Paul Weller

Paul Weller

Paul Weller Concert & Tour Photos

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Fan Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mr. Weller and Co. did another run of great shows in So Cal last week.I see him whenever he comes to town and this time did not disappoint. So many styles, moods covered with Paul leading a great band. Everybody shined. Lucy Rose was an affecting opener, with a great voice, presenting a nice mix of folk/rock styles. A bit sedate without a rhythm section but enjoyable nonetheless.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Paul Weller put on a dynamite show at the Anaheim House of Blues Tuesday Oct. 24th. Weller and his ace bandmembers ran through a set of songs and two encores encompassing every stage of the Modfather of Soul's career, including JAM favorites Start and Town Called Malice and Style Council hits Shout to the Top, My Ever Changing Moods and Have You Ever Had It So Blue. The balance featured songs from his considerable solo catalogue, including some new material, as well as a reworked cover of Marvin Gaye's How Sweet it Is. Weller was high energy throughout and one gets the sense he lives to perform. Paul Weller shows no sign of resting on his considerable laurels. Hope he keeps touring the USA.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul Weller and his incredibly agile and tight band were in top form at The Neptune on Wednesday, October 18th! Playing a mix of solo material, Style Council, and Jam tunes, Weller proved that his fire has not gone out! I ve seen him at all three of his recent Seattle shows, and this was by far the best!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
National Finals Rodeo :: Kids In the Hall :: New York Comedy Festival :: Lincoln Saltdogs :: Olga Tañon
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the outset Paul weller was superb. His passion and energy shone through for the entire two hour set. He showed what an excellent musician he is, and played a variety of songs from the new album to ' Art School' from the 'In the City' album. I am used to seeing him play in London, in front of 10,000+ audiences, so to see him perform at the relatively small Nokia Theatre was an absolute pleasure. Thanks for a top night out!!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show, great night. Paul is wonderful form. You must have Wake Up the Nation to really get the most from it though. He plays nearly every song.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again, Weller performed another AMAZING show for NY Although myself and 2 friends that attended the show with me did leave a bit disappointed. When I purchased 3 presale tickets MINUTES after they went on sale, the promotion to receive free autograph posters for the first 150 was misleading. When I checked in before the show I, along with others, were told the policy was 1 poster per person that ordered tickets. So here I am, after buying 3 tickets, was the only one in my party to receive a poster/. So, does this mean in the future wheneer any type of promotion similar to this occurs, anyone wishing to attend a show all have to purchase their own tickets? That be the case, ticketmaster will be making out like thieves charging all the fees added to ticket prices since everyone will be buying single tickets. There needs to be a better clarification when any type of promotion occurs. I'm sure there are others out there that attended the show that felt and left the same way I did Sat evening...
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Boss night , great sound and good vibe all gig. Also met Weller afterwards which put the icing on the cake.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Kings Bollocks! Weller in top form! Great musicianship and excellent backing band.....
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am from MT. Grew up in a small town where a guy could not buy any records for a musician out of the mainstream. Somehow, we got a hold of a Jam record and have been following his career ever since. Always wanted to see him in concert, and, when I found out he would be in NYC, my wife and I flew out for the concert. It was worth the trip and the 25 year wait.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nice integration of Wake up the Nation with classics. The encores were incredible!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply FANTASTIC! Paul Weller is the quintessential rock star.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My first Weller gig in the US, after travelling over for the weekend from the UK.. and yes it was just to see Paul Weller's gig! From the you can guess i'm a fan, so any review is biased towards being good to fantastic! The set was great and the sound in the Best Buy Theater was excellent..
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding show. Weller has so many sides to his music and he somehow manages to weave them all into one amazing show. Hard hitting, slow & melodic, punky, wavy, smooth, and psychedelic.... rolled into one. The current line-up is up to the task as well. When he comes back to the states for another tour, I suggest taking in a show. Paul Weller never disappoints.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Perfect night. The band was tight, and sounded terrific. Good mix of old and new - the new solo tunes were great. Weller looks great too. I hope he returns to the U.S. more often.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show in a great venue. While I was not too familiar with some of his newer work, Paul and his band gave a versatile performance that was high energy and very high quality. His vocals were superb and the band was tight. The high points for me were "What you give is what you get" and "That's Entertainment", so I'm showing my age a bit. Anyway, he's a true rocker and I would highly recommend his shows to new and old fans. Well done Paul!
