Heavy T.O.

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Seeing System of a down was great live, and slipknots performance was the most visually amazing performance i had ever seen. My fav. part was when corey was standing there with the fake snow falling over him and the stage..it was beautiful..Manson was a lil disappointing and he barely played any older music. Also it was the first time that being i the front was not enjoyable. You could barely move or breath, and not in the way that is expected...Deftones was really good live and nice to see...Some negatives: the porta potty's were GROSS, but i guess thats whats to be expected. I was also VERY annoyed that we spent an expensive amount on two huge water bottles to bring, as the website said each person may bring one, and then they changed it at the last minute and were told we cudnt at the gate. So we had to throw it away >: /.....i checked the website the night b4 btw, no update posted....I also think vendors shud have had way more back up band shirts as they all seemed to sell out too quickly. I never got to have a system shirt when i tried to get one sunday :( and the selection by then was pretty weak for everything. Other than that, this was a very fun festival and id go back as its all about the music afterall and the varied music selection was great.
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
We were very excited about this show and travelled a long way to get there. Perfect cool weather in Toronto but as soon as we got even a small amount of rain the entire location turned into ankle high mud then just soup. It was impossible to avoid and by the end of the first night most people were covered head to toe. If it hadn't been so unbelievably muddy this would have been the best show ever. With multiple stages bands came on back to back. There were more bathrooms than you could image (this is a major downfall at a lot of shows) and there was alot of space. We stuck it out for Slipknot who put on an amazing two hour set. They were awesome! Unfortunately after slogging back to our hotel and staying up all night trying to clean up the mud mess without being charged an arm and a leg by the hotel we just weren't up for doing it again Sunday.
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great bands, expensive food, lots of mud,good time
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
Ready Set Glam :: Fins Out! :: Big Voice :: Blackbeard :: Tempertrend
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great lineup, but would have been better woul Lamb of God and Dethklok. Stupid Czech Republic. System were amazing. Entire venue was muddy as all hell due to rain.
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heavy T.O. was an experience that I do not have room or the time to describe, but I will try. It was the perfect Metal Fest for me to introduce my son to the LIVE world of Metal, which he himself discovered a liking to at a young age. I am an old school classic rock/metal guy, but he had the most amazing time a 16 year could have, He and his friend found their way into the world of music they prefer. I can't thank the event coordinators enough for setting this up and allowing me to not only keep my promise to take my son to see SOAD when they came close to home, (1300 miles round trip) but for such a great, festive and hard jamming, massive lineup of bands that I am glad I sat back and listened to as well. The atmosphere was pouring down rain the first day, but that added to the fun. People were there to let it out, hear the sounds, enjoy the people around them and maybe hear bands they have never heard of or forgotten about in my case. Great job Suicidal Tendencies and Overkill. It was a great pleasure to get up close and personal as we did with band members. I salute Protest the Hero for having the distinction of being my son and his friends first mosh pit band. They moshed more in this festival than I ever did in the 80's. The Toronto Canadians are a great group to hang out with and I enjoyed the friendship they extended throughout the weekend. The ONLY let down was the Free ITunes cards handed out could only be used in Canada. We had to head back to the U.S. and eventually read the card and it was Canada use only. It was free so not a big deal. This is the ONLY chink I saw in the armor of this Metal Fest that will no doubt live with my son, his friend and me forever. Heavy T.O. is an outstanding Metal Show. Thank you to all who performed, all who promoted, all who educated the rookies in mosh etiquette, Toronto for being so damn friendly, and all the older Metal Heads, and the next generation of Metal Heads, as FFDP brought out on stage. I have to give my most highest regard to SOAD. You didn't let my son down, none whatsoever, and you gained another level of my respect simply because I could see the appreciation Serj had for his fans on his face when the thousands were singing his songs in front of him. Great show, keep it going, and we will try to keep coming back.
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The rain made this concert 10x better best band by far were marylyn Manson and slip knot although a very special shout out to trivium and in flames I'd go see any of them again. Dethklok and log missed out
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Insane, a really great time for anyone. Got to love the music.
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I go to MANY MANY concerts heavy metal concerts in the United States. If you took ALL of the times I encountered(encountered meaning smelled and/or saw) marijuana COMBINED over the last 25 years, it would not equal what I and my 14 year old son was exposed to this past weekend at Heavy T.O. We must have moved at least 5 or 6 times during EVERY bands set in order to avoid exposure. I can t afford to get tested at work and lose my job because of second hand smoke injested from marijuana. I asked one of the handful of policemen what the deal was? Is it legal or something? They said NO, it s illegal. I saw them walking thru the entire venue in a straight line from end to the other TWICE during the entire weekend. It is not as if people were even trying to conceal it. It put a big time damper on the entire weekend. I flew from Georgia to attend the festival. Spent over $2,000 only to have put my job at risk. VERY DISAPPOINTING. Many thanks, Matt Rebidue
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Boring. 2hour wait for autographs and Dave mustaine was not there. We were sold a cd by promoters " something megadeth to sign" and they refused to sign it. An hour set for a headlining band? Lame
Downsview Park Allen Road - Toronto, ON - Sat, Jul 23, 2011
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