Graham Parker

Graham Parker

Graham Parker Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
High energy show from a rock icon. Very enjoyable, nostalgic
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Parker and The Rumour play an excellent set list - the best of the 70s albums with selections from the new album scattered about. 80s and 90s are nearly absent this tour and Parker calls them the "dark middle years" and "mostly rubbish, lots of songs about footware and clothes and fields." Five songs from Squeezing Out Sparks - a welcome surprise!
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I didn't have my hopes up too high for this show when Graham told me he wouldn't be using "Pinkie",his pink Guilford electric guitar. He was totally acoustic so I expected a mellow music to rock out. Wrong! Graham had a brilliant set list with a taste from many albums. By the third encore that brought down the house with "Soul Shoes" it was a night to remember. What a great band...too bad they're not doing more shows on this tour. These guys were so ahead of the times...I love the fact they stuck to their guns & did it their way. Then the rest followed. I can't wait for the next way I'd miss them.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
Les Paul :: Pere Ubu :: Joe Perry :: Shawn Phillips :: Pablo Cruise
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A great mix of old and new. The band was amazing and GP is still in full voice!
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great concert! The Rumour still can rock and showed why theyare one of the greatest backing bands of all time. Graham's voice still great!
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wasn't that familiar with his music but my hubby was a big fan and now so am I! Really enjoyed the show....thought he really engaged the audience, was funny and you just gotta love a guy in his 60s who still has 'it' and performs well! Overall a great show! The opening act The Figgs were great too!
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been a fan of Graham Parker's for many, many years, but had never seen him live. I am pleased that on this reunion tour with his old band, The Rumor, not only was the band absolutely superb, but his singing was better than I could have hoped. Sometimes, aging vocalists disappoint, but Graham was genius.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bruce Springsteen once said that Graham Parker was the only rocker he'd pay to see. Bruce would have gotten his money's worth at the Birchmere. Parker preened like it was 1976 again and, reunited with his old band, The Rumour, pounded out 90 minutes of new and old hits. Parker kept his patter to a minimum, so there were a lot of songs. While he flogged his newest album, Parker did reach back for some of his old reliables such as "Mona Lisa's Sister," "Hey Lord, Don't Ask Me Questions," and and "Soul Shoes." The sold out house didn't want to go home and the old guys responded with two encores. Even though he still wears sun glasses at night, Graham Parker and The Rumour can light up a room.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Super, as expected, no disappointments. God it's good to see this band back together ... no nostalgia act here! They played for almost 2 hrs, 22 songs including 4 encores ... GP seems to have shrunk as well as grayed, but he was more relaxed than I've ever seen him and even danced a bit. He played a couple of guitars, including a Guilford (sp?) and a pink one shaped a little like a Les Paul; GP said he'd never played it before and that GM (!) had lent/given it to him for the night. He was in great voice, and as far as I could tell didn't change any keys. Did a good blend of old and new songs (so glad I downloaded the new album Monday -- he did 5 tunes from it, all good, though more than three chords!). He intro'd a '70s tune with "we wrote a lot of songs then about mammals and fields ... and a lot of songs about footwear ..." Disconcertingly, in a music-hall kind of way, he intro'd almost every pre-now song with the album and year he released it!. "And now we plunged forward into the future," he said, intro'ing Start a Fire. Bob Andrews did most of the harmony, and Brinsley Schwarz chimed in harmlessly on a few. So, even, did Martin, who cannot dance and shouldn't try. He and Brinsley looked positively burly up there with still-skinny Andrew and Steve (great beats, natch -- in fact ultra-tight rhythm section, which GP noted happily). Highlights among the classics included Start a Fire, Watch the Moon Go Down, "Stupefaction" ... and from Three Chords Good I especially liked "Coat Hangers," Stop Cryin' (About the Rain) and the title song.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The boys wisely did not reach for all the power and energy that they brought back in the day, but played well within themselves. That is not to say they didn't rock. They were sharp and very much able to work a groove. They played a lot of mellow to mid-tempo stuff, including a bunch from a new recording, along with most of the classic songs fans might have expected. The only post-Rumour tune was 'Start a Fire.'
