Hope Sandoval

Hope Sandoval

Hope Sandoval Concert & Tour Photos

picture # 1

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The show started out beautifully. We were entranced up to the 5(?) song, before she abruptly left the stage. Hard to tell which of the four excuses given were the actual cause. She finally came back to finish the show about 40 minutes later. Though she did return, by that time the spell had been broken. Seems like the limelight isn't for everyone, which I can sympathize with, but maybe choose another profession or stop touring?
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 11, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Experiencing the band s music live adds so many additional layers to the overall sound. You name it...everything is more , more haunting, more visceral, more moving, more complete. So glad I got to go to the show! : )
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 11, 2017
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hope stormed off the stage after 5 songs, not returning for 55 minutes. They then finished an abbreviated set in which Hope lost her place during the final song, fumbling through her harmonica parts.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 11, 2017
Great American Beer Festival :: If You Ever Leave Me, I'm Going with You :: Motown All-Star Reunion :: X-Ecutioners :: The Heavenly Horse
[Temporary disabled] Hope Sandoval needs your feedback
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