HIM IN CONCERT:Finnish rockers HIM have been electrifying audiences with their adrenaline-filled brand of "love metal" since the early '90s, and they stand as the first-ever act from Finland to have a certified gold release in the US. Rocking out under their trademark heartagram (a combination of a heart and a pentagram), the band charges through morbidly upbeat rock productions like "Heartkiller" and "Join Me in Death" with a vigor and dramatic flair that always get hearts racing and fists pumping. They've reached the Finnish Top 5 with eight consecutive albums, and fans lucky enough to catch them on tour will have no trouble seeing what all the fuss is about.BACKGROUND SNAPSHOT:HIM formed in Helsinki in 1991 under the leadership of beloved frontman Ville Valo.

HIM Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Successful tour ever. CKY and HIM in the same event. My teen years is complete.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing. 3 teeth was pretty WOW. Like someone said it was like an underground vampire club..... wicked. CKY I never heard before but they were ok. Nothing special. But decent. The singer was acting goofy which is nice to see. They could have turned the vocal volume up though. Now HIM. Ahhhhhh just made me melt. Ville was in top form which was awesome cause when I last saw them he seemed he didn t want to be here in 2010. Much better. Got the crowd involved. Was joking with the band. Let the crowd sing. Was freaking great. So glad their last tour concert in Chicago was so good. My biggest complaint was their lighting. Was so hard to get good pictures!!!!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hands down the best show I've ever been to. It's such a shame this is HIM's final tour.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
Highly Suspect :: KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas :: Ariana Grande :: Old Dominion :: Troye Sivan
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Venue was great-Drive A, Dommin, and HIM were Awesome! Those kids from Drive A were Amazing and they have a huge future ahead of them and they can truly get the crowd motivated! I had never heard any of these bands and just came with a friend and I was pleased that I did-truly rocked :)
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wasn't in love with HIM's new album based on the singles but after hearing the songs live I changed my mind. Just goes to show how great a band they are. Also Dommin and The Fallen were great opening acts. Dommin especially left a permanent mark in my memory. Can't wait till they come to town again.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been a HIM fan since i bought one of their cds on sale a couple of years ago. I have only had three chances to see them in and around the boston area. went to all three, and this one has been the best by far. The intro bands were awesome, and HIM knew how to rock the show, they interacted with the audience and everything. Great finale and encore. Overall fantastic. HIM needs to come to Boston more often.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed the event, HIM performed great like the SPECIAL GUESTS but I think it was more SPECIAL GUESTS than HIM!, a very negative point was the sound-mixing, We could not hear Ville Valo's wonderful voice well, He showed his displeasure by throwing the microphone in the middle of concert.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was absolutely wonderful! This was my first time at House of Blues, but I'm sure it won't be my last. Great venue as it is a small venue. We met some of the backup bands at the end as well. HIM was wonderful and we were in the 2nd row on the floor.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've grown up listening to HIM. Never thought I'd ever see them live, like a dream come true. Seeing them really brought me back to the good old days. They put on a great show. Plus We Are The Fallen was amazing, I will be picking up their album as well!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
i attended the show not knowing any of the bands - a friend was working with 'we are the fallen' and i went to visit with him. the first band - drive a - seemed very green day derivative. they were well rehearsed and sounded technically good, but their style was very 90s cliche. maybe a little more originality in their song writing and they could be good. they did seem to do a good job engaging the crowd in general, though, especially considering their style didn't really blend with the other bands. the second band - dommin - was a little theatrical, but i found myself really enjoying them. singer had an amazing sexy voice. band had great stage presence, and they through in a great cover of 80s classic - i just died in your arms (yes, i'm a horribly tacky 80s fan! :)) we are the fallen had a great set with original music and two covers - like a prayer and a phenomenal cover of an iron maiden song. the crowd really seemed to love them! i didn't stay around for him - i wanted to spend a few minutes visiting with my friend before heading home, but the crowd was good and worked up chanting for him as i was leaving!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Mar 28, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Though not a big fan of HIM, I did attend the concert. I saw them two years ago at Sonar and they put on an amazing show then. This event, however, was a disappointment. They were not "mending" together as they usually do. They were out of tune and out of harmony ~
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the songs sounded better live..Ville brought a lot of charisma to the stage..