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Well what's to say about seeing Paul kind of speaks for itself really. Been a fan since I was a little girl living in the UK and I finally (at the age of 41) got to see the man, the myth, the legend. I was like a kid at Disney Land seeing Mickey Mouse for the first time. Anyway, before I get carried away I'll write my bit about the venue. Never been to The Best Buy Theater before (previsouly known as Nokia Theater). It's a very nice venue...not too big, not too small. I will definately be looking forward to seeing what other of my favorite artists will be performing there in the future.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show! Band was very tight, and Paul Weller was in great form vocally & physically. I'm partial to the louder stuff, but he's following his muse & mixing it up quite a bit. For me, there was a lull after the first 15 minutes of rock that took him off pace/intensity for a bit too long before the steam picked up again heading into the encores. I can understand why he doesn't want to play 20 Jam songs a night, but I'd be lying if I didn't say this show has me longing for a Jam reunion even more than I was before it. I would recommend that any longtime fans check out Paul, but Jam enthusiasts that are not into the Style Council or newer solo stuff might struggle.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was really looking forward to a great show. I saw him a few years ago at Town Square and it was amazing. The new album is not that great, so hearing most of that ruined it for me. I also felt that the sound was set up bad. It sounded muffled, as though all of the speakers were blown out. I don't know if this was Paul Weller's crew or the Apollo. I was disappointed.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Paul is a consummate musician and performer but I would have liked to see more of his Style Council and well known solo numbers on the set list. The Apollo is also a great venue for a concert, more intimate than Radio City.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
great musician ship, his band is awesome and he is in great shape. a little disappointing that he didn't play any of the old favourites, though.
Apollo Theater - New York, NY - Sat, Nov 6, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Modfather was in fine form and good humor @ the Apollo. He made a number of self deprecating jokes about his lack of airplay and record sales on this side of the pond, and also about his age. His guitar playing was outstanding, the band was tight, and other than a somewhat keyboard heavy stereo panned mix, which obscured vocals at moments, the sound was very good. Only drawback was just one Style Council tune: "Shout It To the Top" which brought the audience to their feet. However, his solo work renditions included "From The Floorboards Up" and "Wild Wood".
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I first saw Paul Weller in 1983 and have never been disappointed by any of his performances. Given the history of the Apollo Theater I was perhaps expecting more, as I think many in the audience were. Even Well himself commented twice on the difficulties of playing new music whilst on tour. The new material was great and shows his ability to lead from the front. I personally would of welcomed a few more from his back catalogue, especially in the encore. But that said, would have gone to both his NYC gigs if I could! He's still the man. He's the Modfather!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With Bowie semi-retired, Stummer gone to his reward and Johnny Rotten/Lydon doing TV ads for butter, Mr. Weller carries the flag for the music one couldn't hear on American radio in the 1970s because it was too creative. Saturday night, he brought his show to Harlem's Apollo theatre. "So many of our heroes have played here," Mr. Weller said to the crowd, "We just hope we do it justice." No worries on that score. The Apollo is one of those rarities in entertainment, a venue that is famous in its own right, and one that has survived the ages. Liverpool's Cavern is a parking lot now. London's 100 Club is in danger of closing forever next month while the Hammersmith Palais' brilliantly weird sideways stage is merely a memory. The Fillmore West first moved from Geary Boulevard to Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco before closing in 1971. New York's CBGC's is no more. And the Apollo almost died in a funding dispute a few years back, but the fates dictated that the 1,500 seater continue. The audience was typically Weller-esque, mostly those whose ages are circling 50, a large British contingent a long way from home, and a respectable number of college-aged aficionados. A few striped shirts, an olive-colored parka and a boating jacket were visible in the orchestra, but by and large, the crowd's attire was more non-descript than it was in the 1980s. Full marks to the warm-up act Erland and the Carnival, an alternative (or folk-rock, or alternative electric folk) band from London. Simon Tong (formerly of The Verve, Blur and The Good, The Bad, and the Queen) and brilliant drummer David Nock (The Orb, the Cult and the Firemen) have teamed up with a lad from the Orkney Islands Gawain Erland Cooper in a five man act (Andy Bruce on synthesizers and Danny Wheeler on bass round out the quintet) that has great promise. The old Welsh folk tune "Gentle Gwen" became a solid piece of rock and roll in their hands. 