Jack's Mannequin

Jack's Mannequin Concert & Tour Photos
Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once in a lifetime opportunity to catch Jack's Mannequin live! Show was engaging, lighting was spectacular. The security and ticket takers were very polite and helpful- the bartenders, not so much. This was a will-call only show- so the process of getting into the building and receiving the tickets was kind of confusing.
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've loved JM for years. Finally got to see them live and they couldn't have been any better!
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was easily the best show I've ever been to. Such an intimate venue with an unforgettable performance.
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
Rose & Rosie :: As It Is :: La Insuperable :: Paramount's Laser Spectacular, feat. the Music of Pin :: Residente: US Tour 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show rocked. All the bands that played were full of energy and played a great song selection. I had a really good time. I can't believe this show was only $15 bucks!
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Big Show lived up to it's name....the lineup was fantastic and diverse, the events center was a great venue and the crowd was a mixed bag of tweens, teens, suburbanites and older folks who came together to experience a vibe that, eventually, got everyone whipped into a frenzy! In my not so humble opinion, this is exactly what a concert is supposed to be about. It's one thing to listen to bands, but when that magic happens and you get caught up in the sights, sounds, energy and overall tsunami that rolls off the stage and you just don't want it to end......that's what I call success! The Limousines opened to a rather sparse (but very enthusiastic) crowd. I loved their set, but was amazed that the tempo is the same for the majority of their songs. Both members were good at working the stage and I'll probably go buy their album now. They were the perfect band to jumpstart the concert. What can I say about The Airborne Toxic Event except AWESOME! I've been waiting to see them live and I was not disappointed. When they broke into "Sometime Around Midnight" the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I just wish they could have played for longer than 45 minutes.....I absoultely loved their set and I will see them every time they come to the bay area. I had no idea what to expect from The Streetsweeper Social Club. I wasn't won over until I warmed up to them. The singer had great energy and moves on the stage. Who the hell was the lead guitarist???? I gotta Google the band so I can find out....yeah, he was actually really good, but he must be great, because such a fuss was made over him. And yeah, they are more than a band.....they're a SOCIAL CLUB! By the end of their set, I wanted more....and by this time the crowd was thick and things were beginning to happen on the floor that proved that this was going to be a show to remember! I think Jack's Mannequin was next. This seemed to be the crowd favorite, but I just couldn't get into them. The entire time they were on stage, all I could think about was Coldplay...it was sort of a copycat vibe I caught. I did enjoy the crowds appreciation of them, though. They're popular enough that my opinion really doesn't matter, now, does it? LOL.....oh well! The All American Rejects were totally in the red zone.....solid, tight, funny, glittery (literally), and soooooooooooooooooooo talented! I actually felt priveliged to see them. Can you say rock God? Well....the way that puppetmaster Tyson Ritter pulled the crowd's strings qualifies him to stand in the clouds with other steller frontmen. Man, they blew everyone away with their attitude, musicality and attention to their art. I'll never listen to the radio version of "Gives You Hell" in the same way!! Oh, and kudos to the mosh pit - no one was killed....whew! Flogging Molly closed out the show, and their energy was totally contageous. You can tell they've been doing thier thing for at least a hundred years and we appreciated their frenetic vibe. I really loved the fiddle player because she was sort of the rock who stood still in the ocean of electricity surrounding her! She was like.....oh yeah, I'll just stand here and fiddle my ass off and not make a commotion...the other blokes can jump around and I'll just play.....I loved her! So....if you attended The Big Show I know you were not disappointed. I know that you're talking to your friends about it today. I know that you'll support the bands you saw by buying their music and attending thier shows. All I know is that I'll be attending this party again next year. My hat's off to you 92.3 (or 104.9...or whatever....just don't move again, okay????) Oh....and thanks for keeping the announcing time short and the focus on the bands. After all, that's what we came to see!
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was easily one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Jack's Mannequin and the All-American Rejects are two of my favorite bands. Then, to add the absolutely unmatchable live performance of Flogging Molly, this is something I won't forget anytime soon.
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved everything about the show!!! I will never forget Jack's Mannequin- Everything in Transit!!! Andrew is so talented and it made it a great 10 year anniversary show!!!
