Dweezil Zappa Plays Frank Zappa

Dweezil Zappa Plays Frank Zappa

Dweezil Zappa Plays Frank Zappa Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The enthusiastic crowd was a bit perplexed by the obscure opening number from the Freak Out album. My date thought it to be weird, but she said that the last time also! After that, more familiar songs from the early 70s catalog got the crowd going! Dweezil's solos were amazingly close to his Father's, and at times gave me chills! I had seen Frank play only once in Chicago nearly 40 years ago during the Zoot Allures album tour, and have been hooked ever since! The band had a new singer named Miki, with a beautiful voice, and also played keyboard. Then Dweezil brought an audience member on stage and invited him to join in as the band did a medley of non Zappa music from the 80s. A mix of 50 or so different songs segued seamlessly together, it was fantastic!
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil Zappa and ZPZ are simply amazing. I'm never disappointed.
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I got to see Frank Zappa years ago his son is doing an amazing job with his father's music the musical talent in the band was amazing probably the best concert I've ever seen
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
Super Mash Bros :: The Maldives :: Bobby Long :: Solillaquists of Sound :: The Rural Alberta Advantage
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil and his band respected and at times surpassed his dads performances...Frank (rip) would be proud....So awesome
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Zappa Plays Zappa has arguably some of the finest musicians and performers out there. Their complete command of their instruments and the very difficult music they choose to play effects jaw dropping awe in this reviewer. The band's respect for each other and their affection for their fans stands out. I would have given the show 5 stars but for the sound mix. The vocals were mostly lost due to the instrumental amplification being too loud to the point of distortion beyond what was intended by the effects utilized by the individual players. Sure, I know most of the material by heart, but one shouldn't need to rely on memory to understand the lyrics.
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible musicians bringing Zappa's music to life. A loving tribute by his talented son. The venue, Club Casino, Hampton Beach, is crammed and uncomfortable.
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just great musicians playing great music. It doesn't get any better!!!!!!
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was better than previous dweezil shows because of the new vocalist and he was also amazing on the harmonica and trumpet.
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
to play that music the way they did was wonderful,and to keep the legend of Frank through his son alive is great. Would have loved to been able to do that . Thanks Dweezel ,hope to see you again zeptone
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best shows I've seen! It's the first time I've seen Dweezil live and it was a great experience!
Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom - Hampton Beach, NH - Fri, Jul 2, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you ever liked Frank go see this show...you will be pleasantly supprized!
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The venue is perfect for this talented group. A living room performance with great sound balance and arrangements. I cannot wait until there next trip to town. I actually closed my eyes and visualized Frank on stage. Dweezil had big shoes to fill and I think he has gone beyond. Amazing Spectacular show, Great TIGHT band. Don't miss they guys when they come to town.
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the band was tight and rocked the house! i preferred the more composed pieces, as some of dweezil's guitar solos seemed to be more preoccupied with shredding rather than structured, melodic improv. either way, this group was amazing, and I would highly recommend them.
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the 4th time I've seen ZPZ in the last 3 years, and each concert is even better than before. Which is saying a lot, considering how exceptional ZPZ were when I first saw them. Their most recent show was their best one yet. The band has taken Frank's songs and truly made them their own. Dweezil may never be the iconic figure Frank was, but he's his match in all other respects, and an even greater guitarist. And the ZPZ band is as tight as any Frank toured with, and the addition of Ben on vocals, trumpet, harmonica and megaphone has to be seen live to be fully appreciated. A fantastic show in every respect!
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You can tell that Dwezil has done his homework to bring these muscians together to play Frank's music. If you ever want to hear true Zappa music go see this awesome show. The true talent of these muscians is amazing. Such young muscians playing Zappa music is beyond belief. I am sure that Frank would be proud of his son and what he is doing to bring this music to the public after so many years of silence. Do yourself a favor and see this awesome show. I would actually see it again and there were people there last night that had seen the show numerous times.
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I saw the ZPZ tour 2-years ago in Albany. With Napolean Murphy Brock. No ex-Frank players this time but the show rocked. All new material. The virtuosity of the muscians is amazing. They are tight as a gnats ass. I know Frank is very proud. He told me at the last St Alphonso's pancake Breakfast. Do not miss this tour if it comes to a neighborhood near you!
