Sunny Day Real Estate

Sunny Day Real Estate

Sunny Day Real Estate Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i came from Tampa, FL to see SDRE. i was so sick. but when i was at the show, it made me feel better. The Jealous Sound, i have never heard of them before. they were great! a PERFECT match with SDRE. they looked so happy to see US! SDRE were amazing! no doubt about it. they had so much energy and were stoked to be back together and on stage and playing! you could tell they had so much energy! everything sounded great! i really wish it didnt end so soon though. i wish tehy could have played for another hour. the venue was great! if i ever go back to Atlanta, GA i most def want it to be at Center Stage
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was almost ten years ago the first time I heard Sunny Day Real Estate's "in Circles" off of Diary. My friend had it playing on his computer and I had to know what it was and all about the band. Unfortunately at this point he band had already broken up, but I found all the great music they had made before they did. They changed musical direction for me and much of what I listen to and write myself stems from that. Over the years they have become a bit of a pastime for me. I occasionally put on an album and listen to the music, but last night I re experienced what it was like discovering them for the first time. This was one of the best shows I've ever been to. They sounded incredible. Not only did they play the songs flawlessly but with the passion and emotion many musicians lose over the years. Jeremy Enigk sings with the kind of intensity that you find so very rarely. During the show I was amazed by how great he sounded. So rarely do you find someone sing with that kind of honesty in their voice. I can't think of anyone else as intense but Kurt Cobain. I kept wondering why more people weren't as obsessed with Sunny Day Real Estate. I probably shouldn't tell you this, because it'll only make it harder for me to get tickets next time, but you really must see them live. They are truly a great band and it's an incredible experience.
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would have never thought that I would ever see Sunny Day Real Estate live in concert. I've been a die hard fan since "Diary" in 1993 and to see the original members of the band back on stage together again was utterly amazing! They played all old stuff off "Diary" and "LP2" with one song off of "How it feels to be something on". That's probably because the original band made the first two albums together and they wanted to relive that time instead of having the drummer and bassist learn songs they never performed; however, they did for that one song off of "How it feels...." They also had one new song which had the same feel as their old songs and was definitly not a disappointment. Usually when a band breaks up and makes a comeback with a new song, it sucks but not Sunny Day! All in all it was a fantastic show and I would recommend that any Sunny Day fan, past or present, should go see them.
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
Nature's Relaxation :: Small 23 :: Lync :: Idha :: S*M*A*S*H
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was amazing. They played everything you want to hear and more. They sounded as if they never parted. The venue has a great sound system and a/c. The space is nice and open. The only downer is people smoking cigarettes!!
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've seen SDRE many times before they broke up. Tthis was one of the best shows they ever put on that I have been too. The sound system at Terminal 5 was pretty decent too. The new song they played was amazing and I can't wait for their new material. It felt so good seeing Nate playing with the band again. Back where he belongs. Dan, Jeremy, William and Nate are made to play together. Jeremy's voice was spot on, and they were so tight. You could tell they were amazed at how many people showed up for them 10-15 years after. Dan said it was like a dream seeing so many faces singing their songs. They were really into the show and were happy to be playing together again with the original line-up. "Look, we got Nate back" Dan said while Jeremy grabbed a new guitar because he broke a string. Pure bliss. Thank you SDRE for re-uniting.
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was amazing!!!!!!! This band was just introduced to me by my boyfriend, so it's sorta new to me. They were amazing!!!! The crowd went nuts. And it was a great turn out! Terminal 5 was an awsome place to see a show. Loved it!!!!!!!!!!
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect set list. Amazing show. I would have paid twice that to see them.
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No doubt about it, it doesn't get any better than this. Sunny Day Real Estate are everything you hope for and more.
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was surprised to hear "Sometimes" off of Diary, it was great to know that this wasn't just a reunion tour. They just got up and rocked, top notch.
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Both bands for not being together for more then 5yrs, sounded amazing. It was so good to see two bands that have been such an influence to so many bands out there, but do not receive the "just deserts".
First Avenue - Minneapolis, MN - Wed, Sep 23, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
They sounded as amazing as they did 15 years ago. I love the old songs that they did and how happy they seemed to be playing. I was even able to talk with a few of the members of the band after the show. Great people as well as musicians. The crowed was into as well singing along with every song. Great show!
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
BradleyTEP mind is blown. I'm actually scheduled to have it repaired next week. The original lineup did not miss a beat...mailing it in...NO! Completely perfect.
