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What's the deepest humans have gone in the ocean?

Vescovo's trip to the Challenger Deep, at the southern end of the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench, back in May, was said to be the deepest manned sea dive ever recorded, at 10,927 meters (35,853 feet).

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What is Marianas Trench biggest hit?

Our Top 10 Marianas Trench Songs
  • Yesterday.
  • Rhythm of Your Heart.
  • Stutter.
  • Sing Sing.
  • Shake Tramp.
  • Here's To the Zeros.
  • Ever After.
  • Lover Dearest.
Is Marianas Trench emo?
Marianas Trench: the pop-punk emo band from Canada that has been around for the better part of this millennium. The group has gone through its ups and downs, with the most recent of downs resulting in the high that lead to the creation of Astoria.

How did Marianas Trench get their name?

When Was It Discovered? The Mariana Trench was first pinpointed in 1875 during the undertaking of a global circumnavigation. It was found by utilizing sounding equipment on the HMS Challenger. It was named for the nearby Mariana Islands.
Is it cheaper to explore the ocean or space?
Space travel is certainly expensive. But as Cameron proved with his dive that cost approximately $8 million, deep-sea exploration is pricey as well.

How much money is at the bottom of the ocean?

How Much Treasure is Down There? The short answer, Sean Fisher says, is $60 billion.
One may also ask: is it more expensive to explore space or the ocean?
The cost of exploring the ocean would be small compared to that of space. Creating spaceships and rovers to withstand atmospheric pressures and the burning point of the return to Earth would be too expensive to even compare the two. According to Space.com, each NASA launch costs around $500 million.

Subsequently, how long did it take to get to the bottom of mariana trench?

It took 3.5 to 4 hours to reach the record-breaking depth - a flat, beige basin covered with a thick layer of silt. From inside the submersible designed to withstand extreme pressures, he spent hours observing and documenting the quiet, dark alien world.
You can also ask: is challenger deep the deepest on earth?
The Challenger Deep is the lowest point in the Mariana Trench, a gap between tectonic plates that stretches 1,500 miles along the western Pacific, and is thought to be the deepest chasm in all the world's oceans. At the bottom the pressure reaches over 15,000 pounds per square inch.

And another question: why did james cameron go to mariana trench?

The first human to reach the 6.8-mile-deep (11-kilometer-deep) undersea valley solo, Cameron arrived at the bottom with the tech to collect scientific data, specimens, and visions unthinkable in 1960, when the only other manned Challenger Deep dive took place, according to members of the National Geographic expedition.

By Harle

What is Marianas Trench biggest hit? :: Where is Marianas Trench the band?
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