Jean Leloup

Jean Leloup

Fan Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Incredibly uninspired and uninspiring performance. The man is a great guitar player, but he seems to have lost his desire to write actual songs. Instead, it's just vamping on three chords for an hour (and not interesting vamping, either). The band - the one word that comes to mind is mediocre. The lighting: great, if you like being blinded and made to feel like you're inside a camera flash bulb and can't escape. If the music had matched the attitude on-stage, it would have been a fantastic show. As it was, this was a serious let-down.
Métropolis - Montreal, QC - Sat, Nov 12, 2011
Written On Water :: Kevin Max :: Sect Seven :: Texas Motor Speedway Parking :: In'cline'ation
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