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show. Long time coming and would not have missed it for the world. hope to hear more new music from SDRE even if it is short lived.
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Sunny Day Real Estate show was so loud, I will probably never hear again. That is actually quite positive as there really isn't anything worth listening to once you've experienced SDRE Live.
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The band's touring with its original lineup; this means, for those of you who don't know, that they're playing material from Diary and LP2 (the pink album) almost exclusively, since future albums had different lineups. The vocals were spot on; the pedal setup was exceptional. After 15 years, these guys can rock a piece of music like it's their first time. They unveiled a new song and really just put together an amazing show. Go see them--you may not get another chance... Though, they hinted at future tour dates or recording...cross your fingers.
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was seriously the concert event of a lifetime. After hearing that Sunny Day Real Estate has reunited for a tour, I almost cried. The concert itself was surreal just because I never thought I would be able to see them live. The venue was perfect along with the opening band. I couldn't have asked for a better night. Not only that, but the band was grateful that they could play for us and easy going [I met them outside after the show :) ]
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Sunny Real Estate got back together wrote 2 albums and toured to promote the albums, the Shows were almost up to Par. The Band seemed to be lacking something. Energy? or Someone? That's Bass player Nate mendel was reunited with his former bandmates for this tour. Well everyone in the band seemed to be on the same page. Playing mostly songs from their first 2 albums was also an added treat. Speaking of treats, the crowd was treated to a surprise New Song...Which lead singer Jeremy Enick went on to explain, it was a pleasent surprise for the band to write new material, and can't wait to record it...I guess years apart didn't change the chemistry which made them the influential band to impact the songwriting of many generations to come. They were in Top form!!!
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bands reunite for varied reasons. From what I have seen, the heart and soul of a band touring together again after a contemptuous ending is fairly easily revealed. Take the Pixies for instance. They seem to be the band that spawned a wave of alternative bands realizing that now was an opportune time to make another go if the motivations were there. The Pixies first wave of reunion shows were fun, but the music and band was, at best, a shadow of their former selves. The play seemed fairly sloppy and the microphones hadn't even been equalized between Frank Black and Kim Deal. It was more like a drunken ex girlfriend calling you on the phone one night instead of running into her years later and falling in head over heals once again. Fortunately, Sunny Day Real Estate didn't do this by the seat of their pants for a big payday...or at least their play did not show less than true love for their craft. When I go into a show of a band I love but have never seen I have two ideas in my head. 1. The 'dream' scenario in which I ask myself, 'if this concert was to be perfect, what would I expect?' and 2. The realistic scenario, 'after being broken up so long and getting back together, what would this older and changed band now sound like?'. I never ever expect that I will see a band that meets my starry eyed proposal of what I would hope for them to be yet still hold out the expectation that they can at least impress me enough to meet my much more realistic hope for the show. The show at First Avenue last night was the only show I can recall in the past decade that absolutely blew me away. The only spectacle on stage was four men who absolutely loved what they were doing and it showed. Jeremy Enigk did not seem to miss a note the entire night....I can't sing one of their songs in the shower and get that right. They were unbelievably tight. There are bands you think hit all the cues and consider them tight. Then there is Sunny Day. I have never seen a band so consistent and deliberate in every single note and beat played. The technical ability it takes to pull that off is simply stifling. Their set was a pick that met and exceeded expectations as well. With these four members, one would expect that all songs will come from the two albums they put out together, which they mostly stuck to. Then they threw in a track from How it Feels to be Something On as well as a brand new song that they have written on the road. Not something you expect from a reunion band and to say that it fit right in with the rest of their music is a joy to type. If you have a chance to see them, don't think about it, just go, watch and enjoy.
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
many years ago i saw sdre play at ground zero in minneapolis and it was one of the most beautiful music moments in my life. it was spiritual. i went to the show by myself and watched in amazement as music and emotion and power and grace all combined to form an amazing moment in time for me. i promised myself that i would never miss a sdre show. Well, the band broke up and that was that. over the years i built that show up in my mind to the level that i didn't think it could be surpassed. i have never anticipated a show like this one. i bought tickets the day i found out they were coming to minneapolis. with all that, i knew it would immpossible for sdre to live up to my expectations. i was wrong, last night's show was amazing. already in my top 5 shows of all time. if you are a sdre fan you have to see them live and if you are not a fan you should do yourself a favor and get out there and see them. i would love to tell you about every second of the show but it is something you should see for yourself.
