Smith Westerns

Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love them even more now. They had great movement. There was not a dull moment and the guitar sounded amazing.
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I got to say that I liked s westerns before the show but after going to their show I'm in love. Their songs are catchy and fun - in live they sound almost exactly as they do on album. I also didnt expect that they bring so much energy. Cullen especially was great, he jumped around and was super adorable and charming. Max and Cameron were also on point. They played alot of the popular songs such as weekend, smile, imagine part 3 etc. The crowd was okay. I was in the front too busy dancing and enjoying the music to really notice how other people felt although they seemed to love them too :) Overall awesome night though I wish I stayed after to see/talk to them. Although I'm glad that I hadn't as I probably would bave made a fool of myself lol. And I got a pic of the setlist which a friend took home w her lol
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm not even a huge fan of the bands studio stuff, but they're really good live. Very clean sound. Set was a bit short, but for such a cheap show, I definitely enjoyed the night. The opener Porcelain Raft was awesome too.
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
Annie Mac :: West Michigan Women's Expo :: Jeff Martin :: Houston Person Quartet :: Jencarlos Canela
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really strong performance from Smith Westerns. Opener Porcelain Raft was electrifying although limited to way too short a set (5 songs only) and the guitar-driven tracks came across live better than the more production-heavy synth tracks. Bleached were impressively tight and machinelike. It might've just been a Tuesday night, but the nonchalance of the crowd was a downer; the performers deserved better energy back from their audience.
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This show was great. The venue was small and personal, though really cold. Everyone had coats on, which was strange, but whatever. They sounded great and performed well and for a while. I was worried about the length of the show because of past reviews I'd read. I would definitely recommend checking out the Smith Westerns live.
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was a great show, great audience and the bands before Smith Westerns were excellent.
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Only played for 33 minutes despite being the headliners. Lead singer was in the middle of some banter with the crowd when someone leaned over and whispered something to him. He turned around and said "Well that was our last song" and they exited the stage and did not return for any sort of encore. The crowd was shocked and angry.
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The Smith Westerns played a rockin' show, but it was just a bit too short for a Saturday night on the town. Please play more songs! I know you have 'em!
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Unknown Mortal Orchestra were great and the opening act was good but Smith Western only stayed on for 20 minutes. No beuno
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A few years ago, I had the pleasure of seeing Matt Belamy of Muse at the Bowery Ballroom. This past Monday night, watching Cullen Omori of the Smith Westerns, the same thought crossed my mind that I had about Matt "This guy is too big for this stage!" He has rock star presence. The band was tight and confident. Their music is catchy and memorable...reminiscent of Marc Bolan and David Bowie\u2014you can just picture their parents record collection. Catch them if you can.
Bowery Ballroom - NEW YORK, NY - Mon, Apr 25, 2011
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