John Denver: A Rocky Mountain High Concert

John Denver: A Rocky Mountain High Concert

John Denver: A Rocky Mountain High Concert Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The John Denver Tribute Concert was just wonderful. It's as if he was there. The sound was fantastic of his singing and the band playing live also sounded great. I loved the videos and learning more about John Denver.
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent concert! Worth every penny! This brought back many special moments to me - if it weren't for John Denver's songs and an old record player, I would not have survived undergraduate school! All the favorites were played - singing along was encouraged!
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started crying the moment John's voice came over the speakers.... What an amazing man and incredible talent.I knew i would LOVE being at this once in a lifetime concert, but I had no idea it would bring such emotion and tears and peace and joy .. It truly ranks as THE most awesome thing (after Childbirth) that I have ever experienced. I am so grateful to have been able to have been with such talented musicians and friends of Johns, That his estate supported and shared so much footage.. and That they really let him be the lead voice thru out the whole concert and they were back up, as it was.. when they had performed together. Best night of my life!!!! ♥Jim Salestrom, Chris Nole, Jim Horn, Alan Deremo and Nate Barnes -awesome musicians!!! I never heard John play when he was alive, But His music , His legacy, His love for this land and people have touched me , so much.. That I even named my Daughter after him, She is almost 3 yrs old.(Denver Ray). His music, has been with me, thru heartache, heart break,love, weddings.. all of lifes ebbs and flows. This truly was the GREATEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE and a dream for me. You all did an excellent job... and the theater is just an amazing Historical Beauty, What an intimate place to just bask in John's voice!!!! THANK YOU ps, I flew from Nashville, TN for this show, It meant that much to me to be able to be there
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
Bad Pennys :: Christopher Owens :: Business Casual Disco :: Sound Of The Stereo :: Underwater Bear Ballet
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show at Star Plaza was very well done. The sound integration between the recorded screen and the live musicians was spot on, so much so that at points in the concert I closed my eyes and couldn't tell the difference one from the other. The live band and string section did an amazing job in accompaniment.
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Growing up, I never got to go to a John Denver concert. And I always loved his songs. I call him "a Bard for the Land" and I can't think of any artist today who comes close to his style, his sound, or the issues he sang about. His passing left a hole in our musicscape that has yet to be filled. His songs are no longer played on the radio, at least where I live, so unless you are playing his music on your own personal devices you don't get to hear him anymore. This concert experience was wonderful! What a great idea to play along with his actual concert footage, allowing his voice & ideas to come back and reach across time and speak to us today in the original manner that he used to present himself! Interspersed with recollections & reminiscences from those who played & traveled with him & were his friends, this is a show well worth attending. I think John himself would be pleased at the show that was put on, and at the attendance levels more than a decade after his tragic passing. I feel he would be smiling down at the gathering of friends that this show brought together, both on and off stage. "Ain't it good to be back home again!" Our world needs someone like him to come back and inspire us to "Be all that we can be, not just what we are." We miss you John, and it was great to see you again! Thank you to everyone who had a hand in putting this show together & taking it on the road. It was wonderful!
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
From a long time John Denver fan the tribute was wonderful. The videos gave you a connectin to Denver and the musicians were outstanding.....especially Jim Horn.
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been to many John Denver tribute concerts over the years . . . but this concert was a totally different experience for me. This concert didn't have a lead singer singing John's songs. Instead, they used film of John performing over the years in addition to selections of John reading his autobiography. The band members would interject stories of their experiences with John over the years, which is always appreciated by the audience. It was a very moving experience for me. Some of the songs seem to reach down deep, causing memories and emotions long forgotten, to surface. I was quite surprised by my response. I highly recommend this concert. It is an experience that you won't soon forget.
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a new concept and I was somewhat unsure what it would be like but I love John Denver so I decided to take my mom. I really enjoyed the show and if you close your eyes you might even think John Denver was really there. It was definitely worth going to. I do have some constructive criticism. At times it seemed like there were some audio glitches, but they were minor and passed quickly. Maybe it was the venue and not your issue. I really enjoyed Jim Horn and his impressive ability and history with so many other groups. It was so neat to see the band members on stage in the video footage. The only thing that was somewhat weird was the low energy of most of the band members, with the exception of Jim Saelstrom. I don't know if it's because you can't play really vigorously along with the video/audio footage, but you guys barely seemed to move up there. It was nice to see each of you crack a smile every once in awhile and to hear each of you talk. Jim had a smile on his face the majority of the time, and without that, I think it would have been really awkward. It was nice when you sang along. Overall this was a worthwhile show and it was so great to hear those songs at that level in a concert format. I think my mom and I cried for at least 50% of the songs and it really took us back to moments in time.
