Tracy Morgan

Tracy Morgan on Tour Comedian Tracy Morgan is back on the road, returning to his roots in stand up. His 2017 tour is titled Tracy Morgan: Picking Up The Pieces. Fans love Morgan's irreverent sense of humor as well as his popular impressions of Cuba Gooding Jr., Tito Jackson, Mr.
Tracy Morgan Concert & Tour Photos
Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My husband and I had an amazing date night and going to see this comedy show was the highlight of our evening! We haven t laughed that hard in years, would definitely recommend to a friend, and looking forward to seeing more shows at this venue.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very funny, and entertaining. Will see Tracy Morgan again.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracy Morgan is the funniest comedian ever!!! He kept you laughing and there were no gaps in the laughter. The jokes (or life as I'd call it) kept coming! The facility was a great place to have this type of event. His emcee was kind of weak, but the lady that opened for him was also exceptional. She started off slow, but went out with a bang! They are great together! Bring him back!
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
Philips Arena Parking :: Jerry Rivera :: Rockford IceHogs :: Wilkes Barre Scranton Penguins :: Dr. Dre
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the whole show, the openers were great and Tracy was funny as Hell as well as unpredictable . Everyone Should have been able to relate to the stories in his act. He is Amazing! I loved him in Little Man and First Sunday and my husband remembers him as "Hustle Man" from "Martin". Just looking at him I couldn't stop laughing. He has come along way and is definately great at what he does on screen and off. On another note I didn't enjoy the venue. My husband and I were looking forward to grabbing some food and drinks which were not available. I will probably rethink attending any late night events at the wibur theatre. If comedy is involved you should be able to eat, have a drink (even just beer) and laugh your head off. I hate beer but I wish I could have had the option if nothing else.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show--scandalous, good opening comedians, TJ was out of control :)
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The first two comedians were very funny. However Tracy's act was a disappointment to say the least!
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
A show that was late to begin with - started 20 minutes late. He seemed as though he might have a cold. He was zero energy and was a little hard to hear as though he has a sore throat. He went on two very dirty bits for way too long. He just went on and on. Many people in the mezzinin left after the first hour and a half. BORING! The first opening comedian was a complete waste. Not funny at all.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy Morgan was very talented...for our taste was a bit too raunchy but still hilarious...could have been a bit more organized with his material....well worth going.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The opening acts were pretty good, but Tracy Morgan did not have a full hour of comedy. The first half hour, forty five minutes were funny but instead of ending the show he wanted to babble about stuff. Its a comedy show...supposed to be funny the entire time.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The opening act- comedians were great. Tracy himself didn't disappoint -- plenty of sex jokes, raunchy, probably inappropriate, very funny. I was disappointed he didn't joke about any current events -- I like it when comedians do that. Overall though, a great time, would definitely take the time out to see him again.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this made my entire year! i actually cried i was laughing so hard, i would have never expected that to happen.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy Jordan was indeed funny. His rants on sex and the opposite sex confirm his claim to be a pervert. The rest of the show, he reminded me of a young John Witherspoon, seemingly speaking whatever came to his mind. I will say this, I was seated at the same table as the 2 lone hecklers in the house, and Tracey shut them down quick, fast and in a hurry! All in all, a very funny, enjoyable set.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The comedians that introduced Tracy Morgan were better than Tracy himself, which might be due to the fact that they were up for 5 minutes while Tracy was up for an hour an a half and it appeared to me that Tracy had no more content to discuss than the people than introduced him. He had about 3 topics, black people vs white people, having sex, and Michael Jackson. All 3 he dragged out until multiple people in the audience were actually asleep, and then when things got boring he decided to do something offensive and shocking, like making loud "white women" sex noises, or blurting out about eating out girl's buttholes. It's not that it was offensive, or that I was offended by the crude material, it's just that it wasn't actually funny, he didn't actually have very much to say. It's almost like he prepared for a 5 minute stand up, that might have been really funny, and then realized once he got on stage that he was actually the main event and that he would be up there for hours. And once he realized he had absolutely nothing else he could say, he would begin spitting out some of his morals and "real talk", like about how you have to treat women right or how the world needs to change. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't pay 90 dollars to hear about Tracy Morgan's views on life.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Tracy is ok, but I expected more from him. He should broaden his subject matter. His jokes were too narrowly focused on basically one topic (sex). Telling some funny stories about his life would enhance the show and making some fun about his poor life decisions/mistakes (divorced, diabetes, d.u.i. charges, etc...) would have enhanced the show.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Too raunchy for my taste. I thought the second warm up comedian was funnier.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Many people may know him as Brian Fellow, but most others would reconginize him as Tracy Jordan; the ridiculous actor/standup comedian on the NBC hit show 30 Rock. As god As my witness what you see on 30 Rock is what you get with this show. His main topics of discussion are the differences between white and black people, dressing up into "role play" with his wife, and singing a ton of songs. If you like Tracy Jordan, you will love Tracy Morgan!
