Make a Difference Tour

Make a Difference Tour

Make a Difference Tour Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Toby Mac and Third Day were simply awesome. There could have been a better tour this year. Thank God for these groups spreading his message.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Between TobyMac's energetic, hip-hop singing and dancing, Third Day's rockin' and praisin', and Michael W. Smith's worshipful wonder, It's difficult for me to decide where to begin, so I suppose the beginning is the best. Because we attended the Q&A session prior to the concert, we missed Jason Grey's performance. I was a little disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing and hearing someone new. I've never been a fan of Tobymac's music but I was thoroughly entertained by him and his group. Truly a talented bunch of artists and they were a real thrill onstage! Third Day was, as always, an enormous delight! You haven't lived until you've had the utter joy of listening to Mark Lee's stellar guitar riffs, Tai Anderson's heart pounding bass, David Carr's steadfast rhythm, or Mac Powell's vocal gymnastics! The band, individually and as a whole, conveys a humble spirit that obviously keeps them grounded to continue to record one hit cd after another. I have adored Michael W. Smith since I was in high school and am deeply sorry that I have never taken an opportunity to see him in concert. Besides performing like the Gospel Music icon that he is, Mr. Smith provided the means for probably the most heartfelt worship that I have ever had the honor to participate in. And last but not least, Max Lucado. His words of wisdom are a gem to take with you and bring out to marvel at over and over. I recieved two copies of his new book, Outlive Your Life and gave both away. I'll read my son's copy. My greatest desire is to experience something akin to the Make a Difference Tour in the very near future, and more importantly, to invite a someone who has not had a chance to feel the wonders of this kind of worship.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm a huge fan of Third Day and of the writing of Max Lucado. I found out about this concert during the Summer and I've been waiting anxiously every since. I wasnt disappointed. The sound and stage setup was superb. I especially liked the pod at the center of the floor, where after Tobymac's set, Michael W. Smith and Mac Powell appeared and played several tunes together, as well as having Max Lucado come up and speak. If I had/have one complaint, it's that the set list for Third Day wasnt longer. I may be biased, because I love their music so much, but it just seemed like they were over as soon as they started. One thing is for sure... they left me wanting more!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
The Corin Tucker Band :: Mcalister Drive :: Noise By Numbers :: Andy Bell :: Les Miserables In Concert - the 25th Anniversary
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My guest was not at all familiar with the music, but could understand every word of Toby Mac's songs! Awesome acoustics in such a big arena and Toby Mac was really great. I was concerned not having binoculars, but the giant screen was so BIG we could see well, could almost read the lips of singers! Max Lucado's brief sermon and World Vision presentation was inspirational without being a hard sell. It was a delightful evening!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing music and great, honest speaking. 213 children sponsored through World Vision at this event. Hoped for more. Those who went that didn't sponsor a child can still do that, and those who didn't go to the concert can still sponsor a child.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent uplifting performances and perfectly executed
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved seeing all the multiple sides of these groups and the fact that they sang and played many numbers together just added to the special night with these groups! I'd go again in a heatbeat! In total - around 3 hours of pure music, dancing and fun!!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wonderful, can not wait for another show! Good purpose and excellent music with talented artists.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was so neat to see these 3 great groups together on one stage. You never get to do that at most concerts, only at festivals. It is wonderful to be able to praise God in such a wonderful way. I liked the way they started out with Toby Mac, with praise for the Lord, and then went to Third Day slowing it down some, and then Michael W. Smith going into worship just like at church. I liked the way they told about their history together, and what brought them together this time around. I enjoyed listening to Max Lucado and his missions trip, and what they were trying to do to help children around the world. It was really great.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed the concert (Tobymac, Third Day and Michael W Smith) and sermonette (Max Lucado). It was such a nice touch to use the small center stage between Tobymac and Third Day...watching all three sing together for that small intermissionary set was very cool. The only thing that was odd was the Arena's choice of concessions. It is one thing to sell beer and hot dogs (I guess ok tho I don't know why anyone would drink during a christian concert) but it was totally another to open the shot bar. I thought that was inappropriate. Generally, you go to a christian concert to escape such temptations. Just think the arena should be more aware of the target audience.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an amazing event! Worshipping with people from all walks of life and all ages, really reminded me that with all the bad going on in the world, there are still many Christians out there sharing God's love and fighting for what is right. I felt truly blessed to share in this event. Thanks to all involved with the Make A Difference Tour for your hard work. Although I have CD's from each band, I had never seen them in person. Thank you for that opportunity, it has made me love their music that much more! And your Special Guest was a special treat too! May God bless each of you and each of the Children you are sharing with the world. Thank you and God bless! I look forward to the next event!!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Concert started at 7:00 and did not end until 10:30! Toby Mac, Third Day, and MWS all performed nearly an hour each! The cost of the concert tickets for three amazing bands was less than what we are typically charged for one band! The concert was part of the "Make a Difference" Tour. And they did! Their performance was excellent and they also reached out for sponsorship of hungry children in third world countries. Max Lucado was also in attendance and spoke to the audience. The performances and speaking of all really did "make a difference".
