Pink Martini

Pink Martini Concert & Tour Photos
Fan Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ah, Pink Martini, that little orchestra from Portland, Oregon. Pink Martini, the band that can not be categorized or placed in a neat little box. Pink Martini, the group that sings in over a dozen different languages, all of them well. Pink Martini, a unit that is chock full of incredibly talented musicians. Seeing them live is always a treat, and this show was no exception. I am not sure what I enjoy more; the music itself, or the banter between China Forbes and Thomas Louderdale between numbers. The band sounded amazing, as always. The Cuban song that Miguel Bernal sang was simply beautiful, I wish I could remember the title. Over the Valley made me tear up, as it has always been one of my favorite PM songs, and was one of my Mother's favorites as well. I lost my Mom in February, and the 29th was my parents' wedding anniversary, so it was pretty emotional. Having my Dad there made it pretty special, and he really enjoyed the show as well.
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm biased because I'm a die hard fan and follow the band all over, but actually caught both shows in NYC this week and they were nothing short of wonderful! The breakfast at tiffanys meets the UN motto is so true! Their eclectic style and the intro they do of each foreign language song they perform is so awesome because while you may not understand the words, you know the motivation and background behind the song and when you hear the band play you become part of the music - it's an incredible feeling ! With any luck I will end up part of the band one day! lol
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the third time I have seen Pink Martini in concert & they continue to amaze with their energy & ability to connect with the audience. I got chicken skin several time as chynna blew the audience away with her powerful & soulful voice. This time I took my father who did not know the group but could tell he was ,thoroughly enjoying himself - recognizing some of the classic - nostalgic tunes. A fun night all around which ended in autograph signing & photographs.
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
Cirque Du Soleil: Zarkana :: Daryl Hall & John Oates and Train :: Hiatus Kaiyote :: Ralph Tresvant :: Sesame Street Live! Let's Party!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show is a must see! Went with a friend of mine who kind of forced me to go because she just had to see them. I must admit Pink Martini was so impressive and my only regret is that the concert ended.
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again Pink Martini wowed the crowd in San Antonio. Despite this being their first concert together due to an extended break, they were "on" at all levels.
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From start to finish this was a throughly enjoyable and upbeat evening. The varied tempo and aspect of the music kept the audience on its toes and throughly involved. Favorites combined with new directions effortlessly and no one does it better. You want to sing along and dance in the aisles And you can!
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
They are always at their best when playing on their own, but as always are one of the best when playing with an orchestra. Only Perlman interacts as well with audiance and orchestra while performing at such a high level resulting in a rich and entertaing evening of great music.
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was the best event of the year. China sang beautifully and the symphony added even more dimension to the group. I can't wait to see them again for the third time.
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
They are an amazing ,energetic , talented group of performers. I await their return to San Antonio.
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The incredible quality of the music, the singers, the selections....transcendent and unforgettable!!!!
Lila Cockrell Theater - San Antonio, TX - Fri, May 15, 2009
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have been a Pink Martini fan for may years now, and saw them 2 years ago in the Magestic, San Antonio, Texas, it was a wonderful show , unfortunally, this time around in Lila Cockrell Theater, the sound was extremelly poor, so poor that we left after just a few songs, and I lost my joy for Pink Martini.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely can't wait for the new ablum to come out now!!! The show was excellent & the Brazilian dancing cello player was amazing!!! Thanks for a wonderful experience.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best shows to come to San Antonio. I have been to their last two shows and cannot wait for the next one.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is one concert my family never misses. Not only is the music fabulous beyond words but the musicians make the affair seem so personal and intimate by the way they interact with the audience. Thomas Lauderdale seems to genuinely love San Antonio and has made time to grow some personal friendships. That too adds to the feeling that I've been to a family reunion (with VERY special family members). I love watching Lauderdale play the piano because it is so obvious that he loves what he is doing.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love their music, very upbeat and exiciting. The mix if songs kept you interested and some involved.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am a big Pink Martini fan. Singingalong and all. But this venue was SO BIG that the aching rhythms that make us get up and dance in the aisles was lost. Seems like a few (2) members were absent also. Symphony was good accompanying them.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The forth time to see them in concert and still amazed.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a most enjoyable night at Chastain Park in Atlanta! I love Pink Martini's unique sound and music of the world. They are truly remarkable instrumentalists and song writers/arrangers. China Forbes voice is amazing and she sings in different languages flawlessly. I would highly recommend their concerts as well as their 3 cds. A new CD will come out this Oct. Can't wait! I know Thomas Lauderdale, the founder of the group, and enjoyed meeting with him backstage! He is a wonderful pianist, song writer, arranger and collaborator! And, a truly nice guy!