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have been to countless Jack's shows and to hundreds at the LC. That night the place was too crowded to enjoy a single thing. I know what to expect for a GA show - but this one was unacceptable. I have a decibel card that was considered void the day before the show and after the VIPs were sold out. I honestly wish I didn't make the drive from Cleveland for this show. It was a waste of time.
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was so excited for this show and I was blown away by how great it truly was. I knew this would be a great live performance but it is surreal at how good it was. Andrew is an inspiration to everyone to keep fighting and to never give up, whatever it may be. To know his story and then to see him on stage, you would have never guessed he went through cancer. Just amazing.
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Andrew puts on a great, but low-budget show and appears to be having a great time while performing.
EXPRESS LIVE! (formerly LC Pavilion) - Columbus, OH - Tue, Jan 26, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Have followed Andrew McMahon since his SoCo days. His concerts NEVER disappoint and this time was no different. Love the music and the intimate shows! House of Blues Anaheim was a tough venue, however; I couldn't see anything. I tried so many spots both upstairs and downstairs and my 5'5" stature had to settle for watching it on the television screens. Pretty bummed about that. Still wouldn't have missed this anniversary reunion for anything! So glad to have been a part of it!
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andrew McMahon (and Jack's Mannequin) never disappoint and always put on a great show, and this one was especially amazing. Shout out to the House of Blues staff in Anaheim for their helpfulness (I had a broken foot and we needed ADA seating). GREAT VENUE and I will definitely come here again.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my 7th or 8th time seeing Andrew/any of his projects in concert. He never fails to put on an amazing memorable show. He is always energetic and gets the audience into the show having an amazing time. He will forever be my favorite musician to see live!
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andrew's performances are always energetic, fun, and memorable, but this first Jack's Mannequin reunion show on New Year's Eve was by far the best show I've seen him play. Maybe it was the energy from the night, it was New Year's Eve after all, or the energy from performing as Jack's Mannequin once again, but it was an incredible, energy filled performance. It brought me back to my late college and early adulthood days, and we all sang our hearts out with Andrew. With around an hour and a half to perform, Everything in Transit only took up about 45-50 minutes of that time. With about 40 minutes left to midnight, Andrew broke out other Jack's Mannequin songs and the crowd loved it. He kept us entertained and singing along right up to midnight. By far the best show I've ever been to.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
JM is my favorite band. Something Corporate used to be. I feel inclined to review the band Jack's Mannequin or its frontman Andrew McMahon. But I will try my best to stick to the show: When a person, at least myself, knows her favorite band is disbanding and is given a date for the final show, she works and works and sets alarms to get tickets to a concert out of state. Despite the disappointment of the 11/11 show selling out to scalpers within seconds, I kept trying. I finally got my ticket! I took the trip from Chicago to L.A. I am not alone in this. Fans from all over the country gathered in the beautiful El Rey Theater for this final event. Perhaps its the bias of loving everything about this band and its music, but to say the show was anything less than amazing would be wrong. For the most part, the fans were amazing. I had a drunk group of girls behind me who were upset when their buzz was wearing off, and a girl who did not look up from her phone once for more than 3 seconds to ask her friend if she could see. The sweaty man in front of me filming the entire show annoyed me most when he was drunk enough to NEED to lean on the people around him so that he didn't end up on the floor. But all the other fans were great, jumping and singing along with one another in unison. It was upsetting to know that the band was saying goodbye, but it was uplifting to know of the thousands of dollars raised for the Dear Jack Foundation, and to also know that just because this particular band was coming to an end, the funding for cancer would not. All the favorites were played, from all 3 albums. We heard songs that were hard to play, both emotionally and physically, for Andrew. Dr Jay, a JM original member, came back for the night. In all, this show was AMazing. I cannot wait to see Andrew McMahon perform in the next chapter of his talented, inspirational life.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
JM is my favorite band. Something Corporate used to be. I feel inclined to review the band Jack's Mannequin or its frontman Andrew McMahon. But I will try my best to stick to the show: When a person, at least myself, knows her favorite band is disbanding and is given a date for the final show, she works and works and sets alarms to get tickets to a concert out of state. Despite the disappointment of the 11/11 show selling out to scalpers within seconds, I kept trying. I finally got my ticket! I took the trip from Chicago to L.A. I am not alone in this. Fans from all over the country gathered in the beautiful El Rey Theater for this final event. Perhaps its the bias of loving everything about this band and its music, but to say the show was anything less than amazing would be wrong. For the most part, the fans were amazing. I had a drunk group of girls behind me who were upset when their buzz was wearing off, and a girl who did not look up from her phone once for more than 3 seconds to ask her friend if she could see. The sweaty man in front of me filming the entire show annoyed me most when he was drunk enough to NEED to lean on the people around him so that he didn't end up on the floor. But all the other fans were great, jumping and singing along with one another in unison. It was upsetting to know that the band was saying goodbye, but it was uplifting to know of the thousands of dollars raised for the Dear Jack Foundation, and to also know that just because this particular band was coming to an end, the funding for cancer would not. All the favorites were played, from all 3 albums. We heard songs that were hard to play, both emotionally and physically, for Andrew. Dr Jay, a JM original member, came back for the night. In all, this show was AMazing. I cannot wait to see Andrew McMahon perform in the next chapter of his wonderfully talented life.