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have seen this band several times and have never been disappointed. If you truly appreciate music, you will be hooked. The musicians are all fabulous, a few changes since I saw them last.....hard to say which version was better...I think neither, both equally enjoyable although the new singer sounds much more like FZ than the previous guy, who had a great stage presence and voice as well. It is obvious that Dweezil really enjoys the music as you can see it in his facial expression. Hell of a band...one of the best ever, each time, never fail, and this is coming from someone who has gone to hundreds of shows since the early seventies. Don't miss it!
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awsome amounts of the best of Mr.Zappa Sr. Its e z to see that Franks music is going to stand the test of time. The venue is so personal with the band its a thrll from anywhere inside. While I'd seen the one show in L.A. it was fresh and refreshing to see it again. Dont miss this act if you dare.
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dwezil and Co. go to great lengths to reproduce Franks music to the note. If you have seen a FZ show you know that nothing REALLY compares, even his own progeny. But this would be the best one could hope for. This is a true labor of love. Having seen ZPZ twice, (last year and last night) I was glad that they had changed the setlist but i was surprised that they changed it COMPLETELY. This is not easy music to conquer. The addition of FZ alumni, Ben thomas on Vocals/Trumpet was a blast from the past, (I was secretly hoping they would play Whipping Post, a highlight of the Ben Thomas era FZ shows.) I feel odd being critical about ZPZ but here goes. ZPZ ABSOLUTELY has the music down, to the LETTER, that is not in question. What is sorely missing is that the SPIRIT of the FZ show is not really present. Dwezil himself (being the one filling FZ's shoes) has to embody and transmit the spirit of the FZ experience to the band which will produce one of many key elements that set FZ apart from EVERONE. conducting his bad, the props, the quirky/witty/risque but always intellegent dialogue, the way he incited his band to participate in this mayhem, the cotumes etc etc etc. I went to 3 FZ shows from 79 to 85 and it was as much about what the band was going to say/do/wear onstage as it was about the music. FZ was the mad scientist of music who created an exiting, controlled chaos onstage, a prototype that we will never see again and i am glad i got to see him before his untimely passing. Note to Dweezil: Let your hair down and really step into the role if this is what you are going to choose to do with your career for the future. Your audience will greatly appreciate it. You have the license, GO FOR IT, BE THE FRANK !!!
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After seeing Zappa plays Zappa with Jeff Beck at the Nokia theater, I will diffinetly make sure to see them again when they come around. Dwezzle played his dad's music as though Frank was really there. What a tribute to his father. THEY ARE A VERY VERY TIGHT BAND.
Ventura Theatre - Ventura, CA - Thu, Jun 10, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
omg it was awsome went to the first show at gramercey theater and then the halloween show at the beacon next night,show was fantastic,theese guys are on a roll they played the torcher never stops for the oncore,the costumes were great,sheila the sax player is awsome,also like the southpark reference in flakes,cant wait to see them again if u never have go see them u cant go wrong!!!!!!
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this Halloween show tremendously , the whole Roxy & Elsewhere album and everything else, great performance ,amazing drummer and Dweezil was great.
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Frank & The Mothers would be proud. Dweezil Zappa and his fellow band mates tackled some of the most challenging tunes written, and played it to perfection to the joy of us Zappa fans. Some deep tracks were new to me, but sounded so good that I already obtained the set list and will look to add them to my Zappa collection. I saw them the last time they played at the Beacon and will make a point of seeing them there when they return. It's my favorite indoor venue, and the acoustics are amazing. We're fortunate that we get to see them again tonight in Ridgefield. Roxy & Elsewhere was my favorite of the 8 LPs I had in my collection. They nailed it Thursday night and we can't wait to do it again tonight.
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mr Zappa put on a wonderful show. His band was full of talent which kept my attention through out the entire night. From the beginning to end I would hesitate leaving my seat as I might miss something. When his Dad was a big star was a time of music history (60`s) that was rich with talent. Dweezil brought back memories of my youth wishing I could go back in time to see his Dad. Frank Zappa was one f the great artists that I missed seeing live. Now I have a sense of what that show would have been like. Thank you Dweezil and please come back.
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Dweez and team were awesome. Best show yet. Who knew Sheila had a husband that rocked on guitar??? He killed on Zombie Woof.
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another awesome ZPZ show (our 4th)! Stellar musicians, amazing music, and a very entertaining band.
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When zappa plays zappa comes to your town do not hesitate to go see them. The band is fantastic you'll love it it's a way of life!!!!!!!