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really incredible show... The band was extremely tight. Really nice balance of their textural music and some of their more straight up rock tunes. Enigk sounded Angelic and the mix was really good. Vocals a little low, but still great for a live show. If you have the opportunity to catch these guys you need to. Their influence on more recent acts throughout several genres is undeniable.
Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO - Mon, Sep 21, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have wanted to see Sunny Day Real Estate in show for several years as I hadn t heard of them while they were originally together. Their album the \u2018Rising Tide , which was their most recent album, was IMO their best and possibly one of the best albums I own out of my 100+gb of music, unfortunately they didn t play a single song off of that album. Every song they played was from LP2 and Diary, which were both really good albums but I would be lying if I didn t say I wish they would have played at least a couple of songs off of Rising Tide. Sunny Day put on a really good show, plenty of energy, nothing but praise for the band s performance last night. They gave it everything they had and you couldn t ask for more than that. They had excellent chemistry on the stage and really got the crowd into it. I would give Sunny Day s performance 5 stars and would gladly see them again when they come back, as they said they would return to Denver after their last song. I just wish to god I could have seen them at a better venue. I had never been to the Ogden Theatre before, it was an interesting looking building on the outside but it was just way too loud. This is coming from a college student in his 20 s that s been listening to loud music everyday for years in my car with upgraded system. The sound was distorted at high levels which can just be painful to listen to; if it s going to be so loud it at least has to be crystal clear sound. I had been warned about the Ogden s sound prior to attending the show from several friends. The building seemed to just absorb all the vocals or highs for that matter and you could barely hear Jeremy Inigk s voice on some of the hard songs. On the softer songs the band sounded awesome mainly because I could distinctly hear every audible piece involved in their music. The jealous sound was an alright opener and had a couple of good songs but many of their songs involved a lot of screaming, given the audio setup at the ogden the screaming was hard to listen to. Like with Sunny Day, I think Jealous Sound would have sounded better at a better venue. I would give the Ogden theatre venue a 1 star; it was nice being so close to the band but I would have much rather had crystal clear sound than being up close. The gothic would have been a much better venue; in a perfect world, sunny day at red rocks would be unbelievable, I ll keep my fingers crossed. Bottom line, Sunny Day put on a great performance, sounded great when I could hear them clearly at the under par venue they played at. If you are fan of the band you have to go see them when they are in town as it might be the last chance you get. I would definitely see them again when they return I just hope next time they perform at a venue that would let me appreciate every facet of their music through crystal clear sound.
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
having got into sunny day late in the game, i had far more affinity for more recent material like 'how it feels' and 'rising tide.' however, not a single song from either of those two albums was performed. i never could get into 'diary' and ive never even heard the pink one, so i recognized maybe 3 songs at the most. if youre into the earlier stuff you may think this was a fabulous choice to stick to their formative work, but i thought it was pretty lame to neglect half the catalog. they were good, but it all seemed a bit forced in some ways and definitely had a distinct reunion/rehash feel to it. didn't catch the opener but my friends were none too impressed with the few songs they heard.
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Super bad-ass. The set was great, the energy was fantastic.
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was extremely excited to see all the original members come back together again and I wasn't let down. Some of the way things were played and sung changed back after they had reformed in the late '90s but now everything is back to the way it was. Jeremy Enigk sings more like he did before return of the frog queen and the band sounded amazingly tight. I'm going to see them again in Seattle next month. If you have a chance to see them don't pass it up!
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was like high school again, only MUCH better. If anything they have improved with age. The whole band was so psyched to play their energy was infectious. My only sad note is that they didn't play longer! I hope they come up with a new album soon.
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Opening band Jealous Sound lead singer Blair Shehan perfectly told us all. :"I saw Sunny Day Real Estate play two nights ago and their going to rip your fucking faces off......buckle up." And he was right.
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Sunny Day Real Estate show was great! They played all the classic tunes. If you are going to see Sunny Day on this tour, remember this is the original band members. They didn't play anything past LP2. The crystal ballroom was interesting. No re-entry, top floor stuffy and hot. The crowd was filled with varsity hipsters. The sound was kind of crap. Overall, I was excited to see Sunny Day Real Estate. Hated the drive back to Seattle.