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the HIM portion of the concert. Two out of the three opening acts were inaudible so you could not understand the words, the instruments over powered the singer, I think that one opening act would have been just fine, maybe two, however three was a bit to much. I loved the fact that Ville stated that he gave up smoking and drinking. I was amazed at how fantastic the band sounded and how much Ville looked like he was enjoying himself performing for his fans, who have waited over 2 years for a return to the U.S.
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Drive A sucked and the lead singer was nasty, Dommin was awesome as hell, We Are The Fallen was awesome as hell and amazing, and HIM was just OMG!!!!! I died from the awesomeness!!!!!!
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the concert was absolutely amazing. i love him and went soley to see them. but i must admit the other bands were amazing as well
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Venue: Much better than I expected since I'd never been. Beer was a little expensive, but bartenders were fast, attendant and accurate. Bathrooms were surprisingly clean. Plenty of room. Crowd was friendly and having tons of fun. Opening bands: Rocked! HIM: Played a shorter set than I would have liked, but picked great songs (lots of classics and a couple of the best new ones). the band sounded awesome and rocked my face off, per usual. Will definitely be attending every HIM show I can get to!
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was great. Drive A wasn't that good; the sound was abnormally loud when they came on, which made everything sound clashed together which was not enjoyable to listen to. Dommin was second, and they were great. Me and my girlfriend bought their CD and met them, they are a great band and we hope they get bigger and continue to come out with new albums. We Are The Fallen was also great. But HIM took the show like usual. Bam Margera also made an appearance before the encore. HIM was stellar onstage, and I hope they come back to the US with a new album soon, I will be there when they do. Rock on HIM!!!!
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Show were really fun, Electric Factory was very small though....opening bands played for too long but HIM is great....I've seen them many times in concert before but for the first time Ville Valo was sober and not smoking....he was not that much of a crowd pleaser this time around but overall a good time
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Of course I enjoyed the show! HIM never fails to thrill and enthrall, but it was not the same energy level of past events. I look forward to seeing them again in the near future.
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This was the first time I had seen HIM and I think it might be the last. My friend had seen them 8 times and said this was the worst show he had ever been to. Not just the worst HIM show, the worst show period. The opening bands had vocals that were completely drowned out by their instruments, and when HIM took the stage, Ville's voice wasn't there. He sounded awful, he couldn't hit the notes. My friend said that the only song they did good on was Wicked Game, by that time I'd gone out to smoke, completely disappointed. They may have had an off night, but I'd be hesitant to pay the money again to see them.
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
being h.i.m. is my favorite band, i cant wait to see them every chance i get. the last time i saw them at sonar, in 07, they played a two hour set. last night, they played just over an hour. kinda disappointed.
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a 15-year-old with no legit source of income, I don't really get to go to a lot of shows (this was only the second I'd ever been to, and almost two years since my first). But this show was freaking amazing. First off, the view I'd managed to get, standing at barely 5 foot 1, was incredible compared to where I was my first concert, and I was able to catch a glimpse of the amazing opening acts. The first band, Drive A, cured my thirst for honest punk rock. It was nice to see the front man do a stage dive onto someone's shoulders and stay there, then proceed to crowd surf for the rest of the song and into the next. They were honestly talented and definitely pumped up the crowd. The next band, Dommin, which I assumed would be heavy metal, gave a nice blend of MCR and The Muse, getting us into the general metal-y mood. I was amused by the keyboard guy, who'd managed to completely jam out on his cute little keyboard. Unfortunately, the sound went a little static-y around the end of their set, but that's at the fault of the sound guy, not the band itself. Finally, We Are The Fallen was really good, but would've been a little better if the balance between the guitars and vox were better. The singer (whom I heard was Carly Smithson off American Idol, but who knows) was forced to yell, rather than sing, over the guitars to be heard, and her performance suffered, but only slightly. We spent the next half hour waiting for HIM's arrival to the stage to be signaled, seeing as the main act always takes longest. But when the lights finally went out, I started shaking with anticipation. As the band walked onstage after a painful 3 hours, it was amazing in itself, but when Ville (my beautiful Finnish sex god) sauntered onstage, I let loose. I assumed their set would be mostly songs from their new album Screamworks (seeing as that was what they were promoting), but was delighted when they played mostly older songs, from Dark Light and such, that I actually knew. Naturally, when they played Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly, I broke down and called my mom so she could hear, but I managed to get some really awesome footage. The hilarity kicked in when Valo simply walked offstage to "take a leak", and it was nice to learn he actually had an accent (an extremely sexy European man rolling his R's was a nice addition to the set), and we managed to get an encore out of them when they finished. Overall, it was an amazing kickoff to their U.S. tour, and I highly recommend it to whomever enjoys good music. Not that Cyrus/Jonas/Bieber garbage Disney's been feeding us :)
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Him was amazing! So was dommin but hands down HIM rocked!!!