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
First of all, not being able to drink at a comedy show?! /Really?Really?? Really???? Second of all, no air conditioning in the building (and I was only wearing a dress)?! Third of all, show starts at 9:45pm, what a weird time. I love Tracey Morgan but it was hard to love this experience. I literally had no choice but to fall asleep especially when Tracy talked about the same thing for 30min straight. I was disappointed that Tracey wasn't funny enough to keep me awake but the odds were against him given the lack of alcohol and the fact that I was melting. The guy right before Tracey was the best. I seriously fell asleep at one point or maybe I fainted from being thirsty and hot. I will not be going back to the Wilbur Theatre.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
First of all, i have to say I love Tracy Morgan on 30 Rock, love his character and the way Tracy portrays him, so I definately think he's a great talent. I just couldn't wrap my brain around his humor or find myself laughing (at all) The constant, repetitive sexual talk (can't call it jokes) bored me silly. Some of the audience seemed to enjoy him, but no one in my party was impressed. Also, the Wilbur theatre needs to get their liquor license and the "table floor seating" was way too congested (need to reconfigure the setup)
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Aside from the Comedy Connection 's cramped, uncomfortable seating at the Wilber theatre, SUCKING, I was very let down that the 2 opening acts for TRACY mORGAN WERE THE ONLY THING i ENJOYED. Tracy's act was too long and frankly repetetive. He used jokes from old acts, and lectured more than entertained. The 8 people I came with and myself actually left before the end of the show out of pure annoyance(and surrounding tables were debating doing the same thing). I 've waited a long time to see Tracy Morgan and I'm very let down with the outcome.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I loved the opening guys, but Tracy just seemed like he was trying to fill time. He was boring, overly crude, and preechy. I wanted to leave early. I wish I'd never bought these tickets.
Wilbur Theatre - Boston, MA - Sat, Aug 8, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracy was hilarious. Raw as ever. Definitely a must see...Get ready for some crowd participation, lmao!!!!!
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
It was mildly funny the first time Tracy simulated sex where he was the woman but after an hour of that joke- and NO others- I left early. I was not the only one either.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was worth every single penny! Tracy Morgan did approximately 2 hours of the comedy! and I was laughing every minute. My cheeks and face hurt from smiling and laughing so much (and there was no drinkning involved - Wilbur Thr. does not service LQ). I would go see him again in a heart beat. He is not what you see on onn 30 Rock, SNL, he is crazy in person....his show is what cannot be shown on T.V.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Tracy Morgan was so disappointing. He was completely unprepared, using some of the same story lines up to 3 times during the performance. He was lewd, gross, homophobic, misogynistic and was attempting to use rape humor. There were several times when the theater was completely silent. At one point he stopped trying to be funny and said, "I can be serious too." And then proceeded to attempt to lecture women on how to be respected by men. What a sad confused person. I felt bad for him, and worse for the few who were actually laughing. Tracy's opening acts dominated his performance. Bradley Lewis was hilarious! He should have been the headliner.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tracy is funny - no doubt; however, i did not expect him to get "preachy" about his views on homosexuality (he sees it as a choice) - this was odd and a bit of a buzz kill. the venue was poor and contributed to the low rating. we were on the floor and were literally crammed into inadequate seating. there was a heckler in the audience and the theater staff did nothing about it.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We really enjoyed the show....we were entertained from the moment he walked on stage...he kept it interesting the entire time....definitely would recommend his show to anyone who enjoys adult comedy!!!!!!
