Kiss Alive!

Fan Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Anytime you pay $20 to hear KISS music, you really can't go wrong. The venue seemed to be a little small for them - the stage was the same size as one in an elementary school. But, they played all the usual KISS tunes with two surprises that I have never heard the real band play live so that was kind of cool. They were good, however, they need a new "Paul." The guy didn't look like Paul Stanley, didn't act like him, and didn't sound like him. He was about two heads shorter than Paul and 100 pounds heavier. I know it's only a cover band, but seeing as he's the lead singer and the entertainer, I expected more. He was bad enough that I wanted to leave early. If you're going to try and imitate one of the greatest bands ever, then at least don't disgrace them.
Skagit Valley Casino Pacific Showroom - Bow, WA - Fri, May 3, 2013
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