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
it was awsome show,every member of that band is awsome and played the music to a tee,spot on,clean crisp, the guitar solos were unbeleaveable and so were the sax,drums and heyboard and base solos,cant wait to see them again, pizzapete
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I missed Dweezil several times and I wasn't going to miss him again. I have been a Frank fan for 40+ years, but never got to see him live, so this was as close as I was going to get. I had an awesome time singing along with a great set list. So many songs to choose from, but I think Dweezil chose well. The band he assembled did a very credible job, especially the sax player. She was worth the price of admission alone. Overall, it was a great show and I will definitely see them again.
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Despite the venue having inadequate seating--I had to stand through the entire performance--Dweezil and his pals made it a memorable evening.The operation has been pared down somewhat--just a six-piece band this time (no percussionist and no second guitarist), no "special guest" former Frank Zappa sideman--but still a wonderful night, full of powerful playing. They covered material from all over FZ's career, from the first Mothers of Invention album, Freak Out, right up through the 80s, with a few tasty surprises thrown in for good measure, as always. Dweezil has been an excellent guitarist for a long time now, but his abilities are becoming genuinely remarkable, and his soloing was, for me, the highlight of the evening. He's unafraid to explore modalities in his solos, and had an extended period of doing this in the breathtaking solo he played in "Ride My Face To Chicago". In the middle of the concert, there was a period where Dweezil was very unhappy with his guitar sound, and the proceedings sort of ground to a halt, but once that was worked out, there were no more troubles. But Dweezil Zappa isn't the only great thing about this band. They are all standout instrumentalists, and the one who stands out the most is the arresting Schiela Gonzalez. She sings beautifully, plays multiple keyboards, saxophone, flute, and serves as the band's eye candy as well. When you get right down to it, sure, they're a cover band. But Dweezil's presence gives them a cachet that other cover bands can't touch, and makes them the more-or-less official torchbearers for the music of Frank Zappa.
Madison Theater - Covington, KY - Tue, Dec 11, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The band that Dweezil has with him is every bit as tight as his Dad's original crew. This is TOUGH music to play, and they were spot on!!!! If you loved Frank Zappa, this is a show NOT TO BE MISSED!!!
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We went to see Zappa does Zappa at the Norva in July. 30 years ago we saw Frank Zappa at the Tower in Philly. We were not dissapointed. I was almost proud of how well Dweezil honored his fathers music. The band was tight. All the members were multi-talented. Dweezil told some funny stories about growing up as Franks son. I was very impressed with how respectful Dweezil was to all of the other musicians. The Sax / horns/ kazoo player was amazing. All over from two people that have been to many, many shows, Excellent and well worth every penny and then some.
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil Zappa has put together a tremendous combo of musicians under his greatly enhanced leadership to provide fans with the best representation of Frank's music that one could possibly see and hear. His front man prowess has exponentially grown and the band members have become increasingly comfortable in their roles. This has contributed to the creation of the BEST ZPZ band I have witnessed! Check out their schedule and attend one (or more) of their shows NOW!
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am so, so happy I got to see this show. I have been a fan of Frank Zappa for many years and had the opportunity to see him \u2018back in the day . Dweezil is carrying on Frank s music in great style. He is a phenomenal musician! I also very much enjoyed his storytelling. Dweezil was also very cordial and stayed around for quite a while after the show for photos and autographs. Very, very cool! Thanks.
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show City of Tiny Lights was huge. Montana made me want to move there
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my 4th ZPZ concert -- and probably the best venue so far (Uptown Theatre, Napa -- beautiful and spacious, yet intimate). Mother's veteran bass-player Scott Tunis was the special guest, and he added a lot of humor and energy to the amazing performances. Scheila Gonzalez was totally amazing on keyboards, vocals & sax. Sexy moves Scheila, I could watch you dance all night! Words cannot express Dweezil's amazing talent - jaw-dropping guitar solos, especially in Carolina Hard Core Ecstasy, Dirty Love and Willie the Pimp. At all 4 ZPZ concerts I've attended, Dweezil hung around after the concert for a good hour, talking to the most dedicated fans, shaking hands and signing autographs -- an amazingly kind and sincere soul to take this time for the fans during such a grueling tour.
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Smoking hot show! Great trip through the 60's,70's,& 80's! Even brought out a special guest to cover the Captain Beefheart vocals. Scott Thunes on bass was astonishing! Sheila on her sax once again brought the house down. Thanks Dweezil for keeping Frank's music alive. I have been to every ZPZ show in San Diego so far and hope that this tradition continues at least once a year, preferably twice a year. CRANK THE FRANK!!
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wowww! show was the best! this was my 13th time seeing the band and i can't put into words just how great the show was!
