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Is Pippin appropriate for all ages?

Pippin is officially recommended for children age 8 and older, though I'd personally suggest a bit older (10 and up). The show runs 2 hours and 35 minutes with one 20-minute intermission.

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One may also ask: what is the story behind pippin the musical?

The ensemble cast tells the story of Pippin, a young prince who longs to find passion and adventure in his life. To prove his loyalty to his distracted father, King Charles, Pippin goes to war. But when the Leading Player convinces the prince to fight tyranny, Pippin kills Charles and takes over the throne.
What does the end of Pippin mean?
The original happy ending became a compromise instead of a victory; instead of finding true happiness, Pippin finds he must settle for less than he really wants.

One may also ask: what does pippin mean in slang?

a highly admired
2 : a highly admired or very admirable person or thing.
And another question: is pippin a dark musical?
"Pippin is a really dark play," says director Claire Edmonds. "It's full of boisterous music, bright colors, and delightful characters, and more often than not it's watered down to accommodate young performers and young audiences-but the result of that dilution is confusing.

Moreover, is pippin risque?

The show is lonnnnnnnnnng– too long for most kids to handle. At the same time, I'm not at all upset that my kids saw Pippin. Although risque, it stayed well within the PG-13 boundary, so all that side-eye was totally unnecessary, people!
Is rent appropriate for a 12 year old?
In short, Rent is a must-see film for fans of the show and of musicals in general. But its messages of friendship and devotion come along with lots of potentially offensive content that is not (in my opinion) excessive, but iffy for kids.

Is Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat Kid friendly?

Parents need to know that this Old Testament tale is suitable for grade-school kids. Some things to note: Joseph's solo ballad laments persecution of the Hebrews. Joseph's father is obviously a polygamist. Fully-clothed dancers simulate orgies with mildly suggestive choreography.
Can a girl play Pippin?
Gender: Male or Female // Eligible Age: 13+ Dance: Required. Role requires strong sense of physicality and movement. Experience not necessarily required, but dance audition required for this role.

Consequently, is the leading player in pippin the devil?

Leading Player is Pippin's own Devil on his shoulder, but he's not only that. (I use "he" for Leading Player because that's how "he" was written, even though both productions I worked on in the 80s and 90s had women in the role, like this revival.)

By Doolittle Pollick

What was the original ending of Pippin? :: Can a girl play Pippin?
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