Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went to go see Mr.Osteen when he was here in the Rio Grande Valley, and I don't know what it was but I was so emotional that day, did nothing but cry, it was so enjoying that I just couldn''t believe I was there I watch Mr. Osteen on T.V., every chance I can get and if I don't I record his sermons I just love that family as my own, and one day want to go to the Houston church if God's willing, but I love the way he address his sermons, and at times realize when he say's a story about someone I say to myself self that's me or that's happened to someone close to me, but through it all I got saved I just love that way he say's it all. So if anything if his ever in your area don't pass that chance go and you'll know what I'm talking about. Sincerely, Virginia
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You will not want to miss Victoria & Joel Osteen. I saw them in New York and now in Los Angeles. My new fragrance is PAM - "Praying Away Meaness". I am no longer going to allow what others have said or say about me dictate who God says I am. Thank you, Joel!!! I will treat all others with respect (especially my husband). - thank you, Victoria
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw Joel in Hershey Pa in 2014! he had an outstanding performance with his family also present. His daughter sang and had the most incredible vice... Id recommend Joel to everyone I know because listening to him over the years help to change my thinking which ultimately made me a better person. Hope this review helps and hope you can make it to see Joel Osteen when he comes to your area. He saved my life by helping me to believe in myself rather than what the critics declared. God Bless you today and everyday...
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
Big Blue Madness :: Loretta Lynn :: Los Angeles Lakers :: Brad Paisley :: Jack Johnson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Words cannot truly express what you're going to take away from this event. It's not called "A Night of Hope" for nothing. From start to finish you're going to hear amazing testimonies, wonderful music, and an awe inspiring message from Joel. If Joel and Victoria bring "A Night of Hope" to an area near you I fully recommend you go and see them, and get ready to receive your blessing in return. I'm glad I had the opportunity to go, and would go again if they came back.
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a humble man this is. And so encouraging. He has words of hope for everyone. The entire family is so sweet and you feel the love between them and that love is being sent out to the audience. Makes me wanna hug them every time I see them =)
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
what an extraordinary event! LA needed this "Night of Hope". Everything about the night was important, significant, and encouraging. I'm am so blessed to have been there!
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Joel & Victoria, an awesome wonder, an awesome couple, an awesome ministry! Even Isreal was there invoking praise and worship for our heavenly father and Christ Jesus his magnificent son. it was an evening of praise, worship and purpose. If you need a flesh and blood person to uplift and encourage you see JOEL, if you need some encouragement see Joel. It was a wonderful experience.
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Night of Hope at Dodger Stadium was Big Blessing.
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was AMAZING he's the best. Even my 15yr old son like it, so just image how good it was for him to say that. It was very inspiring and gave you hope. God bless him.
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am not from Christian faith, but I love what Joel Osteen preaches. He has the biggest church in USA with about 40,000 people attending every Sunday. One thing I will say is, if you need someone like Joel to guide you in life, whether it be relationships, success, acquiring good habits, and other good values in life, this is for you and everyone! I follow him on Sunday around 1pm EST, and you will see he is every reason you should not miss when he comes to your city.
Americal Airlines Center - Dallas, TX - 05/30/2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are puzzled about God's love for us, or if you simply want to know more about the Christian faith, then it would benefit you to see Joel Osteen. He is every bit of what you see on the Lakewood Church television broadcasts... And more. Because his wife and his mother testified their faith and shared their ministry as well... And the music is tremendous, along with a light show. It is great entertainment and Bible-faith ministry, rolled into one!
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He is the best preacher, speaker, motivator ever!!!! He is open minded, always smiling :) He not only teaches/preaches from the holy Bible but from his own understanding of life. You dont have to be christian or religious to be touched by his words. He is a powerful motivator.
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You should spend your time to share this incredible experience. What a great message of hope!!! Each moment is a new one.....Enjoy the time to hear things that can change your life.
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The program was an amazing 2.5 hours of singing, praise, and inspiration!