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All Sunny Day Real Estate fans have to be ecstatic over their reunion.They sound better than ever and seem to be having a lot of fun on stage.The Crystal ballroom is not the best venue for sound, but last night sounded awesome!One thing is... they only played songs from Diary and the Pink Album- no HIFTBSO or Rising Tide....oh well. what they did play was great. (Including one brand new song that really rocked!) I think Everyone onstage and off had a great time. I know I did.
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wow just saw sunny day real estate last night. so amazing.. they played every song i wanted to hear... the lead singer hit a sour note in the first song and i looked at my friends and we were all worried the show was gonna suck and jeremy wasnt gonna sing good. but he didnt miss anything after that. he was amazing. not only did he sing and hit every note after that, he blew us all away. the drummer also impressed like he always has...
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been to many shows both big and small, and this was by far the best show that i have ever attended!!!!!
McMenamins Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR - Fri, Sep 18, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What else can I say? Great show, great sound, the folks that weren't SDRE fans before the show were fans when it was over. rock
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
man..... just fantastic. played everything you could want from diary and pink album. sounded great.
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Getting a chance to see all four original members on stage was awesome. I was too young to know who they were when they were actually together but acouple years after they split they became one of the most influential bands for me. Overall it was an amazing show. Jeremy Enigk's voice was perfect. The whole band sounded so tight and comfortable together...they played each song with alot of energy, emotion, and ease. William Goldsmith was the highlight for me, his drumming is incredible. Brutal in execution but beautiful in precision.
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing perfomance at an amazing venue!
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sunny Day Real Estate and The Jealous Sound was no doubt one of the best shows I've seen. Both bands completely rocked it!
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sunny Day Real Estate were the thinking man's Nirvana in the 90s, often considered what Emo music originated as back in the day, along with Fugazi- back when it meant something different than writing sappy brokenhearted songs. SDRE's songs emit true emotion. You could often hear the emotion in Jeremy Enigk's voice. At the House of Blues show, you could tell that age and singing that way have done a number on his vocal cords, but when he needed to, Jeremy Enigk let it all out. You could also tell that the band truly appreciated the fact that 100s of people still cared for their music, in the intimate setting of the House of Blues. "Song about an Angel" is one of those songs that gives me chills every time I hear it and hearing live was a godsend. In fact, SDRE played their quintessential album "Diary" almost in its entirety. An excellent, precise encore of "In Circles" and "48." I felt like I was reliving my glory days with the band that helped alter my musical upbringing.
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While the opening band could have easily played a shorted set (I didn't care for them much) The main event was amazing. I am a new recruit to the SDRE fan crew but I am oh so happy that I found them. The show was absolutely outstanding. The vocals were spot on, the balance of the music to the vocals was one of the best I've ever seen. All in all... A+ :D
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unbelievable. How does time pass and yet the band stay the same? It was if we had been given a studio performance. It was perfect.
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The sound was fantastic and the energy the band emitted was contagious. Excellent setlist. This was my first time at the Trocadero in Philly and it's a great venue. Not only would I recommend going to see SDRE anywhere, I'd recommend hitting up the Troc for a show, too.
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I did not have high hopes for this show after the Rising Tide and Fire Theft stuff. It was clear the band went back to basics. Jeremy's voice did not have that irritating falsetto of his latest albums. He sung very much like he did on Diary and the pink album. The band was intense and everything sounded great. One problem... they didn't play Rodeo Jones!!!
Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA - Thu, Oct 1, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm so thankful that SDRE finally got back together. I actually heard of this band b/c of the Foo Fighters back in 'Oct of '95 b/c I was curious as to who the bass player and drummer were. I am a huge Nirvana fan so I obviously knew about Pat Smear and Dave Grohl. William Goldsmith and Dave Grohl are some of my favorite drummers to this day. It's great to see Nate back in the fold. It just wasn't the same without him. I can only imagine "How it Feels to be Something On" would be if Nate played on it. Just a side note, I haven't bought any FF since William left the band. It really looked like those guys were having a blast playing together again. I'm a drummer and to finally see William play live was unforgettable. Jeremy was still hitting those high notes and Dan was smiling the whole show. Nate didn't miss a note. Watching him do his up on the 1 beat stye was just awesome. It's one of the best shows I've ever been to. Hopefully they'll record a new one and Nate will leave FF behind. Dave's busy with Them Crooked Vultures anyway. LOL!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sunny Day was on fire. The vocals were full of energy and the instruments were super tight.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How could it not be really? To see your absolute favorite band, who after breaking up you had given up all hope of ever seeing, for the first time in your life? Unbelievable. The sound was incredible, the vocals were a little low but the sound system was un freaking real. very impressive for a club that size. I also have to say I thought I was gonna wait forever at the bar but those folks were absolutely crankin. Best show I have ever seen in my many years.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing show! Lots of older stuff from Diary and LP2. Crowd and band were very into the music (especially Dan the guitarist).
