Yo Yo Ma

Yo Yo Ma Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great music, the whole audience loved it so much there was an encore and standing ovations. Would recommend it to anyone that may have heard a little of their music. It was consistent, so you can guarantee the other songs would be right up your alley. There is a singer, which wasn't my thing, I wanted to hear just the instruments, but that's my personal preference. Overall, I'd see them again if hey did another tour. I have attached a picture of what my exact view was from my seat in the "L" section.
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very entertaining and fun. They were such a great band. Each musician was excellent.
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Affordable tickets for a breath-taking concert!! So worth it!
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
Daley :: Escape: Psycho Circus :: Baby Ariel :: Midsouth Fair :: Dillon Francis
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yo Yo Ma was brilliant as usual. His effortless and flawless playing was superb. He could have varied the music some, since all Bach program became tedious. Also I have never been to a concert where a standing ovation was given during the performance. I thought this was odd. Also I was surprised that drinks were allowed in the concert hall. I have been to many classical events and one drank in the lobby during intermission. Even though it was announced not to take photos, many patrons were doing this. Ushers should be more vigilant.
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mr. Ma is very talented in weaving together many aspects of thought and their elements. His ability to do connect two points in multiple ways enables an overall better chance of appealing to all audiences. There is interconnectivity among his understanding of music, culture, people, and the outline patterns of life. Mr. Ma's solo performance (and duet) with application to his lectures of several the topics of the evening frames an understanding that is highly accomplished among the minds of today, in addition, he has a good sense of humor.
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I knew it was going to be a mix of lecture and concert, but would have loved to have heard more concert. I got the feeling the whole audience would have. I got a little tired of the lecture, but then I had only hours before gotten in from a 7 hour drive. I thought it was rude of the people who came in late, and very rude when people got up to leave before it was really over. I was ready to go but I would have stayed for the remainder had my "ride" not said, "Let's go"! Obviosuly, he didn't enjoy the lecture, or questions and answers. Yo-Yo Ma is such an incredible cellist, and a great personality, but I really went to hear him play more and not talk as much.
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This was our present to my father for his 81st birthday. He loves classical music. My parents drove from the eastern part of the state, near the beach to be here. Yo Yo Ma was entertaining but it was difficult to hear him in the balcony. My parents could not hear what was being said. Also we understood that there was come lecturing but there needed to be additional music. I was disappointed for my parents and myself. Mr Ma was a great speaker but to only play parts of Bach was boring. I felt this was a waste of my money. I saw Mr Ma and Emmanuel Ax years ago and that was wonderful! Now my father will not want to go to anything else at the coliseum. I was heartbroken. J. Harrison
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yo Yo Ma was instantly charismatic and fascinating. I enjoyed every moment, both his words and his music. He is an inspiring figure and truly worth hearing.
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a once in a lifetime event! I shared the evening with my husband and his parents and we all thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Ma's life-lessons and his solo performance. I would love to see Mr. Ma back in Greensboro again!
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I don't know when I have felt more ripped off. He played part of one song and talked about how to play better. Do not waste your money or time. I think it is very arrogant of him to ask people to pay $100. and play one short song, and talk for two hours. Yo Yo is a Yo Yo.
Greensboro Coliseum Complex - Greensboro, NC - Mon, Oct 26, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A very passionate man doing everything in his power to spread that to to everyone there! Also, a pretty good cellist too!!!!! We thoroughly enjoyed all 7,200 seconds. Congratulations to Guilford College and EMF for this wonderful event.
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
he is a devinci of music. a one time lifetime chance to hear a true genius discuss music as it should be a uiversal uniting force
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
he is the best of the best. nothing else to say, right?
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was concerned that our seats would be poor, but decided to take the back row anyway. Yo Yo Ma' s talent was evident, as he interpreted the classical works and put forth his own compositions. Loved it...You could say that he made the earth move, as we has a slight earthquake in the middle of his performance. Both he and the audience were spell bound and no one rushed to any exits. BRAVO!!!
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was absolutely mesmorizing. There was not a peep in the audience so that the beautiful sounds Yo Yo created from the cello could be absorbed without distraction. It was so beautiful it literally moved me to tears.
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The professionalism that's portrayed with Yo-Yo Ma that occasionally becomes off balanced with Chris Thile's sense of humor and joy creates such an enjoying piece of theatre that needs to be seen. Stuart Duncan's feverish fiddle skills could relish any poor soul into any country/folk mood. With Edgar Meyer's giant figure, his gentle and shy remarks made on stage definitely added to his swift and ease in playing such amazing double bass lines. These four musicians (goats) definitely are something that should not be missed. After listening to the album way too many times before attending this event, I have gained new perspectives that were put into these pieces, and was glad to have witnessed the additional songs they chose to add to the concert. Oh, and Aofie O'Donovan was on fire.
