It Shoulda Been You (NY)

It Shoulda Been You (NY)

FUNNY HOW FAST THINGS FALL APART WHEN FAMILY GETS TOGETHER.You’re invited to Broadway’s most uproarious family affair, as two very different families come to together for a wedding no one will soon forget. Tony Award® winners Tyne Daly and Harriet Harris head a hilarious cast complete with blushing brides, nervous grooms, overbearing moms, unexpected guests, and enough twists and turns to make even the most experienced wedding planner throw up his hands and say ‘holy matrimony!’  IT SHOULDA BEEN YOU, directed by Emmy® and Tony Award® winner David Hyde Pierce.

It Shoulda Been You (NY) Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This play was so unique. It was funny from moment one. Half way through they have a plot twist so good my jaw literally dropped. The cast is perfect!!!
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The cast was consummate professionals and the theatre has no bad seats Funny - with a twist. No intermission and one bathroom. But it's all god!
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw this show twice. Great cast, great show, fun, fun fun!
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
C.G. Ryche :: Psychoegyptian :: Darkhaus :: Big Ole P & Lil'missy :: London Future
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
turns into meaningful point on love. everyone fun tyne daly fabulous as always
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We found the play very enjoyable. Love the twist and turn that happened. Music/words were right on beat with the story. Was definitely a todays changing world story. It took us by surprise. It was fun, fun, and more fun. We would see it again. Stage direction was right on the button throughout the story.
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a very enjoyable show. I was with 3 friends and we all loved it. The audience around us laughed constantly with strong applause. I don't know what show the critics were watching, but this show is VERY GOOD! I hope word of mouth keeps this show alive! It is a feel good show.
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a light, entertaining show although it had its surprise moments. Cast was excellent. It wasn't Les Mis or Phantom- but not everything has to be!!
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It made me laugh and cry and feel good! A must see.
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Simply great fun. Lots of laughing and clapping. Not one mean character in the show.
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Was a wonderful show kept us laughing....I would say a must see....
Play - Nyc, NY - Mon, Apr 13, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My friend and I thoroughly enjoyed "It Shoulda Been You" as did the audience. Everything about it was perfect, from the cast, to the music, to the laughs-a-minute, and even to its sadness and poignancy.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Didn't know what to expect and was delightfully surprised at how enjoyable it was. It's a campy, madcap, surprisingly twisty-turny plot line that will make you wonder what is coming next. The actors are well cast and even the supporting actors shine (I'm especially looking at the guy who plays the 'ex'). The singing is ok, not great, but a few of the songs are quite lovely and reprises are always nice. It's probably not for the under 13s, or the judgemental, but everyone else should enjoy it. I'm not going to explain judgemental about what because they would ruin it. Do NOT let anyone tell you the story beforehand. It will be MUCH better that way. It just under 2 hours. No intermission. See it. It's a lot of fun.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We thought it was hilarious. Tyne Daly was pitch perfect as the Jewish mother, and we particularly liked the wedding planner character played by Edward Hibbert. The cast all had good voices and the tunes were funny and fun, if not forever memorable. Although many critics have dismissed it as fluff, we had a great night out and left laughing, as did everyone else there, who gave a rousing standing ovation.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It Shoulda Been You was fantastic. It was funny, and had some quirky twists. Tyne Daly was superb.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was funny, inventive and fast-paced. it was a wonderful showcase for both new talent and veteran actors. We thoroughly enjoyed it. See it while you can!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My friend wanted to see "It Shoulda Been You," but when my husband read a not so good review, I was very skeptical. However, since I was able to find reasonably priced tickets, my friend and I went anyway. Well, much to my surprise, I really enjoyed the show!!! The songs weren't extremely memorable, but the acting, singing and storyline were great, so it made up for it. There were many shows that got great reviews that I didn't like as much as this one. Take a chance and see it before it closes on the 9th of August. You may be pleasantly surprised too.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Why do all the good ones close. Acting superb. Timing amazing. Singing voices fabulous.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was very funny and had some surprises in it..
