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Is Mint Condition still a group?

Mint Condition

Most recently, lead singer Stokley Williams has gone off to pursue a solo career. He released his debut album “Introducing Stokley” in 2017, and released his sophomore album “Sankofa” in 2021. He does not appear to have been performing with the group in the meantime.

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One may also ask: who left mint condition?

The sad news is that the legendary Minneapolis band Mint Condition is heading in a different direction than its lead singer, Stokely Williams. That brings us to the good news. You may already know this, but if you didn't, here it is. Williams, has gone solo and dropped his first album, Introducing Stokely.
Who is the lead singer of Mint Condition?
Stokley Williams (born July 15, 1967) also known simply as Stokley, is an American singer, record producer, and percussionist. Williams is best known as the lead singer and studio drummer of the band Mint Condition.

Consequently, why is it called mint condition?

Originally, the phrase related to the way collectors described the condition of coins. As the name given to a coin factory is a "mint", then mint condition is the condition a coin is in when it leaves the mint.
Thereof, what is meant by mint condition?
Definition of mint condition

: perfect condition : a state of being like new He kept the car in mint condition.

Then, why did mint condition break up?

Group members felt betrayed by Keri's sudden departure, which also briefly affected the sound of Mint Condition's signature live performance. Fans apparently didn't adapt as quickly to that change and it reflected in record sales at that time.
Regarding this, when did mint condition break up?
Keri and Toni's marriage lasted for 13 years, but they separated by the 8-year mark in 2009, as reported by I Love Old School Music.

Accordingly, what happened to the group 112?

Michael Keith decided to leave 112 and go solo. He stated that a former groupmate stole his, and member Slim's, money, causing the two to leave. Slim, however, states that he never fell out with anyone over money and is still with 112. The group now consists of members Q, Slim, and Daron.
Consequently, who discovered mint condition?
Formed at St. Paul's Central High, Mint Condition were discovered in 1989 by Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. Throughout the '90s and early 2000s, Mint Condition reigned on R&B charts, producing four albums between '91 and '99.

How many hits did Mint Condition have?

6 Song Chart Appearances

They had chart topping singles covering a span of 20 years.

By Breech Kueter

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