Mobile Deathcamp

Mobile Deathcamp

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Made the trip to Toledo, Ohio otherwise known as the glass city. Frankie's (the venue) was easy to find, and I felt safe outside in the parking lot. That being said, the opening acts were very good. Frankies just has this sound quality in the room that is impressive. Mobile Deathcamp took the stage and in a mix of yin-yang that only Todd Evans can deliver, the three piece pummeled the heck out of you with their hard hitting lyrics, and speed-metalness that can hardly be believed unless seen. In between songs, Todd would laugh and joke with the crowd. With Scott "Cracker" McEachern on drums and Boe Skadeland on Bass. An awesome time was had by all. The band always meets and greets at their merchandise table and they truly care for those who follow them.
Frankies - Toledo, OH - Fri, Feb 11, 2011
And Hell Followed with :: Antonio Sanchez :: One Pin Short :: Shpongle :: Matador Nights
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