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mr. Ma was philosophical, expressive, funny and illustrated his point well in the lectue portions. Of course, his maestro cello playing was elegance and other-worldly, as always. The only slight hiccup was that he was long-winded at times, but it was obviously a reflection of his enthusiasm, really. I would go again! He got a standing ovation. Then, mine was the last audience question: "If you had one piece of advice to say to the world - on anything - would would you say?" His reply: be open minded, empathic and curious about everything
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the best concert ever. Yo Yo Ma even did an encore performance. The best!!! A once in a lifetime experience.
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Atlanta Symphony, amazing! Yo-Yo Ma, awesome! Yo-Yo Ma doing only one solo, disappointing.
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was at the concert with 2 friends for my birthday. Just as conductor was starting first number, a patron in the next section fell down some steps. I so wanted the music to stop until the injured individual was cared for by the medics, and the commotion was over, Then we could have enjoyed all of the music. The music was fabulous, but sound system for speaking voices-as conductor describing upcoming numbers- was very hard to hear and understand from the balcony.
Tucson Music Hall - Tucson, AZ - Tue, Dec 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was just fascinating and I hope they will have a concert in the same place in close future.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Exceptional musicians playing extraordinary music. Reminds us of the rich folk music heritage at the world's crossroads.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After having seen the movie: Music of Strangers, I was thrilled to see the Silk Road Ensemble in person. Every musician is truly a gifted artist. I loved the complexity of each piece and it was a real joy to hear music and musical instruments from around the world.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Each and everyone in the ensemble is a great musician and performer. They brought so much life to the concert. I had great time!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This event coincided with the closing ceremony of Rio Olympics and made me think about the world peace through their wonderful music. The Silk Road Ensemble has music talents from 15 countries and those unique musical instruments touched the audience in harmony. I think most of the people came to listen to Yo-Yo Ma, but he stayed a part of the ensemble and never put himself forward. A couple more solo performances from him would be welcomed, I'm sure. I love their "Silk Road Journeys: Beyond the Horizon" CD and wanted to listen to more from this CD. It's an open air concert, so outside noise cannot be avoided, but for the first 20 minutes of the show the sound quality wasn't very good. It got better in the latter half of the concert.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
extraordinary talents playing some amazing and unusual instruments; terrific arrangements.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First half of the show was beautiful and amazing music, second half not so much. The music devolved to a bunch of Syrian compositions. If Arabian music is your thing, you will love this show.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Silk Road Ensemble are and amazing group of talent! I love Yo-Yo Ma but he was not the star of the show. Every one of those musicians is passionate and you feel it - I had tears of emotion, chills and was just amazed overall. My 14 yr old daughter appreciated it too. I highly recommend this to everyone!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Saw the documentary, it was wonderful, so bought full-price tix to see them @ the Hollywood Bowl. Absolutely perfect venue for classical music performance, the Silk Road Ensemble performed for almost 2 hours, & the venue is wonderful, couple that w/picnic dinner we brought, gorgeous evening, it couldn't have been better.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A program like no other, hours of pure joy by masters.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Simply awesome. Specially YO YO MA, Kayhan Kalhor, The Syrian and Spanish artists and the vocalist
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very exquisite. a lot of fun. very mature yet full of youthful energy. We experienced something that can only be brought together through artists that have the spiritual understanding for the world. The group indeed took us on a journey through different parts of the world with their instruments and appreciation for the music. Even though it's understood for the name sake of the group, we still would have like more of Yo Yo Ma's solo performance if at all possible.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Not for me...the music is like for a snake charmer.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great event! To see all these stars on one stage. The harmony between the different instruments just struck me as too how they matched. Seats not bad for the price. Clarinet, Bag pipes, drums, Mouth Organ WOW!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was amazing. No doubt that each of these people in the ensemble are perfect musicians. But beyond music their message is wonderful. It's unbelievable how they've brought east and west, past and present together in this point, to scream peace through the unity of their music. I loved it that they ended the performance with playing for and from Syria, which should be considered as the problem of all people in the world not just Syrians, since we're all involved in it.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was quite a treat to hear all these world class musicians under the stars at the Hollywood bowl. I have followed Yo Yo Ma in classic music. This was a twist to his genius. I would highly recommend this concert.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yo-Yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble concert at the Hollywood Bowl was amazing! The talent, passion and beauty of these musicians is truly unbelievable!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wasn't familiar with Silk Road prior to the show. Very very pleased to have experienced this powerful, eclectic music at the Hollywood Bowl! It was a belated birthday for my friend and a wonderful night. Thank you!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Hollywood bowl is a great place to enjoy this music show. Some of the instruments are oriental, played extraordinarily well!! Even though I didn't connect well with the "going home" theme, I still have a great time! The music is fun, the musicians are having a good time, and I'm enjoying it with all the audience in great outdoor environment. I do feel the Syria wedding music is not happy/vivid enough, and the singing is a little weak.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Transcendent, complex, pure music played by phenomenal musicians who represent the pinnacle of talent and knowledge.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Silk Road Ensemble with Yo-Yo Ma is a group of top notch, incredibly talented musicians. I was dancing in my seat! I would definitely see them again, can't wait for their next tour. They are also entertaining with their small explanations of the pieces. An evening I won't forget.
