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Why is Earth Day so important?

It draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year on 22 April, around 1 billion individuals across more than 190 countries take action to raise awareness of the climate crisis and bring about behavioural change to protect the environment.

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Why do we celebrate is Earth Day?

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, when a United States senator from Wisconsin organized a national demonstration to raise awareness about environmental issues. Rallies took place across the country and, by the end of the year, the U.S. government had created the Environmental Protection Agency.
Which special day is today?
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What can I do on Earth Day 2022?

For more information, check out Earth Day 2022 events further down.
  • Clean up your neighborhood.
  • Go meatless for the day.
  • Unplug your devices for the day.
  • Plant a tree in your backyard.
  • Donate to environmental causes.
  • Make an Earth Day resolution.
  • Plant trees with The Canopy Project.
How did Earth Day start?
The First Earth Day in April 1970

Because there was no EPA, no Clean Air Act, no Clean Water Act. There were no legal or regulatory mechanisms to protect our environment. In spring 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day as a way to force this issue onto the national agenda.

One may also ask: what are the three pillars of earth day 2022?

together, we must Invest In Our Planet. Because a green future is a prosperous future. We need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably).
What is the slogan of Earth Day?
As we all know, Earth is the only planet that sustains life, so it's important to save the Earth. Earth day slogans urge people to save the Earth.
What is the importance of writing earth day slogans?
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Moreover, what is the other name used for earth day?

International Mother Earth Day
Earth Day is sometimes called International Mother Earth Day, which is the name used for the day by the United Nations (though the day precedes the UN's involvement).
Then, which country is the host of the world environment day 2022?
The year 2022 marks the 50-year anniversary of the 1972 Stockholm Conference. And this year's host country is Sweden, the place from where it all started.

When was Earth Day first celebrated in India?

First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by EarthDay.org (formerly Earth Day Network) including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries.

By Valerye

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