KCSN Benefit Concert

KCSN Benefit Concert

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Valley Performing Arts Center was a highly civilized venue for a small college radio's benefits' concert, like a Disney Concert Hall in the valley. There were assigned seating, eight dollar wine, and a surprising amount of couples in their 60's and 70's. Perhaps they were the parents of the college students, or I'm getting old? Although social media posting was encouraged before and after the show, no picture or video-taking was allowed. Consequently there weren't any teenaged girls watching and documenting the entire event on their tiny iphone screens, instead of viewing the real life humans on stage. Nor were they engaged in taking selfies with their bffs during songs. Heaven! If only all shows in LA were this civilized. David Gray started out the night with new material that I doubt any of the audience had ever heard of. His big English voice and the accompanying cellos reverberated off the walls of the venue though. Finally he obliged us with songs from White Ladder with "Babylon" and "This Year's Love." I felt like I was in an early aught's romcom but that's not a bad thing. I wish he had sung "Please Forgive Me," but maybe he's thoroughly sick of playing it. After a 30 minute intermission, Conor Oberst started his set with "Lenders at the Temple" off his self-titled solo debut. This led to one of my favorite all time songs, "Land-Locked Blues" from what I think is his best Bright Eyes album, I'm Wide Awake It's Morning. Following this was a trio of songs from the new album, Upside Down Mountain. "Hundreds of Ways" and "Zigzagging Toward the Light" rocked, although the new-age jazzy take on "Artifact #1" was unfathomable. "Soul Singer in a Session Band," not one of my favorites, concluded the original material in the set. After this penultimate song, Conor gave an awesome shout out to every member of the band, including Bright Eye's Nate Walcott and his latest producer cohort, Jonathan Wilson. A John Prine cover of "Pretty Good" concluded the set much too early, with Conor sharing vocal duties with his guitar player and Jonathan Wilson. Conor's generosity towards his fellow musicians was on full display as he also gave props to show-mates David Gray and Ryan Adams. I was a little disappointed he didn't sing "Double Life" or some of my other favorite songs, but the Conor canon is so huge, and the set was short, that there was no way all his fans could be sated. After the last 30 minute intermission, the previously calm and quiet group of friends sitting behind me wearing identical Ryan Adams (ironically) ugly Christmas sweaters went nuts. These were Ryan Adams superfans. I was impressed with their name-that-tune ability to discern monikers of songs from one single note, yet annoyed by their constant catcalls, whistles, and sing-a-long which drowned out the actual songs throughout the set. At first, the show was promising, as Ryan growled with eloquent brevity, "We got an hour, let's make it count." He started off with the lead single to his latest album, "Gimme Something Good." My husband sitting next to me, later joked cynically that this is what Ryan's fans have been asking for during the last 10 years of disappointingly generic rock albums after the heights reached during Heartbreaker and Gold. Someone in the audience yelled "Nobody Girl," and Ryan barked back something to the effect of "We already created our setlist, and we're going to play THOSE songs...but uh, thank you for liking that song." It was much snarkier and more douchey sounding in the room. Honestly I only remember the songs that I liked from his setlist, notably, "When the Stars Go Blue," "Dear Chicago," and "Oh My Sweet Carolina." I was swooning into a puddle during "Come Pick Me Up." And that nullified any other douchey comments he made that night. So in conclusion, I look forward to any shows Conor plays in LA in the future. And to whomever organized this benefit concert: GREAT JOB!
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Valley Performing Arts Center is a beautiful venue with great sound, easy parking, and a lovely location on the grounds of Cal State Northridge. All three bands were good, although David Gray had his back to the audience when he played the piano. (Poor piano placement!) I personally love Conor Oberst so his set was my favorite. Not so familiar with Ryan Adams, but he's a great singer and a great guitarist. His lighting design was very cool, but a little dark - would have liked to see the performers lit up better. Most of all, I love KCSN and urge everyone to listen and support the station!
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sarah was truly fantastic, I liked the small band, particularly when just piano and cello played. The show falls one star short for length. One hour and 10 minutes for over $100 per ticket. Was really surprised by the festival style set (without the festival).
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
S.P.O.R.E. :: Noneed :: Aaron Bensoussan :: Angie Fisher :: Rock Im Park
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah is such an incredible artist, Amazing singer, generous person. She is so real on stage. Can't thank her enough for what she has done( and continues to do) for women in music.This was the first time I attended anything at the Valley Performing Art Center and it is a beautiful Venue.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's difficult to see Sarah at a small venue like this one. I was sitting 12th row and center and therefore eye to eye. I am so grateful that I got to see her perform at the college I graduated from.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah McLaughlin is amazing no matter where she sings and who promotes her! She sang my ultimate FAVORITE SONG......ELSEWHERE! And she sounded amazing. It was not rehearsed or planned, but she sang it per our request. Would see her again nay time! Merry
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show started after 8 instead of 7:30 as advertised. Sarah MacLachlan was great. Good music and charming manner. For the opening act, Laura Marling, the sound system at VPAC was earplug inspiring once again (ear blasting falsettos and string slide sounds) . What's strange is it was bad for the opening act but not the for the second. Is this due to the artists or some sound guy?
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A good concert. Felt very intimate and low key which provided a nice mellow evening
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Opening Artist Larua was a great musical artist and very talented. I enjoyed hearing her music. Sarah was amazing as usual and very funny! She is so genuine and real. What a beautiful voice! I wisht the show was longer, bu then again, I could never get enough so... But seeing Sarah perform is Always A Pleasure!
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First time going to Cal State Northridge's Vally Arts Center. Pretty new venue but very nice reminds me a lot of the Dorthy Chandler Pavillion, seat were comfortable in pretty intimate setting. The open act Laura Marling was amazing. She sounded little a cross between Nancy Wilson and Sinade O'Connor to me and she was simply outstanding guitar player. Sarah was/is simply one of most talented performers and song writers of our time. She played for about and hour and a half and did most of her big hits as well as a few new songs mixed in, and she really seems like someone I'd love to hang out and have be my friend she seems so nice, some funny moments where she hadn't played a couple of songs in while and couldn't remember the lyrics. All in all a great show.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wish Sarah would have performed for more than the hour she did. Great concert other than the short time she was on stage.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This benefit concert was really good. The opening act (Laura Marling) was really loud, but other than that, it was one of the best concerts I'd been to in a very long time. Sarah McLachlan was amazing. She performed all of her hits, and the audience seemed to just love it. I'd definitely go see her perform again.
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
She is one of the best performers I have ever seen. She is engaging and giving. Even did an impromptu song! LOVE HER!
Valley Performing Arts Center - Northridge, CA - Fri, Dec 5, 2014
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