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My fourth time seeing them and it was amazing! Had the best seats I've ever had and Dweezil stayed after the show to sign autographs. Very approachable as well as very, very talented. Dweezil signed a poster for my dad's birthday! State theater was great venue and the beverages very affordable. I hope they come back as I will be the first to buy. Great time!
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We attend a lot of shows -- but never one at the TSCR Showroom... and on a whim we decided we needed to take the kids (20 & 21) to see Zappa plays Zappa. Suffice to say Zappa has two more fans and we couldn't be more pleased! We all agreed that we would go again the next time he comes to our area. It was WAY fun! The band was perfect and hearing Zappa played live was really something special! 100% high quality performance all around. They even invited fans onstage to dance and stayed after for a few minutes to meet-n-greet and sign autographs. We came away thinking that they were amazing, kindhearted people in addition to being extremely talented musicians. GO SEE DWEEZIL!
Turning Stone Resort & Casino Showroom - Verona, NY - Tue, Aug 2, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was such a great concert. They played the whole Apostrophe album and then played songs from other albums. The guy on vocals was really good and sounded just like Frank. The band members were outstanding. It was bitter sweet to see video of Frank singing and playing with Dweezil.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As expected Dweezel thrilled the sold out crowd at the Beacon Friday night. This was the second time I've seen the show, and it was even better than the first. The band's jam to 'Muffin Man' was spectacular. Dweezel plays as good as his old man did no doubt about it. The band was electrifying and each member played like real musicians. A very tight band to say the least. I plan to see again and again... Pete
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil Zappa and the rest of the band have always done an excellent job of recreating Frank Zappa's music. As in the Zappa tradition, the music is spot-on and the musicianship is amazing. ZPZ has a video screen behind them and on certain songs Frank will appear, playing and singing in sinc with the band. Dweezil has done a remarkable job keeping FZs music alive. After the show Dweezil & Sheila signed autographs until everyone had one. I was lucky enough to get a signed setlist. Anyone who has seen Frank in the past would enjoy ZPZ. Anyone who is new to FZs music would like it too. Who better to carry on Frank's music? Keep rockin' Dweez, you're father would be proud.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wonderful and complex music executed flawlessly by top musicians. Frank would be proud, if not intimidated by his sons guitar prowess. They are every bit as good as they appear on the DVDs, and played their a**se off for a relatively small venue (cap 450). I was right up front the whole time. DZ brought all his gear, including the "'Mother" of all pedal boards. Having the band play along with Frank videos was a nice touch and done well.
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was another Great Night in the City as Dweezil`s Band takes the stage again at the Warfield. Ya it was a Great Show as always.I mean when you got Great Music and Great Players ..... What more do you want. Would I go again? Sure Saturday Night in Hollywood
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was one in attendance for the show back in June of 06 at the House of Blues to kick off the idea as well as the first tour. And although that night was raw at times it had all the elements to make it a great show. It was apparent to me that this was something special and I remember hoping that it would continue. As well, it has to be noted that Steve Vi was an added piece that made the show complete and enjoyable. Last Saturday's show... Although the event ran a little behind schedule and the VIP perks were not what I had thought they were to be... Meaning seating.. My party gave up some of our space to a wheelchair person so they could see the show well. Again this is a Venue issue not a band issue. As for the show itself? I brought a person whom had perviously never heard of the Zappa family or heritage and when she left that night, I believe her comment was , I have never heard anything like that, I LOVED IT!!!" as well did I. Seeing George Duke again took me back to my teenage years and the many shows I made it to. The sound quality was great, the song choices went together well, and the added Video duet was a personal highlight for me. it will be another one of my fond memories of my many experiences with the Zappa family. In all this was my 10 time attending. That would be 8 Frank shows and 2 Dweezil's
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great show had by all.George Duke being there was nice.All I can really say is that the show I saw was GREAT.I would aways go to a ZAPPA concert given the chance.At a ZAPPA concert you know going in that the Music is going to be GREAT, so the rest is up to you!!!
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen DZPZ 15 times since this enterprise began in 2006 - every show tops the one before it - but this was just plain amazing! There is no finer assemblage of brilliant musicians undertaking some of the most beautiful and challenging music by one of the 20th Century's best serious composer, Frank Zappa. The precision, soulfulness, joy and humor of this band keeps on increasing. And then add to the mix FZ's best keyboard players: GEORGE DUKE -- it was clear that he was having as much fun as everyone in the audience. A night to remember
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredible show. Frank played and sang with them via the magic of film. These musicians are at the top of their craft, faithfully reproducing Frank's music. Way to go Dweezil!