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Saw SDRE last night at the House of Blues in Boston last night... Amazing! By far one my most favorite bands!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sunny Day Real Estate is the band that paved the road to emo. However I can not speak for what emo is today. I do not follow emo. But I do know that Sunny Day Real Estate had its Astonishing come back show Sunday 27th 2009. A remarkable powerful moment.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sunny Day Day Real Estate, back with their original lineup for the first time in years, really rocked the House of Blues on Monday September 28, 2009. Jeremy Enigk's vocals graced high and low notes with wonderful tonality and the same harmonic sound that fans remember from 15 years ago still play out in their newer work. The House of Blues is an awesome venue, probably the best in Boston.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow. After ten years, they still got it. This show was absolutely amazing. So much so that I seriously considered ditching work to follow them around the country for a few days. Their performance was tight, it reminded me of why I love music. Welcome back!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply amazing show! It was definitely a plus when I didn't know the opening band Jealous Sound till the singer started to sing and I was awed that it was the singer and guitartist from the band Knapsack, (distinct voice) which I truly enjoyed his old band made me dig his new band. Last time I saw SDRE was in 2000 but they had a fill in bass player, So it was amazing to see the original line up. It was a great show, maybe they'll see that we still care and get back together :) Ha... I'll keep my fingers crossed.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
They are the best band ever.....and the Canadian fellows I met at the show were really cool too. SDRE is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Mon, Sep 28, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic show. We stood up on the second level balcony. Great view. SDRE absolutely devastated the set. There wasn't a dull moment the whole show. They even played a new song which is a good sign of new material in the future. Come back to Boston soon please!
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show and the sound was fantastic. The staff is exceptional & were very nice.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SDRE was amazing. I mean it. They were mesmerizing. All of your attention was completely focused on them. I didn't care about going to the bathroom, getting a drink, talking to my friends, or dancing. I wanted to do nothing but listen to every single note they played. I could have sat there another hour and been completely happy. I would go tonight and see the same show. It was that good. Totally beautiful.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a huge SDRE (and have been for a very long time) I have been waiting for this opportunity for many years. It was well worth the wait. They played amazingly well, like they never stopped playing together. Most of the songs, actually all except two if I remember, were from LP2 and Diary...they played 'Guitar and Video Games' off of HIFTBSO and a new song that sounded good. They received a huge and deserving applause and played a 3-song encore. I would have liked to hear a few more songs from HIF... and some from The Rising Tide, but I realize that Nate wasn't a part of those albums. So now I've seen SDRE, along with Jeremy Enigk solo and The Fire Theft. What a great show!
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the show was amazing. i was completely blown away!