'Love Is a Killing Thing' has Radio 6 top playlist potential, and the Jackson C. Frank's song "My Name is Carnival" explains the band's name (and they play it damned hard). The headliner's play list started with "Aim High" from the new disc, and covered every era of his 35-year career during the course of a 2-hour set (the Apollo has an 11 pm curfew, and forbids alcohol and cigarettes on stage -- Mr. Weller survived that ban most nobly). From the Jam years, he and his four-man back up band (including the ever present Steve Cradock on guitar) played "Pretty Green," "Start!" and "Art School." The Style Council's "Shout to the Top!" seemed a good fit for the Apollo, and most of the set came from his solo career including "Wildwood," "Porcelain God" "Come On/Let's Go," and "Wake Up the Nation." In tribute to the Apollo's history in black American music (which all English mods live and breathe), he played Marvin Gaye's "How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)," rescuing it from James Taylor's easy listening version. Seated at the piano, he found a reflective angle to the song that contrasted well with the original's celebratory tone. Sunday night, he played the Best Buy Theater (formerly Nokia Theatre) in Times Square, a fine enough space, but with no history in a district noted most for charging tourists $5 for a bottle of water. Who wouldn't have rather been uptown Saturday Night?
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A near-two-hour perfect rock show; a passionate performance, a mix of new and old material; clear sound; and superb, dynamic lighting. A rare instance where you didn't really mind that he played but a handful on songs from his earliest career (three songs only from The Jam era). Weller's solo career just keeps getting better, with his last two albums being the best of his solo career. How many 50-plus rockers can you say that about? Alas, this review's not much use to any who live outside the several big US cities (usually just New York and LA) that Weller confines his statewide tours to.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The band played well, and Paul Weller looked great and was very enthusiastic. The only thing I did not enjoy was the fact that he played many songs that were not very popular. He has such a vast collection of great songs that he didn't play, and that was disappointing to me and many others.... Being at the Apollo Theater I thought he would play more of his motown sounding songs, such as more Style Council and later Jam songs. His encore numbers were not memoriable, and were actually downers, and you could tell by the way the crowd started leaving early... I am forever a Weller fan, and I will remember the good numbers such as "No tears to cry", "Wake up the Nation" and "Start"........
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul weller is always amazing! and at the apollo made it extra special.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Weller's performance was amazing, electrifying!! Can't wait to see him again!
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not that Paul ever puts on a bad show, but the Boston show was my favorite. A great balance of Jam, Style Council, and solo material from a long career. Impossible to hear them all, but nobody left short changed.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It couldn't have been anymore perfect. Paul's voice never changes, just beautiful. And his band, so much talent. I simply can't wait to see him again ❤️
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Weller was in good voice, as usual. Set list pulled from Style Council and solo hits, plus a few choice Jam tracks, some predictable (Start), some not (Monday). The vocal mix was occasionally wretched, both for Weller and the warmup act. That's two shows in a row here where the sound hasn't matched the performances. What is too bad, because no matter where you are in House of Blues you feel like you're close to the stage.
House of Blues Boston - Boston, MA - Fri, Oct 6, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome show, of course. Anyone that knows and follows Weller would know that it is impossible for this guy to put on a bad one. A lot of new songs, with only a few Jam and Council tunes mixed in...but we all know this going in, right, right. What an amazing career and so cool!
