Runner Runner

Runner Runner

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For an acoustic tour like the one I saw with Runner Runner headlining, The Basement was the perfect venue. Small and intimate, it allowed all fans to make an immediate connection with the band. It wasn't like an arena show where people get lost in a sea of fans--it was an intimate gathering where anyone in attendance felt that their presence was recognized. A venue such as this allows every single person who attends to have their own unique experience and it creates memories that no one will forget.
Wonderland Ballroom (formerly Club Lido) - Revere, MA - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Runner Runner puts on an amazing concert!! A band that does not disapoint! Sounds even better live than they do on CD.
Wonderland Ballroom (formerly Club Lido) - Revere, MA - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Venue wasn't the best, but the band sure was! Runner Runner is such and upbeat group of talented men! I can't wait til their next show....It's "So Obivious that my heart beats for... Runner Runner!"
Wonderland Ballroom (formerly Club Lido) - Revere, MA - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
Edward Maya :: Pupy Y Los Que Son Son :: D'arranged Marriage :: Men Birthday Party :: Because I Am a Girl
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