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hilarious, nonstop entertainment! So glad I decided on this show! Fun and uplifting!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Harriet Harris, Tyne Daly, Edward Hibbert and the superb ensemble brought absolute joy to the audience. There isn't an off moment; totally delightful. It's closing all too soon; run to the box office now!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 30, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's the best time you will ever have on Broadway. Every character is wonderful and every line is like a savory morsel.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall, this play is very entertaining. It is quick moving and funny, with many clever lines. The songs are good and the words can be understood easily, but no one song stands out as memorable. It is a musical because it includes the songs, but it does not really include any big choreographed dances that a grand musical would include. The entire play takes less than 90 minutes and there is no intermission. All of the actors do their roles very well. We especially like Tyne Daly, Lisa Howard, Anne Nathan but truly, each actor added depth to the show, and there are a few people with wonderful voices! This show is unexpected because it almost seems like an old-fashioned time period -- maybe early 1960s. As it began, we did not even think it had a modern times setting, but you soon realize it does. We liked the almost vintage feel coupled with the modern and important theme. My husband and I would recommend this play. There was never a dull moment; it went quickly, and we laughed out loud more than once. For us, it was not "Beautiful," or "Motown," or "Jersey Boys," which were all five stars to us -- but it is certainly worth seeing and enjoying on its own!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Many humorous moments.... Twist in the plot made me a bit uncomfortable, but I got through it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely positively loved this show from beginning to end! Funny entertaining with lessons to be learned to boot! Highly recommend!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful night of music and laughter. Cast was phenomenal. Evening so enjoyable.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had a smile on my face from start to finish!!! Everyone should see and enjoy this show!!!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An upbeat, clever comedy with a talented cast, beautiful sets and, despite it's playfulness, important messages about love & humanity. If you don't know much about this show, keep it that way and be prepared for entertaining twists!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went in with lowered expectations knowing that it would soon close and having heard terrible reviews. I am so glad I did not listen! From the get go I found it to be hilarious, with a wonderful cast, and catchy tunes to boot. I only wish it wasn't closing so soon so I could see it again. I would definitely recommend. And I will be sure to buy the cast album when it is released. Such a great, fun, and enjoyable night at the theater.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The play was to weird with multi complications. not at all funny
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I had heard good things on TV and friends about this play but in reality it was much funnier than I thought it would be.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Jul 25, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Warm, Witty and Wonderful! Too bad it's closing it deserves a far longer run.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It has something for everyone at any age. It is the COMPLETE PACKAGE!!!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved every moment of this show. It was well cast. The lighting, costumes, and set were well designed. It was very entertaining, very funny, and I would go see it again.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Why is this show closing? It was funny and entertaining the whole way through! The orchestra was amazing supporting the cast in an outstanding manner! I had several laugh out loud moments! Go quickly before it closes!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
One can readily see why this show is ending so soon and with such a very short run. I had no problem with the acting or the singing, but Sierra Boggess' amazing voice should have been featured way more prominently. The "plot twist" (trying not to include a "spoiler") was unfortunate with our daughter with us, and we actually saw many people walk out at that point. It truly was unnecessary as the ultimate ending could have been the story without the "plot twist" upstaging it. The "plot twist" itself was even taken too far as the second level of it really made it unpalatable. Even our daughter asked, "Why did they have to do that?" Poorly thought out by the writers/director. We learned from a prominent theater employee afterwards that it has been given such a short run due to the fact that the critics don't like it. I can see why. Go see "On the Town" instead which we saw that evening and it was awesome!!! Over all it was maybe a half step up from a high school play, but with the "plot twist" I would have much preferred a high school play!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This play was cheerful, funny, irreverent without being offensive and just a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon. The whole cast was fabulous but Tyne Daly was made for this role. She is such a great actress, and so believable in her part. I could see her as a mom with a great sense of humor.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While I don't agree with the LGBT twist that came at the end, this play was full of hilarious situations, delightful quirks, and incredible prop changes and scene transitions. The one liners were great; loved the incorporation of dance and energy from the make actors. All the voices and so ga sung were awesome! A wonderful afternoon play with some of the most talented actors and actresses I've seen!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From beginning to end a great, enjoyable show -- very funny, almost too true ..Talented actors. No memorable songs (music) but lyrics were spot on. I'm a senior citizen who grew up in Manhattan and have been going to theater since the original "Oklahoma." I spent many a Saturday afternoon, by myself, standing in the back row to see a performance. I went to this show because it was highly recommended by a friend. I had seen Tyne Daly in "Gypsy" and loved her. However, the show is funny on its own and doesn;t need any "name"
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It Shoulda Been You was a lot of fun. It's a madcap comedy with lots of twists and turns. Everyone enjoyed it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So glad we had the opportunity to see this wonderful production before it closed! We laughed from beginning to end. If you have the chance to see it before August 9th you will be in for a treat!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the play. I laughed through the whole play and thought it was well written. I throughly enjoyable evening. left me wanting more.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the show ended at 9:50pm and I wanted more. It was that entertaining and funny. So engaging! So many laughs and worth every penny. See it before it ends.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So unexpectly fabulous! I chose this play because of the cast and director. But will recommend it because of the writing! Simply hilarious and worth watching again!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the funniest plays I have ever seen. A laugh out loud musical comedy. I was unsure what to expect...but this is one not to miss. Too bad it is scheduled to close on Aug. 9. The cast was amazing...each one had their moment to shine and their voices soared and grabbed the audience. I never saw an audience so involved (in a great way). See it before it is gone, or you will say "I Shoulda listened to HtotheK" !