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Out of the last 4yrs seeing DZpZ, this show was was in the top 3 . Dweezil and band gave one of their finest preformance of Frank Zappa's music bar none. If you want to hear one of the best guitarist and band,out there now. Don't save your money,go to the show! Accept no substitues, Music is the Best! FZ
The Warfield - San Francisco, CA - Wed, Dec 1, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredibly talented group of people, and also very humble, on the side. Performing wonderfully crafted and very difficult stuff.
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Despite unforeseen delays, equipment "issues" and a less than desirable venue (which appeared to frustrate Zappa) Deeezil was exceptional. He is a purist to his father's music, a master at assembling exceptional musical talent, and rose to the occasion to excite old-timers, Zappa music lovers, and new young fans (of teenage years). What was most surprising was a break-out jam (just guitar, bass and drums), which left me speechless. A fantastic show by very talented musicians for a nominal fee: the kind of intimate concerts you just have to love!!
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thank you Dweezil for carrying on the legend and becoming a legend yourself! The fans were horrible though. Meanest fans I've ever encountered! The staff at the venue were amazing too!
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is very hard to to put into words the genius that is being replicated by Dweezil. The band sounded great, and Dweezil is amazing. If you miss Frank, go see Dweezil....his guitar, his sound, the music....the memories.
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Zappa Plays Zappa... God bless them. I don't think there is another band with this caliber of musicianship on the road today. Always stellar, Dweezil led the band thru a night of amazing selections ("Sinister Footwear'!) and some special guests. One thing I do every year now for a decade? When ZPZ comes to town I go, period.
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Other than the shortcomings of the acoustics at the Paramount (they really need to pad the walls with some acoustic foam) this show was delightful. If you are a fan of Frank Zappa music you won't be disappointed. Dweezil and his band are topnotch players who give their all for the cause. And that is to bring Frank's music to a new generation while satisfying the old Mothers Of Invention diehards who miss FZ's unique approach to concert entertainment. The band covered material from the early 60's right up to the late 80's.
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Being a fan of the late FZ, from the 1966 release of Freak Out until his untimely death, I was extremely skeptical that anyone could do his music justice, much less his son and family. Let's face it: Dad did write "We're Only in it for the Money", so, like many others, I felt the Zappa Family Trust was mostly about the money. I must say, I was surprised and delighted by Dweezil and everyone in the band. Their stamina and drive could only have come from a true appreciation, and love, of the elder musician's clever and imaginative technical prowess. I wish I could meet Dweezil and shake his hand for bringing his Dad's music back to the public in live performances, that so faithfully follow the original, and, yet, have a flavor of their own talent in the solos offered up by the band. Dweezil's own interpretations during the solo performances are fresh and alive, he is on his own and showing his own light throughout the project. If you loved FZ, you must see this performance. Two and a half hours of pure fun. I want to go again and again, but he was only in this area once. I look forward to their return.
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my second year going to see this performance of Frank Zappa's work. I have enjoyed the performance both times, and eagerly look forward to seeing the next album project. I can see that these people are obviously thorough professionals, and immensely dedicated to what they are doing...and I certainly appreciate it. Dweezil may have many reasons for doing what he is doing with his father's work, But his unrelenting desire to carry on his father's legacy is truly inspiring, at least. I cannot wait until they visit again. Keep doing what you're doing! Thank you.
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the second time I've seen zappa plays zappa. 1st time was 3-4 years ago at the birchmere in alexandria va and they were awesome that night. This time was at the national in richmond va and he nailed it all night long. It was well worth the ride down from manassas va
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again, I was able to come to Houston to see Dweezil Zappa Plays Zappa. This is an incredible band; one of the best touring bands on the road today, bar none IMHO. They are not just masters of the music of Frank Zappa but they are all very personable as well. The entire band hung around after this 2:45 show to talk, sign, take pictures and just hang out. Amazing guys (and gal). If you have not ever seen these guys, you are missing out for sure! Having also seen the Austin performance two nights earlier, I can say that this show was far tighter and a lot more fun. Thanks for coming to Texas ZPZ, return soon...........Music is the Best!
House of Blues Houston - Houston, TX - Sun, May 3, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I never had the chance to see Frank but this concert was fantastic, musicianship was phenomenal obviously the fact that they kick off the show with "one size fits all" a personal favorite set the stage just right A must see for anyone into challenging and diverse music styles
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil does his father proud by expertly recreating his music. The group plays a diverse collection of songs from the '60's, '70's, & '80's. If you're a Frank Zappa fan this is a must see.
