Ray Davies

Ray Davies

Ray Davies Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Awesome show...really tempted to give it 5 stars, but not quite. Played over two hours total, three encores...lights come up and just when you think the show was over, he came back on to perform one more. And I don't think he did it as part of the agenda. He really seemed to be soaking up the love of the audience and just wanted to please his fans. The guy is all class and to see this kind of show, especially after seeing a Noel Gallagher show earlier in the week at the Beacon which didn't come anywhere near the quality of this performace, well, I know I was a part of something special. Ray, if you or your people are reading this, thanks for a ton of fun!
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the moment someone from the audience shouted, "We love you, Ray," to which Kinks' front man Ray Davies quickly replied back, "I love you, too," as he settled into his position atop a stool in front of his microphone, this show was intimate and fun. Ray played all Kinks' songs mostly from the early years of the band, while the audience, mostly in their 50's and 60's, sang along to classics like "Sunny Afternoon" and "Dedicated Follower of Fashion." Though the concert goers were a little lame as far as rising to their feet and dancing the night away, they sure did their best to sing along with the most reflective artist of the British Invasion. Ray Davies entertains his audience as good today as ever. He is a treat!
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Everything was great. The volume was perfect. It has been entirely to loud at past events. eg. Experience Hendricks/ Joe Satriani. Hence the lack of picking out individual instruments and vocals. The only other thing was PLEASE PLEASE do not sell seats behind the mixing board. This is the second time that I was stuck there and it does not show that in the seating charts! I had to scramble for Viewable seats which I should absolutely NOT have to do! And I was forced to remain in the vacant seat section. If your going to take my money.........then supply me with a non-stress experience at a great concert! Now back to complimenting.....Ray was so soulful, humble, gracious and hilariously funny! It was my honor to see him. A figure of rock and roll history...absolutely amazing...He and his band also were extremely tight. The performance was world class! Keep up the great work Ray! Much love to you and your loved ones...From Larry Coppola and Danielle from West Seneca N.Y.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
Royal Comedy Tour :: 25th PBR: Unleash the Beast :: Xavier Wulf :: Spirit Song Fest :: Forever In Your Mind
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maybe best concert I have ever been to. cannot think of a better one. incredibly beautiful music.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW! The Orpheum Theatre is a LA Crown Jewel and I sure hope it remains for many Years to come! Mr. Davies commented on the Old Gal and her splendor then proceeded to take those fortunate enough to be there on a Magical Tour of His Solo and Kinks Songbooks! Very well oiled machine he brought to this venue on this night! Acoustic Set to settle everyone in, a little electric then a small break before the 30 or so member Choir came out for the "Home Streach Run". Ray was most capable of bringing this Audiance along with him as he played a hodge podge of songs. Many were heard as never before by most but unmistakeable in their new Suits! Ray's ability to be his usual comic "Story Teller" persona, made the Audiance come right along with this Brit Pied Piper! The Audiance interaction really made this show Magical, not the usual Too Cool to let it loose LA crowd. They should all applaud themselves for being in large part the reason we soared to the heights we attained with Ray and his marvelous Band of Merry Makers! This was intimate and a real closeness not found in many of todays Venues. It really was like hanging out with Old Friends jamming and singing around a Campfire. The sound the Old Lady (Orpheum) echos and reverberates in total Tune, she is a wonder in herself, she is an Aged Beauty. The set with the Choir could not of sounded any better, anywhere on this Planet. The Choir of young singers mostly, just like the audiance, soared with Ray and his Mates to awesome heights. Even though well rehearsed, I saw their glow of excitement on their faces as they left the stage, while being applauded by Ray also. Obviously they were as awed as the rest of us who witnessed this perfect alignment of Planets. What a night, his Irish Guitar Player, sorry over 50 gang here and don't recall at the moment, is a true Maestro with any stringed instrument he touched! The Drummer looked to be in his 20's was like the ticking of a well made clock, tic, toc, tic, toc, a solid foundation with the Bass player to allow the Blast Off of this Mega Rocket Ray let us ride on! I could go on and on as the beats Rays one liners and the Choir's Angelic sounds still ring in my head. But I will just say it was an honor to be a part of the Magic, kudo's to this Audiance as they came and rode the ride as it should be riden, with total abandon. Leave your Ego at the door and enjoy the ride!!!
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Great songbook, a wonderful selection of tunes, beautiful use of a choir in the second act, featuring a suite of songs from "Village Green." So what went wrong? Ray and his guitarist opened with just 2 guys and their acoustic guitars--and turned them up so loud that it was virtually unlistenable. Look, I go back with some famously loud classic rock acts (Zeppelin, the Who, Sex Pistols), and I don't mind loud rock, but the mix overpowered the nuance of the music. Things were better in the second act with the choir, but even they were overmiked. I "barely" recommend this show, Ray is so engaging, and his choice of material was excellent, but it ended up as a disappointment.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The elegance of a true performer. The audience sang along and he encouraged it with the fullness and the fun tone of his voice. He loved doing this show ;at least it looked and felted that way. The band members were amazing. great show. A full chorus, now that gave us a show. his side comments commingled with our memories and us gave us an alliance to his stories. I wished the audience would have been a little more ambulant. at least when: Come Dancing was played. (I guess they were just too old to stand and dance till it came to the last song) Thanks Ray, your a superman. Mary
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Concert was wonderful. The Orpheum was a great venue. The Chorus backing Ray sounded great. Great set list.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've seen Ray Davies six times in my life. He is one of my musical heroes. I can't help but think he's summing things up with this tour with the choir. As sublime as some of the tracks sound, there's a feeling like Ray is trying to tell us something. At the end of the last song, he even said 'cumon, when I'm gone there won't be another like me! Have some fun!" I hate the thought that Ray is saying goodbye, however if this is his swansong, it was beautiful. If you get a chance to see this tour, change plans if you need to and make sure you attend.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great overall show with only one disapointment at the end. 1 song encore (Low Budget) and NO LOLA. He played it in S.F the night before and almost every other night. This was a great fast paced rockin show with a very highly energetic crowd (Although it took the crowd a while to get very vocal and into the show but not Ray and the band) There was no reason why we did not get anothe encore or LOLA somewhwere. I just felt bad for my Date as she was seeing him for the first time and was bummed out she did not hear her favorite song he almost always plays. Other than that a grat performace as always!