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack's Mannequin was amazing as always. I LOVE the energy he puts into his performance. Very happy that I got to see his final performance.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jacks Mannequin last show was incredible! Amazing to think that this super talented group donated all proceeds to the Dear Jack Foundation Charity to fight leukemia. I'm asking all you Mannequin fans to please check out the DJF website and see how you can contribute to this great cause! EVERY MOMENT of the show was incredible...such high energy and very emotional knowing that this was the last show. Especially touching was the way Andrew treats his fans...I have met him a few times and am amazed at how HUMBLE this talented young artist is.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It had been on my bucket list to see Jack's Mannequin live for some years now and It was wonderful to fulfill that dream at their final performance as Jack's Mannequin. The show was absolutely amazing. It was apparent that Andrew and the guys were out there simply having fun and enjoying those songs with all of us. The energy was so high and unbelievably magical I enjoyed every minute and didn't want it to be over. The El Rey Theater was a great venue because shorter people like me could stand on steps around the floor and still get a great view of the band. Most of all it was a small venue which make the concert very intimate and fun. Overall it was a great night that I will not forget.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This last show was unforgettable. It was purely perfect. No words can describe how much I'll miss the band but treasure their last moment with us.
El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles, CA - Mon, Nov 12, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would recommend any show andrew puts on! He's an amazing artist! Not to mention he kicks a!# on the piano!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm sad this was the last show but if you ever get the opportunity to see Andrew McMahon in any capacity, under any name, do it.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The opening acts, although fun, were a little drawn out, especially the second one (7+ songs for an opening act...?)However, as soon as jack's came on stage, the 2 hour wait was worth it- Andrew has the most unbelievable energy and drive when he's on stage and really loves interacting with the crowd, especially in small venues such as Irving Plaza. The stage design, lighting and sound system all were great, and the genuine talent that Jack's Mannequin possesses was truly showcased at this show. I hope to see them live again soon!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First Jack's Mannequin concert. Andrew is amazing! He has such stage presence and delivers such raw energy to the audience. Just great to see someone play who is so into performing. From the first song it is clearly evident he is enjoying what he does.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack s Mannequin is pretty much my most favorite band, and I definitely have HIGH expectations for a concert! They didn t disappoint! Played an awesome mix of old favorites and new stellar songs, with tons of energy and just enough improving to keep it fresh. Andy was his amazing self, candid and fun and jumped on the piano really early on! LOVE THIS BAND!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the TLA has always been my favorite venue in Philly, and seeing Jack's Mannequin there makes it an even more unforgettable night. They should play there every time they're in Philly! the energy and everything is just PERFECT!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack's Mannequin is such a talented simger-songwriter.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you're a fan of Jack's Mannequin, you'll be a fan of the live show. Andrew McMahon has a unique ability to rope in his listeners more than almost any other band I've seen. You feel connected and inspired by his music and lyrics, and they really come to life when you're seeing him live. Don't miss it!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allen stone- they were amazing openers, i reallly liked them. i got a towel from one of the guys, and my friend got their setlist! jukebox the ghost- the pianist is HILARIOUS. got their setlist!! both bands stay around after the show for pics and autographs and just generally talking to fans JACKS MANNEQUIN- HOLYCRAP I GOT THE GUITAR PICK FROM THE GUITARIST. UMMMM,I FREAKED OUT. andy put on an amaaazing show, talking tot heaudience the whole time, taking pics with his new iphone. hes just, fantastic <3. deeeefinitely worth the extra $10 i spent to be one of the first 50 people in the venue!!!!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing concert.... can't wait for them to come back to the area.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Feb 3, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've seen Something Corporate shows. I've seen Jack's Mannequin shows. Both are amazing. If Andrew McMahon is there, I want to be there. He loves his fans and that is clearly shown on stage.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my second time seeing Jack's Mannequin live. They were just phenomenal. Put on a really great show.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome show! Will always see JM when they come to town! HOB has an amazing personal feel to it.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome show. Andrew is always performing so well. Can't wait to get to see him again. I really like him on a bigger stage with more room for rocking and room for a bigger audience and more standing area!