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil and the gang were ON IT !!! The goateed one would have been proud.
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've never seen anything quite like it. The music, although written decades ago for the most part, still sounds like something from the future. There is no other music like Zappa. His son does a fantastic job of keeping his Father's music alive and performing it at the highest level. They played for almost 3 hours and the crowd was totally into it.
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ZPZ knocks it out of the park again! Really first class musicians performing flawlessly some of the most intricate and diverse electric music ever composed. I only had a chance to see Frank once before he left us, and am so glad Dweezil took up the cause to keep the music going and exposing multiple generations to his masterworks. 4th time seeing them, and amazed each time! Please don't stop!
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was my first ZPZ show, and I hope it will not be my last. They opened with The Torture Never Stops--an odd choice for a opener, I must say! Then the band played the Roxy album, in exquisite detail. All instrumentalists in this small band are first-rate. Scheila danced and played and sang and showed more energy than the others, and provided a little visual entertainment. I am not sure DZ moved at all, until closing the show with an amazing version of Muffin Man. The band played several other favorites after playing the Roxy set. I also attended the guitar lesson in the afternoon before the show. We had about 12 in the class. Dweezil was organized and had a lot to offer. He demonstrated various musical ideas slowly, then at full speed, giving us players a little time to watch and try to copy him. My one gripe is that we never received any tabulature, though we gave Dweezil our email addresses and he said he would send them to us. I quickly forgot every example, because I was expecting to get them in print. DZ is definitely a gifted player who has worked hard, knows his craft, and communicates well.
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Zappa Plays Zappa...this was my 4th time seeing them and they did not disappoint. I'm sure Frank is smiling and very proud of the way his legacy is being carried on by his son and the amazing musicians around him. The Mercury Ballroom is a fantastic venue as well.
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My pop raised me on Zappa and this was an unforgettable and amazing date night with my pop, his brother, and my closest cousin!!! Dweezil and the band have given my pop one of the best memories of his life by inviting me on stage during his favorite song "Dinah Moe Humm" to dance (badly at that) and to sing.
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The band was tight... their teeth were white (OK it was Tuesday night) I just can't say enough! Dweezil has established a stable line up and they are just an awesome band, playing really interesting music. We took the in-laws who had a vague knowledge of Zappa, and they were blown away. Mom couldn't stop talking about Dweezil's fingers "I don't know how someone can move their fingers like that" I am a lifelong Zappa fan and I know his material inside out... they were tight, they just seem to be getting better and better. They have moved on from the Roxy material and seemingly just drift through the catalog and make it look completely natural. And it feels like your at a show 30 year ago... just close your eyes. I can't say enough... good on ya Dweezil!
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Amazing musicians and a fabulous venue! Respectful to Frank.
State Theatre, Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - Tue, Sep 9, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Frank Zappa would be very proud of his son, Dweezil Zappa! He is one of the BEST Guitarists alive today! His band are all extremely talented players. And, He makes his late father's songs come alive again for newer and younger fans! From the first song up to the three song encore, When the entire audience was on their feet, They plated their hearts out! Every song was note perfect! Loved this show! It was my third time seeing "Zappa Plays Zappa". And, I can't wait for the next one! I was lucky enough to see Frank Zappa in the mid eighties! His concert was awesome! And, Dweezil is just as awesome today! I hope he never stops touring ad sharing his fathers excellent catalog of songs! Also, I met him after the show. He is a very humble and down to earth person! Keep on Rocking, Dweezil!
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen this band in it's various forms at least a half dozen times...likely more and made every effort to see Frank when he toured beginning in 1968-69. Suffice it to say I love the music. There are never any disappointments, the set list is always fresh and draws from Franks huge catalog. Don't miss a chance to see Dweezil honor his dad's music and memory. It's a wonderful experience. And this band is every bit as tight and talented as Franks various bands...This show was nothing short of amazing.
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
show was awsome,did not know it was the tour closer, the encore was the best!!!! and the guitar solo on muffin man was great!!! cant wait to see u guys again everyone in this band is awsome!!!! peter
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dweezil put together a band that does a very good job of replicating his fathers music. Thoroughly enjoyable!
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The talent on the stage was unblievable. My friends son was called up on stage and played Dweezil's guitar he's 8 and this was his first concert. Thanks for the unforgettable experience.