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies continues to explore the boundaries of music and the concert was fantastic. He truly deserves the title of music legend. The audience, however, seemed content to rock out in their seats instead of standing up and sharing the experience with the rest of the audience.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ray was extremely personable in his interaction with the audience ("I have to talk to somebody"), relaying the essence of rock - fun and freedom to express both joyful and sad insights about experience and life. Hasn't lost his voice and showmanship. He presented a reasonable range of his works - NO LOLA, though. Choir was OK on some works, a bit too overbearing on others, taking away from the nuances of the songs - not what is musically supposed to happen; worked OK on "Walter," though. "See My Friends" did not benefit from the choir much A Capella - needs the guitars. Good operatic onetime experiment (a la Who) - but lose the choir, the songs stand alone just fine. Good band, although only one more original Kink member left (on keyboards). Excellent lead guitarist - plays BIG. Pretty good venue.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He started with two on stasge then had the band come out and then the choir and then the band did a last set. Would see the show again lot's of sing along but alas no Lola :(
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With some trepidation at first, the choral arrangements of '60's Kinks was indeed a good idea that at times was more than just pleasant, but very moving. Especially good were the tunes that had such vocal parts on the original versions. If you'd seen Ray's previous tour for his second solo album, just add the new release of "Kinks Choral Collection" and you've got the show that took place at The Orpheum on Nov. 14th '09 - L.A. The added bonus for the evening turns-out to be the theatre itself ! Ray in great spirits, some of the greatest tunes every written, and excellent musicians (including Ian Gibbons of The Kinks)...a wonderful evening !
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies is an incredibly skilled songwriter, musician and performer. All of this skill was evident at the Orpheum last night. If you're thinking about going to this performance wherever you live, you should. I know you'll love it even if you are not a staunch Kinks/Davies fan. And, as he pointed out at the end of the show, once he stops touring, you'll never see anything like him again. His band was great including his long-time guitarist Bill Shankley and featuring former Kinks player Ian Gibbons on keyboards. The Choral Group, Vox Society, was excellent, too. Davies "rocks out" better than any performer I know and some of that was on display as well.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Openning the show with five songs written in five different decades, Ray Davies pleased his long time fans without resorting to becoming a nostalgia act. His voice was strong and still in register; and his selection of songs helped to showcase his legendary voice. Introducing a chorus to back up to about half the set added a marvelous element to the proceedings without feeling gimmicky. Prior to introducing the choir, Ray ran through a quick set of early Kinks Klassics, reminding us all that Green Day is merely a pale reflection of a vibrant time past. If there was a criticism of this particlular show it was the chorale song selection that favored the "Kinks are The Villiage Green Preservation Society", pleasant enough for hard core fans, but at the cost of omitting several notable Kinks standards (including Lola!?!). The entire show was accompanied by a lively audience, singing along to nearly every song, reminding Ray, perhaps, that he always has a choir when he plays Los Angeles.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was at a minimum one of the best concerts I've ever seen in my life. At age 65 Ray Davies wipes the floor with young modern stars and other classic artists as well. Keeping it 100% real throughout, every song was straight from the heart and went straight to my heart. Ray kept the audience constantly engaged with his trademark stage style. Showcasing his vast catalog through three different band formats (duo, rock quintet, 29-voice choir) the effect was emotional overwhelming.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was a blast. Davies put a new, yet traditional spin on all of his old hits. Loved it.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As well as being one of rock's true geniuses, Ray is so professional, and develops a wonderful rapport with the audience. The first part of the gig was an acoustic set during which he did new arrangements of several of the greatest songs, including Waterloo Sunset and Ape Man. This was my favorite part. The second part added the rhythm section and keyboards, and really rocked. Ray showed no signs of the damaged leg, but the sound was not great - the sound guys had it too loud, and there was too much distortion. If they wanted it that loud, they needed bigger amps and speakers. And the mix was too heavy on the bass and drums. Sound quality was the only drawback to this part. After the interval, he brought on a large choir (and named them incorrectly as "Vox Choir"), and this basically did not work. Not that they detracted from the performance; they were just unnecessary. I know he is trying to push the artistic envelop, and kudos to him for that, but if he wants to use a choir, he should use them for a much smaller number of songs - only for those songs where they really added something. The rhythm section was competent, but the drummer should tone it down a bit, have more finesse and less crashing. Ray is a true living legend and a treasure - I look forward to next time.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the best show I've seen in a long time. Ray was really masterful at getting the crowd involved. He was very witty and for the most part the show had a conversational feel to it. The crowd was expectedly older so for me as someone still in my twenties who goes to shows to dance and let out energy, I felt a little constricted at times because I didn't want to irritate the other concert-goers. The choral interpretations of his songs were not too far removed from the original versions. I didn't think it was possible to improve on the harmony of Waterloo Sunset, the choir did a fantastic job on that one.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
He plays lots of new and old. he songs are short so you get to here lots of them. he is funny and entertaining during the songs and between them. His fans are with him all the way. heis honest about his ups and downs and why he wrote most his songs. The inclusion of achois in te second half of the show was brilliant. Definitely a show for anyone who was listening to the Kinks in their earlier years. Not sure why he did not play LOLA.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My friends and I have been fortunate enough to have seen and witnessed many of the "Originals!" Ray and Dave Davies are amongst the BEST! We have seen him here at the Warfield the last three times he's been in town, and he never ceases to entertain, amuse, and captivate us all. . . it's great to know he's still out there pumping out his fantastic, unique brand of MUSIC!