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can't believe in the lineup. It was beyond wonderful.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I so enjoyed this concert. Toby had everyone dancing and singing, Third Day rocked it out, and Michael W. still has it going on! The diversity of the performers and the way they came together just blew me away. So inspiring and fun! The only complaint was that it was a little too loud.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 stars - TobyMac rocked the place Mack Powell amazing.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it so much.... had a awsome time... everyone was great..... would do it all over again if I could.... I would recommend to everyone great great......
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great night. The music and lights were amazing. How wonderful to be able to do some good in this world and to be instantly rewarded with incredible music. All of the performers were on fire. I hope to see all of these performers again. I'm still singing!!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a gift to see so many amazing Christian artists in one concert and then to add Max Lucado as the speaker! It was amazing - a once in a lifetime experience to see them all together and to perform together! And the underlying reason is the opportunity to support World Vision and sponsor a child to provide food and water for their daily survival!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was unbelievable. With so many talented entertainers, it was one of those concerts that lasted your money worth. Am I getting old, or was the bass on too much? When it makes the shirt sleeves move and heart pound its overshadowing the music. It was all wonderful.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I think it was a great even, I personally felt guilty that I am not able to sponsor a child at this time. I feel like they really pushed people especially putting folders on the seat! Making you feel obligated to sponsor. I understand that was a big portion of the reason for the concert but the tickets we quite pricey for a Christian Concert to start with so I hope that some of that money was going to the charity.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So Moving and Inspiring. I loved every second. :-)
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Guys if you have never been to one of these events, you don't know what you are missing. Toby Mac was out of this world awesome, Third Day simply rocked and what can i say about MIchael W. Smith. Lets just say amazing. Lets not forget the riveting Max Lucado. These guys took the roof off Jobing Arena. My only regret is that they each did not play longer.:(
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed myself, my second christian concert but by far my favorite. Third day and Toby Mack have a new fan =)
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seeing and Hearing all these great ppl(Max lucado,ThirdDay,TobyMac) in one place and all to help out World Vision is amazing. You leave inspired to go find your way to make a diffrence. Even Austin Gutwien was there just helping out behind the world vision table so ready to make more of a diffrence then what he has been doing since age 9.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the BEST concert I have ever been to! I enjoyed every moment of the concert. I liked how all the entertainers worked together! It was nice how fast they transitioned for each new performance! The tour was full of so much positive energy! I'd love to see this tour agin if they come back to Phoenix!!! I was very blessed by the experience!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was an amazing concert, to be surrounded by other believers. I sang, I danced, I laughed, I prayed and I cried. The arena was clean and safe. The bands were talented. I really enjoyed having Max Lucado there to share the "word'.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The worship during Third Day is alway amazing. Michael W. Smith has a heart for worship. After the concert you feel like you have spent hours in worship of our lord and savior.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderfully fantastic, up lifting , and inspirational!!!
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tobymac was fun to hear/watch. I love the voice of Third Day's lead singer, very distinct. And Michael W Smith, wow, how moving/touching/powerful! The music was a bit loud though! Especially before the break.
