Dallas Desire

Dallas Desire

Dallas Desire Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sports, beer, very attractive athletes. What could go wrong?
Dr Pepper Arena - Frisco, TX - Sat, May 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Are you ready for some football? Football in June? Sure, why not? Who needs the NFL when we ve got the Dallas Desire of the Legends Football League to cheer on! These are the lovely ladies of the gridiron who pile on the pads to play the game. Well, they don t pile on too many pads or clothes for that matter. The crowd (well, kind of a crowd) at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, Texas was all fired up and ready for some action as the Desire took on the undefeated and 2015 reigning champs, the Seattle Mist! I m not sure about lipstick or mascara, but if Revlon makes a shade of eye black they could be a sponsor for the team because that seemed to be the choice of cosmetics for the evening. As for the uniforms or lack of, there s not a whole lot of room for company sponsorship on these girls (unless they tattooed it on their midriff). Not that I was paying that much attention, but the uniform consists of what might be considered bikinis with shoulder pads. Well, there are knee and elbow pads as well. Don t let the girlie outfits fool you though. These are not skeletor, skinny fashion model girls. I only wish I had the muscle tone some these athletes were showing off. Okay, on with the game! With the first play of the game I quickly learned that this sure as heck wasn t any powderpuff, flag football game here. These girls hit, and they don t hit like girls either! I think I actually saw a couple of clothes lines that took down the running backs. In fact, the game was stopped at least four times for injuries! The game is similar to the guy s arena football, but opposed to the 8 on 8 like the guys play this game is played 7 on 7. So, are they trying to say that it takes only 7 women to do the work of 8 guys? Also unlike the guy s game, which is 95% pass plays, these chicks aren t afraid to run with the ball. Yea, they run right through each other! And there s not just a whole lot of uniform out there to grab onto to drag the running backs down either. Even though the Mist had a couple of running backs that pretty much flew across the field, Desire running back Victoria Thomas busted through the Mist like a feminine Earl Campbell. In fact, I learned that her nickname was the Wildebeest. I m not sure that s such a compliment, but I guess it works because she was able to bang her way into the end zone to put the home team on the scoreboard. Of course the run game wasn t the only weapon the home girl s possessed. Quarterback Michelle Angel (#7) might have the hair, legs and all the other goods to get a spot on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swim suit edition, but her passing arm should be her attribute that gets her noticed by the sports writers. However, it was the Mist s QB KK Matheny (#15) that really got our attention. At only 5 2 this little spit fire launched her passes as if they were coming out a cannon. Yes, this little cutie looked like someone you d want sitting at your table at a nightclub, but she was also someone you d want on your side in case a fight broke out. At one time I thought she was going to be sacked as one of the Desire defensive players broke through the line, but she laid a hit on the rusher that left the poor girl laying on the turf wishing she had opted for the local softball team. The teams kept the score close throughout the entire game, and in the second half tempers begin to flare a bit as a fight broke out in the end zone. No cat fight here. This was an all-out fist fight! Yea, I could tell this game was serious business when the Mist s QB had a bit of a shouting argument with her coach as the game was coming down to the wire. In the end the Desire rained down on the Mist after a Desire defensive back picked off one of Matheny s passes. There was no taking a knee and running out the clock in this game. The pads and helmets were popping until the last second of the game, and the hometown ladies took the game with a nail biting 26 to 21 victory. Can t wait until next season. Go Desire!
Dr Pepper Arena - Frisco, TX - Sat, May 21, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nice atmosphere. Great game and sportsmanship. Really get after the ball and solid tackling football players. You can hear and feel the hard defensive tackling in the stands.
Dr Pepper Arena - Frisco, TX - Sat, May 21, 2016
Destiny Potato :: Men Without Hats :: First Friday Food Truck Fest :: Doug Church :: Victoria Justice
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