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Warfield is not the best venue for a concert. The seats are cramped, the sound upstairs deplorable especially with the band. But having not really paid much attention to Ray Davies for almost 3 decades, it is clear that his ebullient and joyful spirit and compositional and performing genius has not diminished one iota. It was a really great show, just as every show I have ever had the pleasure to attend. One caveat - Why six songs from Village Green Preservation Society ?- a wonderful album indeed but there were many other songs from a multitude of albums which would have benefited from the choral framework. Personally I would enjoy a more diverse retrospective. And Ray, who gives a damn about those pathetic record business people who didn't appreciate your true and lasting genius. Suggestion: As one who has an amazing relationship with his fans - get some input from them on the songs they would like you to perform. I am pleased that many people will now get to know your music for the first time in the movie Pirate Radio. God Bless Ray Davies!
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One would need to write two separate reviews for this show. My biggest gripe about Ray for many years now is his tendency to yell, rather than sing as well as his tendency to play with a band that is too loud, not doing justice to his amazing ballads. The five stars in my review apply to the second set. He started the evening sitting on a stool with an acoustic guitar, the way it should be with him in my opinion. He played a few oddities including I Need You and Ape-man, but then quickly moved into a greatest hit, electric set that was too loud and is virtually unchanged over the last 30 years. His best sounding material from this set was the newer songs, like Vietnam Cowboy. Thankfully that was just the first set. The focus on this tour is Ray's effort in bringing to life some of the Kink's music with the help and backing of a full choir. The second set is when the magic began to unfold and what we heard were songs that long-time, die-hard Kinks fans have waited all their lives to hear. He started the set by saying that he was going to play a couple of tunes from Arthur. When he said this, my mind ran with possibilities. I was disappointed to hear that Victoria was one of them, we've heard that a million times. But he did play Shangrila, and that was a treat. He explained his inspiration for the next song coming from a trip to India before launching into See My Friends, the droning sitar being replaced by the choir's droning, another treat. He went on to mention an album that, in terms of popular opinion and record sales, he says was a complete failure. To us Kinks fans, however, it contains quintessential songs that were part of the foundation of our love affair with this band. The album was The Village Green Preservation Society, and the treats started pouring from the stage. The most magical part of the evening was when Rav sang the melodic Village Green. It was soft and beautiful and Ray hit high notes that were buttery as he remembered an innocent place that he longed to return to. Picture Book, with it's fast paced look at why we take pictures.....scooby-dooby-do, was fantastic. He made his way through obscure classics like Johnny Thunder, Village Green Preservation Society, with it's tongue twisting list of things worth preserving from another, more idyllic time. Heck, just the closing line of that song made the evening worth while, "God Save the Village Green". He sang of similar sentimental feelings in Do you Remember Walter? The big surprise of the evening for me, however, was Big Sky. I couldn't have imagined hearing Ray sing that before last night. It was perfect. He rounded out the evening with a few other nice things to hear, but only one other gem, which was Days. There were several songs done that we've heard over and over for many years and I question his need to include You Really Got Me and All Day and All the Night in a set like this. It's as if he can't leave a single venue without playing those. And, while it's a great song, at least he didn't play Lola. It, like so many others is over played. Celluloid Heroes was beautiful and very well sung as were a couple of newer tunes. I don't have the full set list and I may be forgetting some classics. But it's the ones we're not used to hearing that stand out here. So, you see one really does need two separate reviews for this show. It was like two separate shows. But all in all, Ray delivered songs that hit the sweet spot of any long-standing Kinks fan or anyone who finds his older ballads and song writing abilities to be the gift to the world that is truly is. In my mind, in my dreams, I will always hold a special place for the Kinks and the bothers Davies and always........ I will return there and I'll see "Davies" and we'll sip tea, laugh, and sing about the Village Green. Thank you Ray, I bless the light the shines on you believe me.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After 40 plus years, the master commentator of English life and the human condition still presents a captivating aural and visual treat. The depth and expansiveness of the Davies' catalog was superbly showcased in the solo selections, those with his superb band and the incredible accompaniment of the 28 voice Chorale. The audience was treated to a terrifically satisfying 2 1/2 hour excursion into the magical storytelling, poetic vignettes and musicianship that made Davies an incomporable star. He remains at a level unmatched by any one individual. No artist draws an audience into the performance-and becoming part of the performance- like the erstwhile Kink. This visit to The Bay Area was a show to be savored and remembered.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray ROCKS! and the choir is awesome! Best Ray show I've seen, we had so much fun dancing around and the crowd around us were a total BLAST! Great setup at theWarfield, btw. I want to do it again!!!