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
JOBING.COM ARENA - Glendale, AZ - Sun, Oct 17, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show!!! TobyMac's Jesus Freaks video was awesome. Third Day's songs from the Move Album made me move. Listening to Max Lucado speak, preach and pray was a great experience.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was my first time seeing Third Day, and I absolutely loved them! I've been a fan for several years, but had never seen them live. I believe they live what they sing. Tobey Mac and Michael W. Smith were great too! I've read alot of Max Lucado's books, and I'm really looking forward to reading his new book "Outlive Your Life". He's an exceptional writer and speaker! I am also thrilled that I got the opportunity to sponsor a child through World Vision. I think they are doing a tremendous work, and I am looking forward to being a part of it. GREAT CONCERT!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was one of the best I have ever been to. Three big names together on tour doesn't happen very often. They were all great and even played a lot of songs together. All the artist were very different but were great together.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an awesome concert. All the artists involved gave the audience their best and it really showed. God's presence was felt. A great honor to hear Max Lucado read from the Bible. I feel these are the best that christian music has to offer and it was a privilege to see them together.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can't tell you what an amazing concert/worship experience this was! Every single band member was extremelly pumped for this event! Not only was the music phenomenal but the comraderie among the singers/band members was great! They made it obvious that there was no competition ~ that they were all here for the same reason ~ to worship the Lord and bring Him glory! It was a beautiful sight to see our children just mesmerized by the music and the message! We would see this again in a heartbeat!!!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall we really enjoyed the show! Toby Mac was too loud, but once we got past that, we really enjoyed the rest. Michael W. Smith and Third Day were awesome!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Toby Mac rocked the stage. Third Day was outstanding. Michael W. Smith was his usual fantastic self and together they jammed on several occaisions. Max Lucado was inspirational. We saw the last night of this tour in Fayetteville, NC. Three of the best that Christian Music has to offer! They rocked the house for a good cause making a difference for children around the world!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been to a lot of concerts, but this was definitely one of the best concerts I have ever seen. It was the last stop on the tour and all the artists were playing jokes on each other and just having an absolutely awesome time! You could tell that they all loved each other and didn't want the tour to end.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The most uplifting concert I have ever attended! Great energy all night long!!!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome night of worship!!!! Loved it! Loved it! Loved it!!!!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The "Make a Difference" Tour concert was, most likely, the most exciting, enchanting, and life-changing thing I have experienced since I was in High School! Third Day, Michael W. Smith, with TobyMac and Jason Gray, was superb! Loved the music, and the messages behind them are for anyone who's looking for meaning and purpose in their life. With new songs that blow you away, and old classic ones that bring back the fond memories, this concert has/had everything a music lover would and could ask for. Each artist had their own kind of genre in music to offer with the real message behind it that is meant for every person on this planet. I couldn't recommend this more!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The event was incredible. What a value for all these bands
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great music, nice variety and artists that are not ashamed to sing and talk about our Lord.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This terrific trio was the best concert I've ever attended. The energy was extremely high as TobyMac got the crowd pumped! Then, like a worship service usually is conducted, they calmed it down some with intimate praise music on the small stage in the middle of the crowd. Michael W. Smith and the lead singer from Third Day were a dynamic duo until TobyMac joined them after a few songs. They really belted out some hype harmonies! After that, Third Day rocked the house and when the words came out "And on the third day He rose again" the crowd went wild with victorious shouts of freedom! They seemed like they really knew why they were shouting. It truly was freedom to be among believers who were not ashamed to worship freely. I enjoyed singing along with the soft praise songs that I knew and dancing and shouting to the upbeat songs. The Make a Difference Tour was awesome. It had me pumped for church the next day!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought these tickets because the concert was scheduled on my birthday. And what a great birthday present that was!! I couldn't have anticipated a better concert!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The idea of Make A Difference Tour was great. Donating to World Missions through this concert we were happy to do. The bands were way too loud for our liking. The bass was too much. Michael W. Smith and Max Lucado were great because they weren't quite so loud. My family and I agreed to leave after 45 minutes of standing in the hallway waiting for the loud bands to end. We went in to see and hear Michael W. Smith and Max Lucado for about 20 minutes. Overall, we wasting an evening driving 1 1/2 hours from Columbus to Dayton there and back totalling three hours. We went to Dayton to eat at McDonald's! What a disappointment, but we contributed to world missions.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show!! All of the artisits did a great job!! Great performances!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