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I should preface this by saying that I wasn't old enough to appreciate Sunny Day before they broke up, but when I discovered them, they immediately rose to the top of my "I really wish they'd reunite!" list. When they did, I was absolutely ecstatic. Seeing them last night, I was blown away by how they still sounded as intense as all the albums. I can only imagine what they were like pre-breakup, but the show last night was unforgettable. Immediate one of my top 10 for 2009.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you love Sunny Day Real Estate you were not disappointed. I would of like to of heard Pillars but that would of probably been too much of a mood change. The opening band wasn't bad at all, but it was hard to give them my full attention with SDR coming up. I did really like the last song they played.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a late bloomer when it comes to SDRE, and only know 2-3 albums...but know them very well! I very *very* rarely go to a show, hear 80% of music that I *don't* know...and still think it was amazing. Genuinely great performance, and even greater stuff. Go go go.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
They didn't play anything from Rising Tide. That was a mistake. They played one song from How is feels to be something on. Another mistake. Other than that, they sounded great.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
They played all their greatest songs from back in the day and one new song they just wrote together. Ever bit of it was amazing. Jeremy looked and sounded great. They were all in tuned with each other on every level. I had a great time and hope this isn't the last time I see them together.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Sun, Sep 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The audience waited patiently in flannels and hoodies, now rendered extraneous, that kept them safe from the rain, some talking about this Chicago band, that side project, some reading cheap serialized paperbacks, all bathed in blue stage lights, with Radiohead leaking in from the PA. Half an hour went by, then forty five minutes, and at last, after an hour openers The Jealous Sound took the stage to shake the walls with their kinetic breed of emotional punk. Guitars wove in and out of each other at full tilt while drummer Adam Wade tried his best to beat his kit into dust, at one point shattering a drumstick, letting the shards fly into an audience grateful to have, in the literal sense, a part of the band. Frontman Blair Shehan, who looks like a crosspollination of John Malkovich and Lex Luthor, glared through the audience with a sleepless anxiety in his eyes that mirrored their songs, building tension through clean passages, then tearing into their instruments at full force once the thunder crack of distortion reared its head. Between screams and guitar squeals they displayed a passion less evident in their studio recordings, and especially rare in opening bands. And the only thing more impressive than their fervor and musicianship was their sense of humility, stating on several occasions their gratitude towards the ticketholders and Sunny Day Real Estate alike, despite being veterans of the scene themselves, through both their own output, and their members former bands Knapsack and Sunday s Best. As The Jealous Sound killed the power to their amps and packed up their gear, a sense of impatient nostalgia wove through the crowd. Everyone wanted their grand prize. As the everlasting minutes ticked by, one by one, audience members stood tippy-toe to selfishly catch a glimpse of the band before their fellow concert-goers. And at 9:12, a time without stigma or significance, every paying customer was rewarded equally, as all four original members of Sunny Day Real Estate sidled on stage as if they had stumbled back into their hometown, looking both aged and timeless. Note by note they began their set with Friday , stiffly shifting from verse to chorus, all of it much slower than ever before, and early on it was clear that they weren t meshing. The meticulous interplay and unexpected turns that made their songs famous were there, but they lacked care or cohesion. As they lazed into Seven , \u2018you ll taste it the line that blared out of so many tape players over a decade ago was transformed from an enigmatic threat into a half-bored suggestion. Like an old Orson Wells, they appeared bloated, broken, and past their prime, but still undeniably genius. Gradually, almost imperceptibly, as the sweat began to fly, Jeremy Enigk let his voice take on the high gravelly texture that colors their every recording. The audience was enveloped by the incorporeal nectar flowing from their Hiwatt amps, the drums flexed beneath the open wound of Enigk s lyrics, and as Song About an Angel reached its pointed climax of sometimes you see right through me the DeLorean revved. Without warning, they had taken three thousand people from Manhattan back to 1997, the willing guinea pigs of a musical science fair project, each one privy to a secret language that they shouted back with as much force as their bodies allowed. The experiment didn t end there, as Sunny Day chose to premier an entirely new song near the end of their set, which gave hopes to expectant fans of a new album, perhaps one which could rival their debut, Diary or their sophomore release LP2, the two albums which their set drew almost entirely from. After they ended their set with the cathartic Sometimes , they almost immediately began their encore with fan-favorite In Circles , and followed it with a rare 7 B-side called Spade . In an unexpected windfall, they concluded with 48 , a disquietingly beautifully track buried near the end of Diary, where Enigk s voice snaps between a daydreaming plea and a manic bloodcurdling wail. The music descended from the ether, shimmering above the yellow lamplight from either side of the stage. Strangely, the final two words of the song, \u2018pitiful boy were omitted, assumedly because the notes are now out of Enigk s range. As much as it failed to meet expectations, in a way it made sense- they aren t young anymore. Some have boys of their own. And at the same time, despite their age, and the inherent danger of revisitation, their performance was anything but pitiful.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I remember the first time I heard The Jealous Sound. I was waiting for my buffalo wings at Kate's in NYC. That was a longer time ago than I'd like to admit. When they went off the radar, it seemed like I would never get that chance. 7 years later and no better way to do it than to see them open up for SDRE. I looked around during their set. It didn't seem like too many people knew of them. Maybe they just wanted SDRE to play the entire night. Regardless, The Jealous Sound ripped it up and the crowed enjoyed. They had a little rust to shake off, but they sounded crisp and really did well to get the night going. Hopefully, I won't have to wait almost another decade to see them again. With the guitars tuned and the sounds checked, the crowd waited anxiously for Sunny Day to step onstage. They were welcomed with a roar that even surprised me a bit. It was the nerd-rock heroes' welcome they deserved. They returned the kindness by quickly ripping into a few of their old numbers. They sounded better as they warmed up balancing their old crowd favorites with some of their slower pieces. They played a new song which only begs the question - "when is the new album coming out?"