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great job they did re-creating the brilliant life of John Denver. A wonderful night to share. There were times during the concert where I felt he was there. It must be amazing for the musicians to be on stage playing along with the voice of John Denver.
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was so disappointed in the overall condition of the theater. And I felt that the advertising for the performance was miss leading. I expected to hear the group doing John Denver's songs not backing up a video. This is the first time I'm giving a bad review.
Keswick Theatre - Glenside, PA - Wed, Feb 13, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was fantastic....loved it, loved it, loved it!!! I grew up as a teenager listening to John Denver. What a gifted song writer and musician he was. I never saw him live in concert, so I'm glad I got to see this show. The band was great. I'd see it again it a heartbeat! They should go state wide with this show.
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was amazing! I felt like John was really there. Of course, since his spirit is in everything around us, he really was...I couldn't believe how, even though I hadn't really listened to his music in years, I remembered every word. Years ago, I was a huge fan and I wanted to see John in concert, but never did. I am so glad John's family and friends gave us this amazing opportunity! Congratulations to the band for putting on such a wonderful performance. If the show comes around again, you can be sure I'll be there!
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved every minute of this show. The band was awesome, the videos made you feel that John was with us. I laughed, I cried, I sang and danced. Four friends/family were with us and they loved it also. I would highly recommend this show. Believe me, you will get "high."
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good Time...Next best thing to John being there himself. Brings back a lot of good memories.
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fabulous night filled with reminiscing! It was so heart-warming to hear the band members who had played with John in the past speak about his life. And it was wonderful to hear John speak so eloquently once again. Thank you to his family for sharing their footage of John with all of us. The show was so very well done with excellent muscians (including the strings section). Thanks to all those involved for putting this together so we could hear the beautiful simple songs of John Denver in a concert setting.
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
For some reason we thought that it was going to be the Holigraphic projection on stage only to find it was his band and a big screen in the back. A little dissappointing at first but when you see the home footage and the never before seen home videos it didnt really matter anymore. The sound was amazing if you closed your eyes it was like he was was there.It was defiantley a trip down memory lane for any John Denver fan. It was a tribute show.WOuld I see it again? Probably not. Would I recomend a friend to go see it? Yes I would. Any true Denver fan would not mind seeing the show at all. All in all it was a nice evening out.And it reminded me of how much I did miss John Denver.
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An Amazing Experience. My wife and I both felt like we were at an actualy John Denver Concert. Unsure of what to expect we could not have been more pleased. The Keswyck Staff and the facility is the best. Absolutely Awesome, I give it "Five Stars"
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a thrill it was for me to 'experience' John Denver in concert again, after all these years! Thanks to today's technology, his band mates were able to perform with him again. John sang and played his guitar on the video screen and the other gentlemen accompanied live him on stage. Such tremendous talent and dedication to their craft. The audience was appreciative, singing along to every song. The interviews and tributes were heartfelt and emotional. It was very touching to see how much he is [still] loved, respected, and admired. Thank you all for keeping his legacy alive. His fans appreciate it more than you know....
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was incredible!!!! We loved every minute of the concert. The band was so personable and they chose the right songs to showcase John Denver. He was such a fabulous entertainer and he is still missed by many. Glad we had the opportunity to relive his music. Would go to this concert again and again.
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have adored John Denver for many many years like so many others. He was and is still so much a part of my life. When I heard about this concert I hoped and prayed that it would come to my hometown and my prayers were answered. My husbands comment after the show was "it was more than I expected" and I feel the same way. It was surreal. John was not physically there but I felt his presence. He was all around us as I am sure he is at every one of these concerts. His band members, excuse me for not naming them because of a lack of memory, they are true friends. They were remarkable. It's amazing that they could get up on stage and speak so fondly in front of all of John's fans. They made me feel a part of their friendship with John and that was truly special to me. It was wonderful seeing Mr. Jim Horn, and yes his name is very easy to remember. :) I have told everyone what a Great show this was and would encourage anyone to go see it. Thank you so much for this opportunity. God bless everyone involved in making this happen.