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Tue, Nov 27, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show!Of course most of the set would come from GP & R's newly released album "Three Chords Good"-heavy on acoustic ballads.But when the band reached back to the early albums to rock,they proved time hasn't tainted that ability.The sold out show drew the band back for two encores..much to the delight of us diehard fans.Here's hoping the next tour is longer and reaches a venue near you.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show. So nice to see the Rumour back. 2 encores and still not long enough.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have seen lots of shows at the Birchmere, in Alexandria VA. I happen to have picked the Graham Parker and the Rumour show to get there early enough to have my best seat ever - dead center, 4 seats from stage. This was a great show. I have only seen Graham Parker once - that also was with the Rumour in Washington DC's Cellar Door - somewhere around 30 years ago. I have listened to GP sporadically since then. The group played liberally from their latest offering - Three Chords Good, and also sprinkled in songs from GP's entire catalog. GP's voice is still in fine shape (what I usually find going in aging rocker concerts I attend these days), and while some Rumour members have not played publicly in 30 years, the band seemed like they have been playing together all this time. They did not ask for request, but had they, the only other songs I would have liked to have heard would have been some GP-only acoustic songs like "You can't be too Strong", "Love Get's you twisted" or even 1-2 from the Rumour catalog - like Emotional Traffic. A Great show. I look forward to seeing the Judd Apatow movie, "Ths is 40" in December which will feature the band.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It was a good show, but not memorable. They were a tad rusty, timings were off, and the songs weren't elevated by hearing them live. Die hard Parker fans will enjoy, but if you are marginal fan, might be best to skip it. Thankfully, they didn't try to milk it by charging a ton of money, which was decent of them.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I saw GP with a support band a few years ago and now with the Rumour. and I wondered What have been of them if 30 years ago they wouldn't have split?. Well, lets not cry about spilled milk, lets enjoy the fact that a great band is touring again.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What else can one say? Graham Parker and the Rumour are back together after 31 years for a 15 city U.S. tour. These guys are now all in their 60's, and look the part, but they still have the chemistry and squeezed out plenty of sparks at Poughkeepsie, in their second show since 1981. The set featured a dozen or so gems from that golden era from 1976 - 1980, including about half the classic "Squeezing Out Sparks" album. The rest of the show consisted of new material from the just released "Three Chords Good" CD and a couple of classic mid-career GP gems. The new material is generally slower and more mature than the old stuff, with a few flashes of the piss and vinegar that made the "Sparks" stuff in particular so classic. Nothing could hold up to the great old Rumour material but it's decent in its own right. This may be a once in a lifetime chance so check it out.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
On the first night of their reunion tour, Graham Parker and his 70s cohorts turned in a remarkably assured performance that bodes well for even stronger shows as they gain their stage feet. The band's unique chemistry was very much intact in a set that mixed favourites from throughout Parker's career with most (a little too much, some in the crowd grumbled) of their solid new album Three Chords Good, which recreates their classic sound. Parker was in generally fine voice, even if he chose to duck the braying high notes of Discovering Japan and had lost a little vocal power and heft with the decades. Among the Rumourmongers, the standout was an ebullient Bob Andrews, in great voice as the main harmony singer and offering his distinctive vibrato-laden organ and rollicking honky-tonk piano, while lead guitarist Brinsley Schwarz seemed a little tentative (his being too far down in the mix didn't help). Overall, this was mostly everything the two-thirds-full house of 600 or so could have wished for.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are a few artists when they are in town that I HAVE to see and Graham Parker is one of them. I had no idea what the venue and format were but it turned out to be a fascinating interview and performance. The evening turned out to be the most fun I've had in ages. Only to be capped off by meeting Graham which was an unexpected treat. Kudos to the Grammy Museum for filming the interview for their archives. A project worthy of our support!
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Not a fun crowd to be with. The band was over the hill. Sad nostalgia act.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the third time I have seen Graham Parker since 2012 when he reunited with the Rumour and each show gets better. All 3 shows have been fabulous and all members of the band seem to really to having a good time on stage. This show concentrates a lot on Mystery Glue, their new album and Howlin' Wind, their very 1st album. They played 5 selections from each which accounted for about half the songs. Accordingly, they opened with White Honey and closed the regular set with Don't Ask Me Questions. Their were great songs in between including Get Started, Start a Fire, the only non-Rumour song played. The last 2 encore songs were Back to School Days and Soul Shoes which ended a wonderful concert experience. Don't miss them if they come to your area!! You won't be disappointed.
Birchmere - Alexandria, VA - Fri, Jun 19, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Great Performance! But....the sound engineer(s?) at the Paramount need to do their homework: everything was bleeding together.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Graham Parker and the rumor were absolutely fabulous. They did their older songs and were very tight. Really enjoyed the show! Except for the folding chairs it was 2 hours of fun!