me and my wife went to the tour in corbin ky. and i am telling you that every body envolved step up 5 notches.we were so pumped up .so much better annoited by God.we were blessed in so many ways its a great testimony in what JESUS can do in time and any place .we love you guys keep living for JESUS praise to theFARTER!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every set was amazing. Toby Mac is always phenomenal. Third Day is my favorite band ever anyway. It was great to hear from Max Lucado and be reminded of others in need around the world. My girls (17 and 10) loved it as much as my husband and I. It was a great set all the way around. We were ready to go back the next night!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The talent displayed was tremendous and the ministry was just what you would expect from these sold out, blood bought musicians....Praise God for His grace and mercy. We all had a great time!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Totally amazing filled with the Spirit. I wish a Christian serivice could sell out like other secular concerts. Our country needs an eyeopener!!!!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am not into TobyMac and Third Day so much but my wife LOVES them. I totally love Michael W. Smith and his music/ministry however, as does my wife. We had a great time at this concert and enjoyed hearing that 197 children were sponsored at the event. What a great time of worship, not just a concert. My wife and I would HIGHLY recommend attending this event in your area. You won't regret it...and will remember it for years to come.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jason Grey opened with a nice ballad, followed by TobyMac, who blew the roof off. Mac Powell joined onstage for a song. When TobyMac finished their set a small stage in front of the soundbooth was illuminated with Mac Powell and Michael Smith. They sang a few songs then were joined by TobyMac. Another song with TM and Michael alone then a plea for World Vision from Max Lucado. Third Day took the main stage for their set. Picture taking with a cow and how to pronounce "Gone" from the new CD followed. People were swaying and jumping around. Mr. Lucado then came out to remind people of what Yashua said "what you do to the least of these you do to me." After a 20 minute intermission Micheal took the stage. I was moved by the song "Welcome Home" and then praise and worship for the rest of the set. "Agnus Dei" is by far the best song I've experienced. The whole concert was just absolutely incredible!!!!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was Seriously the BEST concert we have been to in Years! Loved, loved it!!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great concert experience! Toby Mac was awesome and Third Day always rocks!
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a great concert. Front row was amazing. I got a guitar pic from one of the Third Day guys and TobyMac was so close, he could have stepped on us. HA! If you're thinking about seeing ANY of these artists, do it !
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Took my teenage son and his friend and had an awesome time.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen TobyMac and Third Day before, and their performances are never the same. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and always enjoy the interaction with each of the groups. There is no competition and a geniuine concern for all the band members. I loved their heart that was expressed throughout their show.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All was great and memorable with a great purpose. The Lord was lifted upand praised.
Crown Center of Cumberland County - Fayetteville, NC - Sat, Oct 30, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think that was of the best event I've been in a long time I will recommend and if the put another one likeb this together I will b there.
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've never been to a Christian Concert before, but I really enjoyed it. Although the bands didn't play many of their big hits, they still put on a great show and kept the audience enjoying them all.
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The concert was awesome and our seats were awesome. However, communication was terrible. We did not know where to go and there was no one around to ask. The gal at the box office did not know where we were supposed to go and she nearly sent us away withour our VIP bracelets. Also, our books from Max Lucado was supposed to be autographed and they were not. I was also disappointed that we could get no one on one photos with the artists especially given the price I paid for the tickets.
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
what a great concert! loved it all...all the artists sounded great, really got the crowd into the songs. Loved how Mac Powell, Toby and MWS sang together an acoustic set toward the back of the auditorium. Max Lucado speaking was very good in between acts
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely had a wonderful time and would love for theses artist to do that tour again next year! They did a wonderful job and even when things didn't work out or they messed up they just kept on going or improvised!
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jason Gray, Toby Mac, Third Day, Max Lucado, and Michael W. Smith were ALL truely AMAZING! God has gifted each of them with special talents. I felt God's strong presence among His people that night. THANK YOU for being the voice of the impoverished children through World Vision. I admire the dedication to all who were involved! God Bless!
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Energetic, spirit-filled, attention-grabbing musical worship evening! Large video screen was definitely an asset to being able to see the entire show. Loved the mixture of old and new songs. Didn't want the evening to end.