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Tracy was funny at times but his jokes tend to be a bit on the vulgar and offensive. It just wasn't my cup of tea.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was surprised that the show started right on time. However, Tracy was hilarious and did at least an hour and a half.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The headliners were pretty funny and we enjoyed them very much! However, we were quite unimpressed with Tracy's performance. Raunchy is raunchy, but it was so bad that it wasn't even funny, but actually disgusting. I noticed quite a few people leaving the show early.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Caught him in Lake Tahoe and he reminded me of back home in New York...eclectic, real and raw.
MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa - South Lake Tahoe, NV - Sat, Jan 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Show started 1.5 hrs late and the show was shirter than expected
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was my first time to any kind of show, the Venue it self was ok, I had a good seat but I saw people sitting in fold up chairs like they were a extra guest. Like they were trying to fill the room as much as possible. The show it's self was great, all the acts were wonderful.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Event was delayed and our phones were locked away in pouches. Venue should have let us have our phones during the delay to contact babysitters and kill time. Instead, the audience got drunk in the meantime and were obnoxious during the show. The venue was also way too warm so the wait was very uncomfortable. I did go downstairs to get my phone unlocked but the staff were mocking the adults that "couldn't deal without their phones." It is unrealistic to have an 1+ hour delay and not be able to contact home like this. It would have also been nice for the venue to use Ticketmaster to notify us of the delay. We rushed through dinner across the street and literally ran to the venue thinking we would miss the 7pm start time. It is true the venue may not have been able to prevent the delay (if the performers were actually in traffic... I'm not sure I believe that), but they could have done things to make the wait more bearable.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The show started almost 2 hours late. Material was repititive.... I'm sorry, because I love Tracey in movies and TV shows. Not loving his standup routine.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The show started almost 2 hours late. The host and opening acts were great but Tracy Morgan was vulgar and at many times very difficult to understand. Jokes weren t funny. Skip.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The venue was fine but the show itself was horrendous and I would not recommend this event. We had booked tickets almost a year in advance - needless to say we were excited for this event. However, the show started two hours late with little to no explanation. Furthering that frustration none of us had our phones due to Tracy Morgan's partnership with Yondr. Finally, we expect a good amount of uncensored material. However, we could barely understand the punch lines as every other word out of Mr. Morgan's mouth was a curse word.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The event ran late. The three opening comics were awesome. Tracy seemed tired. Plus, he really liked to talk about d**ks. One, 2, maybe 3 jokes about that would have been fine, but all night???? Plus, he required that we had our cell phones locked. I get why, but we had a babysitter and it would have been nice not to leave the show to find someone who could unlock my phone so I could check.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
If the main performer demands no cell phones (who was 2 hrs late)- the show should start on time. Again opening act was soo funny - not so sure about Tracy, who repeated his Netflix comedy show.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Tracy is talented, but his material was incredibly offensive, especially to women. Tracy proudly self-described acts that were similar, and even worse, than Louie CK has admitted to doing. And Louie is at least temporarily not working.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I had the utmost respect and admiration for Tracy Morgan. Adored his work on 30 Rock and SNL. This evening s material was way beneath his comedic talent. It was way over the top and sometimes demeaning to women. I did appreciate his honesty on his recent traumatic accident. It was candid with hilarious undertones. I feel he s reached a certain age that raunchy talk is immature and way, way beneath him.
Turning Stone Resort Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Sat, Nov 11, 2017
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
The openers and host were all very funny but Tracey Morgan was just belligerent. Nothing was really a joke, he was just saying some pretty extreme sexual things. I don't know why he had a stack of papers he kept looking at because nothing seemed to be written or purposeful.