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great concert. Fun experience. Look forward to their next visit to San Diego.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first experience with Pink Martini and it will definitely not be my last - this versatile, energetic, musically spectacular band has me hooked. I loved the venue as well. My only disappointment was the cost of staying at the Humphreys in relation to the amenities.
Humphreys Concerts By the Bay - San Diego, CA - Sun, Jul 15, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was lovely to sit outside and enjoy Pink Martini. I have seen them twice before at other venues and worried the outside venue might not work. But it did, wonderfully. It seemed the entire ensemble was more relaxed and playful, revealing more about themselves than the other times I saw them. They are so good, but I do think it's time they added some new pieces to their repertoire.
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have seen Pink Martini three times at Humphrey's, and this was absolutely the best concert of the three times. The sound was crisp, and the music was everything Pink Martini should be. China Forbes and Thomas seemed relaxed and it felt like we had been invited to share their conversation about music and life. The venue is great. However, the seats are very close together, and if you are short--as I am--and the people in front want to take videos or hold up binoculars--as they were--your ability to see the stage will be reduced. I don't know a way around that except to sit on the front row, and that isn't going to happen unless I decide to pay for dinner AND the show , which is cost prohibitive. I'll be back.
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pink Martini once again provided a wonderful show filled with great music and many entertaining lighthearted moments. It's always fun to talk with like-minded fans in the audience, too. I wish all concerts could be this entertaining.
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Great musicians, great fun! Only disadvantage to outdoor venue is a little too much drinking and talking and people standing/having fun but blocking seated short people like myself from being able to see the stage.
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another blast of a night listening to the ever engaging, talented and fun Pink Martini!! We keep going back for more and Humphries is a wonderful venue.
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our favorite performing group, Pink Martini never disappoints. We see them every chance we get.
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been listening to Pink Martini music for only 3 years but I am a fan! The group, the chemistry between the members, the music, the talent! All in a magical night and in a great venue. I d go again!!
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The world travelled 11 piece band "Pink Martini" is an outstanding act! The performance we saw at The Shubert Theatre in New Haven, CT was an especially elegant and sophisticated one on the classy, historic stage. Tom Laudaerdale played the piano magnificently, accompanied by China Forbes' strong vocals - with several duets with Ari Shapiro, of NPR renowned. Their energy really excited the crowd; it was hard not to get up and dance around! Most impressive is their ability to sing in at least 5 different languages!
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great music in a great venue. Ari Shapiro was the special guest and he has an amazing voice. Such a fun night!
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You can never go wrong attending a Pink Martini concert. They are very entertaining. They sing beautifully, tell funny stories and have you dancing in the aisles. Always a great night out when you attend Pink Martini concerts.
Shubert Theatre - New Haven, CT - Sun, May 20, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Of all the live performances I've seen in the past couple of years, this ranks definitely in the top 5 if not the top 2. This ensemble is so tight and connected musically, that they sound almost exactly like their recordings! Each performer is top notch in their craft, and it shows! I've heard quite a number of performances at the Shubert, and this is the best. Sound, which is usually a mess, was well-balanced no feedback and not over-amplified for once!
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although I have most of their albums, this was the first time seeing them live - it won t be my last. Wonderfully entertaining, each member of the band was great, and the vocalists, China Forbes and Ari Shapiro were the icing on the cake.
