Hot Tuna Blues

Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These 70 something rockers are still having fun. The Electric set was incredible. I've been a fan for 40 years. Jack Casady is probably the best bass guitarist in the industry and he still has the touch. When they started the Electric set, I closed my eyes and was transported back to the Winterland (San Francisco) in 1973!!! What a rush!
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You could not find a greater group of guitarists. I felt at times that this was an old fashioned juke joint. Jorma was king, no doubt. Is there a better bass than Jack Cassidy? I just wish Jorma would have played "Rock Me Baby". I miss some of their old songs.
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the 1st half of the show which was more Jam Band, G. Dead style. Only three musicians at opening- perfect. the other musicians that came on after the opening were all great, but the Jam Band nature of the show changed.
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoght the first acoustic half was the best ever then the second half came. It really was the best ever. Best blues concert ever
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fabulous musicianship...amazing music,,,thanks, guys!
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don't know how this happened, I got so excited in my review of Hot Tuna and EG Smith and then my subsequent disappointment in the Buffalo, NY entertainment industry, or lack of, that I completely overlooked the institution that is Charles Musselwhite. How could I overlook this man? He is an institution in himself and he makes every show he appears in special and one of a kind, and this night was no exception. Expecially one instrumental piece, Cristo Redentor, which was just the best ever!! Even though he later, after the show, said that he liked the version on his Rough Dried cd the best. I think he outdid himself during this concert and with the backing of Hot Tuna may have surpassed all previous renditions. I hope someone had the good sense to have that recorded because it was truly outstanding. Mr. Musselwhite has the ability to take the audience from happy to outright tearful, he's a command performer that you should see every chance you can. Think about it, he played with Muddy Waters!!! There's a reason he's been around here so long, I hope he comes back to Buffalo, NY soon! Thank you Mr. Musselwhite and sorry about your omission in my last review (see previous post).
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a not to missed event!!! I didn't know much about them except from the old Jefferson days, But I was enlightened in such a way as to leave my mouth hanging open in awe. First off, the Idea that a mandolin takes the lead so offen left me astounded! who knew? Mr. Mitterhoff's use of this instrument has to be seen both acoustic and electrified! yes electic!!! WOW!!! Jack was so animated, jumping around like Chuck Berry, and the "who me? wha'd I do"act really fit him, He is one bass player that's never going to blend into the background. He and his Iconic bass show us what original musical thought is. (does anyone else think he looks like the dog, "Jim" on television's "Mike and Molly?) The subtle Tom and Jerry comedy act between him and Jorma hints at just how close these guys really are, they are an amazing duo. Mr. Jorma is a tallent not to be overlooked, the original chording and way he plays lead are refreshing considering how few notes there really are to pick from; it all sounds new and incredible to the ear, you will find you self saying, wait ,do that part again. He makes this look to easy! Skoota Warner on percusion will bring everything from jazz sounds to "Cream" in his own way. It obvious he knows just what he is doing, and they should do everything to keep him in the line up, great job!!! Mr. Lauderdale was a surprise for me. I didn't know of him at all, which is hard to believe onece you hear and see him. He is an overpowering figure, his style is new and refreshing. the way he plays is different form the everyday, the minor notes played and sung will get your attention, and although I liked the CD, you must see him in perosn to appreciate the full power of his voice, and the phrasing of his music. One member of the group who lived up to and surpassed his reputation was the legendary GE Smith, a guitar players, player or comander, as it seems any guitar is under his comand. I imagine he sits back stage levitating guitars before the shows. Really who else can do what he does? and he seems so ill at ease with it all? He is like a shy superman or I should say clark kent? he kinda fades back, coming forward only when he is asked to, and just impress the living crap out of you!!! I've seen him sing along with some one else on TV in the past, but he let himself get lost in the mix, But this night, I seen superman move a planet!!! He quietly came forward to the mike, said he was going to do a Sun House tune, and then unleashed the power in him. It was like watching an atominc bomb go off: This ain't your typical Sun House here, I may be a Hick, but I tell you, I seen the best that night! How one man can do all he does is just un-understandable? Look on the stage, it's Smitherman!!! I had no idea he could sing like this too? YOU MUST SEE THIS!!! it is an epic moment!!! You will see it, but not understand what happened to him to make this transformation happen, and at the same time it will change you forever, you will be different somehow? Of course now I have to burn all my guitars, as it would seem it has all been accomplished by GE so whats the point now? man, really? He can't be from this planet!!! THANK YOU GE. If you miss this show, you have no idea how poor you really are inside. One more thing here, we saw this show in Buffalo NY, at the university (UB) It is a shame this show and others are not made more known to the public so we can support it. they do the absolute minimum to get the word out, less than the minimum. who ever is in charge should be fired!!! not only have you robbed the public so far, but you make it financially impossible for other talent to return here. This show had three hundred people? These performers came back after being snowed out last week, and probably didn't even make fuel money, I am sure this was a loosing proposition for them. How long will you treat people like this? do you really think they will come here again? This is what makes Buffalo NY the sink hole it is today.
