Roger Hodgson

Roger Hodgson

Roger Hodgson, formerly of Supertramp, has been recognized as one of the most gifted songwriters and lyricists of our time. As the legendary composer of many of the band’s greatest hits, he gave us “Give a Little Bit,” “The Logical Song,” “Dreamer,” “Take the Long Way Home,” “Breakfast in America,” “It’s Raining Again,” “School,” “Fool’s Overture” and so many others that have become the soundtrack of our lives and helped his former band sell well over 60 million albums.  Hodgson continues to tour extensively worldwide performing not only his classics, but also material from his solo albums.

Roger Hodgson Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show he seemed genuinely humbled by the crowds love the musicianship was great
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every song was perfect and was met with fierce appreciation by the fans in a way that made Roger say that the night was one of the best. It would have been a great live recording.
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I look forward to hearing Roger and his band every year. He's amazing artist. Add a 5th night next year!
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
Face To Face :: Mustard :: Elvis Lives :: Luna :: Pistol Annies
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
always a great location for small intimate performances. Roger obviously loves the space too (although not the casino time limits). Great combination of classic and his personal favorite songs. 2 artisits and a great collection of songs and stories
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just an amazing show, to be able to hear Roger play his hits he penned for Supertramp and his solo material with an orchestra and choir was an experience not to be missed! The musicianship that Roger brings to the stage will never be repeated, when he retires we will never see anyone replace him, this is a must see if he passes through your area!!
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger is GREAT to see LIVE !!!!!!!!!! On a scale of 1 to 10, it was a 12.
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
IT was a fabulous two hours. He is amazing so is his accompaniment , the man who plays the sax and other instruments. The crowd was on their feet several times. I would go a heart beat...
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This will be the third time I have seen Roger, the 2nd with an orchestra. He sounds just as good now as back in the 70's. His voice still reaches all those high notes & his playing is solid. The orchestra, choir & the rhythm section just enhanced the whole experience & sounds great! I hope I have this gentleman's name correct - Special mention to Andy McDonald. He was off to Roger's left by the rhythm section. He provided multi-instumentation & back up vocals & excelled at them all. Very impressive. Roger seems like a really thoughtful good man as well. I would go see him again.
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
crowd was very dead and did not create any energy whatsoever
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As the review heading implies, I had never seen Roger Hodgson or Supertramp before. And didn't think I would see him perform on this tour, as the tickets were overpriced based on the performer's current popularity. I wasn't the only one that felt that way, as it appears 3/4 of the venue was unsold two weeks before the show. Then a "buy one get one free promotion" came out (which I took advantage of); and then the venue (a casino) offered free tickets to those with a "players card" (I don't gamble, but I do have a card for when they give concert tickets away). As fas as the show: I'm really not familiar with the 'deep tracks' (read: anything that wasn't a hit single). But they were enjoyable. Most of the people were like myself and wanted to hear the hits, and Roger didn't disapoint. Got to hear my all favorites from Breakfast in America: The Logical Song, Take the Long Way Home, Breakfast in America, and Goodby Stranger. The older hits found their way into the set list as well: Dreamer, Bloody Well Right, and Give a Little Bit.. Roger sounded great, seemed comfortable with being back on tour, and the backing band reproduced the original sound nicely. Pretty obvious from the above that I'm just a casual fan of Supertramp, and I imagine a die hard fan might totally disagree (in either direction) with my assessment of the show. It was enjoyable, a fun night, and great to catch at least one (Rick Davies being the other) of the two principals behind Supertramp. But had tickets stayed at the original asking price, I wouldn't have been there.
Twin River Event Center - Lincoln, RI - Fri, Aug 17, 2012
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thank you so much mr. hodgson for coming to new hampshire!! your song selection was awesome, i hope you make the trip back here in the near future,your band was excellent and sounded great.i think having a full band really makes a difference and gives even more life to your already ledgendary voice,your music is timeless and at times dives deep within the soul of every listener,i hope people of all ages appreciate the professional approach you take with your music,thanks again.
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though it was touch and go when Roger called an early intermission due to voice troubles, the show eventually went on beautifully.