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the addition of Ari Shapiro! China Forbes a muse! Great musicians, high energy, engaged the audience. Don't miss Pink Martini for a joyous evening.
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pink Martini is without peers! The variety of their music has the audience sitting at the edge of their seats awaiting what piece will come next. The musical talents of each member is unmatched. I have seen them three times and I await the next time anxiously.
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The band Pink Martini is near and dear to my heart. Aside from being some of the greatest people, their music is extraorindary and really does appeal to all tastes! They cover jazz, classical, pop and perform songs in over 11 languages ! No matter what your musical tastes, you will love this show and this band ! Check them out !
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had the great pleasure of seeing and hearing this magnificent group on March 7. The small orchestra is superb, and their vocalist China Ford shines! I would see them anytime that they appear close to where I live. The music was so lively and inspiring that the audience danced on the stage. Closing with China singing "Brasil", people from the audience did the conga around the band! Great show!!!
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The group themselves are so very talented. We could listen to, and be entertained by, China Forbes for many more hours. However, we did not like that the audience was invited up onto the stage. This was a major distraction to the group. It was not done the previous time we went to see Pink Martini. Even China herself commented on how they 'felt so comfortable that they walked in front of me!" rude rude rude. There was a lot of long and ongoing showboating by a few. We did not pay a lot for our tickets to see that. We paid to see and hear Pink Martini. This is the second time we have been disappointed with the unruliness of the SA audience at the Majestic Theater. When we went to hear the fabulous Gypsy Kings the last time they came to town, the crowd was so loud and obnoxious throughout their performance that we could only barely hear them play and sing. Rude Rude Rude. We will stop buying tickets for these performers if this unruliness and loudness is not stopped.
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great World Jazz music from French, South American, Turkish, Armenia, Spanish to Japanese! Tangos, Paso Doble, Salsa, Ballads and Dance. They were very entertaining and incouraged the audience to dance and clap to the music.
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What can I say ... Pink Martini never fails to amaze me, their surprise guest Edna Vasquez was superb!! Excellent concert and show. The only thing that was a bit of a turn -off was the overwhelming audience participation, when It came to obstructing the view of the band and the incredible " Ms. China Forbes", quite frankly I thought that was very rude. Other than that the venue, songs, & concert was Fantastic.
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
There were several amazing virtuoso solos, including on piano, drums, and trumpet. All of the music is unusual. (Unfortunately, they went a little overboard on foreign languages -- the soloist said at one point that her song was in Portuguese (I think), but the band leader had to correct her with an extended back-of-the-hands discussion on-stage before she sang -- awkward!) But the big problem was that they invited anyone from the audience who wanted to dance up on stage. Many did, and they crowded the band, and even walked in front of it. They also created a frequent flow of people in the aisles during the show -- blocking audience views -- as these amateur dancers came and went from the stage. Some of the dancers seemed talented, but many were not, and they badly disrupted the show. This wasn't what we came to see! I would never again pay these prices for a show with audience members coming and going from the stage. They ruined the experience for us, and we left early. Pink Martini caused the problem by inviting them up and tolerating the disruption.
Majestic Theatre San Antonio - San Antonio, TX - Wed, Mar 7, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This concert was fun and entertaining from the first song to the last. I was not famaliar with the group ( I hate to admit) and went with tickets given to me as a Xmas gift. They appear to enjoy what they do and being eachother. . The music was wonderful even if you do not speak several languages you will enjoy their original songs.because they tell the story behind each piece. They made the audiance part of the concert inviting them to come up and dance. This is almost never heard of any longer. It was a step back to a safer time.I cannot wait for them to return to San Antonio. I am now a fan!!!!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We have seen Pink Martini 4-5 times over the last few years in Houston, Austin and now San Antonio. They always put on a great show. We did feel this one was a little shorter than usual (less than 1 1/2 hours of performance time) and we had hoped to hear some of their more recent releases (i.e. Blue Moon), but it was still a great show and we will see them again next time they are in Texas.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everytime we see Pink Martini (8 times now), it's like going to a party hosted by Thomas and China. They play for fun! You never know what they will throw at you, but it's always interesting and unique. They are one of a kind. If you haven't seen them, add them to your bucket list!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pink Martini was awesome! And the venue was great.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Had never seen or heard of this group before tonight s show ... went on a whim ... I was taken back by the beauty of the music and eclectic songs and sounds ... they had me at the first song ... a new fan was found ...
