Sgt Peppers and Abbey Road2 Iconic Albums / 30 Classic Tracks / 19 Musicians & SingersNever performed live in their time, these two iconic albums come to life in their entirety, in original track order with a 15-piece Band and four extraordinary rock performers whose combined experience spans several decades and the vast spectrum of styles the Beatles catalogue demands. May I introduce to you Russell Morris, Jack Jones, Kav Temperly and English folk rock singer-songwriter Jon Allen.The Beatles’ 1967 masterwork of Sgt Peppers created a psychedelic revolution with the dream visions of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Within You Without You and the orchestra grandeur of She’s Leaving Home and A Day In The Life.Two years later, Abbey Road was the epic finale that encapsulated the band’s monumental legacy, from the raw grit of Come Together, the majesty of Something, to the audacious symphonic movement culminating in The End.
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