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I wasnt the biggest jacks Mannequin before this concert but I will say I really enjoyed them and I want to go out and find more of their songs for my iPod. I also want to look up jukebox the ghost. All three bands put on a great show!!!! Jacks Mannequin was amazing!!
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack's never fails they always put on a great show and are one of those bands that are so good live, they almost make listening to the CD painful... but in a good way! Cannot wait to see them again!
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andrew's voice is beautiful. Best concert I've ever been to. Better than a Coldplay concert in my opinion. Andrew is so real and kind.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been to a lot of concerts but this by far was my favorite. The band sounded amazing and played for almost 2 hours. Even the venue was one of the best with plenty of options as to where to sit or stand.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have to say, this was possibly the best show I've been to. Nothing like feeling like I'm in high school again, cruising around and listening to Andrew McMahon's musical genius. From beginning to end, the energy was high and it felt like even though it was a sold-out show, you were right there with them on stage. You can tell he loves what he does, which makes the show so much more intimate and enjoyable.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was amazing to see Andrew Mcmahon play Everything in Transit from start to finish. It was something that I thought I would never see him do again.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Dec 31, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The lights and sound were great. Everything about the show was perfect, as always.
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've seen them a lot and this was probably the best show. Two people even got engaged in the front row during a song! The Beaumont Club is my least favorite venue, but it didn't hinder the experience. Great show.
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow....that's all I have to say lol. Andrew Mcmahon is amazing and always puts on a fantastic live show. The opening acts were great too especially Lady Danville hopefully they become more popular very soon. Bottom line is my friends and I will travel anywhere to see Jack's play again and I encourage everyone else to do the same.
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words cant express how much I enjoyed this show! I have been a fan for so long and I am glad to have contributed to the Dear Jack Foundation. I cant wait until the 3rd annual show
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
They had a fabulous show put together. What with their mix of comedic opening bands, the lighthearted atmosphere and their playful "light show" and acrobatics jumping off the grand piano... It was definitely a performance that kept the audience engaged and entertained!
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was incredible. Lady Danville, Lenka and Jack's Mannequin all performed flawlessly. There was such a great energy in the Ogden throughout the night, the whole crowd was dancing and singing along and the bands really interacted with the audience.
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was honestly the best performance i had seen. Everything was great the performances, the venue, the energy of the crowd. It was all AMZAZING
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was very excited to learn that Jack's Mannequin was performing in Richmond. My friend and I arrived early to make sure we were standing close to the stage. What we did not realize is that it would be 2 hours and 40 minutes before Jack's Mannequin would actually start playing. I understand that all major performers have opening acts, but this was borderline ridiculous. Each of the three opening acts spent a good half hour setting up and sound checking and only played for about 20 minutes. By the time Jack's Mannequin took the stage, I was tired, sore, hungry, and extremely lightheaded from being surrounded by so many people for 3 hours. I was actually relieved when they only played for 45 minutes. Although they didn't play Dark Blue, their best known (and my favorite) song, they did a great job with the show.
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my fourth time seeing Jack's Mannequin and it seems that lead singer Andrew McMahon had even more energy than the last three times. Perhaps it was the crowd's energy and the large but intimate venue that made him so exuberant but either way I loved every minute of this high energy show. The opening acts were a good way to start the night. With three opening acts there was the potential to make for a long night but instead they warmed up the crowd, exponentially getting better and made for a great segue into the main event. All in all a great night!