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the Venue, easy parking, great seats, good visability and a lot of security. Tracey was hilarious with now stop laughs. I had read other reviews where others commented on Tracey using notes during the show, but that didn't bother me besides he had a very serious injury. Notes or not he was funny, along with the opening acts and I felt I got my moneys worth. I would recommend the show. The last thing I read about people commenting on was the No phone zone. Every single show should be like that, I actually loved watching a show without people texting and taking pictures. Great Job Tracey you rock !!!
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was exciting. Good to see Tracy Morgan doing what he does best. Make his audience laugh and enjoy the entertainment.
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Big construction area, parking is good distance to walk they should have shuttles available for public!!
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy Morgan is hilarious. I'm happy i didn't miss out on this show
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy Morgan is BACK!! Very funny and the comedians that came out before him got us ready for the main event. I really recommend seeing this show. You'll laugh your ass off!
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was great. Seats sucked, had cramp in an hour.
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Very Inconvenient that we could not have access to our phones. It made the experience not worth it.
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Will see him again. High energy. Original point of view.
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy Morgan didn't disappoint. And his 4 other opening acts were almost just as hysterical!
Hard Rock Live - Hollywood, FL - Sat, Nov 4, 2017
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
What a complete ridiculous idea that people couldnt have their phones. What about people woth family with medical emergencies. Tracy Morgan just lost 2 fans between me and my wife
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was looking forward to seeing Tracy. I was disappointed with his material. It was vulgar and not funny. The show's theme was about his sex life. I think he needs a writer for some good funny material.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
same as Netflix special but still worth seeing . few different jokes
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
We saw Tracy Morgan a couple of years ago at the same venue. This time he had three opening acts, one of which was the same as last time. My complaint, Tracy did basically the same material from the last time we saw him. This is very disappointing, given the price of the tickets which were not cheap. Also one of the openers did the same exact material as last time. Come on now! Is it that difficult to come up with some new material especially being that you are playing in the same city and venue as a couple of years ago? In addition the demand that cell phones are not allowed in the show or have to be locked in a yndr pouch is a big inconvenience. Who would want to tape this show anyway. Big disappointment!
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was one of the funniest comedy shows I have seen in a while.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The openers were hilarious and Tracy Morgan never seems to dissapoint. He's hilarious.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love Tracy Morgan, I am a big fan. I did not realize how compromised the accident left him. He had a very difficult time delivering his monologue and when he lost his way he just rambled. He was always extremely funny, now he seems to be just over the top vulgar because he can t recall the jokes. The vulgarly isn t even funny. I hope he can get back into a television show where he can properly demonstrate his great talent. They search you and demand you lock up your cell phones so no one takes a video. Now I understand why.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
His performance was average. I understand he was in an accident and that s why I m not more critical.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Over all great show the opening acts as well as Mr. Morgan himself although it looked more like a scrip show instead of going with a flow I don't hold it against him. Great show even if some of the scrips where old
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Very crude and vulgar jokes. He is much funnier on TV when he has better writers and someone else to balance him out. His opening acts were much funnier.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, May 13, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To see Tracey Morgan in person, was a pleasure. To hear him as a comedian,, let. Alone a human being, a man who experienced an unfortunate accident which took the life of his best friend, tells a lot about who Tracey Morgan has become. Beyond his comedy, he shares with the audience his hurt, pain & personal feelings with what him & his family has gone through. He shares his experience not only through comedy, but to send a message to people of all colors, ethnicity, religions,, backgrounds, locations on this earth, in this world...... Life is precious , Life is promised to you by birth and make the best of " your life". Express your Love, caring, concern, appreciation, gratitude, consideration and thoughtfulness to people while you are alive, as well as the person who is of concern .
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Enjoyed Tracy Morgan very much. Great to see him 'back in the saddle'. I was surprised to see that he had TWO warm-up comedians (not on the bill). Disappointed that there were no cameras allowed ( "by artists request")
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After the ridiculous way of entering the show room, my group really enjoyed all 3 comedians. The MC was full of energy and Tracy had my face hurting. The boy is sick..... In a good way!!