Florida Theatre Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - Tue, Nov 19, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's hard to believe that John Denver has been gone from us for over sixteen years, but after attending this concert, his music was as fresh & inspiring as ever. I was a little concerned that since it had been so long since he last played, that there might not be much interest in this concert. I was wrong. We had front row seats and when I turned around to look back, I saw a packed house. Amazing! And they loved it, as witnessed by their enthusiasm, applause, and standing ovations. I really wasn't sure how the band was going to present this performance, but it was tastefully done. Respectful, incitful, well played and exicuted. It had just the right balance of homage and enthusiasm. Seeing the members of Johns origional band play along with seeing video of them playing with John in concert, helped tie the past with the present and bring back the magic. It was a joy hearing John express himself in his own words, hearing him sing with the accompaniment of his former band mates and strings, ( Oh how he loved the strings ) & the impulse of everyone in attendance to spontaneously sing in uninhibited unison, helped deliver the gift John Denver so passionately tried to give......Peace. I wish to say "thank you" to his former band mates for bringing this performance here to us in Jacksonville Florida. To reunite us with the spirit that so moved us all....John Denver.
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don't know what I was expecting, but I was swept away with the performances of the musicians and the very strong presence of John Denver. He was the soundtrack of my life from the moment Leaving on a Jet Plane came out. Being a West Virginian, I will always be grateful for the impact he had on our state. Beautifully done!
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is a bit odd to go to a concert of someone who is deceased; however it was an awesome show. The live band (his actual old band) made it come to life. It was also bittersweet realizing how much everyone truly lost in the music world with the untimely death of John Denver! The show was lively, intetesting and intimate drawing you in to his iconic music! We also loved the great old Florida Theater, a perfect venue!
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I attended this concert not knowing quite what to expect. The concert begin with a video playing of John Denver talking about how he got into playing and writing music. The picture and sound quality were poor, the lead live guitar player was either tuning his guitar or trying to softly play along with the video music, and I could not make out much of what was being said. I do believe the concert improved as it went along. Despite that, we left at intermission. In my opinion, the concept doesn't quite work for the following reasons: The video screen is set too far back on stage and the picture/sound quality is not good enough. It was hit or miss. Nowhere close to watching a dvd at home. Much of the footage is available in John Denver's numerous DVDs. I don't feel you get much appreciation of the live band when playing along with the video, the video drowns it out. James Taylor pulled this off well, although the other way around, on his One Man Band Tour a few years ago. Background singers on a video supplemented his live playing and it was great. It is absolutely not worth the price of admission. I would strongly advise watching his DVDs at home.
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome concert! Really enjoyed the stories Steve told of playing together with John Denver. One of the best concerts I ever attended. Ted and Steve are great together!
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have always loved many of the songs of John Denver. Ted Vigil and Steve Weisberg recreated the magic and emotion of those songs. The quality was most excellent! I was thrilled to hear many of my favorite songs. During and after the concert Ted and Steve expressed joy in their performance, demonstrated that they loved what they were doing, and showed a love for their audience. The whole experience was fun and enjoyable, and it exceeded my expectations! It brought back the good, strong feelings I have whenever I hear John Denver's songs.
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great concert, great venue! Ted Vigil is a must see. Along with Steve Weisberg, the show was just amazing. What a great tribute to John Denver.
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We loved this show! Ted was great! He looks and sounds like JD. The guitarist was awesome. Teds own music was excellent as well.
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ted looked so much like John it blew my mind ! The singing felt like John...and Steve was INCREDIBLE!!! We played the CD all the way home. Thanks for bringing them to the RIALTO !
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let me get through the not so good and it has nothing to with Ted Vigil. I didn't need the warm up singer. I'm old and I was in the younger percentile of the audience. Get on with the show so I can get to sleep at a reasonable hour. The good, Steve Weisberg was a great addition providing some fascinating stories of actually knowing and playing with John Denver. He also had some very good jokes. Ted Vigil was amazing, he looks like John Denver and sounds like John Denver, although he did not say "far out" even once during the show. At the beginning of the show I was listening to his voice and it was so close I thought to myself he sounds just like John Denver with a slight cold. After a few songs he admitted that he was just getting over a cold. I guess the point I'm making is he probably does sound exactly like John Denver. Maybe not exactly but very close.
Rialto Square Theatre - Joliet, IL - Fri, Oct 4, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My wife has always been a huge John Denver fan. I learned to really appreciate and love his music as her husband. She was so excited to get these tickets as a gift, but than somewhat worried that it was a tribute (look and sound alike) performer. Our experience is that 'tribute' performers are just terrible. After the first song, both of us were just in awe and so happy to be wrong. Ted Vigil really does evoke memories of John Denver and his voice could only have been closer if he was JD himself. He played all the hits so well we didn't even realize he had a cold. Steve Weisberg told great stories about John and his playing really just elevated the whole show. My only complaint was that the mixing guy had Steve's guitar up too loud so it was hard to hear Ted Vigil sing at points. Small complaint about a wonderful show. My wife and I can't wait to go see them again.