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Best show i've seen! The zoo was an incredible setting for a concert and i had the best seats. (Would recommend row 3 instead of 1 or 2 because then you're not on the floor and up a little higher for better view.) Jack's Mannequin put on an AMAZING show as well as the opening act, Steel Train. Both rocked it 100%!
Minnesota Zoo Amphitheater - Apple Valley, MN - Tue, Jun 28, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lady Danville was very good, not to mention the guys were cuties (: Steel Train was okay, more loud than anything. & Jack's Mannequin was just amazing! No better way to put it (:
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First, Lady Danville was good but forgettable -- I enjoyed their music but nothing really stood out to me. Second, Steel Train. I was really looking forward to seeing these guys live after purchasing their album once I bought tickets to this show. At first I was very disappointed, they took their sound way over the top with huge loud guitar riffs and non-stop noise. While they were the same songs they played on the album they were way overdone on stage. After a while it grew on me, and overall it was a good display of talent, just not what I expected after listening to their album. Half way through their set the entire floor was evacuated to the basement of the auditorium due to a tornado warning in the Omaha metro. While I didn't interact with them both opening bands came down and socialized with the crowd. Finally, Jack's Mannequin -- the beginning of the set was marred by a piano issue which after one song made Andrew stop and fix it. From that point the show was okay, but lacking the energy I expected. Once they got to the last song of the set and the encore the energy of the crowd really picked up. Andrew was banging and jumping on the piano as is custom for him to do. The other band members lacked the same energy, however, come to find out -- two of the other three had some sort of food poisoning. Also, the band played two or three new songs which sounded very good.. I am excited for the new album to come out. Overall I was very pleased with the show -- had it not been for the trip to the basement and the slow start of Jack's Mannequin it would have got 5 stars. The end of their set really made up for it though.
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The sound in this venue was not that great, but the band was in top form. We found the sound to be much better when we moved to seats that were a little higher up, but more directly in front of the stage, instead of off to the side. The vocals were not up high enough for the first few songs. By mid-show, the sound was twice as good as how it started. This is the 4th time I've seen them and they always put on a great show. They played 15 songs and played for about an hour and ten minutes. I would've liked to see a few more songs. Andrew McMahon always has incredible energy and he is so talented. I was glad to hear a brand new song, "My Racing Thoughts". He also announced a new album this summer!
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was awesome! This was my second time seeing Jack's Mannequin in concert and it was definitely worth it! i grabbed Andrew McMahon's butt when he crowd surfed :) Jacks Mannequin sounds just as good, if not better, live!
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Vedera the first band to go on was really good but they just played the music and didn't realy interact with the crowd. I could bearly hear the lead singer over the drums. Fun who was second did an amazing job. I loved the performance and they interacted well with the crowd. Fun was very entertaining. Jack's Mannequin was amazing!!!! Andrew McMahon preformed so well. He really entertained the crowd. Didn't disapoint. He even crowd surfed which was an amazing feet. I loved the show.
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Easily the best concert I've been to in the last 10+ years , Jack's Mannequin is INCREDIBLE and Andrew is an inspiration to us all. I can't say enough about how good this show was so I'll stop here and let you go see them, you can thank me later!
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I will never forget this show. It's almost unreal how amazing JM is live and how Andrew interacts with the crowd. It was the best show that I have ever seen and i've seen my fair share of shows. They are definitely getting better. I saw them 5 years ago live when they first came out with Everything in Transit and were good but this set the bar way up there.
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was absolutely incredible. Andrew and the guys played a lot of favorites plus a couple of lesser known songs. He is such an amazing performer, climbing onto his piano, playing it with his feet and then jumping off again. This show was the first night of tour so everyone had a ton of energy and Andrew kept saying how much he appreciated is coming out to support music. The setlist was organized in a way that gave a perfect balance between old, new, dancey and quiet. I'm seeing them again and I can't wait!
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Big Show ended up being just that! 7 bands over the course of 6 hours. Every one of them, great. For my party, the highlight was The All American Rejects. Frontman Tyson Ritter worked the crowd with a vengence, leaving everyone exhausted. All in all, a really great show!