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I took my son to the Topeka, KS show leaving from Omaha, NE as a 14th birthday present. Tobymac is his favorite (as well as mine), and I always enjoy Third Day. This show rocked for God big time. We had tickets for Pit A, and so we were surrounded by stage on three sides. That was awesome!! Tobymac seems to be most comfortable making eye contact with youngsters, while Mac Powell makes eye contact with everyone. So does Jason Gray. That really makes for a great concert experience. The bass was great, since it was coming at me from multiple sides. Tobymac is constantly on the move when on stage, Third Day moves too, but not as much. Jason Gray is pretty stationary, and Michael W Smith (Smitty) is constantly changing instruments. The stage crew was wonderful, and made transitions between sets and instrument changes seamlessly. Anyone who gets a chance to go to this show SHOULD!
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing time! I loved the combination of the three different performances. Toby Mac's energy was contagious. What a great gift of talent and heart for God. His lyrics are dead-on...loved it! Third Day was great and I loved how they sang some of their new songs. Mac's voice is filled with such depth and their lyrics are so encouraging! Michael W. Smith is timeless and did a great variety of current and past songs. Max Lucado was great and motivating. World Vision is truly blessed to have all of these men supporting them in this way.
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The music was awewsome all the singers were really commited to the show and the musical arrangement was out of this world the guitarest were awesome and verry talented the message was clear and they belived what they said. while i was at the event I was excited after the event i could not wait to share my experance with those who couldnot be there.I cant wait for their return.
Kansas Expocentre - Topeka, KS - Sun, Oct 24, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
TobyMac's energy filled the arena, while the smoothing sound and rhythm of Third Day lifted hearts, Michael W. Smith familiar sounds spoke to our hearts as Max Lacado shared the vision of World Vision and God's word. If I was able, I would follow this event around the country with my family. I just want to thank this entire group for the fellowship and getting the word out about World Vision and all the great word they are doing.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Three of the most popular and infuential Christian artists on stage in one night. Awesome.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Though I felt the ticket price was steep, I have been a HUGE Third Day fan since their first album and it was my first chance to see them in concert, so I jumped at the chance. I must admit that I am not a fan of Michael W Smith, and Toby Mac is okay, so Third Day was my focus. I was pleasantly surprised by Toby Mac's performance, which was incredible! I loved every minute of it. I happened to be in the last row on the floor in front of the soundboard, so when MWS and Mac Powell showed up directly behind me for the acoustic set, that was awesome! I hadn't seen MWS since 1993 (at a DC Talk concert) and didn't recognize him until he started singing. Third Day's performance was everything I hoped it would be. I left before MWS's set because like I said, not a fan. But I ended up trapped at the merch table waiting for them to get more Move CDs from the truck, and waited so long that I ended up staying til the end anyway. They all got on the stage together for the last couple of songs, so that was nice. It was like a really good worship service. I left grinning ear to ear and popped Move into my car as soon as I left. I was so excited to get the CD a couple days early! It's excellent, by the way. Get it.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The opening act, Jason Gray, was really good. I see him as having a bright future! TobyMac and DiverseCity was SO full of energy! They were really entertaining. I know I was really into the energy of his music, but it seemed that the people around me were just not. For the crowd participation portions (sway side to side, etc), they would join in initially, and the drop off seconds later. Third Day, I thought, brought the house down with both a feeling of Spiritual based songs and songs that ROCKED. The crowd around me seemed to be actively engaged as well. Michael W Smith, was good to watch, but from my vantage point, he looked either distracted or bummed about something... my prayers are with him.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I pray that we would have more of this come to Louisiana. Toby Mac really puts on a good show. We were all blessed to see that much talent all in one event.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been wanting to see TobyMac and Diverse City perform live since I became a fan, but to have 3 of the finest Christian artists in one show AND hear Toby Mac Max Lucado speak...?! What more could a fan ask for? And it was my 10-year-old's first Christian concert ever...gonna be hard to top that! We were so blessed by the hard work, love and talent that went into putting on this concert. Praise to God, and a big thanks to all the performers, Mr. Lucado, and to the whole crew for a great show and a wonderful message of compassion for those in the world in need!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a great experience! Most concerts don't include a speaker and, oh, what a great speaker we had in Max Lucado! I didn't care for TobyMac, just not my type of music but overall I loved the event! The music and the lessons learned or refreshed were great!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great music and Excellent Bands. Third Day is Premium!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not only was it awesome to hear Toby Mac with Diverse City, Third Day, and Michael W. Smith perform and Max Lucado speak, but also because it was for a good cause! Was very satisfied!