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a fortunate traveller i came upon the ZPZ concert in Agoura Hills CA. I just happened to be in LA for two days and the Friday that Dweezil and band would be there was my free day off. I ordered the tickets online and went early to find the venue where he would play. A nice club in a wonderful area in the Hills of Los Angeles. Welcomed as a guest with great hospitality i entered the club. Right on time my favorites started playing. an over 2 hours concert filled with quality, jokes and great atmosphere in the club!! With my Dutch time difference of -9 hours in my body, i never realized i was watching this show early morning my time. A big compliment to the whole band! i saw them many times before in The Netherlands and Germany and like the other times i really enjoyed it again.
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although DZ appeared somewhat tired in Carmel last night, it had no effect on his or the bands performance. And I would do it again. Saw Frank and the Mothers, geeze 30 years ago, and it is true that the fruit falls close to the tree. Spot on, without exception. His father would be/is proud of this performer and performance. There are no disappointments, and should not be missed.
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First let me say Thank You Dweezil for having the Strength of Character & Sheer Ability to Perform his Dads Music. A lesser man might see it a curse having to Live up to their Fathers Creations But Not Dweezil. He is Amazing in so many ways, as a Guitar player to have to learn to play like Frank, to put his own creativity to the side to give Franks millions of Fans what only Dweezil can & to graciously & respectfully Honor his Dad in a way only a Loving Son Can. I for one Admire & Thank You for doing so & doing so, so Very Well. Every concert He plays songs that I have never heard Live before songs almost impossible to play live & yet he does it. This Halloween Concert was No Different Starting with the whole Roxy Album, The Gumbo Variations from Hot Rats & I Come From No Where off the Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch album, with an encore of The Torture Never Stops a Perfect Halloween over 3 hours long Including Audience Participation (on stage Dancing of the Tango) & Some Story telling. It was a GREAT Concert in a Great Venue (Beacon Theatre NYC) If you haven't seen Zappa Plays Zappa You MUST Go . . . . Oh Yea & All this Great Music from only 6 Fantastic Musicians Everyone of them a Master Performer as only Frank himself would Perform with once again Bravo to Dweezil for putting together such a Fine Group. I Thank the Whole Zappa Family for over 44 years of Listing Pleasure
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Phenomenal guitarist (actually better than his Father...didn't think that was possible). Nothing could be better. Much rather see him replicate one of his Dads' shows than see Dark Star pretend to be Grateful Dead ANY DAY. Only complaint is that by ordering on the phone I wound up all the way off on the right side by the wall when in fact, the button I pushed was for CENTER stage.
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our front row seats and the show were fantastic! Listening to the entire recording of Frank's Roxy and Elsewhere was as good as it gets! The State Theater is a wonderful venue with warm friendly staff...we go there for shows often and will continue to do so. It was truly a memorable evening ....thanks to Dweezel and company. Simply fabulous!
State Theatre - Portland, ME - Fri, Nov 1, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A very good show, playing Frank's music in a chronological progression throughout the show. After two hours without a break they came back for a solid 30+ minute encore. Musicians were outstanding and Dweezil was quite charming relaying stories and discussing the trademark lawsuit with his siblings. Musically, it wa superb, and I would see him anytime he comes to the bay Area.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil Zappa lives in the huge shadow of his father, Frank and it must be incredibly difficult at times. In his own right, Dweezil is probably a better guitar player than his father ever was but the legacy of Frank Zappa and the volume of work he created must be an enormous weight on Dweezil and the other Zappa offspring. That Dweezil has taken on the task of keeping Frank's music alive by touring the world annually with a top shelf group of players is nothing short of incredible. His bands have studied Frank's music and perform it at a level that would make Frank proud I'm sure. I hope Dweezil and his siblings work out a deal to allow him to continue performing the Zappa library, otherwise we all lose. I saw seven different versions of Frank Zappa's bands from the Flo and Eddie days to George Duke and Ralph Humphries, Ruth Underwood and the Fowler Brothers and the level of musicianship Dweezil brings to the stage does not fall short at any time. Go see a ZPZ show for yourself, especially with the threat of a Zappa family disturbance that could cause an end to this legacy, and hear a small representation of the true genius that was Frank Zappa. Dweezil is doing a public service and historic service by keeping this music alive and well! There are few geniuses in our lives and we rarely get to experience the work they give us but through Dweezil Zappa we are able to hear some of Franks Zappa's most brilliant compositions live. It doesn't get much better than this.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Frank Zappa was far beyond category. Thank goodness Dweezil is keeping his music very, very alive! Passionately performed by a talented group of musicians, and led by Dweezil's effortless shredding, this show was entertaining from start to finish.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent show. The band was very tight and played with a lot of energy. Dweezil is a great guitar player and the entire band talented. 2 sax players/multi instrumentalist, very good rhythm section, and keyboard. Highly recommended.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hard to think how it could be better. The venue was nice, they played close to three hours without an intermission and the music and musicianship was excellent
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic show. Great venue. Dweezil played an excellent selection of his father's vast repertoire .