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Although I love Yo-Yo Ma, this new ensemble is far more experimental than his music of the 90's. The pieces were long... Up to 10 minutes at some points. Although the group was supposed to represent a collection of nations, the actual blending of the music from these countries was done in a rather chaotic way. This was the first time I've been to the bowl where the people around me seemed disinterested, talking, checking their phones, having conservations amongst themselves, when the musical piece had reached it's five minute mark.
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The concert was overall good. Interesting instruments and excellent musicianship. Was a little disappointed that Yo Yo Ma was not even featured in this concert. He took a backseat to his fellow musicians. I'm not sure that his name should have even been listed in the concert title as his role was minimal.
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It probably doesn't get any better than this. World music played by musicians who care and are committed. A thoroughly enjoyable performance.
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic and well recommended to all ages...i wish they more number to entertain us ,
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love every minute. Phenomenal talent and so beautifully executed. I would see this concert ten fold if I could. My 16 year old sister was mesmerized and yo yo ma is one of her favorites. She was very impressed.
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautiful night under the stars with music that was absolutely beautiful. Love the music , each & everyone of them adds to this ensemble.
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic experience! There is nothing like watching two consummate musicians at the top of their game! Piano and Cello blended perfectly!
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Outstanding performance. My wife and I enjoyed ourselves very much.
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A beautiful evening with 2 of the world's greatest Virtuosos who play beautifully together! And Yo-Yo is a pretty good comedian too and such a down to earth man!
Virginia Arts Festival - Norfolk, VA - Tue, Apr 12, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This duo is a must see. The 43 years they have worked together shows in their impeccable timing and rhythm. Manny's fingers are magical and Yo-Yo's enigmatic display of musicality is nothing short of mesmerizing. Beethoven himself would have approved and applauded. It was a privilege to have seen this in person. I have always loved their genuine style and sound but in person...well I have never experienced such a joyful and exhilarating emotional response to classical music. Thank you for bringing them to Virginia!
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great performance. We love to see Yoyo Ma & Emmanual Ax again. As if we do not want the performance to end.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a thrill to hear Yo Yo Ma and his outstanding company of artists at the World Premier of his BRIC tour with music from Brazil, Russia, India and China! The concert was perfection. The audience was so appreciative, and Yo Yo Ma radiates joy. We are glad we saw the concert at IU Bloomington because it was preceded by a brief lecture in the new Global Studies auditorium which introduced the premise, the artists, and the music.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Could not have been more enjoyable. Venue lovely. But Yo Yo Ma--just incredible! So happy we went.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yo Yo Ma is the world's best cellist without any doubt. He proved it once again with his recent concert at CSUN. His concert consisted of standard fare of 3 Bach Suites with 2 modern pieces added that all flowed together beautifully. The Bach was played beautifully, technically perfect, with depth, emotion, and expression that touched my soul. It was unforgettable evening of beauty. Yo Yo Ma was engaging, humorous, and was always able to communicate his love for his mastery of his cello and music to all. The venue was excellent. However, I wish the appetizers were more plentiful for the hundreds of people who were waiting for the program to begin.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
We paid for the reception and the chance to see Yo-Yo Ma. Yo-Yo Ma was wonderful as one would expect. However the organization of the event was terrible. At the reception they ran out of hors d'oeuvres by 5:30 and the reception was from 5-6:30. We really did not come for the food but the ticket price was higher for the privilege of attending the reception. The program started late. Lots of introductions....not relevant to the program. The program said Mr. Ma would end promptly at 8 p.m. There was a 30 minute intermission instead 15 minutes which pushed the program out and we had to leave before the second half started. Bottomline: he was great but the event was poorly orgainized.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To see Yo-Yo Ma in concert in person is a truly memorable event. His virtuoso playing of Bach's Suites is worth the price of admission and more. I can only hope that he and Ennio Morricone will return to L.A. for that all Morricone concert that was cancelled due to illness.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I took my 16 year old grandson, and we were both awestruck by Yo Yo Ma's incredible performance. The rest of the audience seemed to be as enthusiastic as we were.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The uncomparable playing of Yo Yo Ma is a joy to hear. This time, as a soloist playing in the beautful new VPAC hall, Mr Ma held the audience enraptured alone. The fine tones he elicits from his magnificent cello are difficult to describe - the sounds from his cello can be almost like a whole chamber orchestra, and then that of a spider sliding softly on its silken web, disappearing into oblivion as the audience holds its' collective breath. It is a rare privelege to hear him alone, and to experience only his beautiful, singular talent. What he can do with a cello is unique . Next time I hear Mr. Ma I will hope to find him playing with another artist or with a symphony. I especially enjoyed the more unusual encore of a Mongolian piece. Simply transporting!