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show was a lot of fun, started on time, and lasted about 1-1/2 hours. The temperature in the venue was freezing though. There was lots of video footage of John Denver and his band, including tv appearances that I remember seeing as a child. There were two different t-shirts available for sale and some CDs by two of the musicians there that had worked with JD. I wasn't clear on how long some of them had been with him except for Jim Horn who played the wind instruments and has an amazing resume outside of JD. I had hoped we would have the old lineup from the 70s including John Sommers and Dick Kniss, etc., but the acoustic guitar player had learned guitar from him and I guess played on some songs, and the bassist had apparently joined the band just after the Wildlife concert. Not sure about the drummer or the violinists. But it was still a very moving show and tribute to the man.
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great tribute concert featuring videos and musicians that played with John Denver. I had forgotten about some of the wonderful songs John Denver wrote & recorded!! Go see this show if you can!!
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was so beautiful. Well done by the band members, with memories and some beautiful music. Really miss JD
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very nostalgic. This was a very well done production.
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
John Denver is great. A John Denver video is great. Paying to see a John Denver video with a live back up band sucks. Stay at home and watch the video and save some bucks.
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
we have been going to John Denver concerts all our teenage life this was a awesome walk down memory lane. very tastefully done. we really ejoyed it
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Brought back wonder feelings of a by gone era. Learned alot about JD also.
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had know idea what to expect and was delighted with the evening. This was a Christmas present for my mom, a huge JD fan and I'm a big fan myself so this was a no-brainer. The band was amazing, it was so fun to see them live playing and on the screen playing the same thing from years ago. John's voice was so clear, it was like he was live too. I could not have asked for a better evening. A must see for any John Denver fan!
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Did not know what to expect with this type of concert and were very pleased at how it was presented. The original band was terrific and we could tell they still had a special spot in their heart for John.
State Theatre - Minneapolis, MN - Sun, Feb 17, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My almost 5 yr old is a fan of JD-obsessed. The show was great, from the videos and songs to the band as they honored their friend. This was the most relaxed and yet joyous evening I have spent with my daughter who was in pure awe of the night. Magical indeed. A HUGE thank you to the family for allowing this to happen!!!
Star Plaza Theatre - Merrillville, IN - Fri, Feb 15, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We remember going to JD concerts back in the '70s - far out - and still enjoy his music at home. When this concert was announced we jumped at the chance to revisit those times past. Very fun seeing 4 of his old band members on stage - seeing JD's video footage along with the live music on stage was a great combination.
Star Plaza Theatre - Merrillville, IN - Fri, Feb 15, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wish there would have been more singing from the artists and less video! Overall good experience.
Star Plaza Theatre - Merrillville, IN - Fri, Feb 15, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Star Plaza Theatre - Merrillville, IN - Fri, Feb 15, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The additional wait (five days, due to a cancellation due to snow) was well worth it. The quality of the performance, plus their congenial stage presence, brought back a flood of wonderful memories of John Denver's many appearances in the Philadelphia area. The quality (and obvious friendship) shared by the musicians also reminded one of the professionalism and quality of JD performances over several decades. It was great to see the warmth and recognition directed to Jim Horn, whose friendship and collaboration with John dated back the furthest (mid-1970s?). His portfolio and collaboration with so many "giants" in the music industry is amazing. I wasn't sure how the combination of the live musicians and archival JD video footage would work, but it did - and truthfully, it made one long for those wonderful, intimate concerts he staged (even his performances "in the round" at the old Spectrum could be classified as intimate). We can all hope that his music - and spirit - will stand the test of time.
Star Plaza Theatre - Merrillville, IN - Fri, Feb 15, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We didn't know what to expect at the concert but we were pleasantly surprised at how much we loved the show. The former members of John Denver's band shared some of their experiences with John which was very interesting. But their musical talent was outstanding.
Star Plaza Theatre - Merrillville, IN - Fri, Feb 15, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My hubby and I really enjoyed the concert. It brought back many memories! We also enjoyed hearing more about John Denver's life and his band. John Denver will be my life time favorite! I'd go again and really enjoyed pictures of mountains and scenery. It would be neat if they did it again on a bigger screen with new pictures and clips of other things he did. I wil never tire of hearing or seeing anything about John Denver. I loved this concert and I hope they will do more. I wish I took my kids to see this. Thank you!
Star Plaza Theatre - Merrillville, IN - Fri, Feb 15, 2013
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