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Fantastic show. I was expecting Roger to play mostly solo stuff but I was pleasantry surprised that he played almost almost all Supertramp with a couple of songs from his first album. He has a great band playing with him and I think this will be the closest we'll ever get to a real Supertramp show.
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had planned on taking a friend of my son's who is a keyboard player, but was bummed to find out it was 21+ so he couldn't get in. Other than that, I can't say enough about how much fun we had at this show. Roger's voice sounds exactly as it did when I saw Supertramp in 1980, and the band he had with him was sensational. I know that when in Supertramp, Roger would sing the songs that he wrote, and Rick Davies sang the songs that he wrote, so I knew I wouldn't be hearing Crime of the Century, Rudy, or Asylum, as the arrangement now is they can only play the songs they wrote. But how's this for a setlist: 1.Take the Long Way Home 2.School 3.In Jeopardy 4.Lovers in the Wind 5.Hide in Your Shell 6.Easy Does It/Sister Moonshine 7.Breakfast in America 8.Lady 9.C'est le Bon 10.Soapbox Opera 11.The Logical Song 12.Death & a Zoo 13.If Everyone Was Listening 14.Child of Vision 15.Quietest Moments 16.Don't Leave Me Now 17.Fool's Overture 18.Dreamer Encore: 19.Two of Us 20.Give a little bit 21.It's Raining Again If you get the chance to see this show, don't miss it. You can thank me later!!
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I watched several youtube videos of Roger and knew he still had the "voice'. I found out the videos did not do him justice. My wife and I bought tickets expecting to see a 60 year old singer trudge through songs but boy were we mistaken. Roger came on stage and you knew he owned it. His voice and playing was in top form from the very beginning. The music was, in short AWESOME!. Roger hit the same notes he hit with Supertramp those many years ago. The band with him was indescribable. They played the Supertramp music note for note without any mistakes that I noticed. You could of closed your eyes and thought you were listening to Supertramp but I dared not to because wanted to watch the musicians. In short I cannot write or say enough about this performance other than I would see him again and even drive a distance to attend if it was required.
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger sounded tremendous and had a fabulous backup band. I've seen Supertramp in concert and don't believe they were any better.
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! What a great show! Roger's voice and his band were amazing!
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Geez... I can't believe its really been 30 years since Roger last graced Florida with his presence back in the day at the height of Supertramp's iconic Grammy Award winning album which has sold over 20 million copies 'Breakfast in America', setting the tone for all the great music that was to come from the 80's. Hodgson was in great spirits and had great interaction with the audience under the glow of the Full Moon which gave this occasion a complete fullness. This night Hodgson and his band played an epic 20 song set ( only 14 songs the night before in Hollywood , FL) as this night was the final stop for the first leg of his 'Breakfast in America World Tour in 2012'. Hodgson along with his four other bandmates played flawlessly as they roled through a set of Supertramp Classics with a nice sprinkling some of his more obscure songs. May his musical sunshine grace you. Don't be a Stranger, like must get out an see this show if it comes to your neck of the woods! Hope to see Roger Hodgson again soon!
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger Hodgson of Supertramp was A+ His voice was superb and he played every great song that you were there to see. I highly recommend this show!
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger played a solid set of his classic songs backed by 4 other musicians. He often times gave interesting insight about the songs before playing them. He invited everyone to get out of their seats and come stand in front for the last few songs just before the lead-in to Child of Vision.
Casino Rama - Rama, ON - Fri, Oct 21, 2011
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a distinct pleasure to see Roger Hodgson with full orchestra, choir, and band together at Casino Rama. Have seen him several times with Aaron MacDonald but this was truly an amazing experience. Thanks to Robin for getting my Roger Hodgson USA Fan Club shirt to me just in time to wear it to the show. The icing on the cake was being able to meet and chat briefly with Roger after the show...........cheerished memories................. I thought traveling 5 1/2 hrs from Rochester, NY to see the show was a feat until I found out people from Australia, UK, and Panama were there too! OMG! I think all the previous comments summed up my sentiments as well............undescribable........full orchestra, choir, and band together, AND back stage passes to see Roger after the show? .........PRICELESS!