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have to say I wasn't sure what to expect since it hadn't been playing that long. I turned out to be pleasantly very surprised! "It Shoulda Been You" is clever and funny. Harriet Harris is hysterical as mother of the groom.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it. Great twist at the end. So funny, laughed all the way through.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Don't miss this hit! If you are a Tyne Daly fan, it's BONUS time! Light, funny, contemporay fast paced humor, song and dance...absolutely, laugh out loud production.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unbelievably funny and surprising. Keeps you guessing throughout. Every actor was historical, not just the leads. I haven't laughed this hard in years! Have sent all my friends, and they loved it also.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a delight! It was non-stop fun from beginning to end. We laughed, we cried, we related to the characters. Great cast, great staging. Songs and lyrics were good. We were expecting a ho-hum show, but this was the best of our weekend!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We went to the last performance and it's just too bad that it ended too soon. A lot of twist and made the whole story line unpredictable. Laughing until the end! We love it. No boring moment for the whole audience!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Aug 9, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
My wife adored this show while the rating above reflects my view. It was OK but like many a show does not live up to its hype. Amusing yes hilarious no. Music decent but not unforgettable. On stage talent though was exceptional.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fantastic, funny, delightful to watch.would love to see it again. I have ordered the cd- acting was great , songs enjoyable.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My sister and I (and a co-worker who also saw it) thought the play was excellent! It was very, very funny. We would definitely recommend it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a great show. Very funny and the ending was a surprise.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
right from the start it was wonderful. the music, the singing, the surprises. Lisa Howard was great can't wait to see her in something else. Tyne Daly has always been a favorite
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So funny! Sorry it closed....wanted friends & family to see it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I do not understand why they closed this show. It was incredibly hilarious, Amazoling all star cast, and by far the best Broadway musical comedy I have seen so far. I got w chance to see the final performance on Sunday. And let me tell you, even though i was already aware of what was info to happen, the show was still amazing. Sierra Boggess was absolutely amazing as Rebecca the bride. Her performance of "A little bit less than" was unbelievable and Lisa Howard did a show stopping performance. Literally stopped the show and got about a 5 minute standing ovation. The plot twist was amazing and literally surprised the audience.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
LOVE the show. soo funny!! and a very unexpected twist. i went to see it twice because i love SIERRA BOGGESS and they were all amazing i have to say! i feel so bad that they have to close. As soon as they don't take Sierra off Broadway I'm good.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the show. Great acting. So funny- lots of laughs- enjoyable day
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Play. Can't believe it closed. Who reviewed this play. It should have run for years
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Aug 6, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great show, all the performers did a superb job. i am sad that they are not going to be doing this for too long. they should keep it running longer.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My daughter and I saw this play Friday evening. We laughed from beginning to end. It was hilarious and everyone in the cast was terrific. We were able to get some autographs at the stage door once it was over, which was thrilling. I don't understand why this play closed so quickly. What a mistake.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"It Shoulda Been You" was pure fun from beginning to end. The cast was amazing, the set beautiful and wonderfully adaptable, and the story funny with many twists and turns. I enjoyed every minute of the show.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm am so glad we had the opportunity to see this show. Too bad it was going to close. The audience was packed. Very well performed and written show. There was no one person who stood out. They cast was across the board spectacular.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved every character. Each one as entertaining as the next. The storyline surprised me in a good way. Please you have to see it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw a ton of shows this summer but by far this was my favorite!!!! I was current, happy, entertaining and hysterical with twists and turns!!!!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A wonderful cast get the most out of this modern farce about a bride who has a secret.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It shoulda been you is Ben Brantley and tell him as his scathing review is responsible for this premature closing!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laughed my a** off and shed a little tear. Wonderful show. Everyone should it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fabulous show! It was just the right blend of music, dance, and COMEDY!!! If you aren't in stitches throughout the show, you can't have a pulse. Two tickets in the second row cost over $400 but it was well worth it for a show in the heart of Broadway! An experience I will never forget.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sat, Aug 1, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was so funny. I could not stop laughing. Too bad it's closing. The actors were fantastic.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Much funnier than expected and great story too! Wish they make a movie for this so i can watch it over and over!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A very funny plot with lots of twist and turns. Many surprises and the plot thickens towards the end. Great show to see with the parents and grandparents.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I booked this show not knowing what it would entail. The show was brilliant and it had me crying with laughter. The cast was fantastic and the songs were beautifully sang. I would encourage everyone to go and see this show.