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Disappointed that storm Large not present as a singer. In addition We sensed a support of LGBT nature.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a truly unforgettable show. A highlight was when all the women in the audience were invited on stage with the band to sing Helen Reddy's "I Am Woman". The guest singers were phenomenal!
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every time I see Pink Martini, I am blown away by their flawless vocals and instrumentals. They have something that is so hard to find these days: pure talent. They are my favorite band for a reason, and it's because they are the epitome of musical perfection.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We see Pink Martini every time they play Seattle and each show is unique, fun and exhilarating!!! This past Saturday night at Chateau Ste. Michelle, however was EPIC. China's voice has always been angelic...but over the years as she has matured as an artist, there is so much more feeling and depth. She is the only artist who can summon such emotion that I've been moved to tears. Timothy Nishimoto, the band's charismatic lead male singer always makes the show fun. Whether singing, dancing or playing one of a dozen instruments, you know this man is a born entertainer. It's not just the singers who steal the show, the entire band is incredible. Gavin Bondy is a brilliant trumpet player! Brian Davis is so much fun to watch. Kyle Mustain makes the English horn sing. Ari Shapiro (from NPR), an unbelievable singer, too, joined PM this show and coaxed band leader Thomas Lauderdale into an impromptu "Rhapsody in Blue." Though we were in the front row, it was nearly impossible to see Thomas' hands as he played so quickly. He was bottled lighting on the keyboard. And he did this from memory, no sheet music! Sitting a few rows behind us was a friend I haven't seen in nearly 8 years and this was her first show. It was wonderful watching the expressions of pure joy as she enjoyed the show. I realized this is the look we always have when we marvel in the excitement that is Pink Martini. It's as if every concert is our first. If you've seen Pink Martini, you know what I am talking about here. Never been to a PM show? GO!!! Just stay out of our seats, Row A, Seats 7 & 8.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really fabulous concert. Pink Martini make such happy music. I think anyone hearing/seeing them will be uplifted.
Hollywood Bowl - Hollywood, CA - Wed, Sep 2, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My dearest friend turned me on to Pink Martini several years ago. She invited me to join her at Humphreys by the Bay, and I was over the top! I have bought several albums and a videos, in addition to attending every concert they have done in San Diego. Wait! Add the New Year's Eve Concert at the Disney Hall. THE BEST! I have to say not having China there was a heartbreaker, but Storm did a fabulous job! Her voice was so rich & she's a sassy one, love it! BUT, why wasn't she on the forefront of the concert? Either one or two guys were singing, not that good, not like China or Storm, or the Von Trapp Family. Now the Von Trapps are amazing talent, but we didn't buy Pink Martini tickets to some kids come on stage to be promoted, which is what it felt like. One or two songs would have been sufficient, maybe a third with Storm, but really? And then Storm was shoved in a corner while all this was going around? Very disappointed!! It's nice to change it up, but your orchestra is the core of this group, and the Von Trapps sang a capella! I'm giving four stars only because you are the most amazing group I have ever heard and seen! I wait all year for you to come to town, I truly hope that you will put China &/or Storm front and center next time around. Thomas, you are always great entertainment, musically & show!! By the way, Humphreys is the best venue in San Diego, just sayin' !! Thank you for the concert, you're still my favorite
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Was a beautiful ensemble of culture and talent united.
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I sang a long with every song except the one with Farsi, French, Japanese, and Italian. I love all the classic in 1997 in Spanish language, Eugene...., the atmosphere and the people, the singers are so outstanding! I love to go again with my friend, please come back to LA or OC more often. I love any music with classical band!