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
We did not get to hear some of the tunes we expected out of a Hot Tuna show, but it was a great evening. Everyone rocked, I loved seeing G. E. Smith, Charlie Musselwhite, and everyone else with Jourma and Jack.
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great acoustic and electric show! These guys can really rock out! If you get an opportunity to see them, go for it. My wife enjoyed it, too, and she's an 80's disco chick!
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Jack and Jorma were great. First set (acoustic) was good, but the time was all over the place, and the band couldn't get into a groove. The second set (electric) was way too loud! I still have a headache. Too many guest stars....
Tilles Center Concert Hall - Greenvale, NY - Sat, Feb 5, 2011
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Great acoustic opening set but that is where things should have stopped. For the electric set the stage had too many instruments not properly mixed and the result was muddy. The sound from GE Smith's amp was a buzzy distorto noise, too bad because he can play so well. Jorma's electric was uninspired, too bad. No need for mandolin player or Jim Lauderdale in the electric set. Musselwhite was great throughout. In short, the electric set was a let down after the great acoustic opener.
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the first time I had heard them play the electric. I had seen two other shows, but this one was the best show ever.
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I'm tired of hearing electric Tuna leads being played on a mandolin or an electric guitar played like a mandolin. I appreciate that Jorma may not have the stamina or dexterity to play the lead solo's just get another guitarist not a madolin player. May be the last time I see them. It was a nice run though
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While the music was good - we wanted to hear HOT TUNA! However, that was not to be. Very dissapointed.
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
THIS show rocked the still and motionless crowd. This WAS TRUE BLUES AT ITS BEST!!! The first set was Accoustic,which probably went over grate with the sit down crowd and it was amazing if your a pure blues loving person like myself. But the Tuna Fans wanted Tuna,They got electric the second set,And Charlie Waters came out with G.E. .AND jORMA AND JACK SHOWED THE North shore how the blues takes you away,With tunes from Waters new highway 61 and Ge's hot tunes written by the best Robert Hunter! And Then Jack hit it and scored on the base and Jorma Showed All in center that he still can rock it with the best. Tuna Fans and some of the rest of crowd finally showed some energy back to the stage on the oncore!!!!
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I haven't seen Hot Tuna in about 10 yeares - and they are still great. Their guests - especially GE Smith, Charlie Musselwhite and Barry Midderhoff - helped to make the show memorable.
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show, great venue, less blues than I expected from the title of the show.
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Go see this show!!! Loved every second of these guys!!! They delivered the goods and then some!
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First set acoustic. long break then electric set. Sound very good except vocals mostly unitelligible. Audience median age 50+. Everbody having a good, laid-back time. After the musicians left the stage about half the audience clapped (with restrained enthusiasm) for an encore. I did not think that they would come back, but Kaukonen. Cassady. G E Smith. the drummer and the mandolin player moseyed back on stage after a while. Cassady picked up his bass (almost as big as he is) while the others meandered around for a minute. Then Cassady started a tight, fast bass line. repeating it over and over. Jorma had not even picked up a guitar yet. Cassady played solo for about a minute--then everybody else joined in: Fast. tight--the audience is alive. Now Cassady is dancing while he plays--dancing all over the stage, for the whole 15 minute encore. Everbody got a solo, and everybody was fantastic--but CVassady stole the show. I as happy to have gone before the encore--I had not seen Tuna in over 30 years--but that encore made this one of the most memorable shows I have ever seen
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wonderful complement of guitars, mandolin, and harmonica. Some rousing vocals as well. From the first mostly acoustic style set to the later electric Blues stuff ( these guys can still rock out), this was a really enjoyable evening.
The Stanley - Utica, NY - Thu, Feb 3, 2011
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
A huge disappointment of a show. The majority of the songs were led by Jim Lauderdale, a fine country and bluegrass musician I'm sure but not what I expected to hear on what is being touted as a "Hot Tuna Blues" tour. "Hesitation Blues" was Jorma's only nod to the musicianship made him a unique performer; none of his or Hot Tuna's definitive classics were played. No "I'll Be Alright Some Day", no "Embryonic Journey". Come on, it sounded like a 2nd rate country and western show at the county fair. The acoustics were lousy, vocals were indistinct. But that could have been overlooked if they had played some Hot Tuna Blues like the name and concert would suggest. Truth in advertising should require that this Hot Tuna Blues tour be renamed the "Bland Tuna Salad with a Southern Twang Tour". Took my son, a bass player, for what I expected to be a concert we could both enjoy on different levels. I expected to hear what Hot Tuna played/plays on their albums - the superb guitar and bass playing and rock & roll/blues/gospel music of two masters. What a huge let down - this was mostly middle of the road county music featuring Jim Lauderdale.
Stanley Theater - Utica, NY - 02/03/2011
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