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I felt last night was more like a rock music festival, instead of "HIM's concert"! It was a long show, 4 hours! The bands are great! and for sure, HIM is GREAT too! Each of the guest bands did around 4~5 songs, the show started with Drive A, then Dommin, and then We are the fallen. HIM was the last to come out, they played songs from their new album and also their old greastest hits. I sang along with all of the songs, the show was just awesome! After Ville finished 'When love and death embrace' to end the show, the band went inside, of sure, people were still waiting for encore, (even though nobody really called 'encore'. . .), then HIM finally came out again after about 10 mins, and really ended the show with two more songs! The last one was 'The funeral of hearts', that was just so touching! Man. But there was a part I felt so regret about! I was standing in the front middle of the crowd, I have to say this, that was just Exhausting! Awful! Just after Dommin came out, I was already extremely in pain, tired of standing and was totally unable to move and so many people kept saying excuse me to move front! And there was so many people taller than me kept blocking my view to watch the show all way through! (first time really hated about my height!) But the saddest part was totally because I Couldn't Even See Ville 's FACE Clearly! Ah! That was my Greatest regret forever, so I suggest anyone who is a big fan of any band, if the show is held in standing room, you must arrive as soon as possible before the opening time, and get the front front front! line, so that you can see your great band clearly and at least have something lean on, and never never try to stand in the middle, go to the side if you can't get to the front. . . !
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first him consert n wow. I loved 3 out of 4 of the bands. They were full of energy and excitement. I cannot wait to see who else is comming. I think next year I'm gonna go for the VIP passes tho. The venue was a little packed n ppl were Tryong to push ahead to het a better view of him. But I expected that. Over all awsome show. Thanks Philly for having me and me 4 guests.
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Saw HIM in NY a couple years ago, the atmosphere was great & performance amazing. We cant wait to see them agian here in St. Louis on the 7th, you have fans here who are very excited to see your return to the states guys. Oh and I still have my concert ticket from the last show, thats how much I love your music, rock on!
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went to his concert at the showbox last year, and it was amazing. He is great live, the sound and time was well paid for. He puts humor, and personality into his performances. I would love to see him again!
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HIM's presence on the stage was absolutely amazing. They have such talent that impressed the whole audience. My friends and I had a great time, I hope that the come to the Northern VA/MD/DC area again soon! ^.^
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HIM was absolutely amazing! Dommin and We Are the Fallen were great, too. Sonar had some technical difficulties throughout the night, but Ville's awesomeness overshadowed that. I dafinately plan to see HIM again, but not at Sonar.
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
it was seriously the best night of my life!!!!!!<3
SONAR AND TALKING HEAD CLUB AT SONAR - Baltimore, MD - Sat, Mar 27, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HIM and Dommin really put on a great show! I saw HIM 3 years ago and Dommin last October so I figured it would be a pretty good show and tuns out I was right! I would totally recomend going to see them in one of the upcoming shows and you wont regret it! The only downside is Ville doesn't come meet his fans=/ Which is understandable considering it would probably start a riot. Oh well i'll have to go to a signing one day. The other two opening bands could have been better but i have heard way worse! Beware if you go Drive A will jump in the crowd and crowd surf as well start a mosh pit but its not too bad. If you want to see more pictures from the show just ask =]
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great show with great bands. HIM is by far one of the most talented and entertaining bands to watch. My brother went with me and we both had a really kick@ss time!
