn't look like it. He and the entire band had a great deal of energy. The band that he assembled (including Bob Pelander and Tommy Dobeck) is very talented top to bottom. There were some excellent solos, but nothing too bombastic. The show was over 2 hours long with songs from most of his albums including almost all of his big hits (with the notable exception of Misery Loves Company). And the video that went with it was really well done and interesting. I would absolutely go see it again. The one drawback had more to do with the venue than with the performance. House of Blues doesn't have the best sight lines in the world unless you are seated in the balcony. But the lower level has more of the old Agora feel to it, so I prefer to be down there. I gave it 4 stars, but I am a tough grader. I would not argue much with a 5-star rating.
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great time as always. The band rocked, as always. It's a holiday tradition!
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
the begining and the end of the show saved what was a very boring middle of the show. The fact that they played for 3 hours was great.
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael can still put on a first rate 3 hour show. He never needed a break, he is an amazing performer who gives the fans what they most desire, himself. He should have been a superstar, springsteen is no stanley, it's to bad though he is such a class act who really appreciates the support his loyal fans have given him for over 30 years.His new music is still first rate. we as fans can only hope that he keeps on rockin. the thing that stands out the most is how much fun he seems to be having.
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No Disappointment for this concert!!! Once again Michael Stanley put together a show that did not cheat the fans out pf any of their requests. He played for over 3 hours and covered all eras - old to new. This is a page that some of the new stars can try and duplicate!
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
it was really great that he played the request . there was a lot to listen to before the concert and it was very easy to find the music hall. it was a great time!
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
MSB Rocked...great songs, band was in the groove. Nice to see the band enjoying themselves...when the band has fun, the crowd does too!
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael was AWESOME!! It was his best show ever!! He just gets better and better! Loved the Internet request format; we heard songs we've never heard in concert or have heard in a long time.
House of Blues Cleveland - Cleveland, OH - Sat, Dec 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Was good - played for over 3 hours - however, internet request night = self indulgence for the band. There were multiple polls being taken in the bathrooms whether or not ANYONE would have requested 1/2 the songs (over 1/2 of all the songs were off of their "newer" cds) - all those 40-50 something year olds were there for the OLD stuff!!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael and company never fail to put on a great show. We were concerned about hearing Heartland tunes all night but that wasn't the case. It was a nice mix of all the albums and we've never heard VooDoo live before!! This band is so good, always right on and even having to stand all night with not even a railing to lean on can't dampen the great time. (Not our favorite venue). Depresses me to think of MS&R someday giving it up. Great way to start the holidays!!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Absolutely awesome! The only downside was standing for five hours. An opening act was not necessary. It would have saved an hour.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The evening was a good one. Collin Dusalt started it off with a great accoustic session. Collin always delivers! Then michael and the Resonators did what they do. I enjoyed seeing the cooresponding album covers with the song being played and as usual michael played the favorites that all NE Ohio fans longto hear. Thanks Michael.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
MSB is all class and always a great time! Played all the greats along with some of his more recent songs that were good as well! The Hometown Kid does it again! Thanks!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Micheal was the best I have ever seen him. What a great show.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awsome performance. Have seen in excess of 20 times, best show in quite some time. All north coasters, it was really well done. Played a lot of stuff haven't heard in a while as well as 2 hours plus.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went back in time 30 yrs. and felt 18 again! So much fun! I've seen him and the band so many times over the yrs. and they still sound amazing, not like some guys who have lost their voices to partying, or bands that try to act too young. Just good music you could still count on to rock the house.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley Band was everything I remember even though it has been 20 years since I had seen them. They rocked the house.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Donnie is still gritty, gutsy and got it! Always delivers a tremendous experience! Michael renders his philosophical repertoire like a sumptuous seven course dining experience plus! These 2 are unbelievable and I am proud to be a Pulaski, Pa girl supporting Donnie & The Cruisers since the early 80's and even back to Rapper days. I live in Ohio now for 30 years across the border in Youngstown and proud of Michael Stanley and how he cares about his town and his roots. Love you, my local boys! Laura
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 16, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another awesome show by Michael Stanley and the Resonators.
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great show. Eight times i've seen him (first since i was 22, i'm now 50), and just as good as i remember. hope to see his show again. total flashback to when i was young and dumb. Too many great songs to pick out one highlight, heard some newer songs i hadn't heard before, really great music! Would advise anyone to catch his show, you wont be sorry.
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This band still rocks with the best of them. Constant music and entertainment for over 2 hours. Outstanding musicians. I just love them and see them every chance I get.