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Graham Parker and the Rumour were in rare form but the sound levels were at an uncomfortably high level - it essentially ruined the show. The AC/DC level distortion and teeth-rattling volume belittled the fine musicianship of Graham, Brinsley & Co. - and it was a relief when it was over. Extremely disappointing. I am not some old fuddy-duddy but a real fan, but the sound was a disaster.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Last show of the tour and the band was hot. 4 new songs;the rest from their first few albums.great sound,good song selection,excellent show. would love to see them again soon.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
He and his band were in great form, music very tight. Played with great enthusiasm. But where were my favorite songs? Heat Treatment, That's What They All Say, Backdoor Love, Hotel Chambermaid, where were they? Others asked the same question.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In my opinion, the most under-appreciated rock band of all time. There was a reason that Springsteen once said that Graham Parker and the Rumour was the only band he would pay to see. GP has written great songs as a solo artist for years, but when he is fronting the Rumour there is magic! Rock, R&B, reggae, the band can do it all and has no weak link -- guitarists Brinsley Schwartz and Martin Belmont are phenomenal and complement instead of playing over each other, Bob Andrews is superb on the keyboards, and Andrew Bodnar and Steve Goulding form one of the truly great rock and roll rhythm sections. The material from the new album is strong and the only complaint is that they have too many great songs to get them all in. For instance, they only played one song from "The Up Escalator", one of my favorite albums. For the GP newcomers, listen to Fool's Gold, Howling Wind, Discovering Japan, Local Girls, Soul Shoes, Watch the Moon Come Down, Long Emotional Ride. And don't stop there!
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Definitely a fun night with good music. I was disappointed that there was only one set, considering they hadn't reunited in 30 years. Graham was humorous in between songs, putting the crowd in a good mood. They played a wide range of music from different albums.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After 31 years, GP and the Rumour made a triumphant return to NY City in an unusual setting, a former church. performing a total of 21 songs, including 8 or 9 from the new CD, 3 Chords Good. The new songs were much better live than on record. While they don't have the frenetic pace of their 70's shows, they remain one of the most compelling acts you can ever see live. The set list was excellent, but how did they leave out Don't Ask Me Questions, which they performed at many other shows on this tour. They need to return for a 2013 tour, they are one of the greatest bands of all time and they proved it at this show.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Maybe, the best show I've seen in years....maybe ever.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like walking out of a cold, blustery night into a warm, rocking british pub. Parker hasn't lost a step, in fact he seems more enervated and playing even better than ever. It's great music that travels well, even to this tundra.
Fitzgerald Theater - St Paul, MN - Wed, Dec 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show. GP still has his voice. They played mostly old faves, and surprising number of really old songs that were not well known. 2 encores. very satisfying. Fillmore still needs to learn how to use a sound board. Sometimes GP gets drowned out or the bass would get louder than everything else.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was 36 years since I saw GP & the R at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, in 1976, just after Howling Wind and Heat Treatment. It was one of the best concerts I had (or have) ever seen, and last Sunday at the hallowed Fillmore was another one for the ages. They were incredibly tight and having a good time, and such a deep catalog! I was in a happy daze by the end. Make another record and keep touring, boys. You blow away most bands out there.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The band were fantastic especially on the squeezing out sparks songs. The new CD is good but not gough great songs to make it a great evening!reat and so many old songs that would have made the show a classic were not played. Still en
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Graham Parker show with the original Rumor was great. From opening with White Honey and Hotel Chambermaid to closing with Passion is No ordinary Word,(Hey Lord) Don't ask me questions and Soul Shoes the show was riveting. The band did a number of songs from the latest album (I can't name) and quite a few from Squeezing Out Sparks and Up the Down Escalator. Discovering Japan, Don't Bother with the Local Girls and Stupidfaction were gems.The band was as tight and talented as they were 30 years ago, everything sounded so close to the original studio recording it was great. The only thing that wasn't outstanding, personally I would have liked to hear the scathing shot at Mercury Records, Mercury Poisoning, but you cant have everything.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was ecstasy from beginning to end. Graham Parker commanded the stage like nobody else and the Rumour were in fine form---clearly enjoying the moment. They were tremendous.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Always leary of performers performing at our age. After 1st song awesome.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Incredible to see GP & the Rumor live after 30+ years of only hearing LP's, CD's and MP3's! The band was spot on and Graham's voice was impeccable, flawless. The band was as tight as ever, never missing a beat... the Wilbur theater is a delight to enjoy a concert as well. If you are buying tix, check out the cabaret style seating on the first level- your practically in the artist's lap! My only craw is trying to understand why almost every great classic band that reunites for a tour, designs setlists that only reflect what the artists feel like playing instead of playing all the most popular tunes from their career- they have to know that although we are ardent true fans, and enjoy their album cuts... the people want to hear their hits! Their best and most popular tunes! I felt the crowd was somewhat subdued as he rocked with older tunes- then a flurry of 5-6 tunes from the new album- all great- but the second he broke into the songs from his most popular album, Squeezing Out Sparks- the theater immediately became electrified- as did the band- you could see in their body language! The place went wild- until that part of the set ended- and her reverted back to a couple lesser known tunes to the masses. The crowd sat back down and the energy slowly slipped away. We were treated to a fun final encore- but as a former musician... I would have kept the energy cranking with a crescendo of his best tunes right to the end and blew us out of the water, leaving us with not wanting to end. That to me is how to design a set list and a show. All in all, just to be 20 feet away from the band, and hearing ALMOST all the songs I wanted to hear- it was a real treat and I highly recommend to any dedicated Graham Parker fan, young and OLD! (and boy were there some old folk there- and I'm 54!)