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a great band live and definitely plays well at the bowl. The L.A. Phil Harmonic was also a great treat and added such a special sound that the bowl could only accommodate. My wife knew the band and was partial to attending but as soon as the first song was played she was definitely singing a different tune. After the concert, my wife had told me that that night was so special and made her truly happy! I've been trying to get her to see Pink Martini in a long time and now she is looking ahead for their next tour in Southern California. Pink Martini has an array of musicians let alone the lead singers. If you are not aware of China Forbes and Storm Large; you are in for a surprise!
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A friend of mine has been a fan of PinkMartini for years and I thought I would go to see what all the fuss was about. I loved them! Finally a show both me and my mom can enjoy together! I kind of wish there was a dance floor though. Great music, great personalities, great special guests! Pink Martini will be a band I see all the time.
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Their international approach, is the BOMB! I recommend that all people who are interesedt in diversity attend their concert, they are definitely on the cutting edge.
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the performance. China sounded wonderful. Air Shapiro was a delight. This was my third Pink Martini concert and really enjoyed the audience participation. What a gem in the Boston Opera House -- great venue.
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fabulous show! Amazing venue! My daughters and I have gone to several Pink Martini shows (Carnegie Hall, Hollywood Bowl, etc). They always put on an amazing show. They interact with the audience which makes it fun. Chinas voice is amazing and Thomas' piano is unreal. Gavins horns, the cello, the drums, everything! Was my husbands first exposure and he loved it. I can't say enough. I can't wait for the next one!
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been to a number of Pink Martini Oregon Zoo concerts ... in the rain, in the heat, right up front, very back row, and every single time it's been marvelous! Their music is so totally joyous and energetic one song, and then so heartfelt and moving the next ... and then back up again. It's quite a ride, and never ever disappoints! Featuring different musicians in the band adds greatly to the eclectic mix -- Nic Crosa's violin solo was stunning, and very enthusiastically applauded -- Gavin Bondy on trumpet is always spectacular -- and Norman Leyden put the cherry on top with his clarinet noodlings ... at age 94! As always, Thomas Lauderdale and China Forbes delivered big time with their wonderful trademark sense of humor and amazing piano and vocal skills. It's clear that this is a group that is all-embracing of all things musically uplifting, and even when the songs are very familiar, one never ceases to be amazed by the joy, humor, and musicianship of this wonderful group. Long may they rave!
Oregon Zoo - Portland, OR - Sun, Aug 19, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Notes never designed to come from a violin .. do. Brass, clear and strong, not one nuance out of place. Classically trained, Harvard graduate, Thomas Lauderdale brought his band Pink Martini to the Balboa Theater tonight. He's got this whimsical, flamboyant, keyboard arm popping movement thing that he does while playing, perfectly, beautifully on every single arrangement. Fellow Harvard grad and Massachusetts native China Forbes typically is the front woman and lead singer for the band. However, she is recovering from vocal chord surgery, so fellow MA native and rock singer Storm Large is picking up those duties for now. Storm has had a number of bands, the last one being Storm Large and the Balls. Pink Martini. They are South American calypso, they are Malaysian, they are Japanese in their arrangements. If this were the 60's they would be at the white house playing for Kennedy. They are 40's, they are brass, they are Bolero, they are gentlemen. They are a mix of world music that hales from Portland Oregon. On stage they are incredible, personable, amusing, likeable, beyond talented in every instrument (I counted 11 musicians) and full of surprises. Tonight for an encore, they invited the local high school Bonita marching band to fill the theater with band members in full uniform, hats, instruments, the works. These guys just appeared out of nowhere, almost instantly filling the aisles. On the stage were the color guard, twirling their rifles, everyone performing to Pink Martini songs. The crowd went nuts.
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So completely impressed...I am thinking this is mos def a group I would fly somewhere anywhere in the world to see perform! Yes, they are that good! Loved seeing them live after falling in love with there music 8 years ago. This is a must see for any music lover!