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was nice to finally be able to see Paul Weller after all these years, and his setlist ran the gamut from classic Jam material to brand new stuff, and all of it was quite wonderful. It's amazing how he's been able to change his sound from album to album and still maintain such high quality output. Not being a spring chicken, however, the evening did get a little tiring after a while, coming out for three encores (when only one or two would have been fine). I should also mention that the band was also mighty good, adding a lot of power to the songs. The opening act was fine, albeit a bit mellow, and that pushed the opening act out to 9pm (like I said, I'm getting old.) General Admission is also a hit or miss situation. You can usually find a decent place to watch the show (especially at this venue), but there was almost a brawl at the front of the stage due to people crowding and forcing their way to the front, which is never fun to be around. Still, though, it was a great night.
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul Weller Played 2 hours at the TLA sampling deeply from his almost 40 years of music-making. Newer hits from the latest album, A Kind Revolution, blended seamlessly with his earlier solo work and even several Style Council and Jam songs (\u2018Monday from the Sound Affects album was a special treat for longtime fans). Weller started on the front foot and the show got stronger as it progressed. He may not enjoy the commercial success of some of his contemporaries, let alone modern artists, but he is a talented songwriter and performer who brings joy to his audiences every time. His show at the TLA was no exception.
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Third time seeing Paul Weller here in New York this time at the Paramount in Huntington. Wonderful venue! Weller has no equal working today. His range, musicianship and energy are amazing. At 61 years, Weller puts on a performance clinic on how real music is to be delivered. He drew from his history of solo work with wonderful selections from each of his classic works as well as his recent trio of Sonic Kicks, Saturns Pattern and A Kind Revolution. Some Style Council and Jam tunes on display as well. Of greatest interest was his slight reworking and rearrangement of songs I knew well that sounded new and fresh though he had penned them 20 to 30 years ago. Most of the usual suspects were in attendance; Steve Craddock, Steve Pilgrim, Andy Crofts, Ben Gordilier though Andy Lewis did not make the trip (missed his base work!) A great night! Come back soon, Paul. Always welcome at the Paramount!
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
He can still sing unfortunately, he played/sang very few songs that I knew. Only two songs from The Style Council and I don t think he played anything by The Jam. He may have during the encore but I walked out before then. Weak show.
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The show was great. Music level was not too loud. I was unfamiliar with most of the songs, but all were good. I am glad he played a Jam song at the end, that was awesome.
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
he was awesome but the sound was of the worst quality
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just a great performance. Not one moment was faked. All from the heart!!
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show with a mostly improvised set list. I saw the Philly show at the beginning of the tour. Very good but no Jam and one Style Council song. Brooklyn , Paul must love you . Three Jam songs including the electric version of That's Entertainment, Start and Town Called Malice. Very loose feel on the night. The new stuff does hold up with his best stuff. Paul never disappoints.
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul Weller gave a strong, solid performance. His voice is incredible. I will see him again and again.
Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn, NY - Sat, Jun 20, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a very typical weller show,straight to the point,very little chatter,a good representation of his work. not the best show i have seen ,but still great.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Been going to live shows since 1974. I've seen probably over 200 concerts in my lifetime. Paul Weller is in the top three of the best shows I have ever seen. The man is brilliant.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic sold out show in boston's Paradise rock club. Paul was in great form and his band was super tight. Mostly new album, which even when not my favorite cuts, was entertaining and enjoyable. He mixes in some older material and closes with classic Jam piece. only complaint was it was too loud. By the end of the show I was hearing distortion because my ears were blown out. Took two days to get normal hearing back.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
absolutely awesome. There is only one Paul Weller!!!
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Came over from the UK to watch Paul, he was Brilliant.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can't say enough great things about Weller and the band. My first time seeing him and I'm going back for another show on Saturday, in Brooklyn. He sounded very fresh, played a mix of new and old. A lovely treat.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great show and a great crowd. Paul and his mates played 24 songs and had a perfect mix of new songs from his great new album Saturns Patterns and others representing almost all of his solo albums. Tremendous energy and very tight musicianship. Have another shot to see him in Brooklyn - you wont regret it! Much rather see PW in a small venue than a large act at the Garden. Totally worth it.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seen him many many times and he never disappoints. Always changing - always moving on to new sounds - Weller mixed some classics into his set that was dominated by new material. All of it was performed with an energy that had the crowd mesmerized from the first instance. You forget this guy is approaching 60 - His voice, his passion and his energy is contagious. You can't help but dance. 3 encores, the final one (after about half the crowd had foolishly left thinking the show was done) was a classic - so if you see him - stay to the very end when the lights are up and the music is on.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Weller put on another classic with a perfect mix of new and old. Saturns Patterns has some real keepers and everything was delivered in true modfather style. Where can you find someone who has such a stage presence and just loves to be up there entertaining.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
if you are a paul weller fan even a little bit, then see him whenever he comes to town.