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cannot get enough of Roger Hodgson's masterpieces. What a musical genius this man is. To have solely written and composed some of the greatest hits our our lifetime - Dreamer, Give a Little Bit, The Logical Song, Breakfast in America, Take the Long Way Home, School, Fool's Overture, and so very many more. I was so very fortunate to see him in concert last year. Stunning. I could have listened to hours more. Do yourself a favor and catch Roger's show
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Excellent show! Brought me back to my youth. Mr. Hodgson was very appreciative to his audience for coming out and sharing the evening with him. A good time had by all.
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Though I have listened to Supertramp for over 40 (!) years, I didn't know the name Roger Hodgson until I heard a a brief interview. But then I realized that most of the songs I liked so much were his, so I got tickets to see him. The show was great, partly because the music is fantastic, but even more so because Roger is such a great guy. He connected with the audience in a way that I have never really experienced and I heard the songs in a new and different way. Go see this show!
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From start to finish, Roger Hodgson's concert at Bergen Performing Arts Center in Englewood, NJ on July 18th was truly exceptional. He was personable, funny, engaging, and provided many, many outstanding moments throughout the evening. His band was also wonderfully well-rehearsed and yet relaxed. No show-boating, or unprofessionalism anywhere. Great sound as well. Roger's music is well-known, but the little subtle rhythm changes and nuances he incorporates into these well-known songs are surprising and refreshing. He pays attention to the smallest of details, yet never loses sight of the big picture. It was not only entertaining, it was moving, sweet, intelligent, and thoughtful. One is caught off-guard by the tremendous wealth of material he has, his ease in presenting it, and the relevance of this material a full 20 years after it was written! All I can say is Bravo! I drove two hours to get there and would have done this again the following night! I recommend this concert with a full five stars without hesitation. Thank you Roger, this was definitely one of the greatest evenings I have had in a very long time!
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely fantastic show that any Supertramp fan would love.
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When seeing legends, you expect them to have a little bit of a worn, embattled voice and demeanor but that was not the case here. Not only was Roger's voice solid but it seemed like he was happy to be performing. The crowd left with huge smiles. Regarding the venue: Bergen PAC's seats are not meant for anyone who is claustrophobic or shops at the Big and Tall. Plus side: you got to cozy up to your neighbor.
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have waited 36 years for this. Last saw Roger in 1982, then with Supertramp. Well worth the wait. Roger hasn't missed a beat.
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I never leave reviews but this show was one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. Really enjoyed the evening. Would recommend it to all.
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very good show! The only think is they did not play the song my kind of lady but I was enjoy it a lot!
Bergen Performing Arts Center - Englewood, NJ - Wed, Jul 18, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Excellent Showman and great band. He really enjoys his audience.
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a show. Beautiful music performed flawlessly by the guy who wrote it. Brought me right back to my first listening of Supertramp.
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show!!!!!!! Great talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a wonderful performance by a living g legend.
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have seen roger perform 8 times and this was one of the best performances. The audience gave him almost a dozen standing ovations and it was well deserved. Rogers voice was crisp and his relaxed tone when speaking to the fans was compelling. I am a huge Roger Hodgson fan and it was a night to remember. Took my daughter who is now 20 and she started tearing up when roger played along came Mary and death and the zoo or as we call it the animal song She called it our songs because I played open the door a thousand times in my car when she was very young. It was nice to share this time with her. Thank you roger for your great musical genius.
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Roger and his band played all of the songs I wanted to hear including some deep tracks. The band was great and Roger was in top form. A rare treat to see Mr. Hodgson indeed!
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger Hogdson the founding member and voice of Supertramp was phenomenal. I recently saw him perform on July 19, 2018 at the Bergen Pac center. Although Roger was the only original member of the band there when you closed your eyes it brought you back to the 70 s. His voice hit every note and his band was very tight. Roger is passionate about his music and took time to interact with the audience. The show opened with Take the Long Way Home and closed with Give a little bit. One of his band members named Michael who grew up in Red Bank , NJ sang vocals and played the horns and keyboards was extraordinary. A show not to be missed. Played all his hits and more. Hope you all have an opportunity to see Roger perform. You will not be disappointed.