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Me and my best friend literally laughed the entire show!!! He was fantastic. He did new material as well and old material. He performed for about an hour and a half
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow!!! What a fabulous show!! Starting with the DJ who rocked the house! The Host was smooth as butta and the Rapper had the house jumping! Then the star of the evening, Mr. Tracy Morgan. Loved it!!! You are amazing and your perspective on life and our everyday situations was so funny. I am soooooo happy that I had the chance to experience that evening with you. The audience was into the show and it was simply the best!!! You rocked the house!!!!!!
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wish I had front row but my seats was good I still seen him. I couldnt believe how much I was laughing, Tracy is a fool. I LOVED IT, it was crazy, I cant wait until he comes back again. I'm gonna make sure I get front row seats.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm a huge fan of 30 Rock, so I expected Tracy Morgan's stand-up to be goofy. But it was totally the opposite! He made witty comments about the venue, picked on the audience appropriately, and his jokes were downright dirty and vulgar, but hilarious. He is definitely different than the basic stand-up - he doesn't make the same generic jokes, with just a different audience. Just make sure: 1) you go with a friend that likes dirty jokes! I went with a Catholic friend of mine, so she didn't enjoy it as much; 2) at the venue, make sure you get to SEE him well! Hu Ke Lau's arrangement of seats was not conducive to me, where an 7-foot man sat in front of me, and a stupid "commenter" sat next to me and made stupid comments the whole show. AND DON'T GET OFFENDED. As a stand-up artist, Tracy Morgan is someone other comics should strive for: original, honest jokes. You can tell from just his act that he's truly a FUNNY individual.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Well my husband and I love watching Tracey Morgan on SNL and 30 Rock, so for Father's Day I got my husband tickets. We have been so excited to go and see him, have a fun night out (with 2 young kids does not happen often) We went out first had a couple beers and apps at Rock Bottom, feeling good, excited to have a couple more drinks and laugh our ass off....well, first we walked in to the Wilbur and decided to get our drinks before we sat down as we waited in line we saw everyone walking away with bottled we got closer we realized NO ALCOHOL! A comedy show with no drinking??? What fun is that!? So we got our $4 botlle of water and figured well, Tracey will make us laugh and we can forget about the no drinking thing. The first couple of guys that came out were pretty funny, we got a couple of good laughs but Tracey came out and was just not too funny. Yes, he had a few good moments but overall is was putting us to sleep. He entire show was about sex. We do not mind crude or sex jokes but it was as if the same joke was being said the entire time. If he did the sex thing but then moved on maybe it would have worked. The Wibur was also very hot and we were not enjoying ouselves, what a bummer! The show finally ended but it was then 12 and by the time we were back in our area last call had been done and we had to go home and go to bed....what a waste of a babysitter! We still love watching Tracey on 30 Rock but would not ever see him do stand up again..,,we also would never go to any show at the Wilbur.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Spent a lot of money on two tickets to see Tracy Morgan at the Paramount in Huntington, New York and it was a horrible experience. The vulgar language was beyond disgusting and so uncomfortable that we left with everyone else that walked out that night. I really wish the Paramount understood and reimbursed me for the tickets but the children behind the counter only do what they are told and do not take charge. I am a local resident and have not been back since. Tracy Morgan also requests that cellphones be locked in a case so no photos are taken. God Forbid there was an emergency at home, i wouldn't have been able to answer. No one wants photos of Tracy Morgan. Hes not even funny anymore. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR YOUR TIME.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So good to see Tracy up and doing his thing still.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy Morgan is a legend and one of the greatest to ever step on stage.. I had very high expectations, and he blew them away on every level. There was a host and I believe 3 opening acts. The host was funny, 3 of the opening acts were pretty funny, and the final opening act was hilarious. Then Tracy came on stage to blow the roof off and finish up an amazing show. I would pay to see him again and again, and have already searched for his next local event
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All I can say is I wanna see him again. Even the opening acts were amazing.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although Tracey Morgan spent the entire night doing old netflix material, it was still nice to see him recovered and healthy. God is Good
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was an awesome show from start to finish, even the staff at the venue were great!
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was amazing, everyone was hilarious. Seating was great and also staff
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
His stand up is hilarious glad to see him live on stage!