Terminal 5 - New York, NY - Fri, Jun 12, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Longer than in Brussels where it was al ready perfect.
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show by Paul and the band last night, even with a few notable omissions from the set list such as "You Do Something To Me". New album Saturn's Pattern featured, of course, and damn good it is too, if we didn't know that already.. Since he is back on a big label after years in the relative wilderness, he has launched this tour and it seems like its going really well if last night at a medium sized club, The Paradise, is anything to go by. He will never escape the past legacies, so we get the Style Council's "My Ever Changing Moods", #inexplicably his biggest hit ever Stateside,# as one of the encores. A very good gig.
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul and the band sounded great. Steve's still got it and Paul's not too bad on the guitar himself. Because there are several vocalist among them the vocals are above par for a rock band. Paul was wearing all "Real Stars Are Rare" threads and looked spectacular. This was the only show he "dressed up" for on this leg. I had the pleasure of meeting him and I couldn't believe how starstruck I was. That just doesn't usually happen to me. I fear I acted like an idiot but doubt that he'll even remember it. I gave him my all-time favorite necklace pendant of a single musical note....think he'll ever wear it??? most likely not, but maybe Hannah will.....most likely not. I absolutely love the way Paul plays with so much passion. If I lived in the U.K. I'd probably go into stalker mode and try to attend every show possible, it was that good and enjoyable.
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul Weller is a musician that spans generations. Being able to see him in a small, intimate setting, like Bogarts, was truly wonderful! I've seen Paul about a half dozen times and he never gets stale; never fails to put on a great show for his fans. I highly recommend seeing an icon who's repetoire ranges from 70's punk to blue eyed soul. Paul is an amazing songwriter, performer, and at gentlemen.
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Show was excellent. Paul put on a great performance and was engaged with the audience throughout the show. His band exhibited excellent musicanship and showmanship both. My only compliant is that I had to drive two hours to get to the venue. We met another person who had driven all the way from New Orleans (13 hours).
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have mixed feelings about Paul Weller. I guess I respect him more than I am a huge fan. Weller was the preeminent mod. He is rock with a pop finish. Most of his songs are great. But I have a problem with playing one of your biggest hits ("Town Called Malice") as the last song of your 2nd encore. Who plans on 2 encores? Really? Okay, the highlights were, in my opinion, "My Ever Changing Moods", "Start!", "Above The Clouds" and, a Detroit favorite, "Heat Wave". Missing from the entire set, to my shock, were "Eton Rifles", "That's Entertainment" and "You're the Best Thing". Nevertheless, I urge my brothers and sisters in Chicago to see Paul Weller in Humboldt Park this weekend
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul Weller proves that rock and roll is still alive. I try to catch him every thime he comes to the States thinking it might be the last time, but I love that he keeps proving me wrong.
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Like a fine wine Paul Weller has got better with age. His energy was fantastic, as was the band, he played more of his more popular tracks that was most welcome. Small venue meant it felt so personal. We loved the whole thing!
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I ve seen Weller half a dozen times in past ten years. He s that rare act that gets better and better. He really is The Changing Man. Many forget what a wicked guitarist he is and it was fun to watch him up close playing different sonic effects. Old songs. New songs. All outstanding. His support act Lucy Rose was wonderful too. Also the Music Hall is a great venue. Love the place.
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From start to finish, this show was a pleasurable assault on the senses. The band brought it! There seemed to be no more than 5-10 seconds between songs before the next one was launched from the stage! Great band, great sound, great venue! Superb!