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another top notch concert from Michael Stanley and the Resonators. Thank you for an enjoyable night of great music! Even more fans dancing in their seats, clapping along this time. The band really connects with the fans.
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Michael Stanley still has an amazing sound and following!!
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent concert as always! 6th time seeing MSB in 8 months! Ready to see them again!
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been an MSB fan for as long as I can remember and the drive from NC to Warren to see him again was so worth it! The cherry on top was that we were able to introduce a new generation of fans to his music by taking my nieces to their first MSB concert! So many wonderful memories are attached to the music of MSB and it was truly a thrill to see them perform. They look and sound great! The show was so much fun, filled with energy and hometown pride. Can't wait to make another trip "up North" to see them again. Please have more MSB t-shirts available next time :)
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been listening to Michael Stanley since I was a teenager. It doesn't matter what band he was with or is with... He never disappoints! #hometownproud
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was great and seats were reasonably priced. Enjoyed the sound and how intimate the venue was for the show
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a long time fan of MSB but never had the opportunity to see MSB live or Michael Stanley and the Resonators live. My husband just came along for the ride. After Tangier, my husband is now a big fan! Song setlist was a good mix. Many MSB songs and some not but equal quality. Tempo was good. Fans truly enjoyed the show. Many clapping and singing along. We had a great time. Wish now we would have attended earlier years but we will be attending next year for sure. Nice to see Tom, Bob and Dave there with Michael and the rest of the band. Five stars Michael!! My husband bought tickets for Packard Music Hall when we came home from Akron that night! The band is right up there with Rock's finest! Highly recommended!
Tangier - Akron, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Always a great show to see both of our hometown rock legends but I consistently find that even though I generally find Michaels catalog of songs better then Donnie's, Michael plays his songs too slow and he never seems to be very excited by his own music. And it drives me crazy when he plays let's get the show on the road way slow and almost like it's his slow acoustic version without the unforgettable Stagepass intro when it's the rockingest song that he does and should be the encore. I love rock and I love a lot of his songs but I generally get bored watching them. I think maybe they have too many musicians so it comes off too precise, produced and polished. I also love Jonah Koslin and Michaels rendition of nothings going to change my mind was a train wreck. Donnie on the other hand is always smiling, happy and gracious and his vocals are still nothing short of phenomenal!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Second row center\u2026. I just LOVE this venue. Michael Stanley and band sounded great. Thank you for a good night.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show, he still has it. Played a lot of old stuff great audience participation. He made everyone feel good.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The concert was great, Really enjoyed the Rocksino! It is becoming a Holiday tradition for my sister and I!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show. Great seats. Recommend it all to everyone.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Always a good show. What more can I say. For those of us that grew up with Michael Stanley, we understand the the magic.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Hard Rock Rocksino is an outstanding venue for entertainment. There really is not a bad seat inn the house as it is only about the size of a high school auditorium. As for the concert itself, MSB was very good and we enjoyed their show (played a lot of his older stuff). As for Donny Iris, nope, ruined the experience. Sound was awful, no energy, etc. I would not go to see him again even if it was free.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley was amazing as always. One of his best shows. Loved his two new songs. Donnie Iris was also incredible. Can't believe his energy and showmanship for being in his 70s!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Donnie was awesome !!!!! Michael seams a little depressed to me. He played long and sounded great but needed to perk it up a bit. I really wish he would have sung strike it up.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sun, Dec 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Donnie Iris rocked the house. The goofy nerd can still wail. Michael did not disappoint with a nice mix of his old MSB tunes mixed in with his new.
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent show! Top notch musicians! Best concert I've seen!
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First of all, Donnie Iris is still awesome.... anyone who hasn't seen him live needs to. Michael Stanley, always reliable with a great show. Heard some songs I don't remember hearing last year.
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was fabulous. Had a great time, would do it again. Love Cleveland
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was great - fit perfectly with the audience, nice mix of old and new. Opening act was phenomenal. We expect MS to give us a great show, and he exceeded expectations. Love the new band, love the guys who've been around forever. All was great.
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Donnie Iris still rocks at 72!!! Great voice, energy and humor. Michael Stanley was his classic self, his band was there is full force and all sounded great. One complaint the bass was so loud you felt it in your chest, I've been to a lot of concerts and never felt that it was weird unnerving. My wife said the same. Fix the sound.
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Donnie Iris amazing for 72 years old. Stanley is just comfortable and puts on a great show. Took me back 30 years or more. Thanks for a great night.