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Without a doubt that hearing something live is the only way to experience a legend. The acoustics in VPAC is astounding.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Wed, May 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I knew of 2 of the musicians previously(from video and live performance) and was anxious to see how the could bring their diverse styles together - was I impressed
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The concert was very good and entertaining. We enjoyed everything.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gorgeous! Everything about this night of music was spectacular. Yo-yo Ma was in the greatest of moods and treated us to the most wonderful performance I have ever seen by a classical artist!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was an amazing show. The four gentlemen are truly talented, the weather was wonderful that evening at the Hollywood Bowl and we had great seats! Yo Yo Ma is actually very funny and was very engaging with the audience. It was a fun, laid back evening but all four of the musicians worked very hard and gave us a great show. We were very lucky to catch this show.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best concerts I have ever been to in my life.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amazing musicianship and wonderful chemistry on stage.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been a long time Chris Thile fan and lover of classical music. Listening to The Goad Rodeo Sessions live was an unforgettable experience. These world-class musicians created such an intimate atmosphere is such a large venue. Speaking with other audience members, there wasn't a single person who wasn't blown away by some part of the evening. I'd gladly see all of these musicians again, either in ensemble or solo shows.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best concerts ever. These guys are superior musicians and they looked as if they were having a great time playing and playing together. It shows in their music.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Musicianship of the highest caliber. Wonderful arrangements and variety. Just amazing!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Mandolin, Banjo, Fiddle, and Bass made great bluegrass and traditional music ... but then the cello came in, and it sounded twisted and strange. It was great so see Yo Yo Ma close on the big screen, and I admire his dream of venturing into new territories ... but for me, it just didn't work.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sunday night's "Goat Rodeo" concert with Yo Yo Ma, Chris Thile, Edgar Meyer (OMG!), Stuart Duncan, and Aiofe O'Donovan was unsurpassed for Bowl Full of Joy moments in L.A. history! Their technique is flawless, their sensitivity to rave! I don't think I've ever experienced a more heartfull encore ("All Through the Night"). With recordings you don't have the warmth, the immediacy, the sheer End-of-Tour cutups!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's four of the best string players in the world, playing music they wrote for themselves. So, unsurprisingly, it's easily one of the best shows I have ever seen -- and I've seen Hillary Hahn, The Who, and Nine Inch Nails, among others.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Not knowing what to fully expect, the show was an amazing display of the highest caliber of talent gathered together and made beautiful music. All four Artists were amazing. So glad we experienced it !
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No reason to let this review drift off into other areas. Simply put, some of the best musicians out there playing brilliantly. If you get the chance, go and see this crew. Remarkable.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
really enjoyed both the music and all of the artists talking with the audience.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Two MacArthur genius fellows, a high-speed Nashville fiddler and a classical cellist combined to make a unique quartet. Bassist Edgar Meyer's creative arrangements featured each soloist's distinctive talents. Yo-Yo Ma, Chris Thile and Meyer absolutely tore up the Allegro from J.S. Bach s first Viola da gamba sonata in B minor. Bach (the trio played the opening Adagio as well) was a highlight of the concert. The four musicians - Ma, Meyer, Thile and Stuart Duncan - were at the top of their performance game. Where will Yo-Yo Ma turn next for his exploration of musical cultures and style? The cherry on top were the duets sung by Chris Thile and Aoife O'Donovan. Only Joan Baez's version might be better than the rendition Thile and O'Dononvan offered of Bob Dylan's ballad Farewell, Angelina.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the concert!!! The performance was exceptional!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was GREAT! It was so fun to watch the artists having fun and playing off each other. I would love to see then again!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every moment was phenomenal. The musicians were all extremely talented!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Sun, Aug 25, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a group of amazingly talented artists who can switch between Bach and Bluegrass without a twitch. They were very light hearted, and definitely knew how to have a good time and give good time too. Aoife O'Donovan was a great vocal surprise and wonderful talent. Hollywood Bowl was as magical as always.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This event is super! I enjoyed it tremendously. The artists are the most talented.:)
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yoyo Ma and his band of merrymen are a total delight.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So enriching to hear the grand master cellist play in concert with bluegrass specialists. All were phenomenal; from Bach to contemporary.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We really enjoyed the concert! Excellent chemistry among the musicians translated to amazing music!