The Fillmore - San Francisco, CA - Sun, Oct 4, 2015
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Weller is always completely great, he and his band are tight and kill it every time. But at Bogart's, there seemed to be some issues with feedback coming from the on-stage monitors - Mr Weller was frustrated/annoyed by it. So much so, in fact, he cut the main set short by 2 songs. I don't know if the sound problem was a house issue, all I know is that does not happen very much, Weller cutting a set short.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anyone who doesn't know how good Paul Weller is should 1) be ashamed and 2) expand their horizons beyond the crap played on the radio. Live or recorded, he is The Best There Will a Ever Be.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It was a treat to see a true music icon up close in an intimate setting. The band, the crowd and the venue were all fantastic, and Weller put on a show that illustrated why he s beloved across the pond. The sound was fantastic and the set list spanned Weller s entire catalog, from the Jam through the Style Council and his long, varied solo career. Don t miss an opportunity to see the Guv!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I should give this show a bad review to help keep the crowds down the next time Paul Weller comes to town, but I can't. The show was fantastic and the venue was fun. Paul presented a nice assortment of his work much of it coming from more recent albums. I brought my wife who, before the concert was not a Weller fan. She is at least now a partial convert thanks to "Wishing on a Star" and "A Town called Malice". Paul chose good numbers to play live. I have seen him before and he has not lost a step since I last saw him perform. I would have liked to hear "A Study in Blue" but overall fantastic show.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've always been a fan of The Jam and the Style Council, but lost touch with Paul Weller's solo career. Catching up with his catalogue at the iconic Apollo Theater was a real treat. A perfect balance of new songs and classics. As the talent booker for the Apollo noted in his introduction, "One of the greatest song writers of our time".
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was our first time at the world famous Apollo Theatre and we were very impressed. Was not our first time seeing Weller and he killed from start to finish again! He played a set of intense, soulful, beautiful songs from his whole career. Starting with the Motown-ish "Sunflower" into a raging version of "Wake The Nation" to a rocking version of his Style Council's massive hit "My Ever Changing Mood" then some Jam thrown in with "That's Entertainment"; it was a set that was on and true from start to the four song encore. A few years ago I was at a UK festival and spotted a gent wearing a "Weller Is God" t-shirt. Black shirt with block lettering, very simple yet was trying to say a lot. I thought that might be a bit of a overreach as we tend to christen new Gods only to tear them down. I think after seeing him tonight he may not be a full on God, but he definitely dines and parties with them on a regular basis. I saw the Jam four times and he at the Brixton Academy in the mid 2000's and he has not skipped a beat but maybe stepped it up a pace? Was a brilliantt set at a historic venue, what more could you want? Maybe a pint with the man!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a fantastic show, at a fantastic venue - The Apollo. Paul Weller was awesome - as always!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul did not disappoint with a great mix of brand new and classics. Him and his band sounded great! Sharon Jones and her Dap Kings opened for him and blew me away! Such a pleasant surprise. What energy and soul to get the evening started!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paul Weller was amazing and the Sound Academy was an awesome, intimate setting for the show! Great time in Toronto!
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A true British icon - seeing the modfather LIVE is totally electrifying and incredible! Paul Weller really is extremely talented vocally and musically, words cannot describe him!! Anyone who saw him will truly remember that performance and more... I cannot wait to see him again in the future.
Best Buy Theater - New York City, NY - Sun, Nov 7, 2010
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
As always there is a workmanlike quality to every Weller show, the band is always tight, vocals solid, high energy, you never feel like you get ripped off.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've loved the man since the Jam and he continues to amaze me. His voice is like butter. Great show! Don't leave us hanging Paul we need more.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Been a fan of Paul Weller for over 30 years now - he never disappoints when he's live onstage! The first time I saw him I was 17 and he was in the Style Council. Now I'm 51 and still enjoying his solo music, his hits from the Jam and Style Council. Paul has a certain intensity onstage that I love. I will continue to see him when he comes to town. This is the third time that I've seen him at the beautiful Wiltern theater - clearly he is also a fan of the art deco landmark. I LOVE PAUL WELLER!