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was awesome--I was not expecting a 2 hour show with a 30 minute encore just from Michael Stanley!! He played a great mix of old and some of his new stuff Having Rick Bell show up(surprise) on the sax was great and he was amazing!! Donnie Iris played for 1 hour and put on a good show. This was so worth the ticket price and the seats were good enough to see everyone on stage but also close to the big screen to give an even better view. This is a great venue--feels somewhat intimate. My husband and I have not been to a concert in a long time and we both agreed that this show must become a yearly event for us!!
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The show was slow and terrible. Didn't play some of his hit that people from Cleveland only know. Had trouble with the IPad a few times. Don't know if he was reading music or other things on it during the show. Saw the show the last time he played there and it was WAY better.
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael and Company put on an amazing show (as usual). The venue was beautiful (though a bit of a drive for me). I had an great balcony seat, front row next to stage right. I had an unobstructed view, was very comfortable and enjoyed the show a lot!. I heard from friends on the floor that it was quite hot (it appears the building needs an A/C update).
Packard Music Hall - Warren, OH - Sat, Aug 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent show as always. Played a great mix of the older hits, and newer material. Great seats, and comfortable. Nice place to catch the show. Sound quality was good, and venue was easy to get in and out of. Glad i decided to drive the hour East to see the show.
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have never understood why some performers achieve nationwide success and others don't. Michael Stanley is one of the most underrated performers ever with great lyrics, great rhythms and stellar singing. The Resonators are also very good. This show was one of my top 5 favorites of all time and I have seen Springsteen, Dylan, U2, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac,etc. I would choose the show over several much bigger names. If you get a chance, definitely, go see Michael Stanley.
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley can still rock my heart. Still sounds the same. One of the best concerts ever.
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We had a great time with 6 othere friends with a night of great food, fun gambling and a rockin concert by the Michael Stanley Band and the Resinators. The band is awesome and his 41 year original member Tom Dobeck is a drum GOD! Awesome solo. The band sounded incredible. Bottom line can't wait to return. Get out to Hard Rock Rocksino!!!
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved every minute of this show! The band was just as excellent as they were back when I was following them. They played for three hours straight, so we definitely got a lot of bang for our buck! The House of Blues was an outstanding venue for this event and I was thrilled to finally be so close to the band that there was actual eye contact with them. Was one of the highlights of my year!
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great evening and interaction with audience. Brought us along with his journey.
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Atmosphere was great!! The Civic theater looked beautiful & sound was awesome!
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Traveled from St. Louis to see the band. They didn't disappoint! Michaels sounds the same as he did in he 70's. Thanks for the awesome show. See you in St. Louis!
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whenever I'm in the mere presence of MS&R, I know that's exactly where I should be. I have yet to be disappointed by any of it - singing, playing, interaction with each other on stage - it is all fun & brings me joy. They played in the Akron Civic Theater, which I had never been in. It was a cross between Broadway & Vegas, so how enjoyable is that! Overall experience, good time had by all. And the mystery will continue of how a man can write music and lyrics like that and more artists don't cover his music. Until the mystery being solved, this is one fan that will continue to appreciate all of it.
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley was in rare form. Played all the favorites and rocked the Civic Theatre. The songs take you back to a time when we were all rocking it out. And many of us still are!! Fabulous night of music and memories.
Akron Civic Theatre - Akron, OH - Fri, Apr 21, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We really enjoyed this show. Michael Stanley's voice has held up over time. The band was very entertaining and seem to be enjoying themselves
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We had so much fun! He is still great. When he played Lover, wow! What a great show, would definitely recommend this event...