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had one CD of theirs, which I got after hearing them on a Hotel COSTES compilation. I guess I liked it so much, I decided to see them live - plus it doubled as a present for my wife. Also, I had never been to the Longwood Gardens venue and wanted to give that a try after getting rid of the bad taste in my mouth from our treatment at the Mann Center (will never go there again). I was ready to be let down after hearing the lead singer was not there, but the substitute was being praised up and down before the concert started. Once the music began, all else was forgotten - one of the best and most unique groups I have ever heard (and I've heard plenty). The substitute, Storm Large, was amazing and didn't miss a beat - kept true to the songs and at the same time, made each one hers. Thomas Lauderdale (the head honcho/piano master) played as if possessed - even though I never saw Liberace, somehow he made me think of him (skill-wise, no feather boas). He was also funny when addressing the audience. The rest of the group (I think there were about 8-10? of them) earned every bit of the applause they received all night. Multiple styles/tempos, multiple languages - superb. I accidentally came prepared with 2 umbrellas, but escaped any rain (a slight drizzle that passed quickly). The venue is not enclosed at all but the weather was great. What i really appreciated is that they all came out after the concert to see the fans and sign autographs (and even take pictures). The paraphernalia they had for sale (of course) was actually not outrageously priced - I even picked up 2 more CDs (which they all signed). Simply outstanding.
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My wife and I went out on New Year's eve for the first time in 15 years and what a perfect celebration of the New Year. If Pink Martini has anything to do with it 2011 should be fantastic. They combine flamboyant musicianship with special guests (the Portland Boy's and Youth choirs, Ari Shapiro and others) and a great sense of enjoyment. They are always giving back to the community and are among the most altruistic of big name entertainment. When Scott Simon of NPR says that China Forbes is his favorite vocalist he isn't kidding.
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No one who goes to a Pink Martini can fail to leave the concert without a smile on his/her face. At their New Year's Eve concert they once again performed spectacularly. I can't think of a better way to bring in the New Year. They should not be missed!
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
2.5 hours+. An absolutely amazing show. Their sound is so much richer in person. Thomas and China are great hosts and MC's. He is extraordinary behind the piano. She has such a great voice. Songs in 8 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Cantonese, Yiddish, and Hebrew.) Special guests Ari Shapiro from NPR and the former cantor from New York's main temple.
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been a fan of PM for many years.. recently saw them @ the Hollywood Bowl for 3 events ..
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this group and it was the first time that I see the concert and it was a wonderful experience.. They sing in various languages and Chine forbes has a wonderful voice.
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Classy, unique, wonderful musicians and singers. They made my feet and my heart tap to the rhythm of their fantastic music. You can only have a great time at their concerts. I guarantee that.
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
It was an uncomfortable combo of occasional delight with fear that performers wouldn't make it to the end of their part that makes this performance very hard to recommend. Even a solid risk taker wouldn't have liked to hear the very poor performance of the second high school group. The variety was overwhelming, and the whole concert never found a core theme or element that tied it together; especially in the numbers that Pink Martini did alone. Their best numbers were great, but not real suited for New Years Eve, and they didn't try to intro them or tie them together to help the audience make any connections. Come on Pink Martini! You know how to do this very well, it was New Year's Eve! People wanted high energy and wow and celebration!
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, OR - Thu, Dec 31, 2009
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was our second Pink Martini new years eve concert, and we were not disappointed. Really first rate, we had a GREAT time! Great venue.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the opening notes through the grand, extravagant finale - the concert hall was filled with energy, fun, and joyful music. It was exactly what the Doctor ordered, to help us to move from such a depressing year into a hopeful new day. Pink Martini ROCKS!