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first time hearing much of the music written by Frank Zappa and I was extremely pleased with what I heard. Dweezil and his band did a fantastic job presenting the music. I wish I hadn't waited so long to see Dweezil Zappa. I will definitely go to see them again. Truly enjoyed the performance.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Zappa plays Zappa in Napa! Came in with low expectations. Was pleasantly surprised. Decent performance. The back up band could have been better. It seemed to me that they were unfamiliar with Zappa's music. Sexy back up singer.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the fourth time I have seen Dweezil. Never disappointed.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome. Played a nearly 3 hour set covering everything from freak out to make a jazz noise here. Unbelievable musicianship. Saw them 2 nights earlier, which was great, but they sure seem to like the theater in Napa.
Uptown Theatre Napa - Napa, CA - Sun, Apr 30, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brilliant! This concert was everything Zappa fans have come to expect from Frank's gifted son and his wildly talented band.
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil has mastered the Zappa catalog. He features his band mates and doesn't hog attention. His guitar speaks for itself.
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Well worth a return via Frank Kappa's son. Quite unique and fascinating. Dweezil remains true to his father's inspirations.
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Saw Dweezil do the Roxy album and was really pleased. The Wellmont show was supposed to be covering the freak out album. Started 30 min. late, opened with help I'm a rock which was good then moved into 200 motels music followed by an "80's " medley of various snippits of songs. NOT INTERESTED! Make no mistake the band was tight and was composed of very talented musicians, but I expected to see them perform Frank's music not someone else. We left as they were doing the medley. There are tons of tribute bands out there in which I have no interest in seeing.
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Zappa plays Zappa awesome show great 80s melody just wish they played certain songs but still the show and the band were excellent dweezil Zappa guitar playing is killer and a real nice guy after the show he signed autographs if you never been to a Zappa show I recommend it !!
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We've seen ZPZ maybe 1/2 dozen times now, all enjoyable shows. The difference this year, I thought, was the set seemed to loosen up a little. In the past I thought Dweezil was laser focused on playing Frank's music *perfectly*, this time, I thought they were looser and having a bit more fun with the material. The opening set, from Freak Out nuggets right up through Inca Roads was solid gold, one of those best moments you've ever heard things, just amazing. I could live without the 80's medley, that's a nice way to put it. More Frank!
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dweezil Zappa has gotten better with time. This is the 4th time I have seen him and used to regularly see Frank and the Mothers of Invention at the Fillmore East. Dweezil's musicianship along with the entire ensemble were so incredible that I know Frank is smiling on at least one of his children for keeping his memory alive for all the right reasons. What a bunch of immensely talented musicians! Thanks for the wonderful night!
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Phenomenal, 2+ hour set without a break. My husband (a guitar player) said that Dweezil was the best guitarist he's ever seen. Scheila Gonzalez (sax, keyboard, flute, etc.) was also incredible. Awesome concert.
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing night with the band! Got to meet most of the band and gave Dweezil my personalized license plate. He and the band signed my other plate for me. Went to the bar and had drinks with a few members of the band. Been listening to Freak Out all weekend and I can truly say this concert helped to change my life.
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the genetics or the most cosmic of muffins, Frank Zappa, comes his son, Dweezil and a band that reproduces and executes some of the most complex music ever composed. It's fun, raucus, satirical and full of energy. And the sound of this band live in concert is beyond amazing. Many big concerts have lousy sound and even worse acoustics. The fidelity, clarity, volume, dynamics, mixing and presentation of Dweezil's band has to be heard to be belived and understood. Your ears and your mind will thank you. Simply...the BEST!...and with a library of exceptional music from which to draw. I've seen Dweezil and his band in concert over half a dozen times. I also saw Frank and his bands over half a dozen times. Nothing is left out. Nothing is sacred. Justice is done and the tribute Dweezil and his fellow musicians give to the greatness of his Dad is glorious and remarkable. Fan forever!
Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds New Buffalo - New Buffalo, MI - Wed, Jul 6, 2016
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