Drums Along the Waterfront

Drums Along the Waterfront

Drums Along the Waterfront Concert & Tour Photos

picture #1

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow did these groups perform. They left everthing they had on the field
Ralph Wilson Stadium - Orchard Park, NY - Sun, Aug 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having marched in my last show some 47 years ago, this was a treat for sure. The drumlines were great from every corps. 12 snares...unbelievable! Horn lines with 14 contras. GE was fabulous. The days of "off-the-line" are long gone, as well as retreat. I'll be back next year, with more friends.
Ralph Wilson Stadium - Orchard Park, NY - Sun, Aug 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved it!!!! This was my first time and it was amazing!! I will be going again!!
Ralph Wilson Stadium - Orchard Park, NY - Sun, Aug 2, 2015
Xjazz :: Graton Showcase :: Rory Danger & the Danger Dangers :: Grave Hounds :: Robin 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Had always wanted to see this and finally had the chance. It was a fantastic experience! So many talented young people passionate about what they were doing. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Only complaint was the judging. Didn't agree with any of their decisions.
Ralph Wilson Stadium - Orchard Park, NY - Sun, Aug 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I think the Drum Corps were awesome! They really put on a show. I saw them in Allentown PA the days before and the Buffalo show was well performed as well as the performances in the lot before the show. The negative comment is with the location. Ralph Wilson Stadium worker treat drum corps fans like the drunken Bills fans. The wanding of everyone was totally invasive. No need to scan 11 yr old girls and the fans, when the median age was probably over 50! All other DCI shows are pleasant with no lines and no security like your guilty before even going in the entrance. The removal of bottle caps are uncalled for. the night before in Allentown, I was allowed to bring in water and soda and they sold the same with the bottle caps still on. Is the stadium in Bflo afraid we may hurt the stadium? It was not an NFL game so why treat it so. Hold it in other venues where you are treated with respect. All High stadium in 2014 was more pleasant!
Ralph Wilson Stadium - Orchard Park, NY - Sun, Aug 2, 2015
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