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies is the best songwriter, ever. His shows are giant music hall singalongs; songs better than Cole Porter's, set to remarkable rock and roll, and, in this case, a lovely chorus. Who else's music could have stood up to this? Even those who do not know this huge catalog well will find scores of familiar lovelies. And there are hundreds more where those came from.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There's nothing like experience and Ray has it. I think Ray Davies puts on the best shows and I never miss one. It's also a pleasure to go to a concert and feel like the artist is glad to be there. Plus, Ray Davies is genuinely witty.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As usual Ray Davies was the ultimate entertainer using humor, satire and crowd involvement sing alongs to put on a great show!!!
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing concert...better than the real Kinks concerts I've seen in the past. Choir was an astounding addition to already great music. Ray Davies deserves accolades for his career and continuing innovation.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Thu, Nov 12, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was great. The blend of acoustic, rock and the chorus was amazing. Ray still has it all; poetry, musicality, and showmanship. Only issue was the distorted sound when they were really rocking. Don't know if it was the acoustics of the Warfield or what. Who are the Vox Society Chorus ? Can't find them anywhere on the net. Now a dig on the theater. What's up with theatre policy where they continue seating people 30 minutes into the show? Come on people, get your act together.
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, what a night. Quiet, poetic, acoustic; a delightfully chanted 'See My Friend' and ROCK. Geez that was some show. Many of his classics included and they have lost none of their raw power. And best of all Ray was clearly having a ball. And so were we all - up and dancing in the aisles.
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray's voice is it! None ever like it in rock and roll. The 88s proved to carry his music very well, and their own opening tunes were a nice mix of 50s style ballad/stories with 60s pop hooks.
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my eighth time seeing Ray, five with the Kinks and three as an solo act. The show was great he still has it,even at 68 years old. The opening band was great. Really enjoyed how Ray came out and did an acoustic set before the band joined in. I recommend seeing him, a show worth the money, a piece of rock and roll history.
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best shows I have been to, and I have been to a lot! It was a little too loud .
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent show...much better than the last time I saw him at that was an outstanding show too!
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw Ray Davies previously in 2009, in San Francisco. This was my second time seeing him. He was better than ever! He was very energetic and entertaining, and his voice sounded great. He certainly knows how to work a crowd. I definitely plan on attending more of his concerts in the future!
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies sounds better now than he did in the 60's. Great musician and lots of fun! He is an amazing musician and his music is as good today as it ever was.
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
...and lots of other Kinks tunes was great! Ray Davies' voice sounds the same as it did 35 years ago when I was a Kinks fan.
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He was funny. He told great stories. And he entertained and rocked through 2 hours of non stop Kinks and solo great song after great song. Best concert in a long time.
Aladdin Theater - Portland, OR - Sun, Jul 15, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A youthful Ray Davies did his thing with and without choir. Upper level seats did not hinder the concert experience. The theater itself is a masterpiece of fine art.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
He was excellent although I really wanted to just hear Lola! Wish he played that
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ray repeated same songs during the show and did not include in set list the classical Kinks songs. I came to this show with great expectative but was very dissapointed.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Never been disappointed with a Ray Davies concert. Even in his drunken Kinks days. Sober, he delivered a set made up almost completely of Kinks Klassics. He only included 2 of his solo tunes, Thanksgiving Day and Postcard. This was fine with me! His solo material is good. The Kinks material is great! He had his English band with him instead of the dreadful American 88's(YEAH). He played for over 2 hours. Somehow I always leave a Ray/ Kinks gig smiling. This was no exception. He was joined by a choir for the second half.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It is not possible for me to dislike Ray Davies, but this was not his best night. It was the worst I have seen him. There were three problems, a choir, acoustics, and duplicates. The choir in the second set was out of place for a rock and roll band. Just Ray and his lead guitarist played acoustics for part of the first set and that did not work either for Ray's music. But the most puzzling thing was his performing songs like Victoria and I believe two others twice, once per set. There were songs I and others wished he did, as always, so it seems pointless to do a song twice. In all, I think I have seen his solo act four times and this was my fourth favorite.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies is the master, a living legend who did not disappoint; great choice of songs, and the arrangements of the Choral Collection songs were way cool. The amps on the guitars did drown out the chorus at times, so maybe they could have turned it down an notch to let the chorus come through. Great view, however the Beacon Theater seating is designed for people 120lbs and less, which keeps it very tight (and who wants that at a rock concert??) also there is just no room to jam in the place, a bit claustrophobic..but it looks pretty good!
