Charlie Robison

Charlie Robison

Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The man may have aged a bit but still sounds great, loved the up and close experience that a small venue offers. Charlie was gracious enough to stick around for pictures and conversations with fans. A true down to earth performer who still values his fans. cant wait to see him again.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
With a lineup of three great singer-songwriters the last thing you need is an opening act going on at 9:00. And she was way in over her head (I never heard her name). It was an endless thirty minutes. The Robisons and Jack Ingram were great but their band was way too loud. Besides each singer playing guitar, there were three lead electric guitars. Why? I was there to hear the songs, the lyrics, the songwriting, not the noise. The House of Blues is not a great listening room. Audience never wants to be quiet. Why people buy a ticket and then just gab over the music is mind blowing.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Charlie was great like he always is. The crowd was average, at best. I would have preferred to see him some place besides Billy Bobs. Sounds was bad outside of very close to the stage and from our seats, poles were blocking the stage view.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
96.5 TIC All Star Christmas :: The Young Escape :: Ashley Monroe :: House of Horror :: Saints And Sinners Exotic Halloween Ball
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First of all Ticketmaster needs to learn how to spell this guy's name correctly: It's Charlie "Robison" ..... not Robinson. If you are looking for some great Texas Country Music then he is a must see. He has been around for a long time and deserves more credit. Cypress Saloon is a great venue. Not too small and not too big and the sound is awesome. Great experience overall.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen Charlie about 20 times and I am looking forward to the next show. The band is tight, the songs are great and the band looks like they are having fun.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Always puts on a good live show and never overpriced.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Because of the fact Mr. Robison and two of his band members were smoking on stage and drinking beer and shots while on stage and because the words of his songs were obscene as were his coments during song breaks, we left after 45 minutes. We should have left before that. Worse show I have ever seen. Sad thing is we brought friends from out of state.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This Texas Music Jam was a very good cause. This little lady didn't deserve the cards she was dealt but she seems to be dealing with it with a positive attitude. Want to say thanks to the performers for giving up their time and family time on Mother's Day to help make this show so good. The performers were awesome, the auctioner kept everthing going and was able to raise lots of money for Brandi. this is how i wanted to spend my mother's day evening and i am glad i did. it was the best! God Bless Brandi and her family.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tuff was able to get the goods and people together to make a magic night. People came together to help a lady in need and Ithink we di that and got more than we bargained for in return.
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Billy Bob's - Fort Worth, TX - Fri, Dec 25, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great show, through and through. Charlie Robison, along with his band, make his show a night to remember.
Billy Bob's Texas - Ft. Worth, TX - Sat, Jun 27, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You obviously aren't much of a Texan or country music fan if you think Charlie is "rock". Charlie is solid Texan "honky tonk". Enjoyed his show at Billy Bob's. Will go see him in Wichita Falls in October.
Billy Bob's Texas - Ft. Worth, TX - Sat, Jun 27, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My first time to Fort Worth and Billy Bob's Texas, Charlie Robison was playing. I thought that Billy Bob's was a really awesome place and would love to go again and would highly recommend it to anyone. However I did not think so highly of Charlie Robison. I did not like his voice or style of music. Which sounded like rock. He really did not sound like country music in texas ought to sound. Billy Bob's has many other great singers and bands come in which would have made the experiance more enjoyable.
Billy Bob's Texas - Ft. Worth, TX - Sat, Jun 27, 2009
[Temporary disabled]Charlie Robison needs your feedback
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