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the 2nd time I have seen Rodger Hodgson and I was expecting that he would be received well but was very surprised at the reception that was off the charts. He is a great performer. My only complaint is that the seats were not big enough but as far as hosting a concert Sugar House knows how to do it. Excellent
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show was excellent!! Roger and the band were on point . There wasn't a bad seat in the house. I don't think there were any seats available. I would definitely go to see him again; and definitely recommend the venue.
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The voice of Supertramp! Amazing! Brings my old memory. The other musicians were all excellent. The lighting was perfect. Starting early (supposd to be at 7PM, but we awaited for 20 minutes more which was OK) was helpful for me a long drive home. I put the videos of a couple of songs on YouTube but they were taken down due to "copyright strike"
Sands Bethlehem Event Center - Bethlehem, PA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Roger Hodgson is an amazing artist! Seeing him here in this venue helps keep the concert more private and controlled. Just wish there was room to dance down in front!
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have now seem him in 1977, 2013 and 2017 and this time took my daughter... She had a great time. You can't help but be transported back to a better time when he sings...
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Been to thousands of concerts and saw some incredible acts. Roger is simply incredible. Not only a great musician and a musical legend but just a stand up loving person. From Supertramp to his wonderful solo journey, he takes you on a trip. Anybody who wants to be blown away... It's a must see!!!!
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an awesome show! Roger and his band were amazing. He played all of his classic solo and Supertramp songs. I got goosebumps 6-7 times. Thank you for all of the music and contributing to the soundtrack of my youth!
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Played all the favorites and much more... worth every penny!
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great show. The band was great and Roger sounded great. So many Supertramp songs and really shocked he did Sleeping with the Enemy which is one of my favorites. A must see show.
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We attended the Roger Hodgson show on Nov. 12, 2016 at Casino Rama near Ortillia, Ontario. The venue was just spectacular! A hotel/casino far from the beaten path will all the amenities you can imagine. Great sound in the 5000 seat Entertainment Center and not a bad seat in the house! This show was with a full orchestra and choir but the stage was huge and didn't seem to cramp anyone's style.
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an incredible show! Roger Hodgson brought tears to my eyes with Lord Is It Mine and Hide in Your Shell, songs that had incredible meaning for me growing up. The only thing that has never let me down is music and Roger has always been with me. I got to tell him that personally when my partner Pam and I got a chance to meet him after the concert. Pam told him about when she played sax with a band and covered Supertramp songs when they practised at the Gov. General's ballroom (back in Ed Schreyer days). Roger was very gracious and hugged Pam and shook our hands and posed with us for a picture. An experience of a lifetime.
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen Roger Hodgson 7 times.......many friends think I'm crazy but I never enjoy a better show than Roger when it tours within diving distance of Rochester. I've seen him early on with only Aaron and him, with an orchestra, and with his band. His voice is still incredible and still manages to reach those high octaves which is signature for many of his songs. This particular show my wife and I had front row seats and felt like he was playing in our living room! With so many hits he wrote from his days with Supertramp and several solo albums there was more than enough material for him to choose from........only wish he could have played for another hour to cover some of my favorites! IF you every have the opportunity to see Roger Hodgson, I strongly encourage you see one of his will be taken in both spiritually and emotionally as you sing along with some of the favorites and be amazed at the amount of songs you remember that will bring back many memories.....
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Inspiring to see the man who wrote and performed all those Supertramp songs. He sounded amazing even after all those years. Full orchestra was pretty cool too. When he comes back, I am going again!
Casino Rama - Rama Ontario, MI - Thu, Nov 6, 2014
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hi, i've been a supertramp fan for over 40 yr's, i saw them in the early 80's, when roger was with the band, famous last words tour, I did not like the new supertramp releases without roger in band, so I stoped buying their lp's, (or seeing them in concert) and opted for rogers solo lp's, yes there was my supertramp! at this recent show 10-6-14, rogers personality shined thru....concert was even better then when I saw him with supertramp!! it was very uplifting, I have dementia, and almost missed the concert, due to my depression, but thank GOD he gave me the courage to go, or I would have missed the best concert I have ever seen in my life! thank you roger for uplifting my spirit.....scott......
