Kevin Mahogany

Kevin Mahogany

Fan Reviews

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This event was billed as an Ida McBeth Birthday Party with "special performances" by Kevin Mahogany. We love Kevin Mahogany, and he was GREAT. However, Ida McBeth was not there, and her name was not mentioned. No one made an announcement, or explained why she was not there. We expected to see and hear them both. So, even though we had a fabulous concert by Kevin, we were disappointed. Where was Ida? What was the point of calling it "Happy Birthday Ida McBeth"? Someone should have either named this concert differently...or else explained what had happened with Ida.
Blue Room - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Nov 25, 2016
Tim Mahoney :: Sidney Maiden :: Malcolm X :: J.J. Malone :: Dave MacRae
[Temporary disabled] Kevin Mahogany needs your feedback
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