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was amazing! My daughter was ill and had been so for a long time. I had just recovered from a stab to my right leg and almost died. She Bridgett saved my life and we both, her and I went to see HIM. It was also on her birthday sweet 16th and we got to meet Mige!!! Best time we have ever spent together.... I love this band with the whole of my being. And my daughter I love with the whole of my existence! This was a real birthday treat for her, and I as well. Sometimes are just meant to be. This was a time I believe that was meant to be for us! -=Osia=-
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The venue was so great and beautiful. Had a coat check too. Stood in line outside in the cold for about 45 minutes but was worth it. HIM was amazing! I would love to come back to NYC and see a band here again.
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I go to SEVERAL concerts a year and not only was this the worst one I've been to this year, it has to be one of the worst ones ever. I am a HUGE fan of HIM and have seen them before but on this night, something was terribly wrong right out the gate with the very first song. Everything sounded absolutely terrible. It was like it was all underwater or muffled by a pillow. Either the sound guys didn't know what they were doing or Ville had lost his voice or both, but something was seriously wrong and it never got better. Funny, because the first 2 opening bands sounded fine and thank god for CKY, they absolutely killed it! It was just such a disappointment to pay as much as we did for main floor tickets, wait outside in the freezing cold forever to get in and then when we finally do, to see HIM supposedly for the last time ever, it was an epic fail.
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HIM is my favorite band of all time, and they were excellent as always. Ville was really belting the vocals and I could hear the lyrics very clearly. The guitarist was shredding some great ad libbed solos. They are an incredible band and they met my high expectations. As far as the Hammerstein ballroom goes, I liked it. It was very spacious, and the speakers were loud and clear. The bathroom was massive, and was very clean. Had a great time overall. Sad to see them split up, but nothing that good can last forever.
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Was a great experience finally seeing HIM. So sad this was their last show in America, but they had an amazing performance. Great sound, great lighting. Awesome setlist. Will not forget this one
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The band put on an awesome show. I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. The 5 star rating is only for the band. I'm more inclined to take off one star for the building & facilities themselves. There were 2 opening acts for HIM, 3Teeth and CKY. The line to get inside the building wrapped around the block and the staff were slow in getting everyone inside in time to catch 3Teeth. The show starts at 7:30. I got in the queue at 6:45pm. By the time I made it in the door and through the metal detectors, it was 7:55, so I completely missed out on seeing 3Teeth. :( And the seats in the balcony are uncomfortable. They were upholstered metal chairs that were packed too tightly together with no leg room.
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As someone who has been listening to HIM for well over a decade, I can honestly say their final show in NYC was the best night of my life. They were unbelievable and I did not want the night to end. The venue was perfect for them. I was very happy with the level of security as well. My husband and I were able to thoroughly enjoy ourselves and not have to worry. It was awesome to see parents there with their kids. Definitely an amazing show over all and I will definitely be going back to Hammerstein Ballroom for future concerts.
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was outstanding!! Loved every second. It was the best night of my life. The location wasn't even too bad. It was a beautiful building and the acoustics seemed to work in the crowds favor. I would go there for a show again. And if HIM EVER comes around again I'll be buying tickets in a heartbeat. They're my favorite and this has been the most amazing experience I could ask for.
Manhattan Center Hammerstein Ballroom - New York, NY - Fri, Nov 17, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was a little disappointed, but I may have had my expectations set a little high considering my all time fave band was retiring and this would be my last time seeing them. The lighting was horrible and you could not see what was going on, the vocals were drown out and it seemed that maybe they were just trying to get thru the tour. I felt there was no interaction with the crowd (fans!) at all. The venue had an odd way of setting up. We splurged on VIP tickets and it was far from VIP. I wish my last time seeing them would have been better.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Through joy and sorrow and our unseen tomorrows i feel so heavy hearted and yet extremly gifted to share this extraordinary musical experience with such humble and down to earth great guys. I truly treasure every memory and all my photos and videos and CDs and shrine.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful Concert, played an amazing set. Wish they would stick around for 10 more years.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
H.I.M has been ny childhood band, always amazing as the first time i seen them play back when i was in high school.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Unfortunately, this show was extremely disappointing. All of the bands sounded very poor and the singers sounded like they were mumbling all the lyrics. The venue is ok.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well worth the money ro see these guys. Excellent, show, good vibes.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sad that this will be the last time seeing this group. Very enjoyable performance
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The venue was not the best, but CKY and HIM were both amazing!!!