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best concerts ever. Roger Hodgson is the voice, soul, and creative genius of the group he co-founded as SUPERTRAMP. Actually without him, there is no SUPERTRAMP. Roger is very personable and the songs come from a very deep place. What an awesome time we had here in Bethlehem, PA.
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To the delight of his adoring fans, the gracious minstrel and his fantastic band once again put on the ultimate show! The setlist selections couldn't have been any finer...and Mr. Hodgson told the crowd " the hardest part is picking what songs NOT to play." If you loved Supertramp...then tonight you were enamored by the songs that he selected to play, but more in awe that he penned them so very long ago; yet they are as fresh and timeless (if not better) today than yesterday. His current music is just as relevant in melody and meaning! Death and a Zoo was excellent! Does it get any better than Fool's Overture? It can't! On a personal note, Mr. Hodgson took the time to sign my 1979 Breakfast in America press kit shortly before the show. The man, and his music, only improves with time.
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger and his group of AMAZING musicians were WONDERFUL last night. I'm feel so privileged to have celebrated my 11th month CLEAN and SOBER with having spent two unforgettable hours in the front row with these guys. THANK YOU ALL for the renewed hope and inspiration your performance engenders. God bless you! :)
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a magical night! after fourteen years as a big fan of Roger, and the great work he did in supertramp, I decided to go from Valencia to Madrid explicitly only see this great genius. and of course, as always, never disappoints. What a great night. wow, That Band! and that voice, that great voice of Roger, time seems to stand for him. The tracklist was as usual anthology, ((I missed Hide in your shell and Rosie, typical in his repertoire, but introduced other less common as "Lady" or "In Jeopardy"), classic after classic, Breakfast, Logical ... the concert was going on, came the wonderful "Death on a Zoo," which was a great interpretation of the whole band, and especially the great Aaron McDonald, and of course, became one of the best songs in the history of rock "Fool's overture".The concert closed with Give a little bit and it's raining again and it was like a grand final party. I had the good fortune to meet him in person, thanks to a contest station M80 radio. It is a great artist, but even better person. he was tired after the concert and still felt like take pictures with all the people we were short, it was a dream come true and was as one of the best days of my life. Thanks Roger!!!
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Music is what feelings sound like.......and Roger you have shared your feelings so completely in your "music" when an orchestra is added, the emotional whirlwind carries you away. Fans from far and wide were drawn to Milwaukee knowing they were going to be a part of something remarkable. Roger and company did not wait long to share the magic. Stating several times how he could see us, he talked candidly and shared his sense of humor with ease making us feel like we were family. Every night Roger responded to several guestbook requests, acknowledged fans birthdays and sang a song that moves me so\u2026\u2026 The Awakening , thank you my friend!! Tear fell often while feeling those familiar songs with strings and horns building more depth, if that is even possible. Fans excitedly jumped to their feet song after song, shouting their love toward the stage. Roger reaction the most touching, often responding immediately, with sincere words. We so hope you will make this magical place an annual stop, including the orchestra, as you expressed each night!! Thank you all for sharing so much with all of us!! So much love to you Roger and all my Roger family, you are a part of that place in my soul where family lives\u2026...
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Breakfast in America over the world with living legend Roger Hodgson is the best musical experience you can live in your life. Beautiful, spiritual, deep, fine, fun at the same time. The band sounds well, they play with pleasure. Olympia in Paris, the 18th of Mai 2013, was not exception of 27 others shows I had attended to. The velvet, clear and powerful voice of Roger, his charisma, has immediately won the hearts of audience. It was an evening of complicity, of symbiosis - with the band - with audience. Heart of Roger touched audience's hearts (traditionally), his wonderful English humor has brought a touch of incredibly beautiful and fun evening, after first tones everyone were standing, clapping, singing, laughing, crying, smiling and they all helped to create such an ambience that I'm sure, whole area around Olympia were shining :) Brilliant, unforgettable and uplifting evening. Breakfast in America world tour and Roger Hodgson - to be relish without moderation :)
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Roger Hodgson show at the Scottish Rite Auditorium was awesome. The venue was small and the acoustics in this place were unbelievable and ideal for a show like this. It was like being transported back to the late 70's listening to those classic Supertramp albums. Every song Roger played was a classic. There wasn't a bad song the entire show. And the songs were played with sheer precision and sounded just like the album versions. His band is incredible and catches all of those little sounds and nuances that you hear on the records. Great show that was worth way more than the low ticket price of $58.00. I look forward to seeing his band again!