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
About 20% of the music was enjoyable to listen too. The rest was either draggy and depressing, had WAY too many gyrations by Chris Thile which was exceedingly distracting, and frankly was an insult to Yo Yo Ma's talent. The fiddle player was awesome in the one song that featured him. Wish there were more songs like that one played
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really loved their music! Also it was amazing and harmonized with the nature aroud stages. So grateful attending the festival
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The most talented 4 musicians ever assembled. Amazing!
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was looking forward to this concert, Unfortunately I was disappointed. The musicians were extremely talented, the singer was terrific. The problem was the song selections. Bluegrass should be up beat, most of the numbers they chose were slow and boring. I felt the show was a waste of great talent.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amazing music and collaboration on CD, even better live Wow to the individual musicianship, but awesome for the collaboration and team give ans take. Truly wonderful moments, an d worth our time.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yo-Yo Ma, Chris Thile, and Edgar Meyer on the same stage? Count me in!
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The talent displayed with this quartet of world class musicians was awe-inspiring. My teenage son is a huge Chris Thile fan and was rendered practically speechless as he watched the group perform. Yo-yo Ma was outstanding; it was a true pleasure to experience his talents in this grouping. We have more familiarity with the impressive work of Edgar Meyer and Stuart Duncan, but even their performances seemed elevated beyond their normal. It is a wonderful merge of musical genres. It was enlightening to witness the respect these men have for each other and their talents. They each seem to inspire the others and truly enjoy performing together. This is one of my all time favorite concerts.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though Yo-Yo Ma is the star performer of the group, the other three musicians are equal to him in talent. Chris Thile (mandolin) and Edgar Meyer (bass) were excellent and, from Chris's movements, it was clear his heart and soul was in the performance. Stuart Duncan (violin) takes a backseat to no one in his field. The music was unforgetable.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While I have been a fan of Yo-Yo Ma for a long time, I was not really sure what to expect, especially give the name of the tour...remarkable doesn't even begin to cover it! It was one of the most beautiful, achingly so beautiful, concerts I have ever been to. See it. Hear it. Listen to it. Immerse yourself in it. Experience it, and it will change you.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a superb concert w a great venue fans above kept it cool w/o added noise cash only concessions was a surprise as i was short on cash didn't dampen the quality
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As a bluegrass, classical and avant garde music fan, I had an idea of what to expect and I wasn't disappointed. The creativity and musicanship was astonishing and remarkable. I have to admit it pushed my understanding of muscial expression to the limit. When listening to this group, you have to imagine four superb, talented individuals getting together and putting together musical pieces that take them wherever they want to go. It is a testimony to their technical skills that they can think about what they want to play and make it happen. Having heard Edgar Meyer with Bela Fleck and others many years ago gave some hint as to what to expect. I was trying to imagine this same group with Sam Bush instead of Chris Thile and wondered what direction that might take. I thought it was an exhilirating evening of musical creativity and gymnastics. I was left wondering what it was like when these guys sit around a jam.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We had heard Yo-Yo Ma and attended for that reason. The total effect was fun,interesting combination of sound and effect. Versatility was impressive! The personalities of the group were evident and that made it fun. Intonation and musicianship were impeccable! Vocal offerings very pleasant. Yo-Yo Ma's "fiddling" on the cello was incredible!
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was amazing. We loved the combination of Bach, Dylan, Bluegrass and some Jazz all mixed in.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Any event that includes Yo Yo Ma is not to be missed. The Goat Rodeo featured 3 other marvelous musicians and a night of musical memories and fun. Wonderful concert and I never wanted it to end.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very talented musicians, great music. Highly enjoyable.
Meadow Brook Music Festival - Rochester Hills, MI - Wed, Aug 21, 2013
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