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A cracking night out, Ray was on fine form. I am from London and was in NY for the weekend and treated my mum to tickets, she absolutely loved it. Says it was the best concert she has been too! The band and the choir was amazing and it was a really great night out. I hope he brings this show back to London soon.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
i took my 15 yr old daughter and her friend to see ray davies at the beacon theater in ny.he played 2 amazing sets.one with the dessoff choir who absolutely hit it out of the park. he sang all his great kinks classics & his voice sounded like it did 40 yrs ago.best show i've seen this year.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies is a brilliant and extraordinarily generous performer.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ray Davies is a great entertainer. He is very personable and engaging. He clearly enjoys what he is doing and his music is terrific. Only criticism - the sound: either he swallows some of his words or the system was not set high enough, or both.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Ray sounded great. Was great with the audience and I really liked him, but in his first mostly accoustic set he played Victoria, Waterloo Sunset and All Day and All of the Night, which he played with the band and choir on the 2nd set. He has so many other songs in his catalog, that I kind of felt cheated to hear three of the same songs twice, even if a couple of the songs were done accoustically and sounded a little different. But bottom line It was a great show.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
...of waiting for Ray to rock! Did decent acoustic 1st set accompanied by his guitar player, which included a few old Kinks gems, but then took long intermission and returned with 60-member choir (who weren't mentioned when I bought tix--didn't go to see them!) and a very, very quiet (ho hum!) 2nd set. Our group waited....and waited for Ray to kick it up and give us what we came for, but he just never delivered. Also played THREE songs TWICE, once in each set. This was my 1st time seeing Ray live, and I couldn't wait for this show, but it was ultimately a big disappointment. Kinks fans, BEWARE :(
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The 88s opened up for Ray Davies and they were awesome. Then Ray Davies came out with another guitar player (and he was really good) and the two of them played with just their guitars and that was really good. Then the 88s joined Ray and the other player (so sorry I can't recall his name, but he is from County Cork in Ireland) and they all played several tunes, most of them were the old kinks songs. He was great and I can't wait until he returns to this area.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A good show from Ray Sunday night at the Beacon Theatre. Would rather have not had the choir singing background on the second set. But none the less a wonderful evening was had by all!
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My wife and I saw Ray with the Desoff Choir two years ago and was completely blown away. This time was not a let down. As a matter of fact it measured up completely. If you get a chance to see this combo don't pass it up.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray gave his audiences everything they could want. Many Kinks favorites delivered in expected and unexpected ways, from a soulful "Waterloo Sunset" and "Days" to a rockin' "All Day And All Of The Night," to a number of songs with the Dessof Choir who helped re-imagine the music with a unique breadth of sound and voice. One of the closers, "Lola" brought everyone to their feet. Aside from the music, which was spot-on for any fan, Ray comes across with genuine love for performing and affection for the audiences. Quips and stories in-between songs made the night feel personal and special.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the Beacon theatre is a great place to see a concert and Ray Davies was as usual absolutely amazing. The concept of more or less 3 different types of concert - acoustical, bank and choral - was very different and pleasant.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Davies had amazing interaction with his audience. It was so intimate that I would liken it to an evening at his home, playing loved songs for loved friends.
Beacon Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Nov 20, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A most enjoyable show beginning to end. Ray was his usual personable self, connecting with the audience better than most performers could or would, as well as giving a first class musical performance. The first half of the show, both acoustic & electric, was awesome. The second half, which included an 80+ voice choir, provided a different take on some Davies/Kinks classics and was also quite mind-blowing. It was fun to hear Ray speak (mostly lovingly) about his brother Dave who he failed to mention when I saw him at Westbury earlier this year. I've seen Ray Davies many times over the past several decades. He continues to deliver great anecdotes, great music, and a great performance. Great job Raymond Douglas Davies. Keep it coming.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ray still has full command of his voice, his guitars and the stage. It's amazing that a man of his years (67?) can still put on such a great show. The only reason he loses a star is that the set list included two songs twice (Victoria & VIllage Green) and didn't include anything from the later Kinks era. "Living on a Thin Line" or "Working at the Factory" would have been perfect with the choir.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rock icon Ray Davies, founding member of Kinks, presented an intimate look into one of the British Invasion's most prolific and important working class artists ever to emerge from England. He is a master storyteller and songwriter, who in a mostly acoustic setting took the audience on, in his own words, one ordinary Englishman s journey. But his vast works both from his long solo carrier and as lead singer for the Kinks, interlaced with his back-stories and inspirations, proved otherwise in his mostly acoustic performance last night. His frequently alternated acoustic guitars, along with a lead guitar accompaniment, did not limit his ability to rock the house with such Kink's staples as Where Have All the Good Times Gone, Til the End of the Day and All Day and All of the Night. He finished up an unforgettable evening with a bring the house to their feet electric set which included his smash hits Low Budget, Lola, You Really Got Me and others, backed by opening act The 88 s.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the 49th time in some incarnation that I have seen Ray Davies or the Kinks since 1979. They are the greatest live band for fan partisapation of them all. I feel that I have the right to say that since I have seen over 850 shows starting when I was 16 years old. I am 47 now and have seen everyone in rock twice. Even at 65 years young, Ray spent the entire evening trying to get everyone involved in the show. The show opened with a band called "The 88". A fairly tight young band that sounded good. Their highpoint was the keyboardest solo on their final number. They were good and kept my attention during their brief set. They would later be brought back out to do the final 4 songs with Ray as the band! Ray was with fellow guitarest, Bill Shanley again. I had seen them together the last few times I seen Ray. They compliment eachother great professionally. A side note, Bill did an awesome job on Daves leads during the full band songs set! The intro to Low Budget was to die for. Very tight! The show was like all the others I have seen Ray do since "The Storyteller" tour almost 10 years ago. He does of course choose different songs to match the mood of society at the time of the show. When you have such a vast selection of work, that is not a problem. Tonights show was reminisant of the first time I seen Storeyteller at The West Bank Theater in NYC. I also want to tell you that that show became the template for the very first Storeyteller show on VH1. Yes Ray was the first one to do that. As always, I felt a bond during the show at Dallas' Palladium on St. Patricks night. I will always have a warm spot in my heart for Ray and I still feel, after the show that that will not be the last time I will see Mr. Davies perform live. God Bless Ray Davies!