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
they played all the hits off of diary and lp2, so they definitely kept the fans happy. the price was alittle steep, but i succuumbed to paying it just because i was just so excited for the reunion.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This band is amazing in-person. I was introduced to them after they stopped performing and loved their unique sound and dynamics. There's nothing compared to experiencing each members energy blending into this amazing performance. I use the word performance to illustrate their talent, they are in no way putting on a show, you can tell that who they are normally is who you are getting on stage. This is self expression at its greatest.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I grew up with Sunny Day being blasted through my fairly thin bedroom wall, while my older brother nearly blew his ear drums out. Perhaps some of my amazing experiences with Sunny Day shows has to do with its ability to take me back to my childhood, but its more than just that. Jeremy Enigk is one of the very few artists I know of that is completely sincere about what he sings. Not that every other band doesn't believe in or own their lyrics, but there is something intensely sincere about the way Enigk sings. I think it is Enigks sincerity and on top of that the songs are so powerful, they embody what emo started as, and what it should have become instead of the sappy, singing with your heart on your sleeve bleeding "Dashboard Confessional" style emo. Hands down best shows I have ever been to.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First time hearing them at Coachella 2010, and I had a lot of fun watching them. Everybody seemed very much into their music. They played great the entire time.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The title says it all - if you ever have the chance to see the original line up, it's not to be missed.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great to see these guys back together again. The energy from Jeremy and the band was incredible. A good variety of songs, leaning heavy toward Diary stuff, of course. All the band members seemed pumped to be there and invested in this tour. For a band that hasn't toured together for years, they were incredibly tight, hitting everything just right. The openers on the other hand, left the crowd a little disappointed. Dead Country appears to be a young band with the ability to stick only to a basic song structure and pretty simple lyrics. The Jealous Sound, also back from a long break, were nowhere near as cohesive as the headliner. To their credit, the sound sucked for almost the duration of their set and they plowed through. Its a shame that a place like the Fonda couldn't manage a little bit of mic feedback. Seriously, the squeal kept coming back, all the way to the end of the set, seeming to annoy Shehan and really knock the band off kilter. Looking forward to another more practiced performance by the JSound in the future.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing! No words can put into context the excitement and rush I fulfilled while watching one of my all time favorite bands! It's been ten long years since I have seen Sunny Day Real Estate rock on stage. If you missed this show, get a plane ticket and catch them somewhere fast. Thank you to SDRE for putting on an amazing show and playing my favorite song, "48."
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was the tour that should have happened in 1995, but instead they broke up. A tremendous show by one of my all time favorite bands. This being said, I'm not going to post a gushing reveiw about how much love them. The only reason I gave 4 stars instead of 5 is becuase of the venue. The House of Blues has a great setup and the sound is amazing. I imagine that's what you would get if you custom built a venue exclusively for live music. But it feels fake. Having been to a few different HOBs they all have that "slightly different but mostly the same" feel that one Starbucks location has from another. It's as if there was a rock venue at the mall, and it's decidedly un-rock&roll. Fortunately, SDRE was good enough to take my mind off of this distraction, and all their songs were spot on.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Sat, Oct 10, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After over a decade, they were amazing! Find a way to see the if you can!
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
GREAT SHOW. So glad to see SDRE at the top of their game. Better than ever. Wish I hear some stuff from Rising Tide, but overall incredible. Such a nicer crowd that the Anahiem HOB show too. Love the Fonda, LOVE SDRE.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
They were spot on! Tight and powerful ...... I loved every moment.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
SDRE rocked all night! It was great to see the orginal members jammin' again.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok, it's a pitty to see what "emo" has transformed into. Unfortunately, you get to witness this at this show. The two openers are pretty emo, radio-friendly, and lame. But if you're into that, you'll love them. On the other hand, being able to experience first hand, the live performance of Sunny Day is unforgettable. Even though they haven't played shows in quite some time, they're musicality is completely cohesive. They played as if they had continued playing all these years. It was an amazing experience to be able to see these guys play live.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like them, there's no denying how the original members are back and plays their best. There's no one like them as much as many tried to imitate. They're amazing live especially with this reunion tour.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's like they never even took a break at all. Sounded perfect. Phenomenal show.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having listened to the SDRE Live album probably 1000+ times, I expected them to be good, but they were even better than I would have imagined. I've seen The Fire Theft and Jeremy Enigk a half-dozen times, but SDRE is on a whole different level. Definitely one of the best shows I've been to. A non-SDRE fan might not be as impressed, but to anybody familiar with the music it was really impressive to see it live.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Truly a life altering event. I love the lyrics, the music, the mood... I felt like i was 16 again.
