Private Lives
Fan Reviews
Noel Coward's "Private Lives" is a comedy of manners that is set in a 1930, the same year that it premiered. The play is about a divorced couple who honeymoons with their new spouses and end up in rooms beside each other in the same hotel. Act One takes place on the adjoining balcony between the two rooms. The divorced couple end up alone and discover that they still have feelings for each other. The comedy rolls on from there with interaction between all four people involved including a flurry of action between the other two people involved. The performances by Amanda Leigh Cobb as Sibyl, Victoria Mack as Amanda, Michael Brusasco as Elyot and Laird Mackintosh as Victor were very well done and added greatly to the enjoyment of the performance. The play is still very fresh and funny despite being over 80 years old.
O'Rielly Theater - Pittsburgh, PA - 06/19/2012
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