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have been a fan of Tracy Morgan for many years. He has always brought pure joy and laughter to me & my household. But the show was a whole other side of Tracy Morgan but I did not appreciate at all. It was downright Raunchy & disgusting! Sad display of character post life threatening accident. Shame onTracy
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The venue was great, hard to get to food & drinks to many people, but the performance and the seats were great!
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was so disgusted by this show, i did not know that every word out of Tracey Morgan mouth was fuc$&? this and everything sexual that. If they are going to have comedy this vulgar then they should have it rated XXX so a person could have the option of opting if of his shows rather than spend money for a show that you just wanted to walk out on.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Tracy did a good job although some of his material was inappropriate for some of the guests.
Caesars Atlantic City - Atlantic City, NJ - Sat, Apr 21, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He was very funny. Like always!!! Highly recommend.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We had a great time, Tracy was so funny!!! He gave an amazing performance, great jokes and funny off the hip comedy! I really enjoyed the comedians that he had open for him as well. It was a pleasure and a privilege to meet Tracy and watch him perform live for the first time. I will be looking out for his return to Detroit!
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy was good, a little too vulgar for my wife. I thought it was a good show.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While the opening acts made me laugh, Tracy Morgan's humor was not for me. Too many sexual references with no real underlying humor. I was disappointed because I think he is a very talented actor and I felt like his humor did not reflect his true personality.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
excellent delivery-really...ok with written notes for now/know he is recovering from head injury but next year- what a drag... subjects 50-50--subjects started out good then mr potty mouth and nasty.. when a performer keeps going back to body functions, I know he has no more to give-subjects were not funny anymore. so I left early, right after he said I know a (joke) something I want to tell you but I forgot--then he went back to asshole and corn jokes..this was the first time I saw him and I don't need anymore--a little off color for my taste..that's why I don't do mike epps..but to each his own...good comedian tho
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracy is awesome, I seen him a couple years ago at Royal Oak he was great then and even better now . I love Tracy!!
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I must be getting old. Love Tracy Morgan on TV and movies, but his stand up comedy was just too toxic for me and my husband. We walked out.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Me & my guy traveled to the Poconos to see his show. Tracy was excellent and his show made a perfect couples night. I never stopped laughing. Even his opening acts were hilarious. I will definitely travel to see him again. Thank you.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Wow he was fresh and He was Funny!!!I almost went to see if I could get anther ticket for his gig the next day at Pechanga Casino. He was that funny!!! We had a great time!!!!
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracy was great. Not sure what to expect after the accident. He was extremely funny and had everyone laughing. Opening acts were good also.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
If you listen to Howard stern show, then you heard most of this performance by Tracy, I enjoyed seeing him in person, but didn't expect to hear everything he said on sterns morning show. I would have saved my money.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show. He was funny and he is one blessed man to be alive.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracy and his opening act, Tracey, we're great. I got tons of laughs. It was my first time there so I was a little turned around, but the staff was very helpful. The venue wasn't as pretty as I thought, and the microphones could have been crisper.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After his terrible bus crash where some on his bus were killed, and he almost was as well, the resilient Tracy Morgan is back again live, and on tour ! His act is all - at - once funny and gritty, speaking mostly about the crash, and, unlike his opening acts which were good too, practically not - at - all about the Election. We had decent seats in the make - shift " theatre " venue of The Valley Forge Casino, and would be alright being seated there again. The Casino folks even set up a little temporary bar at the side of the room for just prior to the commencement of the event. Yes, we would be recommending you welcoming Tracy Morgan back to touring , and life !
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracy was so funny. He had the whole crowd cracking up all night long. The opening acts were really funny too. I'll never forget it, and would see it again.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Other than the show starting approximately 20 minutes late, I would definitely recommend. The Emcee and opening comedians were funny too.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show was good. Tracy was good and the opening acts were really good also!
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well worth it!! Will be seeing him again for his next tour!
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I gave 2 tickets to my son for his birthday. He and his wife really enjoyed the show. Said Tracy was hilarious.
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Natural comedy! Very satisfied with Tracy's performance and would definitely attend another one of his shows!
Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA - Sat, Oct 15, 2016
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