
Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was epic. I love the Roxy, it's probably my favorite venue because it's so personal and you can get right up close with the artists. The bands were great, Cage9 totally rocked my face off!!! I plan on seeing them again as soon as possible, particulalry if they play the Roxy again.
Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA - Wed, Feb 2, 2011
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Cage 9 and Hammers & Hearts were incredible. However, having a show with 7 bands is way too taxing. We left before the last band hit the stage because it was past midnight on a weekday. Because there were so many bands, each one only got to perform about 5 songs. There should have been less bands, and each should've been given more play time. The opening bands were not that great; Cage 9 and Hammers & Hearts were fantastic! The first two bands were decent, but the rest of the show dragged on way too much! Please have less bands and shorten the length of the show. A lot of people left after Cage 9 was done.
Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA - Wed, Feb 2, 2011
Crossface :: Pretty Little Empire :: Able To Kill Kane :: Green Abyss :: Jack Dangers
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