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a treat! Primarily acoustic and excellent sound. Not too loud like the Fillmore which is noise. This was intimate and clean, even when they got rockin. The 88s were a great warmup and came on to play with Ray and Bill. Awesome show. Just too short.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies still has it. His lengthy music career in rock brings with it so many songs that get the place jumping, and others that make us remember why we listened in the first place. Davies is a true artist; the evening was well-organized with different segments... Ray and his very-talented friend Bill Shanley on lead guitar playing some recognizable tunes (for which he still sounds like him), then a great bit from his solo career, then a few tunes that he claims were in 'motion pictures,' and finally the band that opened for him (he is touring with Los Angeles-based "The 88") come out and perform even more Kinks songs with the full band. I heard every Kinks song I wanted to hear but also got a great experience out of it and feel like I know him now. Highly, highly recommended if you have the opportunity. I found out he was going to be in town, snapped up tickets, and could not be more thrilled. Seating was general admission for our event, so we could move around and even mosh if we wanted (the mosh-ers had opportunity to rally for autographs!)
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let me start off with something that pretty much sums it all up.....OMG! The Ray show at the Riviera Theater in Chicago last night ROCKED! My two sons & I were in the front row, as usual, slightly left of center. From the first song until the last, Mr. Davies had the crowd in the "palm of his hand", what a magnificant entertainer that man is. Some of my show "highlights" were Apeman, Two Sisters (which I'd never seen played before), In a Moment, Sunny Afternoon, and of course, All Day & all of the night and You Really Got me. You Really got Me was performed with the "88". Ray's selection of Mr. Bill Shanley as an accompanyist was superb. Mr. Shanley definitely knows his way around a guitar. The back up band for Ray was the "88", another very nice selection. The last five songs were performed by Ray, backed by the "88". The house was rock'in, all night long, especially after the "88" came on stage with Ray. From what I could see the house was packed and nearly everyone was singing along with all of their favorite Kinks & Ray tunes. This show was my youngest son's first real "rock-n-roll show". He's 12 and I think this one's going to be very hard to top for him. He got to be in the front row, he got Ray to sign the cd cover to The Kinks Choral Collection, and he shook Mr. Davies hand. He was in total awe. I stood behind him and played the part of the very proud father, knowing that another generation will have an appreciation for the most "underrated" songwriter and performer ever.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unforgettable performance! Ray Davies sounded great and I loved how he ended it rocking out with the 88. He is the coolest.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fun, different, upbeat. Old songs, new songs. Ray's great stage presence came through from the opening acoustic set through the closing encore, Low Budget. The choral group added a lot to most songs, too much to others-but worth the experiment. Only downer-morons in the audience who kept flipping paper plates on stage. As Ray noted, it's only paper, but what a distraction. too bad the security guards were too busy signalling each other with flashlights and yelling at the occasional guy with a flash camera (now there's irony!) to stop the paper platers from striking again during the encore. Ray's band was terrific, too, particularly the lead guitarist and the drummer.
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I must say I was a little aprehensive regarding the choral poriton of the show. But Ray Delievered. He divided the concert in to three parts... Acoustic section with great kinks classics...then full band Rock out with More Electric Kinks Classic plus a few off his fantastic solo albums ( after the fall to name one). Then a short intermission before the most amazing Choral perforamce I have heard acappella versions of See my freinds well as a "you really got me" that will blow your mind.. and a version of Days that will make your eyes well unless you have ice in your veins. I bought the Choral collection the next day.. GREAT SHOW GREAT THEATER
Orpheum Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Nov 14, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The well-respected man had only to walk onto the stage for his dedicated followers to give him a standing ovation. With only his acoustic guitar joined by Bill Shanley also on guitar, Ray Davies brought us all into his living room inviting us to sing along on I Need You. The Warfield crowd of Ray Davies aficionados did not Forget the Lyrics as Davies encouraged--enthusiastically demanded--all of us to belt it out. The acoustic set, which included such classics as (I m not like) Everybody Else, Dedicated Follower of Fashion and Sunny Afternoon were interspersed with soulful and rocking ballads of more recent Davies compositions. Davies brought out the rest of the band and went electric with After the Fall from his album, Other Peoples Lives, a song he wrote about his recovery from a personal breakdown. Davies, at 65, exhibited the energy and persona of a 30 year old as he animated his way around his powerful story-telling lyrics and melodies. The familiar 80s song, Come Dancing ended the first set. After the break, nearly 30 choral singers (the Vox Society Choir) directed by David Temple filled the back of the stage and began a harmonic second set of familiar Kinks songs. Davies exclaimed, You ll never hear this next song quite like this again\u2014unless you buy the CD, of course (referring to The Kinks Choral Collection) and it was no surprise to hear them ornament "You Really Got Me" enjoyable like you ve never heard it! For my own personal enjoyment, Davies and the Choir served up a rousing Victoria and an ethereal Celluloid Heroes, followed by Waterloo Sunset and Days. The man can write! What great songs. And they re still coming. His latest solo albums have produced soon to be classic songs. The show was one of the best I ve ever seen, second only to the Kinks Schoolboys in Disgrace tour I caught in February 1975 in Sacramento. I loved all those Dead shows I went to, but Ray Davies was and always will be on the top of my chart. Thank you for the Days\u2026Ray.
