John Gorka

John Gorka Concert & Tour Photos
Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing man, song writer and singer. We truly hated to see it end. It was my husband's birthday and I asked Mr. Gorka, (without my husband knowing) if he could sing one of my Husband's favorite songs for his birthday. (What was that) My husband was in awe when he announced it was his birthday and sang the song for him. I think it was one of the best bday presents he has ever had! Thank you Mr. Gorka for you gift!!
The Ark - Ann Arbor, MI - Sun, Oct 4, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a small crowd at the Rhythm Room in Phoenix that showed up to see John Gorka. There were probably two main reasons for that: 1) The show was poorly promoted, and 2) Crosby, Stills & Nash were also playing Phoenix that night. That was too bad, since Gorka put on a great show and deserved to be seen by many more people. His voice was in good form, his between-song banter was typically self-deprecating but humorous (and sometimes downright hilarious), and his guitar and keyboard playing were impeccable. During the 2nd set after the break he brought out his small, customized "G-sharp" electric guitar, saying "Now I'm going to play a little guitar." The sound from that instrument was amazing!
The Ark - Ann Arbor, MI - Sun, Oct 4, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
John & Lucy have always been two of my favorite artists to catch when they tour and Saturday's performance cemented my love of their music and performance styles. Lucy's vocals and the vulnerbility in her lyrics alongside John's quirkiness are a feast for one's ears and a comic treat rolled into one evening. My one regret was that the Red Horse was incomplete (only two of the three stablemates being present). Great night/set filled with warmth and a dash of humor.
The Ark - Ann Arbor, MI - Sun, Oct 4, 2009
Summer Classic Charity Basketball Game with ROC NATIO :: Flamenco :: King Solomon Lives :: TRIXIE MATTEL - Now With Moving Parts Tour :: Valy Hedjasi
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first time hearing John and Lucy, though I've known about both of them for years. The show was wonderful - funny, poignant, entertaining.
The Ark - Ann Arbor, MI - Sun, Oct 4, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These two are great together. The show started off with Lucy doing a set, then bringing John on for her last number. Then John did a set, bringing Lucy on to end his set. Then there was an intermission. They both played with each other in the second half. I don't know either of them well, so it's hard for me to say if John's schtick is an act or really him -- he forgets where he's going, makes fun of himself, has more capos than one guitar should have, etc. But whatever the reason for his behavior on stage, he's very enjoyable. Lucy is a fine singer-songwriter and able to hold her own on stage. But they played off each other very well. If you get to see them, either together or alone, go!
The Ark - Ann Arbor, MI - Sun, Oct 4, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intimate venue and a delightful performer. John Gorka was charming and sincere. He has a beautiful voice and message. What a treat. We enjoyed every second.
The Ark - Ann Arbor, MI - Sun, Oct 4, 2009
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