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Who is considered the best Beatles tribute band?

Abbey Road is, without any doubt, one of the best tributes in the world to The Beatles. On stage they achieve incredible fidelity to the original voices and sound, and are able to recreate all the discography music of Liverpool's band.

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Accordingly, who was the first beatles tribute band?

The Fab Four
Originally named The Fab Four they were the first Beatles tribute band to play the Cavern when it re-opened and are mentioned in music writer and Merseybeat historian Spencer Leigh's book 'The Cavern, The Most Famous Club in the World'.
What did the Beatles smell like?
TIL The Beatles concerts were said to smell heavily of urine due to overexcited girls.

Why do female fans scream?

In the presence of their latest folk hero, many admirers often stand in one place and jump up and down. Usually this is accompanied by incessant screaming and, on the part of girls, by protestations of undying love. Sometimes this hero worship takes a violent form and the singer is mobbed by his fans.
When did girls start screaming at concerts?
"Screaming girls"-that was a recurring theme in newspaper reviews of Elvis's stage shows in 1956 and 1957. At almost every stop, the girls screamed so loud that no one could hear Elvis sing. Even the musicians on stage had trouble hearing each other.

Accordingly, are beatles overrated?

Not everything the Beatles did was good. However, generally I would say that they are not overrated, and comparisons to ANY band today aren't possible. The Beatles pretty much invented modern pop music. It was a development from blues, jazz, music hall, skiffle and rock and roll, but they honed it.
Who was the most popular Beatle in the 60s?
George Harrison at 75: How the quietest Beatle became the most popular one of all. The timeless legacy of Harrison is as strong as ever in the streaming age.

One may also ask: are the beatles the greatest band of all time?

These results have not changed much from a Gallup Poll taken nearly 20 years ago which found the Beatles named as the all-time greatest band by 29% of the public and the Stones in second place with 9%.
Who was the most important Beatle?
Backstage at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Cleveland, Ohio, tonight, Yoko Ono made a surprising proclamation about Ringo Starr, the final Beatle to enter the institution as a solo artist. "No one is probably going to believe it," she told Rolling Stone, "but he was the most influential Beatle."

When did the Beatles get into drugs?

As early as 1961, the Beatles' drug odyssey was underway with habitual use of Preludin, a stimulant, during performances at clubs in Hamburg, Germany. There they used marijuana, too, but it was only after trying it with Bob Dylan in New York City in 1964 that they got particularly high.

By Odell Swatt

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