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What's at the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

At the bottom of the trench, the water column above exerts a pressure of 1,086 bars (15,750 psi), more than 1,071 times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. At this pressure, the density of water is increased by 4.96%. The temperature at the bottom is 1 to 4 °C (34 to 39 °F).

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Who is the lead singer of Marianas Trench?

Joshua Keeler Ramsay (born June 11, 1985) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, producer, recording engineer, multi-instrumentalist and actor. He is best known for being the lead vocalist of the pop rock band Marianas Trench.
Also, how much does it cost to go to the mariana trench?
While billionaires vie for the stars, $750,000 trips to the bottom of the Marianas Trench will begin departing in May. The Limiting Factor submarine fills her ballast tanks and prepares to dive to full ocean depth.

Then, can a submarine go to the bottom of the mariana trench?

The news: During a four-hour exploration of the Mariana Trench, retired naval officer Victor Vescovo piloted his submarine to 10,927 meters (35,849 feet) below the sea's surface, making it the deepest dive on record. He spent four hours at the bottom.
Subsequently, at what depth will water crush you?
Human bone crushes at about 11159 kg per square inch. This means we'd have to dive to about 35.5 km depth before bone crushes. This is three times as deep as the deepest point in our ocean.

Subsequently, how cold is the bottom of ocean?

Therefore, the deep ocean (below about 200 meters depth) is cold, with an average temperature of only 4°C (39°F). Cold water is also more dense, and as a result heavier, than warm water. Colder water sinks below the warm water at the surface, which contributes to the coldness of the deep ocean.
Who lives at the bottom of Mariana Trench?
The three most common organisms at the bottom of the Mariana Trench are xenophyophores, amphipods and small sea cucumbers (holothurians), Gallo said. "These are some of the deepest holothurians ever observed, and they were relatively abundant," Gallo said.

Keeping this in consideration, which is the deepest part of earth?

The Mariana Trench
The Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest location on Earth.
What is Marianas Trench biggest hit?
Our Top 10 Marianas Trench Songs
  • Yesterday.
  • Rhythm of Your Heart.
  • Stutter.
  • Sing Sing.
  • Shake Tramp.
  • Here's To the Zeros.
  • Ever After.
  • Lover Dearest.

How much of the ocean is discovered?

So how much of the ocean has been explored? According to the National Ocean Service, it's a shockingly small percentage. Just 5 percent of Earth's oceans have been explored and charted – especially the ocean below the surface. The rest remains mostly undiscovered and unseen by humans.

By Samara

Who toured with Marianas Trench? :: What kind of music is Marianas Trench?
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