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How long does the Chris Botti concert last?

about 2-3 hours
Most Chris Botti concerts last about 2-3 hours but can run shorter or longer depending on the opening acts, encore, etc.

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One may also ask: where did chris botti go to college?

Chris Botti/Education
Born Christopher Botti in 1962 in Portland, OR. Education: Graduated from Indiana University. Addresses: Record company--The Verve Music Group, 1755 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. Website--Chris Botti Official Website: http://www.chrisbotti.com.
Who is Lucia Micarelli married to?
violinist Neel Hammond
Personal life. Micarelli married violinist Neel Hammond in 2011. Hammond appeared in the final episode of season 3 of Treme, as Annie's new friend.

Subsequently, is chris botti good?

Chris Botti has a Grammy Award and a stellar reputation as one of the finest jazz trumpeters working today. What he doesn't have is something most jazz musicians also lack these days. But, for 16 years, he hasn't let that deficiency slow him down.
You can also ask: where does the name botti come from?
"Botti" is an Italian surname can refer to: Anna Maria Adorni Botti (1805-1893), Blessed, Italian Roman Catholic widow and then professed religious.

Who sings with Chris Botti?

Botti toured with Sting in the late 1990s, and was a featured soloist on the singer's home concert album All This Time, which was recorded on Sept. Since then, Sting has performed live with Botti and appeared on his When I Fall in Love, To Love Again, and Chris Botti in Boston releases.
Subsequently, how much does chris botti make?
Chris Botti net worth: Chris Botti is an American trumpeter and composer who has a net worth of $8 million dollars. Chris Botti was born in Portland, Oregon in October 1962.

Correspondingly, where did chris botti go to high school?

Chris Botti/Education
What kind of jazz is Chris Botti?
Mostly known as a jazz/pop crossover artist, Botti has carved out his own unique niche in the music world and has worked hard to cultivate a loyal following. He will be performing at SFJAZZ for a six-day run, Jan. 7–12.

Moreover, who wrote emmanuel by chris botti?

"Emmanuel" is a composition by the French composer and conductor Michel Colombier, which has many performers in his repertoire. One of them is the duo Chris Botti and Lucia Micarelli. The notation is based on the recordings found on the album "Chris Botti in Boston" (2009).

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