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can't say enough about this group. Whether they are playing with the L.A. Philharmonic or just with their band, they are incredible. We were able to hear some of the material from their new album and I can't wait until it comes out! Looking forward to more concerts in L.A.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pink Martini at the Hollywood Bowl.... Oh my! We've been fans ever since we saw them and bought their now collectible Sympathique cd with Ravel's Bolero on it at Grand Performances- California Plaza in '97. They just keep getting better and better and we wonder how? They are truly in a class by themselves and you owe it to yourself to see them live as often as possible.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show and the fact that the the lead singer can do it in several languages is amazing! Indeed, a great night to remember. I was amazed to see people dressed up to the hilt.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Pink Martini delivers in every sense of the word. They have always represented edgy, unusual, and wry humor. This concert was no exception. The tunes mixed old familiar favorites with new from their soon to be released 4th album. The guest stars truly represented the out of the ordinary, so true to their character. Ari Shapiro rocked as the ever narcissistic, unfaithful Lorenzo and Emilio Delgado couldn't have been a better choice. His appearance called for an audience sing-along of "Sing". How appropriate. The Cellist, Pansy Chang, drew great applause for her renditions. Thomas is always tops on the keyboards, and China's vocals never waiver. My only disappointment was with the neighboring fans who seemed to have a few too many Pink Martinis before the show started. The talking and laughter (not reactions to the show) were quite disconcerting and disturbing. The cell phone messaging lit up the area dimming the lights of the stage. Wishing my Hollywood Bowl experience with fellow concert goers could have been as positive as the performers on stage.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Pink Martini was fabulous, as usual. We knew about the "Oregon! Oregon!" play that was going to be performed prior to PM, but weren't expecting the (rather long) set by the 234th Oregon Army band that preceeded the play. Their music was patriotic and well-done, but we felt anxious to see the play and hear Pink Martini. Incidentally, the "full set" of Pink Martini music that was advertised didn't seem like a full set to us. We would have preferred less of the Army band and more of Pink Martini.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a special show. So glad Pink Martini made it to Ft. Lauderdale. Music was wonderful-just wish I could hsve danced in the aisle!
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been listening to Pink Martini for a while and invited a friend who has seen them 4 times to come with me as a gift for the holidays!. For me it was an amazing experience. For my friend who was seeing the new lead singer for the first the beginning he was concerned but loved every minute of it!!!
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a talented, entertaining group of musicians singing international, Latin, American, pop, to name a few of the diverse styles of their music. Just loved them...
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I look for Pink Martini every year to see when they will be close by. We are always happy with the show as each is different. The trick is to play beautifully and change the show up. They do each and have interesting and very talented guests each season. Cannot wait 'til next year.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a thoroughly enjoyable concert... what talent and variety of music.... and the conga line encore couldn t have been better. Everyone enjoyed themselves with Pink Martini on the stage.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing show, talented musician and unbelievable vocals
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such talent, lead singer was amazing...thanks for coming to Ft. Lauderdale.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Storm Large energized the show with her powerful vocals and presence. Special guests Eddie and Edna were highlights of the night. The mature audience at the Broward Center seemed to be having a blast and the audience participation I am Woman was very timely but also a lot of fun. Best show of the 4 times I ve seen PM.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We enjoy the performance to the fullest!!! So great to have them for the first time !!!!