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After 12+ years of waiting to see your favourite band... And you finally see them. If you can honestly say that they are literally everything you ever dreamed them do be, it's amazing. And that's what this show was.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my 3rd time seeing HIM live. There were some sound issues, but other than that I enjoyed this show. The one thing that I found annoying was the numerous people filming the show. A lot of people had their phones in the air that it was hard to see the show at times. Other than that, I enjoyed it.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, Nov 5, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was the best I've ever been to and one experience I'll never forget.
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I want to go back and relive that entire concert over and over again. From the opening act, 3 Teeth, to CKY, to the finale that is H.I.M...everything was amazing. Never heard of 3 Teeth and they rocked. I am now a fan of theirs. Been in love with CKY since I first heard their music! Ville and the guys in H.I.M....they put on a strong performance. It sounded to me like maybe Ville was losing his voice from time to time. Overall, they still sounded fantastic!
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ville was just phoning it in. I realize a lot of thise kids never saw them before...but I saw them in Europe for the Love Metal tour and it was amazing...this...nope...I left early...
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen HIM in concert many times in the past 10 years, so seeing them for what is to be the last time in concert, was a must. From the first song til the last, HIM delivered. Ville Valo, the singer, still has the voice that can go up and down without missing a beat. The band is top notch. The place was packed with HIM fans and everyone had a blast. Singing along with well known songs was so much fun! I will miss HIM very much, but we will always have their amazing songs and the memories of awesome concerts!
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HIM has been my favorite band for about a decade, maybe even longer. Bottom line? The concert was amazing! This was the first HIM concert I have ever attended, it was so awesome to see CKY open for them. No one can open for such a majestic band better than CKY. My first and last HIM show. I'll always remember this one.
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This being the last Dallas show for Ville, Linde, Burton and Mige I wouldn't have missed it. They sounded supurb! Valo's rich baritone thrilled and struck many a note. The venue switch from HOB to Southside Ballroom disappointed. Southside staff friendly and professional although not strong in protocol regarding ADA accommodation requests.
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing show, great opening bands. Great way to end an Amazing musical career. Cheers.
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Greattach show. Too bad it was their last. Did everything you'd expect except Vampyre Heart.
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I went into this concert as a birthday gift for my girlfriend who loves HIM, i did not expect much, just wanted to listen to music and enjoy the night, i was pleasantly surprised at just how good HIM is live, sounds just as good if not better than the CD's and throws comedy in with Ville antics. I recommend seeing HIM to anyone who likes alternative or rock, you will become a fan.
