Betty Buckley

Betty Buckley Concert & Tour Photos
Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I Loved the Show it was so Fab-U-Less she had us laughing and remembering old times I am not much on Writing but Betty U were Wonderful Thank You, Thank You.
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ms. Buckley put on a delightful performance. She sang a very interesting and pleasing set of songs. The musicians supporting her were first class. After the performance she very graciously signed autographs. But beware, do not use your smart phone during the performance, as she will point it out!
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
she was excellent, the setting was good, she did show tunes, and ended with memories she spoke a little about the business and roles she had it was a nice night and I would go again to the PAC
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Was even better than expected and I love Betty Buckley. Had not seen her in concert before, only on stage.
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Valley Performing Arts Center is a Gem. It's visually appealing and, even better, accoustically appealing. Plus the seats are wide & comfortable.Ms Buckley & Mr Hamlisch were both delightful. I even got to meet Ms Buckley apres show which was a dream come true. I've been listening to her sing since I got the OCR of 1776 in 1970. A magical night!
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
she was fabulous & Seth was funny & charming, both so talented
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was a wonderful evening. Seth Rudesky was not really advertised, however, he was as well received as she was. They are GREAT together.
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Betty Buckley was at the Carolina Theater in Durham - doing "Broadway by Request" - performing a variety of broadway showtunes (plus one Paul Simon tune - but he did write a broadway show) and was in great voice. I have seen Betty in concert 4 times now and this was the most enjoyable show - she was in great spirits, relaxed and appeared to be enjoying herself. Her enthusiasm was contagious.
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Betty was fabulous, she involved the crowd with her singing and song choices, at the end she had us choose which encore song we wanted, the vote was so close she did them both. we had a great time
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Betty Buckley is a seasoned, skillful actress and singer. Her cabaret-style show was centered around Broadway tunes, with humorous, self-effacing comments throughout. Her voice is great and her personality is charming.
Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC - Sat, Nov 20, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Betty Buckley's performance was highly received by a nearly full house. At 63 she still has the power in her voice and wonderful manner of style for lyrics. Her two-man music accompaniests on piano and bass were excellent. It was a special treat to hear her comments between songs on her 40-year career starting on Broadway at age 21. A delightful evening!
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect setting for a wonderful show. Betty Buckley was absolutely amazing and entertained us with humorous stories from her career - and, of course, kept us enthralled with her singing! Hated for the evening to end, but we're looking forward to another opportunity to see this terrific entertainer!
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Betty Buckley was great. She still has a beautiful voice. Her warm personality and wit made the night unforgetable. After the show she met with audience members to sign autographs. What artist/performer does that?
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A flawless performance. Wonderful song interpretation. Every song was a delight ! Betty Buckley is a master. I was brought to tears of joy at some of the selections sung in such a classic style. When does anyone sing the introduction to a song anymore? I just loved every single minute !!
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Just didn't like the song choice. Betty Buckley has a great singing voice but her choice of material just didn't do her justice. She sang songs that appealed to her but not necessarily to all those in her audience. In addition, each time she seemed ready to belt out a note, she pulled the mike away which decreased the intensity of her voice. We were waiting for those big notes and each time, we were disappointed.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Best Betty Buckley show i have seen. Accompanied by 4 gifted musicians she was relaxed and funny sharing hilarious stories. Miss Buckley sang a mixed bag of current singer/songwriters from Alison Krauss' tearful Ghos't in this House", Paul Simon s "Train in the Distance", James Taylor s "On The 4th Of July" and Mary Chapin Carpenter's emotional Come On Come On and nostalgic I Am A Town. There was plenty of Broadway too." A Fine Line" from Avenue Q, The King and I s "We Kiss in a Shadow". A most unforgettable treat was when Miss Buckley brought up an excited volunteer and sang You've Got Possibilities from It's a Bird, It's a Plane It's Superman. She brought the house down with her masterful interpretation of Billie Holiday s "Stormy Blues." "Memory" was worth the wait. What a night!!! Don't miss Betty Buckley the next time she is in town.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed the caberat done by Betty Buckley, I just wished she had done more Broadway tones. She teased us with a discussion of Faye Dunaway doing Sunset Blvd but never did a a song from that show.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been following Betty since Grizabella days and she never fails to deliver! Her voice is unchanged, she interacts with the audience in a warm, sincere, and genuine way, and she always manages to put together a mix of songs to please everyone! The audience reacted wildly to her, as usual! And the fact that she would do a "meet and greet" at a signing was very giving of her, in light of the fact that many performers want NO audience contact once the show is over.
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Been listening to Betty for almost 40 years now and her voice is as strong and rich as ever. Would love to see her back in a singing role on Broadway .
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am not a fan of caberet music at all. But she was great, the concert moved also, memories at the end was fanatic
Town Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Oct 16, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The broadway by request show was a night of pure entertainment. The smothers theater at Pepperdine University provided a very intimate setting. The opening of her show was quite entertaining as her accomianist Seth Rudetsky provide sone intresting tid bits of betty bucklys career. He was very funny! The rest of the evening belonged to Betty as she sang some of her traditional faves, and provided intresting stories behind the songs and moment in her career. After the show she did a meet and greet where she signed CD/ programs etc.. A wonderful night of great music from an amazing entertainer.
Pepperdine University - Malibu, CA - Fri, Oct 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Watching her perform is always a pleasure! They don't make broadway performers like her anymore. See her live...she is so good!!!
Pepperdine University - Malibu, CA - Fri, Oct 1, 2010
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