Conch Republic

Conch Republic

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW! What a great show! They started with energy and never let up. The crowd was great and the dancing was way fun!!! What a great band. Their variety and showmanship were top of the line. And the Venue was wonderful. We heard there were 1000 in attendance but there was plenty of room for everyone. Great Wine and Great Music made for a wonderful evening. Thanks Elk Creek for a wonderful evening and to Conch Republic for a Rockin' Great Show!!!
Elk Creek Vineyards - Owenton, KY - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We thoroughly enjoyed our time there. The extreme heat did not detract from the music and entertainment. I recommend this band to all-old and young alike!
Elk Creek Vineyards - Owenton, KY - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Generally I don't think the concert schedule is anywhere near like last year. Conch tickets said the concert started at 7:30 pm. They started at 7:00. People did not make the start of he concert. It was extremely hot and maybe when conditions are like that the concert should start later. There were not many vendors as last year. One trailer for food, a pop corn vendor, a wine tent. The band did not have a a good repertoire of music ..... no Beach Boys and some Buffet
Elk Creek Vineyards - Owenton, KY - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
Sandi Thom :: Signs of Life :: Sussie 4 :: Boldtype :: Phil Hamilton
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
We were somewhat disappointed. We arrived at 6:45p.m. The Show was not suppose to start until 7:30p.m. but started at 7:00p.m. That did niot give us time enough to eat, mix, meet and mingle prior to the show and was rushed from that point on. Conch Republic worked hard throughout the entire show to keep everyone iterested and uplifted, but the dance competition was a little too long. Maybe it was the accousitics, but the group sounded as if they were off key and out of tune the entire evening with most all of their songs. Not impressed with how they sounded. I guess we could give them an "A" for effort and really working a showmanship, but for the actual quality of workmanshp in the voice blends was a "D".
Elk Creek Vineyards - Owenton, KY - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
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