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
His voice sounded just like it did in supertramp days. best part was his interaction with the crowd. he would read requests and dedicate songs from people on his facebook.
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've had several inquiries as to the identity of this fellow.... All of you would quickly recognize his voice ... he was the main songwriter and singer for Supertramp. This chap has not lost a step or vocal range. Those unique harmonies we all came to love swirled about the Scottish Rite Auditorium beautifully. His band reproduced all of his greatest songs tonally perfect. What a wonderful evening we had going through his catalog. Phenomenal show, impeccable musicianship.
Snoqualmie Casino-Mountain View Plaza - Snoqualmie, WA - Mon, Aug 12, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a Supertramp fan growing up I've been fortunate enough to see Roger Hodgson six times in the past two years! Roger wrote 90% of the hits for Supertramp and his voice has not lost anything over the years and at some points even sounds better. He has some wonder solo album material that is awesome!
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome awesome ......his Back up band was awesome we will go again : ) thanks RH for a great show pls come back and having front role seats was the best ever
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Since Roger Hodgson Decided to tour the states with himself and another player (an amazing performer BTW ) I have been to every show here in Southern California. By Roger adding a full band it is just superb, his vocals are dare I say better today than back in the day. Yes there are a handful of Supertramp songs that I would have loved to have heard which Davies was the vocalist on but until they put aside their differences it is what it is. I would hope one day soon these two musical genius's put their differences aside and tour with a full ORIGINAL Supertramp line up but until that day comes or should it ever come? All I have to say is Roger and his co parts put on an out of body experience and I would recommend any fans from the present or the past to take in this experience. This show as the others I have been to of Mr.Roger Hodgson provided to me a spiritual experience, the only way I can explain it is (THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH ) at that time. .
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He was great and a real entertainer!!!! His band that is with him is great too!
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From start to finish Roger Hodgson and band sounded wonderful! Many Supertramp classics were played like School, Lady, Hide In Your Shell, Logical Song, Give A Little Bit, and Child Of Vision mixed in with some newer post Supertramp beauties like Lovers In The Wind and Death And A Zoo. We were also introduced to an as yet to be released song called The Awakening. What a happy evening! If he should come to a venue near you, well...GO!
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an absolutely outstanding show from Roger Hodgson and band. I've seen quite a few concerts at the Orange County Fair's Pacific Amphitheater, but most have been disappointing, lackluster "greatest hits" sets from artists resigned to play at a county fair venue. Mr. Hodgson was certainly the exception. By his overall manner and enthusiasm, he seemed delighted to be playing at this venue, and the audience reciprocated with several spontaneous standing ovations throughout the night. The band was recording the show for a DVD, so the drums were screened off to help balance the sound, which in turn resulted in one of the best outdoor concert mixes I've heard in a long, long time. Incredibly clear sound, with all the instruments clearly defined. This was certainly one of the most pleasant concert experiences I've had at the Orange County Fairgrounds, and one of the best shows I've seen in the past few years.
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was fantastic! Great to hear all the songs that he said meant so much to him. He gave background on songs and was very personable. I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the venue. Humphreys By the Bay was so close knit that it was a really good experience. Weather was fantastic too. A must see concert!!!!!!
