Robyn Hitchcock

Robyn Hitchcock

Robyn Hitchcock Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved Robyn all his music and a great place to see him close.This was a birthday gift for my husband.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sublime experience as Robyn poured out painted visions through his lyrical genius. Sound was superb at the intimate venue of Carnegie Lecture Hall. Added bonus, could take a peek at the Natural History museum and sit on a whale bone to contemplate between sets. Took the time to meet with us after the show, absolute gentleman. Still vibrating...
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Special one-off lineup of Robyn Hitchcock backed by Yo La Tengo. No opener, two sets and an encore. Tons of interesting rarities and covers. If you are a deep fan of either artist and they do a show in this format again, do not miss out.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
Susanna Hoffs :: Honeymoon Suite :: Hoodoo Gurus :: Bruce Hornsby :: Dan Hill
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been an avid fan of Robyn Hitchcock for 30 years now. I have never had the pleasure of seeing him perform live until last week. When I learned that he was playing here in St. Louis, I immediately purchased tickets. I am still reeling from my wonderful experience at The Duck Room. What a superb concert! Robyn Hitchcock is a brilliant, surreal, philosopher who puts his words to beautiful, simple guitar. He's a true original. I loved the intimate setting of the Duck Room. I can't wait until he returns!
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Robyn was brilliant. It is always just inspiring to see him live. The new songs came across as classic, filled with magic and beauty. He is one of the three or four shows I will travel from Maine to Mass to see. I can't wait until he comes back. It was the first time my wife has seen him live and was just blown away. She said, "He is a magical creature." Now to the venue... It is a very cool place. My complaint is the sound simply wasn't loud enough. Robyn was playing solo. Without the full sound of a band playing with amps, the volume needs to be turned up. There is a lighted bar in the back corner. It was distracting to have people getting up from their seats to get beer. I could here their transactions. I would have given this show five stars if they simply turned up the sounds system. I didn't have to strain to hear but it most certainly didn't fill the room very well.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Robyn Hitchcock was surreal, insane, fantastic, and hilarious. I had never seen him before and would go again at any opportunity. He is a first class entertainer and musician. I had also never been to the Arts at the Armory venue, which was funky and cool. GA, and we were a little late so we choose to stand downstairs rather than sit in the balcony. Sight lines were good even from the side. It did get stuffy and could use some fans, but it was cool outside so not really an issue. Bathrooms were clean. Concession stand took cards. Neat place.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A solo Robyn Hitchcock and the great acoustics of Ponte Vedra Concert Hall made for great sound and an amazing show. The crowd was a bit lackluster, but I enjoyed every second of it.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Good show in an intimate setting. First time at concert hall. Staff and hall very nice. Will catch shows here in the future.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Joe Boyd's storytelling combined with Robyn Hitchcock's inspired musical interpretations (and sense of humor!) made this a magical event. This is compelling stuff, not only to fans of Joe, Robyn, or the bands that have inspired them, but also to those with an appreciation of history, the '60's, and the role of the artist.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Wed, Mar 9, 2011
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