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are not enough words to describe how absolutely fantastic this show was. It was literally the best night of my life. Ville, Linde, Mige, Burton, & Gas were rocking it like there's not tomorrow, and I only hope that I am lucky enough to be able to see them perform again. <3 <3 <3
Theatre of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA - Sat, Mar 15, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Unforgettable. Though, I wish they played The Sacrament.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was absolutely awesome! Not only was HIM's opening act Anathema really good, the HIM show itself definitely blew their performance back in September at the Tabernacle out of the water! I really LOVED this venue this time, Center Stage Theatre. Then again I like the fact that HIM's venues tend to be relatively small when they do their American tours. I'd recommend people going to see their shows and I know for sure I will be going to see another when they come back to the U.S.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen them 4 times and they just get better every time, also great venue
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We showed up and found the parking to be easy, safe, priced right at 10 bucks and located directly underneath the venue. The staff working the front door were happy and helpful. There truly isn't a bad seat in the house, whether you choose to sit or stand in front of the stage and it's all general admission. We found a spot among the eclectic group of fans and quickly met new people and waited for the show. ANATHEMA was the opening act and I was impressed with the acoustics of the venue. The female vocalist had an intoxicating sound and the entire band performed well and had some great tunes that were easy to enjoy having never heard them before. They bring to the table a heavy melodic experience that feels deep rather than superficial. Fan girls started squeling while waiting for the one and only Ville, front man for HIM. At this point I started to lose interest. When HIM entered the stage the place went crazy and it took me thirty seconds to start realizing that the men on guitar, bass, keyboard and drums are absolutely amazing. Not to mention Ville himself really has a certain charisma and right to be in the spotlight. The bass and guitar solos were filled with high energy showmanship and to a trained ear sounded spot on. HIM has a little bit of everything for everyone and I saw just as many guys rocking out to the guitar riffs as I saw girls swooning over Ville. The drummer is AWESOME and I don't think anyone can disagree. He brought a certain genuine, happy and raw feeling to the group. The keyboard player is super talented even though he sits in the background. After the show it was the keyboard player, Janne Puurtinen aka Emmerson Burton who was humble enough to treat us to a picture with him. I asked first (always ask first) and thanked him after. That really sealed the deal and made the night special. I think my inner fan girl is still somewhere deep down inside but I'm hooked!
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
They played all their best classics and some recent hits. Irving Plaza no bad seats so wherever you are, the sound is beauty! No complaints at all!
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The opening bands where great, We Are The Fallen really took me by surprise, they are awesome & HIM simply ROCKS. Ville's voice was amazing and he's funny as hell. I'll definitely see them again \\m/
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HIM we awesome. The setting was small and the music was great. Dommin were amazeing, Had a great time.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was more intimate than the previous one we saw in Philly. Front row this time instead of in the back. Sound was really good. First experience at House of Blues, definitely not disappointing. Too bad my camera was being tempermental. My pictures this time didn't come out great. The sound on my videos suck too.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my 5th time seeing them and they never fail to impress me! They're the greatest band on earth and the music is alwaysssss amazing! The venue was nice too, with so many people there, it wasn't too uncomfortable.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
HIM was okay. I thought Ville's voice was off and he was not that into it. They were okay but I really loved Dommin and We are the Fallen . In fact I left before HIM finished their set to go meet Dommin at the merch table. This was my 2nd time seeing HIM and I like them but their live music is not as good as the studio recording. I didn't care for Drive A. The band plays well but the singer needs some work. He tries too hard to connect with the audience and doesn't and his use of profanity just seemsfor the sake of it and too be cool. He wasn't.
House of Blues Orlando - Orlando, FL - Sun, May 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After much time HIM finally returned back to the states and let me add that the wait was well worth it. Accompanied by Drive A, We are the Fallen and Dommin the event was phenominal. The band that stood out the most however was none other than, the dark rock outfit known as Dommin. Their debut album Love is gone is exquisite, but when u actually hear the band live, you are just mesmorized by how amazing the vocals of Kris Dommin are. CAPTIVATING to say the least. I would definitley like to see Dommin stick around and perform with HIM at another time. ALL around spectacular show.
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HIM was amazing as usual, the opening bands were surprisingly entertaining also. Packed as usual, but the pit was a lot more controlled than it used to be, glad it was!
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was amazing... the lights were great and the bands were greater.
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved it. This is my second time seeing them and I must say their great performers and they know how to keep their fans happy. I love you HIM I'm glad I saw you guys again. One thing I would really had loved was if I could have gotten the chance to take a pic with the band, and maybe hug ville.
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The overall show experience was amazing as usual. Supporting bands were GREAT and H.I.M put on a fantastic show which was not surprising.....Had a BLAST!!!!!
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Drive there always sucks haha; The Venue was great, We sat in the Seats since everyone was WAY taller than me. Drive A were alright, Dommin was AMAZING, and We Are The Fallen... Could do WITHOUT the Lead Singer, H.I.M. was THE BEST! We Are The Fallen's Lead Singer was barely heard. Ville Valo was either way to drunk, or just not in the mood to sing. But nonetheless the concert was great. The Best was the Jokes Ville Made about Gas and the PA system, the PA in the Venue gve out during Heartkiller, Not cool, But Ville made up for it by throwing the Mic and dancing. I Would DEFINITELY recommend this to EVERYONE! H.I.M. never Disappoints.