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Might just be the show I have ever attended. I love these guys!
Warehouse Live - Houston, TX - Tue, Oct 6, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been waiting a long time to see them live. They rocked out from start to finish.
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As usual, the sound quality... or lack thereof.... at Warehouse Live attempted to ruin yet another potentially great show. I personally don't love Sunny Day Real Estate, but my friends do. They were so excited (and just couldn't hide it) for the past few months, that even I was getting eager at the thought of seeing the reunion tour. Sunny Day did not disappoint. Dan Hoerner was a blast to watch, as every emotion he seemed to be feeling was clearly apparent on his expressive face. How can you not have a good time watching someone on stage have so much fun playing his music? William Goldsmith was terrific and also very animated as he beat away at the drums. Nate Mendel, although a bit more reserved than the others, (and on the opposite side of the stage as I was) seemed to get in the groove by the end of the show. I can't help but think the overwhelming crowds he performed for with the Foo Fighters has ruined him... But then again, I have never seen him play with Sunny Day before, so what do I know. Last, but obviously not least, Jeremy Enigk sang his Christian soul out (sorry I couldn't resist), so much so that I think he was hoarse by the end of the night... but I couldn't tell because the sound SUCKED SO BAD!! That's right Warehouse Live, I'm talking to you. The bands that play there sound like they are playing in the middle of.... oh, right, a warehouse. You tried to ruin Dinosaur Jr. before and will probably try again when they come through in a few weeks, but I guess you get the last laugh because I reluctantly keep coming back. I'm like an abused wife... no offense abused wives. Anyway, the moral of this story is Sunny Day good, Warehouse Live bad.
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I know Sunny Day Real Estate have not performed together with this line-up in over a decade, but I have never seen a performance so strong as theirs is live. They have and will always be my favorites and will definitely leave you breathless the entire time. Their performances along with their musical talent prove why they are legendary!!
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sunny Day Real Estate has been my favorite band since high school. they are the soundtrack of my husband and I's highschool love affair. definitely worth the 10 hour drive to get to the show!
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the greatest band you've never heard.....absolutely incredible!!!
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
duh. no brainer here. amazing
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Jealousy Sound were awesome. The guy they had mixing wasn't that great though. I was a little bummed about it, cause I thought that he was gonna mix SDRE as well. I was glad to be wrong. The first couple of tunes started out a little rough, but I soon realized that was because he was just getting started. About the 3rd song in the band sounded amazing. Guitar and Video Games was came out awesome!! Dan H. switched guitars almost every song, he seemed really into playing out again. They all did in fact. They came out and did In Circles as an encore. Great show. Went up and asked the guy mixing if he was in house or on tour with the band. He said that he normally does the Foo Fighters and was hired to run sound for SDRE on this tour. Check these guys out before this tour ends!!
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would recommend any one a fan of music check this band out. Tremendous grasp of melody and the moment. Given that I had not seen this band for 10 years, nor they us, they haven't missed a beat and did not disappoint. Would have liked to hear at least one song from their album Rising Tide, but they didn't bring any acoustic guitars. ;) No worries!
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Sunny Day show in Atlanta was simply incredible. I have been waiting ten years for this moment and thought it may never come. So glad it did and very glad we drove from central NC to Georgia for it. Great set. My only unfulfilled desires were that it wasn't a longer show and I wish Jeremy's vocals were turned up. Really an extraordinary historical moment in music!!!
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It's hard to believe that it happened. I was able to finally to see my favorite band of all time last night in Atlanta. They focused on doing songs from only the first two of there four albums with two exceptions, ( guitar and video games from the third, and a new song yet to be titled). They didn t waist a lot of time between songs, and they sounded great. Hope they come back and play stuff from \u2018Rising Tide , and more from How It Feels because I would definitely see them again.
Center Stage Theatre - Atlanta, GA - Sat, Oct 3, 2009
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