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The line up was great and covered a huge chunk of the (now) Channel 92.3 format. Great newcomers the Limousines, and Street Sweeper Social Club brought amazing energy to the crowd. Complete Control Radio's very own Joe Sib introduced the amazing Gas Light Anthem, who's ripping guitar licks kept the shows energy raging. Two long time players on the stations format, The All American Rejects and Flogging Molly finished up the show with amazeing sets... leaving everyone in amazment that tickets were only $30. For all of you who missed The Big Show last weekend, better pay attention next time cause you missed out, BIG TIME!
San Jose State Event Center Arena - San Jose, CA - Sat, Sep 19, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
well its Andrew McMahon..what more could you ask for? He busted out some killer dance moves with Bobby, shared stories and crowed surfed. A perfect night for any McMahon-y!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hands down best concert i have ever been to. Andrew McMahon himself and Jack's Mannequin are my favorite singer/band, so this was the best night ever. The fact that they put together a 10 year anniversary tour was brilliant and it was absolutely perfect. Couldnt have been happier
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A packed, mostly enthusiastic house, which I think the band really appreciated. Lots of energy and great music. As a middle-aged dude, I would like to tell some of the younger hipster kids to lighten up, though. It's a concert, not a funeral.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Listen, if you're a fan of Jack's Mannequin, Something Corporate, OR Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, you should see this show. But especially the Jack's fans. This was the show we have wanted for years and years, and this one was especially perfect, as we got to ring in the new year with the band. Everything In Transit all the way through. Perfect. Followed by additional Jack's Mannequin songs to play us out til midnight. There was nothing about this show that wasn't amazing.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Getting the band back together for the 10 year anniversary of Everything In Transit was genius. One of the best shows I've ever been to!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a beautiful night of music! The band sounded amazing, and the light design was awesome! I am so happy I could be there for this special reunion. This is a must see show for any Andrew McMahon fan.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Blistering performance by Andrew McMahon and the Jack's Mannequin crew. Awesome show in every way. Excellent sound, great crowd interaction. Epic. My group (Zachary, Amelia Jean, Pedro et al) was just kind of drumming around all day until we met up at Haray Carey's for a few pints to warm-up. They opened with The Mixed Tape and it set the table for an uforgettable night of rocking shenanigans. The band delivered on every level. Great setlist and as good a vocal performance as this frequent concertgoer has ever heard in a live setting. Could have sat there drinking quintuple snowflake shots for another three hours while they jammed.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So, we had the front row. I was seriously like 10 feet away from Andrew. <3. When he played dark blue, i almost cried!. It was the best concert i have ever been to in my life.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jacks mannequin is a great show everytime! I've been to abou 4 jacks concerts in addition to numerous something corporate concerts and I keep coming back for more!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show. Lot's of energy. Great set list. Great sound.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Wed, Jan 25, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andy is absolutely brilliant and his talent and voice and energy carries over from his studio right into his live performances. I could have watched him for three more hours that night. Wish he would have played Amelia Jean~!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All three bands that performed were incredible! I loved the two opening groups a lot and will be buying their music. And, of course, Jack's Mannequin was fabulous, as always! The staff was very friendly and the House of Blues was a unique and different setting for concerts. Overall a very fun and great evening!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The venue was and always is incredible, a perfect environment for a show with performers like Jack's Mannequin and Jukebox the Ghost. The performance was spectacular, like always, with high quality music and a great environment -- it was a perfect night!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is my third time seeing Jack's Mannequin and I preferred seeing it at a small cozy venue like the House of Blues, than seeing it at a huge place like Tinley Park. Great opening bands, Ted Allen and Jukebox the Ghost. Can't wait to see Andrew again!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jack's is my favorite band and this awesome venue makes the experience that much better.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
because they're my fav band of course it was five stars. jukebox the ghost was also truly amazing. and i loved meeting them after the show. i just wish the crowd up in the front would've gotten into it more. am i the only one who thinks mosh pits make it a better night?
