Kicking Harold

Kicking Harold

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Went to se the Winery Dogs at the San Diego House of Blues on Sunday, November 8, 2015. Since the Dogs were the headliners and have had more than enough good to great reviews for this tour (deservedly so), thought I would review Kicking Harold as they deserve some recognition. Some openers are great and really add to the show, and some headliners really do care about who they bring on tour to share with their fans. According to KH, the Winery Dogs plucked them from obscurity and gave them the opportunity of a lifetime to open for the 25 or so US tour dates. You could tell KH has the sound and songwriting chops to make a go of it and has had some success, but all they need is a chance and some exposure to get to the next level. The songs are memorable and you find yourself singing along to their catchy brand of rock even though you've never heard the songs before. This is a power trio who played some great originals and even acquitted themselves quite well breathing new life into Born to be Wild as well as an excellent version of Working Man. It is so cool to see a band thoroughly enjoying their opportunity and making the most of it the old fashioned way - touring and selling merchandise and appreciating the fact that somebody plunked down 50 bucks for 3 cd's and a T-shirt. Money well spent supporting a band that's doing it the right way. So go to their website and show some support, buy some merch (the music is great and their love of muscle cars makes for awesome shirts) and go see them live. If this Cinderella Story ends up with the glass slipper then all is right with the world of Rock and Roll...
House of Blues - San Diego, CA - 11/08/2015
Walking On Einstein :: Wild Carnation :: Cibo Matto :: B-Thong :: L'chaim
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