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What can I say, this show exceeded all my expectations! Ray was great, he's still got it. He covered a wide selection of Kinks songs and a few of his own. The first half of the show is him and another guitarist doing acoustic set then the band comes on including Ian his original keyboardist. They rock and it was great to hear. The 2nd act he includes the choral arrangements and it was fantastically fun to hear. My only recommendation would have been to have the choir's sound mixed up a bit more to hear them a little better. But other than that it was great. He only is playing about 10 dates in the states so if you have a chance GO!
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Best concert I've been to since the 70s... Ray was in great voice, sang loads of Kinks songs as well as his own from his solo career. He was so charismatic and energetic. I was expecting a great concert, but Ray was greater than great. Even as he has been touring for decades and singing the same songs from his extensive catalog, he still brings freshness and life to the stage. He was appreciative of the audience and truly appeared to love his work.
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray and The 88 were great but sound may have been a bit off
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When Ray first walked on stage, I thought "Oh my gosh, my dad is performing". But Ray soon proved me wrong. He can still rock out and he knows how to work a room. I felt as though I was in a small club in the 60's. So fun!
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show began with The 88 who was an excellent band ! Ray Davies voice was still strong and he did many great Kinks tunes ! He did have good energy, considering his age, but only one encore. A few key songs were missing, such as LOLA, A WELL RESPECTED MAN and YOU REALLY GOT ME. Overall, a very good show !
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ray Davies is legendary and one of the best songwriters in rock n' roll! It was great to finally get to see him live. Really enjoyed some of the songs and especially "You Really Got Me". Unfortunately, walked away at the end of the concert disappointed and a little down that he didn't perform 3 of his greatest and most famous songs: "Well Respected Man", "So Tired", and unbelievably "Lola". We drove a long way to see him and came away only partially fulfilled. Hopefully he will do these classics in the future for other fans to enjoy.
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He was great! Full of energy and raring to go. Great that he performed 2 songs from Misfits in his encore.
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
it would apply to Ray Davies. His ability to both entertain and involve his audience is beyond compare. He is also without doubt one of the great song writesr of the generation.
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love the venue (The Wiltern LA) where I saw Ray Davis this weekend, but the actual show left me something to be desired. I took my best friend for his birthday to see Ray as he and I are both high fans of The Kinks. However, the concert was very lacking! Ray Davies voice was not at his best, the opening act's music not very good and the lead singer's voice kind of screechy. The concert didn't start until 9:30, two hours after it was scheduled to start, a bit ridiculous! And what was most disappointing was that Davies kept teasing the crowd with "Lola" and said: "you aren't ready for that" and NEVER played the song, not even during encore performance. All in all, we were a bit disappointed and underwhelmed to say the least!
The Wiltern - Los Angeles, CA - Sat, Jul 21, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ray Davies (and his beloved Kinks) has been my favorite artist for years. Forget his age, he's in great shape, full of energy, and his voice is amazing. Thankfully, he enjoys playing intimate venues like The Wiltern & The Orpheum. The Wiltern is a great place to see a show, but when there's reserved seating on the floor, people constantly try to move up and sit where they're not supposed to. Causes some disruption, I'm just saying that The Wiltern might want to to watch out for that. Otherwise... loved it!
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best show I have been to for quite a longtime.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
He didn't Play LOLA. I suppose this adds to the myth of Ray Davies, but I sure would've loved seeing him play Lola. Maybe not the best venue to see him play. Standing room is much better because his songs are so dance-friendly (COME DANCING). He did tease with the opening riff to Lola and then muttered something. I didn't quite catch what he said. He did an acoustic set and then came out with the opening act (The 88s) and played some great songs. I would recommend it definitely.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome show. Would see him again anytime. Great mix of songs. Liked his using the 88 as his backup band and singers for part of the concert
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great set , great players, Great Show ! Catch this show if you can !!
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ray came out with Shanley and did acoustic stuff (which I thought was pretty solid). When the 88's joined, he was trying, but the crowd wasn't giving him anything back, which I think took the energy level down. First encore, with 3 songs from Sleepwalker/Misfits/Low Budget, was unexpected. Second encore of Lola, after the lights had gone on and elevator music playing, was great. It felt like he came out for a 2nd encore because maybe the show was a little flat. The show at the Warfield a few years ago with the choir was superior. Maybe the 88's didn't do it for me.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was great being a room full of very enthusiastic, Kink-loving, rock music fans at the Fillmore. Perhaps no one s quite a Kinks fanatic as I am, but some were close. Ray opened the show in an acoustic duo setting with guitarist Bill Shanley, then added his opening band The 88 and rocked out. What can I say it was a set list filled with hits, near classics, and obscure gems: From the opening "I need You, "This is where I belong" , to "Apeman", "20th Century Man," and "Celluloid Heroes", to the encore which pleased me but maybe not everyone else: a tribute to late 70's Kinks--"Misfits", "Full Moon", and "Low Budget". Ray's voice was not 100% at all times but his enthusiasm and energy has not waned since my first Kinks show in 1980. God save the Kinks and God save Ray Davies. Now if only he and his brother could just get that 50th anniversary tour together...