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Opening acts were great! Allen Stone was a surprise. He has a great voice, just not sure if his band fit well with this tour (a little more soul sounding)...but I am now a fan. Juke Box the Ghost really got the show started and is a must see. Jack's Mannequin put on a great show, as always. Nothing too flashy or crazy to report. Just GREAT live music from a fantastic musician. The simple set with hanging blue lights and lamps scattered about, made for a fun stage set. I will see Jack's Mannequin again...hopefully sooner rather than later :) Seats on the balcony for lack of a better word, suck. Plan on getting to the show early and try to snag a barstool. The way the balcony sticks out, makes it hard to see anything from the balcony. You can't stand right on the edge of the balcony, as they rope off that closer area for VIPs (who get to sit on high stools-so they are not only in front of you, but taller than you). I would go to HOB again, I would just spend the extra money for VIP seating/area....or try to get main floor admission.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We upgraded to the balcony seats which were 100000% worth it. The drinks were song, all opening bands were great and of course, I love Andrew!!
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My daughters and I have been going to see Jack's Mannequin ever since they were Something Corporate - that show was at the House of Blues as well. High energy, love the piano!!! Definitely a must see for all ages.
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Greeeat band. Great preformance. Jukebox the ghost was good too
House of Blues Chicago - Chicago, IL - Tue, Jan 24, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've seen Jack's Mannequin a few times and have not been disappointed ever. For me, I wish they would come to Chicago and do a 21+ show only one of the nights. I also wished they would have played a little bit of a longer set. I feel like they were only on for maybe just over an hour. They have 3 albums out now that are great. Love the acoustic piano version of Swim!
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I only knew a few songs going into this concert and still had an absolute blast. The one-of-a-kind sound is undoubtedly created by the energizing piano melodies, rhythm, and solos. Have had these guys on repeat since the concert!
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was absolutely breathtaking. Everything about it was perfect. The set list couldn't have been more perfect. Also, his piano playing abilities were so wonderful that it almost made me cry. I could watch a Jack's Mannequin show every night of my life.
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is one of the best shows I have seen at the pageant yet.......
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this concert and the venue. Jack's was amazing, of course, and there was so many pleasant little quirks along the way, such as the couple getting engaged in the front row after Andrew sang them a song. I loved it all.
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Andrew McMahon is the man. Awesome show, as usual!
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Both opening acts were great; then Andy came on and completely blew everyone away! He even did an "impromptu" song for a couple - who proceeded to get engaged during. It was such a high energy, positive crowd - who were so appreciative of his musical skills and it seemed that energy was reciprocated. The encore was intimate and couldn't have summed up the night better.
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very good performances all around! Groups all sounded great.
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I came there expecting to be blown away by the band I CAME to see (Jack's Mannequin) and left being blown away by Allen Stone and Jukebox the Ghost. They had much more energy and played so much better than Jack's Mannequin. Maybe I just felt that... but I was pretty disappointed.
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Had fun was worth he money If you were there for Jack's Man they played a long show was not my cup of tea
Beaumont Club - Kansas City, MO - Fri, Jan 20, 2012
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The venue sucked. Couldn't see a thing because the stage was too low. The band sounded amazing though.
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As always, Jack's Mannequin never fail to amaze me Everything about their shows are fantastic.
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The venue was terrific and the band was amazing. The atmosphere created by the band made the night unforgettable
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the second time I had seen Jack's live. This was even better than the last. Allen Stone and Jukebox the Ghost were great openers and by the time Jack's took the stage everyone, including them were ready to rock. They played for over 2 hours and ever second was worth the trip..
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The only problem I had was seeing the band, there were a lot of people there, and the stage is raised, but not enough for short people to see. However, I do love going to the Beaumont because they bring in so many good bands.
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible show, great bands, awesome venue for music, and all around fun time. If you get a chance to see Jack's live, they are definitely worth the money.
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4X seeing Jacks Mannequin-- off the charts!! Another amazing show. Go buy all 3 albums if you don't already have them-- best money every spent!! Enjoy the show!!
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Allen stone and jukebox the ghost were really good, but of course jacks mannequin stole the show. Andrews voice was perfect and several songs brought me to tears. A man even proposed to his girlfriend at the concert. Best show I've been to
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome show, but should have been at a bigger venue!
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Something Corporate is one of my favorite bands so Jack's Mannequin is the next best thing. This was my 4th time seeing them, the show was AMAZING as always!
The Pageant - St Louis, MO - Thu, Jan 19, 2012
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