Set the Controls

Set the Controls

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Besides the fact they only play Pink Floyd (which is why I went) this is one of the best live bands I have seen in years! I was amazed at the musicianship of all the members of this band. It was apparent that they all love to play and that they love a crowed. They played for almost 3 hours straight with flawless enthusiasm. I am looking forward to the next opportunity to see this band.
Duling Hall - Jackson, MS - Fri, Jan 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This band made me remember why I loved Pink Floyd all over again. One of the best live shows I have seen in a long time in Jackson,MS and I am so thrilled I got to be there. The band, the location, the sound....everything was Great!
Duling Hall - Jackson, MS - Fri, Jan 11, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This band was awesome! So amazing! Great show.. All musicians were very talented! Song set was great
Duling Hall - Jackson, MS - Fri, Jan 11, 2013
Stepthree :: Super Mirage :: The Present Moment :: Blizzard of Ozzy - Ozzy Osbourne Tribute Band :: One Happy Island
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