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The ex-Jam, ex_Style Council leader was in top form at this appearance. A nice mix of old and new tunes performed with great enthusiasm. A cool five-song acoustic set for the first encore. A couple of Jam tunes (same two he played here two years ago). A fun night out.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Paul put on a great show, as usual. Besides being a great and versatile musician (and having a talented band), the man continues to be filled with energy. He doesn't stop moving! Unfortunately, the sound was too loud and distorted, at least up in the loge seats. I go to a lot of concerts (10+ per year) and this was the second loudest in 35+ years of concert-going. Not only was it at times painful but it was so loud that it was distorted. That was a disservice to Paul's music. I couldn't understand most of his song intros and chit-chat in between songs.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Weller was amazing as always! HOB Anaheim staff were great, crowd not so much. Felt like many people just came to socialize and didn't really care about the show or its fans.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Weller looked great but sound was so overblown you could not understand a word with frequent feedback and ringing.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love PW and have followed him for decades. This being said people want to hear more of the songs they know and love and less of the new stuff.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Paul Weller is a literal music legend and yet I think he forgets it. This show was missing meaning, narrative and a solid set list. Please don't get me wrong, his band was amazing and of course Paul gives of himself in his voice and yet... it never hits the "outer atmosphere" The song list is topsy turvy , and just never gets into stride. Maybe I just want to hear more songs that were special and special to his fans. I think he is trying to erase some of the past while working too hard to peddle the latest. I am not just talking the obvious like playing more Jam or Style , I am talking about Sunflower etc. This show was more like a "day in the life" not the further self realization he is a pillar of modern music. His music is prolific and I just wish he would share more of it while sharing more of his cinematic meaning.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
....the Modfather gets better with age. I ve seen Mr Weller grow from his days with The Jam watching them in the UK. Then his shift to The Style Council and to his solo career. Lucky for me I moved to the Bay Area in 2000 and I ve seen him perform every tour he s stopped by. I say all that because this was one of three best he s delivered. The new album is up there with Stanley Road, brilliant live. The set list was the perfect mix of new, old and very new. The band were tight and in the groove. The sound was crystal clear. The lighting subtle. And of course the venue is unique. I read recently that PW is so productive because he wants to leave a legacy. I just want him to keep doing these shows every couple of years. See this tour if you can still get tix. Thank you Mr Weller.
Neptune Theatre - Seattle, WA - Wed, Oct 18, 2017
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Jam was one of my favorite bands as a teenager. I was even lucky enough to see them at Shepton Mallet on 17th Mach 1982. Since his punk roots, Weller has matured and developed into a fantastic songwriter. He also respects his audience, playing long set lists in smaller more intimate venues. Would love to see him and great band again.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Played something from most albums, on time, two encores , such a superstar. Can t believe we got such great tickets to see the \u2018modfather !!
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What is there to say about the history of Paul Weller besides incredible ! His body of work goes all the way back to the 70s and has stayed relevant on into the present. His show in Minneapolis last week included very few Jam songs, though he did focus a bit more than in the past on the Style Council as well as numerous songs from his extensive solo career. The band was remarkable and tight. The stage show was subdued (almost elegant). The use of a single tone/color was a refreshing change of pace to having strobe lights and huge LEDs shining in my eyes.... His voice still has the power though perhaps not quite the range\u2026 I never missed not hearing the high notes...I promise, you won't either This Kind Revolution tour is well worth catching if it even comes close to where you live
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love Paul Weller as a musician/writer. I love his songs. He has a great voice. The band was tight. But you could barely tell due to the poor sound which lacked any definition. The bass drum overpowered the whole band, bouncing around the venue and covering up the great hooks and subtleties present in many Paul Weller's songs. That left me disappointed.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic. The venue was great and Paul Weller was out of this world. A true legend. I would watch him over again and this venue was so personal. A must see xxx