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I went with 5 of my friends and we just laughed and laughed! We take turns picking which play to see and it was my turn, my friends couldn't stop thanking me for such a wonderful pick. If your even thinking about whether or not to see this play, stop thinking and go! You won't regret it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love it-love it-love it! Exceeded expectations by 100%.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The runs without an intermission and is over in 100 minutes. I LOVE that -- I wish all of Broadway would do the same. It's a purely entertaining time -- no great message or memorable songs, but it was amusing and had a great cast.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We loved the play. All the acters would terrific, and it was very well cast. The story is very funny and very clever. So much truth to what is said and yet so much spoof....Would definitely recommend this play to college age and glad we saw it.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was unexpectedly funny and very heartwarming. The cast is dynamite and I never missed the intermission. It is ending soon so don't miss out. I saw 2 other shows while I was there but this was my favorite!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was wonderfully funny and joyous. Cast was superb. There are no negatives with this highly entertaining show. I highly recommend it to everyone and am sorry to see it is ending so soon.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Wed, Jul 22, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Saw it in April and brought a friend. Just as funny the second time, if not more. Love the cast. Tyne Daly and Harriet Harris are hilarious. Lisa Howard has an amazing voice. Sorry it's closing next month.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laughed from beginning to end! Hit very close to home. Wish it wasn't closing so I had time to see it again!the scene between the two mothers getting ready.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Loved the Show and the Cast. Clever lyrics, good characters.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amazing time - spent entire show laughing and at the same time being surprised by all the quirky twists and turns of the plot. Amazing acting by all. Really one of the best musicals on broadway right now. please do NOT miss this extremely hilarious show
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm so glad I had a chance to see this show before it closed. It was the original cast and it was so much fun! This is definitely going to be a staple of regional, college, and community theatres in the coming years. Great cast! Lisa Howard is amazing, Harriet Harris was seriously funny, and Josh Grisetti was hilarious!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I must confess I didn't really know what this show was about, and the Lisa Howard's performance at the Tony's changed everything. I knew I had to see it the week I'd be in town and I was so happy I finally took the plunge. I laughed the entire show, got teary eyed at moments and even chocked a bit at the surprise twist because it really caught me off guard. The cast was amazing but to me, Tine Daly, Lisa Howard and Josh Grisetti are the show stealers! I loved it so much i got tickets for the same week ans this time I laughed harder, if that was possible. I'm incredibly sad to see it close ita doors on Aug 9th, but feel so lucky to have seem this amazing gem twice! Thank you to everyone involved in ISHBY, for making my return as a Broadway spectator so much sweeter and funnier!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I truly enjoyed the show. Everything about it was fantastic. The actors are very talented and the script was very funny. I really did not know much about the show before going so I was surprised by the "twist" in the story. I'm glad I had the opportunity to see this show.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You laugh from the moment the curtain goes up. In addition, it is a very good musical with good voices. The story line has some great twists. A very good feel good musical.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've seen the show twice. It should've been you was the funniest Broadway play I have ever seen. And I have seen many many plays. This one was hysterical from the moment it started till the very end. There was so many twists and turns and then the major , major your dropper. If you have not seen the show. I highly recommend you get there as soon as possible. You will not be sorry!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It Shoulda Been You is a refreshing show. Light hearted with tons of talent and full of surprises. We were at the Sunday Matinee July 19. Every actor in this show is amazing. The story line has a surprising twist. And I would go and see it again, however this wonderful show's last performance is Aug 9. Thank you to each and every one of you on that stage, in the pit and behind the scene. Your performance deserved the standing ovation you received...
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Sun, Jul 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Funny shtick, surprisingly nice musical and twisted story
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It Shoulda Been You was a very good play. The actors were amazing, their voices were to die for. I laughed from beginning to end, and also had a tear in my eye because of the sweetness of the material, and the twist at the end was very funny.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is sad to see this play closing....I was thrilled to see such wonderful stars having such fun!!!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Entire cast was amazing. Great evening out! Sorry to hear its closing. Great show, great cast lots of laughs! Go see it before it closes.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laugh out loud funny! Surprises abound! See before it closes!!!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Onenofbthe best plays out there. We will go again!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I know the show is closing soon, so my expectations were low. But I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun the show is. The cast is hilarious and I am so glad I got to see the show.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding job done by all! Tyne was magnificent!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a totally entertaining play that was perfectly cast. The play contained great quirky characters all of whom made the play an enjoyable evening of theatre going. The humor was full of whit, yet there was a poignant social message in the play that eventually comes out toward the end. I do not understand why this play is closing so soon. Try to see it before it closes in August.
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great cast,great story, great play. Left everyone in a silly state of mind, funny,funny,so funny!
Brooks Atkinson Theatre - New York, NY - Thu, Jul 16, 2015
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