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have seen literally hundreds of concerts but never have I attended either a Supertramp or Roger Hodgson show live. I've seen DVD footage of both but have waited so long to see him due to his limited touring. Well, now I have experienced his concert and must say that it was the best concert I have ever seen. There are many reasons for this as I have seen some unbelievable shows over the past 30 years. First, Roger truly appreciates his fans and audience and it clearly shows. He is so polite as well. He clearly loves what he does. Also, it is so hard to see him live as he rarely tours around the MA or RI area. The sound of his show was another breathtaking experience as I don't belive I have ever heard a better sounding show ever. All instruments and voice was perfect! Also, I have to give much credit to Roger's band. Oh my gosh! What a great sounding band. The set list was very good as it played many of his/supertramp's hits, and also played to some rare tracks of supertramp as well as his own songs. It was a nice balance of songs. If I had to criticize something, it would have been as minor as he didn't play one of my favorite solo song of his, Had a Dream. But the show was so remarkable, I didn't care he didn't play it.
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger was fantastic!! His music has touched us for many years. He still has a great voice. The show was incredible with all of his hits. I heard he is coming back to Boston area (Lynn in November) and I can't wait to see him again.
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show, Rogers voice sounds just like it did years ago. If you love Supertramp you'll love this show.
SugarHouse Casino - Philadelphia, PA - Fri, Jul 13, 2018
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great show tosee for any Supertramp fan. Roger sounds great, is so humble and the entire band was really having fun. Don't miss this.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rodger and his band were incredible tonight at the Sugar House Casino in Philadelphia. The Venue was so small and intimate. I wish more people knew about it because when they did they were sorry they missed it. I hope Rodger and his Band can come back to the Atlantic City area again with this show so others can see it .From start to finish the set list and the show were perfect. I would see it again. Thanks for the memories !!
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The show at the Sugarhouse Casino in Philadelphia was a marvelous experience! The music was magical and the band performed his Supertramp hits flawlessly even with two add-on musicians that are filling in while the regular musicians take a break! Always an awesome experience and I highly recommend the venue if you are into the smaller, more intimate concerts!
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Grew up in the 70 s loved Supertramps music. Roger was simply incredible he still can sing at 69. Comeback to philly Roger
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show amazing songs brought back so many memories.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger And Supertramp had us up on our feet and everyone was singing. They sounded just like they did years ago with new band members. Roger still sounded as good as he did many years ago. I highly recommend going to see them. Fantastic concert! He shook my hand and was so great with the audience.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger IS the voice of Supertramp.. Saw him last month in the Midwest in the USA a few times. He plays ALL the hits and sings just as a great now as he did in the 70's. He tours with a GREAT band if he does a show anywhere near you, you must go see him for a wonderful, beautiful and spiritual evening..
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was a terrific event. If you listened to Supertramp in the 70s and didn't attend this event, you truly missed out. Roger Hodgson was so personable. I would definitely see him again.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a special place to see a special concert. We were luck enough to be in 6th row and felt like we were close enough to touch the band. They put on a wonderful show! Went to see them 2 days later at Snoqualmie Casino.
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger Hodgson and his incredible band of excellent musicians put on an incredible performance in an intimate venue setting where the audience really connected to the musicians on stage which provided an energy that was electric! The crowd was really excited about the show, and when the opening notes were played on the opening song, "Take the Long Way Home", the audience became even more charged! The set-list was the following: "Take the Long Way Home", "School", "In Jeopardy", "Breakfast In America", Hide In Your Shell", "Along Came Mary", "The Logical Song", "Lord Is It Mine", "Death and a Zoo", "If Everyone Was Listening", "The Awakening", "Only Because of You", "Had a Dream (Sleeping With the Enemy)", "Child of Vision", "Fool's Overture", then the encore consisted of "Dreamer", and finally "Give a Little Bit". The set-list provided the energy to begin the show very strong, then it slowed down in the middle, but then exploded at the end and through the encore. The audience was singing, and Roger encouraged everyone to sing along, and that certainly added energy to the evening! Roger's anecdotes between the songs were very interesting, and provided a good informational back-story to some of the songs with which I was less familiar (ie: "If Everyone Was Listening"). Of course there was no explanation necessary for the classic Supertramp songs which were composed by Roger, and the audience really appreciated the attention to detail the extremely talented musicians in the band paid to each complexity and nuance in every song. In all, my wife and I had an incredible evening of excellent music that was expertly performed, and we hope Roger will come back to St. Louis as we will definitely be at any future show Roger has in our area!
