Feelin' Fine Fest

Feelin' Fine Fest

Feelin' Fine Fest Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was the greatest show of the year! I've been to alot of concerts at concrete street, but this one really blew the others out of the water. The lineup was phenomenal & concrete street really had this show organized. Bands played back to back with little to no down time in between, which i loved; it definitely kept the vibrations going. I think the fact that reggae was the only genre of music also played a huge part in the atmosphere. Most concerts tend to get a bit rowdy but this one was just full of love & happiness between the attendees! If this review helps in any way to bring something like this back again, then I will for sure recommend this to the friends who were able to witness the wonderful night!
Concrete Street Amphitheater - Corpus Christi, TX - Fri, Mar 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If this is going to be an annual festival, you can definitely expect to be seeing me here!
Concrete Street Amphitheater - Corpus Christi, TX - Fri, Mar 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's about time they played a bigger venue! The whole festival was awesome, but Tribal Seeds always plays a great show! "This ones a big f*ck you to the illuminati!"
Concrete Street Amphitheater - Corpus Christi, TX - Fri, Mar 20, 2015
Wildling :: House of the Young :: The Rock Show :: Brother Grey :: Rest In Beats
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