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the crowd was cheering and the bands were playing their hearts out!! Best concert ive seen in a while!!, H.I.M is amazing live, and They don't Disappoint!! Dont miss one of their shows because you'll if your a H.I.M fan! Trust me!
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show in San Fran was really good. Ville talked and joked and even when the PA went out he kept his cool and made sure the audience got a great performance.
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I missed Drive A, but the second opener, Dommin, were excellent. We Are The Fallen sounded great, but Carly Smithson is definitely not comfortable on stage. She looked stiff and didn't energize and interact with the crowd. HIM was a great headliner. The sound mix was great and so was the setlist. Overall, a really good show.
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have attended over a dozen HIM performances and I am never disappointed. The energy of the show, tightness, and band chemistry has solidified in recent years. Vocals are absolutely brilliant. They really look like they enjoy themselves and the crowd responds in turn. They will definitely be top performers for several more decades to come. Fantastic Show !!!! Music always touches the soul. Well Done. Judy (Our Funeral Forgotten)
Eagles Club/The Rave/Eagles Ballroom - Milwaukee, WI - Sat, Apr 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was amazing! All the opening acts did wonderfuly, & I got to speak with the lead singer of each band, which was great. H.I.M. gave an incredible performance, this was my second time seeing them in concert, and I was blown away. Ville who usually walks out on stage at the last moment, walked out with the band, and they all seemed excited to be there. He was very sociable with the crowd, and the band as a whole rocked for almost 3 hours straight. The other fans were just as pumped as I was, and screaming for them to come back on stage, when they took a short break. I pushed my way to the front of the stage at one point during the show, and I was literally only a few feet from the band, because of how the venue was setup. It was a great concert, I had the best time. The lighting did make it a little difficult to get good pics, but we came away with some decent shots from the concert, reguardless. I would highly recommend seeing this show to anyone.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I got to the show. I had never been to the rave before but it was a GREAT Venue! This was my first HIM concert, but I have been fan since 2006. I have all their albums so this was a HUGE treat for me! I drove 5 1/2 hours to see them and let me tell YOU - VERY VERY VERY WORTH IT!!! They talked to the crowd and were funny and most of all, THEY PLAYED AMAZING!!! Ville's Voice was in top shape, Mige's Bass was banging, Linde's AMAZING Talent of Guitar playing was in full force, Burton's perfect piano playing was great, and Gas lit the house on FIRE with his drumsticks!!! All in all? GO TO THE SHOW IN YOUR AREA!!!! IT IS WORTH IT BY FAR!!!
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The line-up was Drive A, Dommin, We Are the Fallen and H.I.M. For once, the opening acts where amazing. Drive A is a punk-anarchist band with great potential and an angsty attitude. Dommin is a beautiful sound. The lead singers voice is rich and effective, and the band-members where great. H.I.M. did a great audience, and Ville Valo was really interactive with the audience. Very good in a small venue, got to meet the first two intro acts, was definitely worth going to!
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although Club Zoo is a total dump, HIM shined like the stars that they are despite the poor conditions. The opening bands were not great...Drive A was very foul,and We Are The Fallen was so loud that you could not hear the singer. Dommin did a good job and offered a meet and great after their set. However...the crowd was there for HIM and made it very obvious as they patiently waited in the dark and extremely hot venue that is Club Zoo. Surprisingly to me, it was not a big crowd. Club Zoo is an under 21 club in the strip district in Pittsburgh, and it may have influenced the turnout. HIM fans are NOT teenagers, but a multitude of ages. When HIM hit the stage, you forgot where you were. Ville Valo is a wonderful performer, he woos and talks to the crowd as if you were in his living room. He takes you by the hand in person just as his lyrics take your heart. I have never seen such a wonderful performance by a lead singer. He has that big, beautiful smile on his face, and joked with the band and the crowd, telling us you had to book air conditioning in advance and someone must've forgot. HIM played for an hour and a half, including 2 encore songs. They covered quite a few of the new Screamworks songs, and did one hell of a great job. Professional, personal, graceful, and exciting, they transformed Club Zoo into a world that only HIM can do. I have been a big fan of HIM for many years, and also am the streetteam leader for Western PA via heartagram. While I was disappointed in Club Zoo, and sent back to my car with my posters and camera, I still was overwhelmingly impressed with HIM's performance and will always, always, adore the massive talent of Ville Valo and HIM. Thank you!