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen Graham Parker many times over the years, both as a solo acoustic act, and with his later backing band, The Figgs. I never thought I'd get to see the original Rumour line-up, however, and was very happy to hear they would be releasing a new album with subsequent tour. The band was tight and Graham was obviously enjoying himself, as he and the Rumour chugged through a set filled both with songs from the new album, and classic Graham Parker & The Rumour tracks from the late 70's and early 80's. If you're a fan of Graham's, do not miss this tour!
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been a fan of this extraordinary songwriter since the 1980's, but had never been to a show. Graham Parker and the Rumour were fabulous! The played a nice mix of songs from the past and from the new album "Three Chords Good," which I bought a couple of weeks ago and highly recommend. The musicianship was top notch. A fun-filled night for sure. The whole place was singing along at times, dancing in the aisles, etc. Graham did a nice job of connecting with the audience and he's a real showman!
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I wished that the combo would have done some more of their older better songs. SOme albums, great ones in my estimation, were skirted. Other than that there were several crowd pleasers . again, a band that is reunited should indulge the crowd
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Thu, Dec 6, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I never thought I'd get to see Graham Parker perform with The Rumor, having been too young to see them the first time around, so it was quite a treat to see them all together again. I had seen Graham Parker by himself in the past - the difference this time was that he seemed re-energized by performing with the band again as they blasted through hit after hit (including a handful from their most recent album "Three Chords Good" which is, admittedly, a little lackluster, but were much more powerful live. They could have squeezed in a few more of the hits, but that's a minor sticking point. It really was excellent all around.
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was worth waiting 31 years for Graham Parker and the Rumour to re unite. They played classics from the 70's, 80's and from the new album. Wow can they rock! If anything they are better than they used to be. This was the best gig I have ever been to and hope they tour again one day......soon.
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was great to see GP&R back together. A nice mixture of old and new stuff. I have gone to many concerts but never at this location. It was at the Society for Ethical Culture at 2 West 64th Street. Concert was in an old church. Sound system was great and I would go back there for a show again. I saw GP&R the week before in Tarrytown and this show was better. Basically the same show but encore songs got changed
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show, venue, could have played more hits, great seats, fun night
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The concert was at the NY Society for Ethical Culture. As a performance, GP & The Rumour were great! The band was tight, Parker sang great and they played many of my favorite songs including "Watch The Moon Come Down." They also played several songs from the new album "Three Chords Good." The reason I'm only giving it 4 stars is the venue - hated it. The sound was fairly "cavernous" which took away some of the punch especially where the vocals were concerned. I can only hope that in the future other artists that I like do not play there. Still I would recommend this to a friend with reservations due to the Concert Hall venue.
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tremendous show. It'll be great if he can keep the Rumour on board for a long time; he looked to be having more fun with these guys than he does in his usual solo context (partially because with Schwarz and Belmont around he can occasionally take his guitar off and scoot around like a maniac up there, but mainly because of the obvious camaraderie). They sound tight as hell, and the new songs fit in surprisingly well with the classics. They also picked up a handful of his tunes from the non-Rumour years ("Get Started, Start a Fire" and "I'll Never Play Jacksonville Again"), pleasant surprises both. But what everybody really came to hear is the '70s stuff: "Fools' Gold," "Protection," "Discovering Japan," "Passion Is No Ordinary Word," "Local Girls," etc.; there were plenty of those, and they were exuberant. Of course, if they played everything everybody in that crowd was hoping for, they'd still be playing.
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Graham played an hour of his favorites and a half hour of his fans' favorites, leading to a slightly downbeat show. Venue had terrible acoustics.
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a real treat to see GP with the Rumour again.
The Concert Hall - New York, NY - Sat, Dec 1, 2012
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