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you're reading this, you have probably heard of the Kinks and can name a few of their songs, but you're wondering if it is worth seeing Ray Davies live. Stop thinking about it, buy a ticket and GO! I was completely mesmerized by Ray when I first saw the Kinks in 1976, and he has never disappointed me since. Don't miss the opportunity to see one of the true giants of rock and roll in the relatively small, intimate theaters that he typically plays. He is warm, witty and relaxed on stage, and can draw from a catalog of songs that is on par with, and in many cases better than, the other great British Invasion bands of the 1960s. Plus, his concert appearances are never quite the same. The first half of his Napa performance consisted of acoustic duets with his longtime guitar partner, Bill Shanley. Many of the songs had an English folk twist, and even the rockers sounded as solid as if a full band was backing him. In the second half of the concert, Ray and Shanley were joined on stage by The 88, an LA indie rock band that has recorded and toured with Ray frequently the last couple of years. The set list consisted mostly of 60's Kinks classics, but Ray threw in a couple of late-70s Kinks songs that he has not often performed (Misfits and Full Moon), as well as a couple of 2000s songs from his recent solo CDs (In A Moment and Next Door Neighbor). Whether old or new, Ray's songs stand the test of time -- the passion is there and the lyrics are mature and thoughtful enough that it seems natural for Ray (in great shape at age 68) to still be singing them. I could go on and on, but I'll just end this by saying that Ray Davies is one true artist that every rock lover should see.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Older guys still rock! Two encores and I have never seen an audience sing along like this, ever! It had a great community spirit. Highly suggested if you are in LA or SD this weekend. Does anyone know the name of the opening act? They were excellent as well, but never saw their name on the billing...
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Saw Ray Davies at the Uptown Theater on July 17th and I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable concerts I have ever attended - and I have been to more concerts through the years than I can remember. First off, it was such a great pleasure to see one of the early pioneers of rock perform, both the old songs, as well as some of his newer solo material. Having always been a fan of The Kinks, I was so gald to be able to see their founding member do his thing - and what a performance. He has such a knack for getting the audience fully involved with the show, that halfway through the show everyone was up on their feet, signing and dancing along with him. It was like raising the roof at a old English beer hall - which is what he promised we would all do before the evening was over. If he ever comes through my area again, I will be there. ps - the opening act, The 88, who also back Davies during his show, where also very, very good.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Tue, Jul 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes you wonder whether old rockers have the stamina to give a high energy show. Ray Davies exceed my expections. He re created the old Kinks numbers with verve and without looking bored. His newer tunes were pleasant too. Kinks fans were out in droves this night. Sing-alongs were high energy with full participation. Ray Davies has not forgotten how to rock and roll, and along with his back up band, the 88, the boogie continued through the end.
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the whole audience was electrified the NAPA UPTOWN THEATER STUFF is the almost friendly and most helpful in the world
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Davies is on top of his Game? Voice was Pure,yhis was a Fantastic Concert?
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I only gave the show 4 stars, because I would like him to return soon to pick up the one he left in the bag. This man can write songs on the same level as John Lennon, most of the songs on the setlist gave goose bumps to almost all in attendance. Most of the songs from the Kinks era, were perfect and dead on, only "David Watts" failed to deliver. He has so many to choose from, filling that slot with "Apeman or Destroyer, or even Rush Hour Blues or Long Tall Shorty, would have worked so much better. Ray's banter with the audience was clever , witty and totally entertaining. Most of the crowd was 50 or older, but it was so nice to see, the younger crowd represented and so well behaved. For me there was a nice moment during an intermission where Buffalo's "Willie Nile" took a stroll around the lower section and had a little "meet and greet" with some of the audience , and I did spot the singer from the Chesterfield Kings out in the lobby before the show. As for the opening/backup band..the 88's, two words...suprisingly stunning.
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing performance!! One of the best concerts that I have attende in years. I actually think he is better now than back in the 60's. This was definitely a treat for me. Loved the interaction with the audience and his stories from years gone by.
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ray Davies was great,especially when he did his Classics such as You Really Got Me and All day and all of the night,The 88's back him quite well but when they were alone a bit loud and long-winded.
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The old man can still ROCKS! I was surprised that he still jumped around the stage quite a bit. His setlist was a perfect mix of ballads, whimsical satires, and the true rock it out KINKS tunes. Great show!
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This concert was very enjoyable! Made me think of my younger days. Davies was friendly, witty with the audience and his energy was amazing! Took my 25 year old son who thought it was a great show. His acoustic stuff was awesome!
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible, ageless talent. Ray Davies is really a storyteller, disguised as an aging rock star. I was 13 when the Kinks hit. EVERY kid in the neighborhood put down their violins and trumpets, bought guitars, and quickly learned "You Really Got Me". Way easier to rip through a Kinks song than a Beatles song... . Ray Davies voice and grace on stage was that of a real English gentleman. Too bad Dave Davies wasn't there...Maybe Next Year?
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is definitely in my top 5 concerts, Ray was still top of his game. I loved the old stuff but trully liked his new stuff also. Kudos, Ray you still have it!
University At Buffalo Center for the Arts - Buffalo, NY - Sun, Nov 13, 2011
[Temporary disabled]Ray Davies needs your feedback
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