Hard Rock Casino Vancouver - Coquitlam, BC - Fri, Oct 27, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Roger Hodgson is one of the great voices and songwriters of a generation and still sounds as great as he did in his prime over 40 years ago. I could listen to these songs foreever ! He and his band put on a great show and would highly recommend their show to any fan of Supertramp or similar music. Timeless. Venue is great as well for any show by any artist / genre.
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the second time I have seen Roger in concert! He is still amazing. His band is amazing. And this venue is the perfect place to see him.
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
have seen a lot of great shows and this was one of the best love when you know every song and even the few newer song he sang were great I would definitely go again so please I hope he comes back
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again a super show put on by Roger and his band!
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This show was an absolute joy, sound quality is almost like listening to the album. The bands interaction with the audience made the experience even more pleasant as it was obvious they were enjoying the show as much as us.
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
We saw Roger Hodgson last year at this venue and it was great. This time was very disappointing. The sound system was terrible for vocals and Hodgson did not play many of the iconic songs in his portfolio he played last year. The concert started at about 8:20 pm and ended slightly after 10 pm. We purchased these concert tickets as soon as they went on sale and were anxiously waiting a great show. Many comments from others at the concert were similar especially those who saw him last year. Sorry Roger, we love you and your music and we understand you had a grueling concert schedule but the truth is the truth.
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We attended last years show that was amazing. My wife had never seen Supertramp in concert. I saw them at the FOX Theater during there tour here and it still is the best concert I have ever attended for sound and visual effects. This concert did not disappoint either. All of our favorite songs were played and the whole band was tight! We will attend any future shows if the band returns next year. Hope he does 2 nights and we will be there for both!!
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another magical night from Roger and his bandmates.. his kindness and joy of music and his talent is boundless, and the crowd responds. He fit this date in his schedule just for St. Louis..and we look forward to more visits from our logical friend....
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
He was very personable and happy to be in Milwaukee. He loves coming here and the crowd loves him. Applause was very enthusiastic. He provides insite to his lyrics and what his thought process was when he wrote the songs. His band is great especially the Flute/Sax/Keyboard player and back up singer.
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino/Northern Lights Theater/Event Center - Milwaukee, WI - Fri, Oct 20, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We saw Rodger Hodgson on Friday night along with my 86 year old Mother who also loved his concert! He is always so engaged with his audience and his music and voice continues to be amazing. I was so hoping he would sing the Awakening ; I absolutely love it! Hopefully he will sing it next year. We will go as long as he continues to come to Milwaukee!
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love Supertramp and have seen them perform as a group several times, always in large arenas or amphitheaters, This show - while playing the songs as they are on the albums - is definitely not an arena-like show. If felt to me like a Lawrence Welk version of the music. My girlfriend had never seen Supertramp and she enjoyed the show a lot. I guess it is a matter of perspective and expectation. My 'yes' recommendation is qualified. If you have seen them perform in an arena-like setting, I think you will be disappointed by this show. If you've never seen Supertramp, I think you will enjoy this show a lot.
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was intimate, personal, and fabulous! My husband and I had an enjoyable and memorable evening!
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best of Supertramp and an amazing venue at Northern Lights.
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent show and venue! Roger rocked it! Not a bad seat in the house. Lighting and sound incredible
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The concert was great. Loved the orchestra and the musicians were top notch. Roger continues to have a beautiful voice and can still hit the high notes . Great memories to go with great songs
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my 3rd year seeing this show and I m not dissapointed! The quaint setting and his amazing sound come together to make an amazing show! He sounds so good live and you can t say that for many bands but his voice is spot on. This is a must see. I ll be there next year
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show by Roger Hodgson. Sounds as good as ever. Band was amazing especially the wind instrument player.
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very nice. Great sound quality and excellent performance
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Truly amazing show, you should've been there!!!!!!
Seneca Allegany Resort & Casino Event Center - Salamanca, NY - Sat, Oct 7, 2017
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