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic performance. Weller has great talent and ability to vary his musical style. Loved hearing Jam and Style Council tunes.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow, if you've read my other reviews, you know i go to dozens of show annually. Mr Weller was done with the Jam by the time I got into music so I busied myself on the Clash, Costello and American hardcore. Over time I went back and listened to the Jam which I rate very highly. I also listened to some Style Council (very hit and miss) and to a lesser degree his later solo stuff. Considering his deep catalog and his legendary status I knew I had to see this show... and he did not disappoint. I mean it was no surprise that with 40 years of material he would have ample songs to choose from, goes without saying he brought a really good backing band.. What was special about the night is that he reworked some old songs and made them better (my ever changing mood), that he played for damn near 2 and a half hours and he ended the night perfectly with 'town called Malice which damn near brought the roof down so yeah, if he comes to your town check him out
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Always fantastic energy, musicianship, and singing. Paul Weller is a must see. Especially in the States as he plays small venues. I have seen him many times, (20 times now = not bad for someone from Ohio) and he never fails to produce a wonderful Weller show. He tore through 23 songs in an hour and a half or so. As someone who has seen him many times, I am one of the rare ones who really likes and wants to hear the new material more than the old. Especially songs from Sonik Kicks, Weller's fantastic record from last year. Or, I should say, different older songs. He tends to play a lot of the same songs, always ending with Malice, for example. But, that is a tiny quibble, as Weller is one of the few that mixes music from all of the eras of his grand catalog to produce an incredible concert.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am not a fan of his Jam days. I was a big Style Council fan, and I wish he had sung more bluesy songs. This is just my taste. This is my second time seeing him in concert. Last time was maybe 20 yrs ago. He is still as vibrant now as then. Paul, please sing more soulful songs!! You do it so well.
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have wanted to see Paul Weller since his days in The Jam and finally got to see him play. He did not disappoint, still playing that blazing guitar and belting out soulful lyrics. Paul Weller will always be the Modfather.....hope he comes back soon!!
Royale Boston - Boston, MA - Sun, Jul 28, 2013
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Long one of my favorite singer songwriters, I couldn't wait to see Paul Weller in a nice small intimate venue like the Royale Boston. Unfortunately, I'd have to say it was one of the most disappointing concerts I've attended in a long time. Although a very cool ornate old theater, i felt the acoustics were not great. Maybe it was the sound man I have a complaint with because the music sounded real good but it was difficult to hear the vocals on most songs. I guess I should have kept up with PW over the years because my big complaint was that in nearly 2 hours of music I heard only 3 songs I had heard before. 2 by The Jam, one by TSC. I'm glad Mr Weller has continued to write and record new music over the years and I hear that it has been well acclaimed and received in the UK. But he is in the USA. He can't play more than 3 songs for his old fans? If you haven't kept up with his recordings the last 2 decades, stay away!! Sooo much great music I guess I'll never hear live again.
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is my 3rd time seeing Paul Weller; first time at Royale. The venue is quite good. We were up on the balcony with great sight lines. But the sound was kind of fuzzy and Paul Weller was not miked well. It was a shame
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've seen Paul Weller six or eight times so far and he has never let me down. He played with passion and high energy despite playing in front of only 300 - 400 people. The set list was a nice retrospective of his entire career with songs from the Jam, Style Council as well as his solo stuff. I am very thankful to him for always including Boston on his US tours.
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic show. Weller and his band played for almost two hours. Openig act was a bore. Weller's band is all new guys as far as i know, no one from his older bands there. His voice is as good now as when he was 20. he looked and sounded great. We had a great time, danced up a storm.
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Weller came out rocking and kept it up for 2 hours. A great place to see a great band...
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Weller looked and sounded great. Played mostly stuff from his solo career with a few "oldies" mixed in. His guitar payer Craddock is a gem! Well paced, great show.
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Sound was very bad, the material performed was mostly pretty weak.
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great show spanning Weller's career, from the Jam through the Style Council through his solo efforts -- plus a cover of Rose Royce's "Wishing on a Star." And the sound in the Apollo Theater was great.
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Combining his new songs, Style Council songs and The Jam classics, Paul Weller once again proved himself the Modfather. He played for almost 2 hours; song after song. His back up band was skilled and really added a nice layer to the sound. The "seasoned" crowd danced and shouted, just like they probably did in their teens. There was lots of energy in the room and the time flew by! Loved it!
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Modfather was superb; needed more mix of songs Given both shows were virtually identical ; Always want more songs ; quality if sound great; Band seemingly really into it!
Webster Hall - New York, NY - Fri, Jul 26, 2013
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