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The music was so loud - especially the bass (drums) that I had to go upstairs to keep my heart from pounding in my chest. I will probably never attend another concert again.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Three amazing, diverse artists (plus Jason Gray)....3.5 hours and not a dull moment. Max Lucado was a "bonus," and that's saying something!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My boyfriend, his son and I went to this concert and had a blast. It was very uplifting. Each participant blessed us so much in different ways it is almost indescribable. If you ever get the chance to see these Christian artists and Mac Lucado togenther, you should jump at the chance. It was definately a blessing!!!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This event was amazing! Max Lucado is an wonderful author & speaker! Michael W. Smith was awesome as always! TobyMac rocked the house and Third Day was great! The Spirit of God was truly in the coliseum that night with thousands of people worshipping God together!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic, awesome, ear-splitting, rapping, musical, and worshipful atmospheres. Great because of the diversity of styles, with excellent musicians and a great speaker, combined with a world-changing goal. WOW!!! Appreciated the length of the concert as well.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A good mix of artists and music. Toby Mac and Co. was a bit loud, but good. Third Day and Michael W. Smith were quieter, and more to my liking. Both played a variety of songs; some old, some new. The transitions from one band to the other was very good; concert had a nice flow. I enjoyed the evening.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was just awesome. There was something for everyone in this show, Toby Mac for the younger generation and Third Day and Michael W. Smith all had great appeal and Max Lucado provided a great testimony to our amazing God.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this event was the best I've been to this year. the worship was the most amazing and the Holy spirit had His way the whole time. it was unforgettable.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All of the artists at the concert were fabulous and performed at such an excellent level. I had never seen Third Day in concert and it had been years since I had seen Michael W. Smith. Even though the artists represented such a wide range of types of Christian music, they were able to blend their talents and styles in an amazing way and touched my heart. Max Lucado's message was so timely and touched my heart as well.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The whole experience was awesome. This is the 1st Christian concert I've gone too... and I've been to plenty of concerts. The performers had an awesome stage presence and the lighting and effects were better than any I'd ever watched before. What a great way to spend the evening. We left energized, inspired, and completely moved by it all. I would highly recommend any of these performers to friends/ family.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Continuing to thank God for these gifted men and thanking Him for the ways they use their talents to praise God!! This is the best concert I've heard and witness of faith I've heard in a long time. How could I not loose - my favorite groups and my favorite author. Only negative was about the Nutter Center's lack of elevators to seating above the floor level - only had 1 for this large crowd.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was absolutely awesome and for such a great cause. What a blessing!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a fan of each of these artists/groups and was curious to see how they would come together in a cohesive show. I was NOT disappointed! I was blessed and inspired and encouraged - all while having a ball listening to some of my favorite Christian recording artists. Bravo!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great show, featuring some of the biggest talent in Christian music - Jason Gray, tobyMac, Third Day and Michael W. Smith.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an awesome concert. Where else can you see this many artist perform and perform together.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So much energy from Toby Mac! What a way to start off the concert. It just got better from there. Third Day was great and Michael W. Smith cannot be beat! They all performed a very inspirational evening.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best concert that I've ever been to. I've been to about 20 rock concerts when I was in the world, big well known bands and this was the best ever! And they live what they sing.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the concert was awesome, were really blessed . My daughter and wife enjoyed the concert specially when toby mac,third day and michael W. Smith sung together. God Bless us all!
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome concert!! Toby, Michael & Mac were an incredible trio!! One of the best concerts I've ever been to.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a wonderful night! I loved how the artists all shared the stage with each other. To see them all in 1 place and hear them sing each other's music - AMAZING! Loved hearing MWS new single - Welcome Home- and the story behind it. And, my girls and I are still singing "we are the saints, we are the children..."
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
By far the best concert I've ever attended in my lifetime!! There were so many good parts of the show I can't begin to pick just one.
E.J. Nutter Center - Dayton, OH - Fri, Oct 29, 2010
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