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Who plays the Genie in Aladdin on Broadway 2022?

Michael James Scott will reprise the role of the Genie, alongside Jonathan Freeman as Jafar and Don Darryl Rivera as Iago, Milo Alosi as Kassim, Brad Weinstock as Omar, JC Montgomery as Sultan.

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How much do Aladdin Broadway actors make?

Broadway Actor Salary in Aladdin, WY
25th Percentile Broadway Actor Salary$46,231Aladdin,WY
50th Percentile Broadway Actor Salary$56,102Aladdin,WY
75th Percentile Broadway Actor Salary$68,498Aladdin,WY
90th Percentile Broadway Actor Salary$79,784Aladdin,WY
People also ask which broadway show is better aladdin or lion king?
We have seen both and they are both excellent in their own way. Lion King is a large production w/ lots of "characters/animals", unique representation of animal & environmental (African plains) movements, costumes. Aladdin has a smaller cast of characters, a romantic comedy. Both are good; can't go wrong w/ either one.

Do Broadway actors get days off?

According to the Actors' Equity Association Production Contract, which governs most Broadway theatres, performers accrue a week of vacation every six months. But those planned absences are not the first time actors miss performances.
Where do Broadway actors live?
New York City is arguably the biggest theatre hub in the world. Home to Broadway, actors and creatives flock to New York from all over the country looking to make it big in the theatre industry.

Is it hard to be on Broadway?

At least 10,000. It's a rigorous selection process. You've got to be in top 10% to get hired and cast in a show. What many people don't realize is that getting hired for a Broadway show isn't just about raw talent.
Accordingly, what city is agrabah based on?
Although Agrabah has no real-life geographical location, audiences have commented on influences from both the Middle East and South Asia, with parallels drawn between the Taj Mahal and the palace depicted in the 1992 animation.

What religion is Aladdin based on?

Arabian Muslims
But, since Galland added it to his version, it has become arguably the most famous story (not) in the Arabian Nights. The reason we think of the story as one of the true-born Arabian Nights is that many of the characters in the tale of Aladdin are Arabian Muslims with Arabic names.
And another question: what country is agrabah based on?
The city's name is more linked to cities in India than to any Middle Eastern city, with the Sultan's palace even resembling the Taj Mahal in Agra, India despite Agrabah's Arabian setting. The Indian city of Agra also has a neighboring city called Bah.

Can I wear sneakers to a Broadway show?

At a minimum, men should wear slacks, a button-down shirt, and a casual shoe, no sneakers. Women should wear either a dress or slacks paired with a blouse or sweater or jacket. A small heel or boots would work and no sneakers. No jeans, no sweatshirts and no gym clothing.

By Milissa Huttman

Who currently plays Aladdin on Broadway? :: How many hours is Aladdin Broadway show?
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