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simple motivational besides religion issues. excellent spiritual leader and speaker.I been twice in NYC and I was learning about him in a class in 2003 "Communication skills class" as one of the best public speakers worldwide. Amazing journals among his books and experiance at the Madison Square Garden and IZOD Center.
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Joel Osteen, is the best EVER! If anyone out there has a problem with Joel, then your not getting it. Watch some more of Joel Osteen with your heart being receptive and your mind alert! You'll get it! And will be born again! Amen!
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I watched Joel on t.v for years. So blessed with the opportunity to see him live and even did the meet and greet. Pastor Osteen is a dynamic warrior of God's word. I was touched by the holy spirit through his sermon
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the Night of Hope at Hershey in PA. I felt really connected with God. I know this is the year! Joel and his family are inspiring...Amazing event that renew my faith!
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I do not complain the least bit about entertainment events but being this is suppose to be GOD centered I do not feel he was the main praise at this service. God was praised but most the focus was on the Osteen family although they shared stories only Osteens mother spoke of God healing her from cancer. The event seemed to be a big musical. After the event my fiance and myself were to meet Osteen where we waited a while only to be pushed out the door by the back of the arm in the gesture move along. I was highly offended by this action I believe it was a security guard but no one was acting in a manner to be treated as such. I asked people in line behind me and others were they treated the same and they said they were. After the event I was researching on John Osteen the father of Joel and I made the discovery this year 2013 makes the 54th anniversary for Lakewood church in Joels message on Jan 4 2013 he spoke of the year of jubilee and this year made 50 years for the church.... uh no that's not right! I do not understand why he would bring that message and say it is 50 years when it in fact is not its 54 although this being a year of jubilee could be so by his inspiring message why would he say false things!
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After seeing Joel in Chicago for the first time I was so excited to hear that he was coming back. I originally bought these for myself but then realized that a dear friend's birthday was right around the same time and I knew this would be the perfect gift. She thoroughly enjoyed herself. He was a great birthday gift.
Joel Osteen - Chicago, IL - 08/06/2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am not a religious person, although I believe that something in the Universe is bigger than me. I was introduced to Joel Osteen by a friend several years ago and it has been already like a tradition, every time Joel Osteen comes to LA we go to see him. After listening him for a few minutes I feel he recharges me with so much positivism and enthusiast. I wish everyone could benefit from his teachings.
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an awesome night! Very inspiring and my whole family loved it! My son wishes we could attend his church!
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really loved to see the preaching of Joel Osteen. I would go again.
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A night of Hope Great teaching... Great music... It was insperational! Went to madison square gardens two years ago. Just seen him at the times union/ old pepsi arena in Albany, NY.. His message is always positive and uplifting... His kids were amazing!! The daughter singing and thier son playing guitar..
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You could really feel how everyone came together and it was a a great worshop service, very motivational and inspiring.
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went to See Joel and while i find him amazing on TV, his performance was life changing.I was so inspired and full of life i have been making positive daily changes and i am so happy. His music was powerful and the show made me so emotional. I am looking foward to him returning to Orlando. I was able to meet Joel and shake his hand at the end of the show. He is worth the time and money. If you are looking to better yourself he is a must see. I would also recommend his books. Great!!! JOEL COME BACK SOON
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I grew up in a religious household. Never liked TV evangalist, usually because they were screaming at you. Joel is different. His voice is so soothing and calming. He has a mannerism that is very appealling to me. He spreads words of HOPE along with teaching faith. He has made me, a better person and not as anxious.
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Joel Osteen was great!!! His entertainment team traveled with him and they were amazing. The music was well coordinate with the stories and scripture shared along with the personal testimonials given of how miraculous GOD truly is in each of our lives. It was well worth the two and half hours. In addition, just like any event, there are t-shirts, bibles, books and CD to browse.
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
awesome delivery of God's message, you will never be bored. you will feel the love of God from the beginning until forever. New delivery of God's message to us and highly recommended to watch and attend to grow your relationship with The ALMIGHTY GOD.
Scottrade Center - St Louis,, CA - 04/24/2010
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