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Drive A: Unimpressive Dommin: Didn't play - front man claimed laryngitis which was announced right after Drive A pumped the crowd up for them. That was disappointing. We Are The Fallen: Carly Smithson rocked...will definitely download a few. HIM: Ville Valo and the guys still got it! Awesome...loved them! They played all of my favorites plus a few new ones (1.2 hours), and performed two encores (1.5 hours total). Wish they would have played longer! Clutch Cargo's: Could have used some air conditioning. Sweltering! Pontiac: That city is post-apocolyptic...garbage, broken glass, and weeds line the sidewalks in front of empty run-down, abandoned businesses. Very sad town.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tons of people but that was to be expected, besides having a hard time getting a hold of the water lady every thing was awesome :)
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Other than the long wait, this concert was absolutely incredible. All of the bands were extremely talented, with the exception of drive a, which to me sounded like noise and screaming; and by judging by the crowd, alot of people felt the same way. HIM was one if the best bands I have ever seen live, and if you have a chance to see them live, by all means jump on it!
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seeing him for the 3rd time was the best time ever! They always have great songs and will be dearly missed. Definitely worth seeing them on their Farewell Tour. Awesome music
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hate to see H.I.M. go but I did enjoy the show. They put on an amazing show. It s like I saw them for the first time all over again. What a bittersweet feeling.
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These guys were amazing! It's such a shame they won't be performing anymore--but so glad I came to this show regardless of having to stand up. They played all the hits and then some, simply unforgettable
House of Blues Anaheim - Anaheim, CA - Thu, Oct 26, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best shows I have been too. Been a HIM fan for many years. So sad it was the last time I will see them play.
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The house of blues new venue was great! I love that the floor slopes towards the stage so everyone can see, that's great for tiny people like me. The band was phenomenal!! Best performance I've seen by them, sad to see them go.
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show, great venue. HIM and Motionless in White rocked. Only thing negative was $12 for pbr.
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great concert ! Ville sang for 20 songs!!!!! Heaven =)
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen HIM before, and they were good. Unfortunately early in their career whether it be acoustics or equipment, their live shows never translated before. I was weary about this show due to the fact their last couple of albums have been hit and miss, but they played basically what could be transformed into their great hits! Everything sounded amazing, just like album versions of the songs. They played for well over an hour and a half and performed their rendition of "Rebel Yell" as an encore.
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show, great audience with a very positive vibe. The sound is excellent at the HoB and the Foundation Room access is a huge plus and well worth a little extra. The biggest surprise of all was the courtesy and attentiveness of the HoB staff. A class act all around! Motionless In White, the 2nd warm up act, really have their act together and are poised to go places. I enjoyed them almost as much as I enjoyed HIM, who are getting a bit long in the tooth (and wide at the waist ; ).
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Him put on a great show the other night in boston at the house of blues.....the venue is great first of all and i always enjoy going there! The band sounded great...not pefect but very good,the best part was probably one of the best setlist i've seen them do ever.mostly older songs with a few fron the last few albums. The sacrament,poisen girl,fortress of tears--awesome!!!!! Gone with the sin,when love and death embrace and many more....they played close to 19 songs ending with "rebel yell"by billy idol which sounded great too! Catch them if you can on this tour and if you are a fan of the older tunes.
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Has a lot of fun, motionless in white put on a fantastic show
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The energy was unreal, every moment and sound was absolutely breath taking. This band was great 10 years ago and is great to this day.
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen them twice and both times they put on really amazing shows.
The Tabernacule and Center Stage - Atlanta, GA - 09/21/2013
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