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley and the Resonators nailed it! I have seen them several times, and this was their best show that I have seen. They played a lot of old MSB songs. The Akron Civic Theater was a great venue. Being an old man it was nice to sit down; it was also nice to stand up and dance the last few songs and the encore. It was an older audience, and you could tell everyone was taking in the atmosphere and appreciating the moment. I wish Michael would have all his concerts filmed and sell the DVDs. Michael - please have more concerts soon and thank you for a lifetime of memories. Michael Stanley should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show...mix was bad to start, but quickly improved...great mix of hits and old stuff that I have not heard in years. Band was excellent as usual. What a great night in a great old theater.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley and the Resonators was an awesome show. Their music never gets old!!!!!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
one of if not the best show he has done, voice was right on and the band tight. like fine wine he gets better with time. rock on Michael!!!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've been a Micheal Stanley fan for over 30 years and I've seen him numerous times and the show was good and so was the band. The sound guy should be fired because the sound was unbalanced and terrible for such a good venue. It was so bad that I wore ear plugs for most of it. I seen many others holding their ears it was that bad.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was great! It's a wonderful Christmas tradition for me and my sister!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So my friends ask me why I would attend the same concert 2 nights in a row. My question is why not, you listen to a CD more than once. It paid to be nice to security before the show, because during the last song, THEY were the ones that told me to leave my seat and go up to the stage! What fun singing "Somewhere in the Night" so close. Michael was in a better mood than the night before, so if the same concert can get any better, the answer is yes it can! Can't wait to see MS&R again!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Venue was nice, access to and from was easy, attandants were friendly and helpful. Look forward to another visit.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Sat, Dec 17, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We enjoyed the concert, Donnie was awesome and Michael Stanley gained a new fan. We did not enjoy the confusion with the seating and no numbers on seats. The staff was confused and kept shining lights in my face. When they turned on the house lights to show the crowd, you lost your vision and had to wait for your eyes to adjust.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The venue is a great place to see concerts and I was really looking forward to seeing MSB for the first time in many years. I have been a fan since I was a teenage. Disappointing is the word I would use. Disappointed that he failed to get the audience into the music. Disappointed with his minimal stage show. He started every song with..."This is from the XXX album." At once point he even stated that he didn't write any new material for the album which was cover tunes so he played someone else's song. It seemed very poorly thought out and did not include a stage show or any stories for the audience. I would not recommend to see this band in concert. List to CD's for your best value.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley has such unique and sexy voice. His music takes me back to my fond high school days of fun and romance. His new music is just as great.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My girlfriend and I enjoyed both acts so much. We go to a lot of concerts and she thought it was her best concert ever
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Stanley show.....good.......Donnie Iris: utterly fabulous. My face hurts from still smiling about how great his show is.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Excellent Holiday tradition for Michele and I. Donnie Iris is a class act, takes the time to talk with us afterward. All around nice guy. Michael is always great. Very nice time, recommend to all.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let's put it this way, I don't jump on an airplane, travel over 1200 miles, to hear just anybody. I always think before a show I'm not doing this again, but walk away thinking when's the next time I can hear them. Michael, Bob,Danny, Marc Lee, Paul (you can never have enough cowbell- Ha!) and the rest of his group will give you a night of music that rocks and a show that I can't get anywhere else. Worth the price of admission? You bet! And it's worth the price of a plane ticket too!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Donny Iris was awesome, Got everyone moving. Michael Stanley could have been more upbeat. Only a few people dancing. Didn't know 90% of the songs, and was a fan back in the day. His band is very talented. Would recommend Donny Iris concert.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was an awesome show ! Donnie rocked the house ! Lets be real for a dude 71 he still has it !! Michael and the band kicked ass !! I love the sing a longs, we all know the lyrics !! It's so nice to remember when things were simpler and you would walk into Blossom's sold out shows and not be winded !!! Keep rockin boys lets show the next couple generations that we will not go quietly into the night !!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Amazing voices and musicians. Didn't know a lot of the songs as I'm not a Resanator fan but an old school MSB fan. Only two songs played from MSB that I recognized. So if you are purchasing a tic for the Resonator's you will love it!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
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It was a great night out! It brings back lots of memories.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Forgot about all the hits Donnie Iris had over the years. He was a great suprise. Michael Stanley was also as expected. Really enjoyed the concert!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In the performing span of Michael Stanley he has NEVER disappointed his fans; he still looks, sounds, and puts on an amazing show. He is fresh and relavant. He and his band played two hours of non-stop hits. He is gracious to his audience, who love to sing along, as well, as his band mates. The songs have transended thru the 40 plus yrs of his musical journey...and as a fan, I have enjoyed the ride many times. His concerts are no less exciting as a Bruce Springsteen...the crowd knowing all the lyrics...singing them to him as only devoted fans do!!! He loved it, and we love Michael. My wish for him is to keep Northeast Ohio his "go to" spot to ROCK FOREVER! Strike up the Band was greatly missed by all; not sure why this was left off the playlist, but then he would of needed many, more hours to sing them all!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was great and Donny Iris was good as well.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Donny Iris and Michael Stanley were both amazing! We had the best time! This was an incredible event and we loved it!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thought the concert was good, but too mellow for me and my girlfriends. Michael Stanley played too many songs that were ballads. We wanted to get up an dance and rock the house down. His band was awesome, but we were a little disappointed that he didn't play more of his own tunes on a more up tempo. I love Michael Stanley. He is a staple in Cleveland, but I probably would not spend the money again to see this type of show again.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So great to see Donnie Iris and Michael Stanley together again!! Great night with great friends!!!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
MSB rocks! I've seen Michael Stanley many times and it is always a good show.
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought this was one of Michael's best shows. Loved all of the songs! The energy on the stage was amazing!
Hard Rock Rocksino Northfield Park Hard Rock Live - Northfield, OH - Fri, Dec 19, 2014
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