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Incredibly talented group of people - amazing voices and instrumental virtuosity. That being said was hoping for more of the music I associate with their genre. Unfortunately, got 2 guest performers and a rousing rendition of Helen Reddy's I Am Women with a stage full of ladies from the audience. May be timely but not what I paid so much $$ for. Did do some of their favorites Lily, Hang on Little Tomato, Anado Mio, Let's Never Stop Falling in Love, but like going to a concert when you want to hear greatest hits but get the stuff from the new album.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow- pink martini is an amazing group - the song selection from Latin to standards - with a pink martini twist- the musicians are so talented- and the lead singer was sultry - engaging- brought the house to its feet - fabulous !!!!!!!! All around
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love Pink Martini and have been listening to their music for over 15 years. This was my first chance to see them play live. Everyone in the band is clearly highly talented and they are great musicians, so it was great to see them perform live. The highlight of the show was an African American singer that had the most amazing voice I have ever heard (unfortunately I cannot recall his name). I liked that they brought in different vocalists into their show, although I prefer to hear Pink Martini songs. Overall, however, the experience was disappointing for the following reasons: (1) China Forbes was absent due to vocal cord surgery. They announced this at the beginning of the event and introduced a replacement singer that presumably had only had 10 days to prepare. The replacement singer, while talented, was sleazy and had revolting tattoos on her back. Her voice was nowhere near China's. I would not have gone to this event had I known this. I do not believe they made this clear in the event announcements. (2) The band always appears dressed very elegantly in photos, but not at this event. Most of the band was dressed very informally and the stage was just a bare stage with their instruments. I felt cheated, as if they had just put this show together the night before. Disappointing. The Fort Lauderdale Au-Rene center has very uncomfortable and small seats, so one feels very squeezed and crowded. Not a very enjoyable experience. I believe this was the first time they had played iin Fort Lauderdale. (3) The sound quality of the center was mediocre. There was a lot of echo and the bass of the drums overwhelmed some of the songs. This poor experience will not deter me from going to see them in future events, but I will wait until they play in a better venue and I will make sure that China will be singing. Otherwise, it is not worth it.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I wish we had known ahead of time that the lead singer China was not going to be performing because of a medical procedure. The replacement singer Storm was good but, not China. Wish they would have played Hey Eugene.
Au-Rene Theater at the Broward Center - Ft Lauderdale, FL - Wed, Jan 24, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pink Martini with Storm Large and surprise guests Edna Vasquez and Jimmie Herrod made for an amazing experience. Joy, celebration, and great musicians made this an event to remember!
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The GSR is one of, if not the best venue in Reno. I bought tickets to Pink Martini because my lady loves them and I could watch almost anything at the GSR. I do not usually even like the international style of music they play. WOW! What a performance. These folks are all tremendous musicians. Their musical skills and on stage charisma had the whole place rocking and dancing in the aisles and on stage. International music will never be an all time favorite. But Pink Martini is for me now must see entertainment and I am looking forward to next year's visit to Reno
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great concert! I have been a fan of Pink Martini since 1997 and have always wanted to see them live. I took two senior friends who I knew would enjoy the evening, but I underestimated just how much they would enjoy this special group. Concert goers were invited on stage to join along in a few songs and dance. One of our local high school students was even invited onstage to sing a beautiful solo. I hope Pink Martini returns to Reno in future years because I will once again be there. Special & unique for sure. Thanks for a lovely evening!
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Pink Martini put on a great show. Sang holiday songs. Involved the audience on stage with song participation. Really enjoyable evening. one suggestion, the show started at 7 pm not 8 pm and 1/3 of the audience came in late and this was very distracting for the first hour of the show. the ushers did not seem to help or care with finding people their seats. Overall I would see them again. This was a first for me
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Was terribly annoyed with latecomers to the venue, up to 40 minutes after start of show people were still steadily streaming in, not the fault of the artists but i left at intermission as i was not willing to sit through the flashlights in my face while ushers seated latecomers to the second half of the show.
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The concert went well 'til about half way through when a performer invited "all the ladies" on to the stage. A lot of wasted time having to watch the 'guys' clamor onto the stage and pretend to be the stars of the show. Not once, but twice. We came to see and hear the performance, not the audiance being silly.
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This performance is wonderful. It is one of the best concerts we've gone to. The talent and personalities will always be remembered.
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the 4th time I've seen them and they did not disappoint.
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lots of opportunity for on stage audience participation!!! I was hoping for a few more new compositions in English, although the Arabic lyrics were beautiful to hear, even if I didn't understand them. Last year I gave them 5 stars because of new music.
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had no expectations walking into the Grand Sierra ballroom for my 1st time seeing Pink Martini. I watched YouTube videos online before going and loved their display of artistic flair, knowledge of cultural music from around the world, and attention to detail. I commented to my friend that they sounded like smooth, creamy butter! I would see them again and again and again. For all ages!
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Reno, NV - Sun, Dec 10, 2017
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